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We introduce Kripke semantics for modal substructural logics, and provethe completeness theorems with respect to the semantics. Thecompleteness theorems are proved using an extended Ishihara's method ofcanonical model construction (Ishihara, 2000). The framework presentedcan deal with a broad range of modal substructural logics, including afragment of modal intuitionistic linear logic, and modal versions ofCorsi's logics, Visser's logic, Méndez's logics and relevant logics.  相似文献   

In previous work we gave an approach, based on labelled natural deduction, for formalizing proof systems for a large class of propositional modal logics that includes K, D, T, B, S4, S4.2, KD45, and S5. Here we extend this approach to quantified modal logics, providing formalizations for logics with varying, increasing, decreasing, or constant domains. The result is modular with respect to both properties of the accessibility relation in the Kripke frame and the way domains of individuals change between worlds. Our approach has a modular metatheory too; soundness, completeness and normalization are proved uniformly for every logic in our class. Finally, our work leads to a simple implementation of a modal logic theorem prover in a standard logical framework.  相似文献   

Taming logic     
In this paper, we introduce a general technology, calledtaming, for finding well-behaved versions of well-investigated logics. Further, we state completeness, decidability, definability and interpolation results for a multimodal logic, calledarrow logic, with additional operators such as thedifference operator, andgraded modalities. Finally, we give a completeness proof for a strong version of arrow logic.Thanks to ILLC for financial and CCSOM for technical support.Supported by Hungarian National Foundation for Scientific Research grant Nos. F17452 and T16448.Supported by Hungarian National Foundation for Scientific Research grant No. T16448.  相似文献   

在模态逻辑中提出了公式的模态真度理论,即Δ真度与΢真度。先给出在一个给定Kripke模型之下的模态真度理论,此后利用均匀概率思想,提出了更为合理的(n)模态真度理论,定义了两公式之间的(n)模态相似度,并由此导出了(n)模态伪距离,得到了相应的模态度量空间。结果同文[9]相比更能体现模态词的思想特点,从而为在模态逻辑中展开近似推理提供一个可能的框架。  相似文献   

格值模态命题逻辑及其完备性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文中以满足第一及第二无限分配律的完备格为工具,建立了格值模态命题逻辑的语义理论,并指出这种语义是经典模态命题逻辑语义理论及[0,1]值模态命题逻辑语义理论的共同推广.给出了QMR0代数的定义,并分别以Boole代数及QMR0代数为背景构建了Boole型格值模态命题逻辑系统B及QMR0型格值模态命题逻辑系统QML*,并证明了系统B及系统QML*的完备性.  相似文献   

Peirce algebras combine sets, relations and various operations linking the two in a unifying setting. This paper offers a modal perspective on Peirce algebras. Using modal logic a characterization of the full Peirce algebras is given, as well as a finite axiomatization of their equational theory that uses so-called unorthodox derivation rules. In addition, the expressive power of Peirce algebras is analyzed through their connection with first-order logic, and the fragment of first-order logic corresponding to Peirce algebras is described in terms of bisimulations.  相似文献   

Recently, the well-founded semantics of a logic programP has been strengthened to the well-founded semantics-by-case (WFC) and this in turn has been strengthened to the extended well-founded semantics (WFE). Both WFC(P) and WFE(P) have thelogical consequence property, namely, if an atomAj is true in the theory Th(P), thenAj is true in the semantics as well. However, neither WFC nor WFE has the GCWA property, i.e., if an atomAj is false in all minimal models ofP,Aj may not be false in WFC(P) (resp. WFE(P)). We extend the ideas in WFC and WFE to define a strong well-founded semantics WFS which has the GCWA property. The strong semantics WFS(P) is defined by combining GCWA with the notion ofderived rules. Here we use a new Type-III derived rules in addition to those used in WFC and WFE. The relationship between WFS and WFC is also clarified.  相似文献   

Certain tasks, such as formal program development and theorem proving, fundamentally rely upon the manipulation of higher-order objects such as functions and predicates. Computing tools intended to assist in performing these tasks are at present inadequate in both the amount of knowledge they contain (i.e., the level of support they provide) and in their ability to learn (i.e., their capacity to enhance that support over time). The application of a relevant machine learning technique—explanation-based generalization (EBG)—has thus far been limited to first-order problem representations. We extend EBG to generalize higher-order values, thereby enabling its application to higher-order problem encodings.Logic programming provides a uniform framework in which all aspects of explanation-based generalization and learning may be defined and carried out. First-order Horn logics (e.g., Prolog) are not, however, well suited to higher-order applications. Instead, we employ Prolog, a higher-order logic programming language, as our basic framework for realizing higher-order EBG. In order to capture the distinction between domain theory and training instance upon which EBG relies, we extend Prolog with the necessity operator of modal logic. We develop a meta-interpreter realizing EBG for the extended language, Prolog, and provide examples of higher-order EBG.  相似文献   

Multi-Dimensional Modal Logic as a Framework for Spatio-Temporal Reasoning   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
In this paper we advocate the use of multi-dimensional modal logics as a framework for knowledge representation and, in particular, for representing spatio-temporal information. We construct a two-dimensional logic capable of describing topological relationships that change over time. This logic, called PSTL (Propositional Spatio-Temporal Logic) is the Cartesian product of the well-known temporal logic PTL and the modal logic S4u, which is the Lewis system S4 augmented with the universal modality. Although it is an open problem whether the full PSTL is decidable, we show that it contains decidable fragments into which various temporal extensions (both point-based and interval based) of the spatial logic RCC-8 can be embedded. We consider known decidability and complexity results that are relevant to computation with multi-dimensional formalisms and discuss possible directions for further research.  相似文献   

The paper generalises Goldblatt's completeness proof for Lemmon–Scott formulas to various modal propositional logics without classical negation and without ex falso, up to positive modal logic, where conjunction and disjunction, andwhere necessity and possibility are respectively independent.Further the paper proves definability theorems for Lemmon–Scottformulas, which hold even in modal propositional languages without negation and without falsum. Both, the completeness theorem and the definability theoremmake use only of special constructions of relations,like relation products. No second order logic, no general frames are involved.  相似文献   

Decidability by Resolution for Propositional Modal Logics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper shows that satisfiability in a range of popular propositional modal systems can be decided by ordinary resolution procedures. This follows from a general result that resolution combined with condensing, and possibly some additional form of normalization, is a decision procedure for the satisfiability problem in certain so-called path logics. Path logics arise from normal propositional modal logics by the optimized functional translation method. The decision result provides an alternative method of proving decidability for modal logics, as well as closely related systems of artificial intelligence. This alone is not interesting. A more far-reaching consequence of the result has practical value, namely, many standard first-order theorem provers that are based on resolution are suitable for facilitating modal reasoning.  相似文献   

We prove completeness and decidability results for a family of combinations of propositional dynamic logic and unimodal doxastic logics in which the modalities may interact. The kind of interactions we consider include three forms of commuting axioms, namely, axioms similar to the axiom of perfect recall and the axiom of no learning from temporal logic, and a Church–Rosser axiom. We investigate the influence of the substitution rule on the properties of these logics and propose a new semantics for the test operator to avoid unwanted side effects caused by the interaction of the classic test operator with the extra interaction axioms. This paper is a revised and extended version of Schmidt and Tishkovsky (2003).  相似文献   

This paper presentes a novel resolution method,T-resolution,based on the first order temporal logic.The primary claim of this method is its soundness and completeness.For this purpose,we construct the corresponding semantic trees and extend Herbrand‘s Theorem.  相似文献   

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