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研究了合金元素对双相不锈钢2101耐点蚀性能的影响规律。结果显示,2101系列合金的浸泡点蚀腐蚀速率在1.9~7.0 g/(m^2.h)之间,与304不锈钢在同一数量级;Mo是提高2101系双相不锈钢耐腐蚀性的关键元素,而N对耐腐蚀性的影响不大;点蚀起源和Thermo-Calc计算结果显示2101成分体系中,铁素体相是耐点蚀性较弱相,提高铁素体相耐蚀性是提高合金整体耐蚀性的关键;当Cr含量固定在21.5%时,Mo作为铁素体形成元素将在铁素体相中富集,提高铁素体相的耐点蚀性能,从而提高合金整体耐蚀性。 相似文献
By means of interrupted torsion tests, the kinetics of metadynamic recrystallization (MDRX) were studied in a Mo, a Nb, and
a Ti microalloyed steel at temperatures ranging from 850 °C to 1000 °C and strain rates from 0.02 to 2 s1. Quenches were also performed after full MDRX. In contrast to the case of static recrystallization (SRX), the kinetics of
MDRX are shown to be highly sensitive to a change of an order of magnitude in strain rate and are relatively insensitive to
temperature changes within the range of values applicable to industrial hot-rolling practice. A similar algebraic dependence
of the MDRX grain size on strain rate and temperature was found in the three steels. The kinetics of MDRX were slower in the
Nb than in the Mo steel, and those of the Ti steel were slower than in the Nb and Mo steels. Above 900 °C and 950 °C, the
retardation of MDRX in the Nb and Ti steels, respectively, is due to solute drag. Models predicting the start time for Nb
and Ti carbonitride precipitation showed that MDRX is delayed below these temperatures by this mechanism. Comparison of the
MDRX and precipitation start times in the Nb steel indicated that a temperature of “no-MDRX” could not be defined, in contrast
to the well-definedT
nr (no recrystallization temperature) of SRX. By means of torsion simulations composed of multiple interruptions, it is shown
that MDRX is retarded decreasingly as the accumulated strain is increased. This appears to be due to the promotion of precipitate
coarsening by the continuing deformation. 相似文献
G. Sandoz 《Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B》1971,2(4):1055-1063
The effects of a number of elements (C, Mn, Cr, Mo, Ni, Co, P, and S) on the stress-corrosion cracking (SCC) resistance in
salt water of some quenched-and-tempered steels were investigated. Values of the threshold stress intensity for crack growth
in salt water (K
Iscc) were measured using the cantilever beam test and precracked specimens. Values of the fracture toughness parameterK
Ix (an approximation ofK
Ic) were also determined. The steels were either Fe-C alloys to which alloying elements were added, or basically of AISI 4340-type
composition in which alloying elements were varied. All steels in a series to show the effects of a given element were heat
treated to the same yield strength, and generally the effects of an element were determined at two yield strength levels.
The results show that only carbon and manganese are definitely harmful to SCC resistance. 相似文献
分析了双相钢冷变形过程中形变织构的演变规律以及合金元素对双相钢形变织构的影响规律。分析结果表明,虽然存在有少量珠光体,但双相钢冷变形织构与体心立方金属相近;非碳化物形成元素Si的加入对形变织构没有明显的影响;碳化物形成元素Cr和Nb导致形变织构在α取向线的{112}<110>取向位置上的取向密度增强。测试分析了双相退火过程中钢的织构演变规律。结果表明,退火时晶粒的取向将沿着α取向线向γ取向线位置转变,Si或Cr对晶粒取向改变的阻碍作用不明显,微合金元素Nb明显阻碍晶粒取向改变,退火织构仍保持很高的α取向线织构组分。对上述的实验结果进行了理论分析。 相似文献
A. D. Verkhoturov I. A. Podchernyaeva A. D. Panasyuk N. M. Potapova V. G. Radchenko N. S. Stolyarova 《Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics》1988,27(3):238-242
Conclusions The high-temperature oxidation of electrospark coatings on R9K5, 5KhNV, and 50 steels obtained by electrospark alloying with standard (T15K6, VK8, VK6M) and carbide-, nitride-, and boride-base tungsten-free alloys was investigated by the differential thermal analysis method. It was shown that in increase in heat resistance the refractory compound-base electrode materials used for production of coatings are in the order (by base component) boride-carbidenitride. A significant factor increasing the high-temperature oxidation resistance of the coatings is the increase in their coverage. With a high coating coverage on carbon steel its high-temperature oxidation resistance approaches that of die steel. Therefore, in a number of cases, replacement of expensive alloy steels with carbon steels is possible.Translated from Poroshkovaya Metallurgiya, No. 3(303), pp. 69–74, March, 1988. 相似文献
J. K. Chen R. A. Vandermeer W. T. Reynolds 《Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A》1994,25(7):1367-1379
The kinetics of austenite decomposition were studied in high-purity Fe-0.1C-0.4Mn-0.3Si-X (concentrations in weight percent;X represents 3Ni, 1Cr, or 0.5Mo) steels at temperatures between 500 °C and 675 °C. The transformation stasis phenomenon was
found in the Fe-C-Mn-Si-Mo and Fe-C-Mn-Si-Ni alloys isothermally transformed at 650 °C and 675 °C but not in the Fe-C-Mn-Si
and Fe-C-Mn-Si-Cr alloys at any of the temperatures investigated. The occurrence of transformation stasis was explained by
synergistic interactions among alloying elements. The paraequilibrium model was applied to calculate the metastable fraction
of ferrite in each alloy. This fraction was shown to coincide with cessation of transformation in the Mo alloy transformed
at 600 °C. Transformation stasis was found in both the Ni and the Mo alloys isothermally reacted at 650 °C and 675 °C. The
interactions among Mn, Si, and Mo, as well as interactions among Mn, Si, and Ni, appear to decrease the threshold concentrations
for transformation stasis in Fe-C-Mn-Si systems. Segregation of Mn and Mo to the α/yγ boundary, assisted by the presence of
Si, was suggested to enhance the solute draglike effect (SDLE) and lead to transformation stasis. In the Ni alloy, a lower
driving force for ferrite formation resulting from the Ni addition could be responsible for the occurrence of transformation
stasis. 相似文献
AbstractA modified SSCT (submerged split chill tensile) test was used to measure the contraction forces occurring during the solidification of steels with a carbon content of between 0·05 and 0·2 wt-% at constant Mn (1·55%) and Si (0·3%) contents. Further test series were performed with varying Si, V, Cr, Mn, Ni and Nb contents at a constant C content of 0·1%. Any cracks generated were detected, counted and measured. The total crack length allows conclusions to be drawn about the influence of alloying elements on crack susceptibility. The measured results match very well with results calculated from hot tearing criteria. Besides the steel composition, the superheat of the melt proved to be the most important factor in crack formation caused by contraction. 相似文献
R. D. K. Misra H. Nathani F. Siciliano T. Carneiro 《Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A》2004,35(9):3024-3029
Significant texture gradient in the through-thickness direction was observed in high-strength hot-rolled 560 and 770 MPa Nb-Ti
microalloyed steels, characterized by polygonal ferrite and ferrite bainite microstructures, respectively. {113}〈110〉 was
the most intense deformation texture in the two high-strength grades of Nb-Ti steels and was dominant in the midthickness
region compared to 10 and 25 pct depth below the surface. The recrystallization texture of austenite, {100}〈001〉, transformed
into {100}〈011〉 component in the ferrite and indicated an increase in the intensity with increase in depth for the Nb-Ti microalloyed
steels. The {100}〈011〉 texture has a detrimental effect on the edge formabiity of steels. However, the midthickness plane
contained considerable intensity of desired texture, {332}〈113〉, which is expected to offset the undesirable {100}〈011〉 texture
resulting in superior edge formability and impact toughness of Nb-Ti steels, consistent with experimental observations. 相似文献
The effect of rare earth elements on the thermal cracking resistance of high speed steel (HSS) rolls was investigated. Laser rapid heating was used for thermal fatigue experiments. Thermal cracks and microstructure were observed using metalloscopy and scanning electron microscopy. The results showed that thermal cracks initiated from the interface between the matrix and eutectic carbides (including M6C and M7C3 type carbides),and propagated along the interface between the two phases. MC type carbides enriched with vanadium could prevent the propagation of thermal cracks. The presence of rare earth elements decreased the quantity of big eutectic carbides,and proportionally increased spherical and rod-shaped MC type carbide content. HSS0 (0.00% RE) had approximately three times the thermal cracking density of HSS3 (0.12 wt.% RE). Rare earth elements were shown to significantly improve the microstructure and thermal cracking resistance of HSS rolls. 相似文献
合金元素对铁素体不锈钢耐应力腐蚀开裂性能的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
通过42%沸腾氯化镁U型弯曲试验,结合扫描电子显微镜、X射线衍射分析,研究了合金元素Ni、Cu、Mo对铁素体不锈钢耐氯化物应力腐蚀开裂性能的影响规律。结果表明,Ni、Cu元素能够提高铁素体不锈钢应力腐蚀开裂的敏感性,单独添加Mo元素不会降低铁素体不锈钢耐应力腐蚀开裂的能力,但是钢中Mo、Cu元素同时存在时,应力腐蚀开裂的敏感性大大增加。钢中析出的ε-Cu在氯离子环境中形成点蚀,引起了铁素体不锈钢应力腐蚀开裂。 相似文献
H. Kwon J. H. Lee K. B. Lee C. M. Kim H. R. Yang 《Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A》1997,28(3):621-627
The effect of alloying additions on secondary hardening behavior in Fe-Mo-C steels has been investigated by means of the successive
alloying additions of Cr, Co, and Ni. The Cr additions promote M3C cementite formation. The Ni additions destabilize the cementite formation, while the Co additions retard dislocation recovery
and present the necessary sites for M2C formation which provides the secondary hardening.
Professor Kwon is jointly appointed at the Center for Advanced Aerospace Materials. 相似文献
After a short introduction to the theoretical background of thermally activated glide of dislocations, a constitutive model
is presented, which describes the temperature and strain-rate dependence of the flow stress. The properties of this constitutive
equation were estimated for several plain carbon steels in normalized conditions, for quenched and tempered low-alloy steels,
as well as for some high-strength low-alloy (HSLA) steels based on the temperature dependence and strain-rate sensitivity
of the flow stress at temperatures 81 K≤T≤398 K and strain rates 5·10−5 s−1≤ε≤1·10−2s−1. The constitutive equation enables the extrapolation of flow-stress data to higher strain rates (ε<~10
+4s−1), which are in good agreement with the results obtained from high strain-rate deformation tests. The influence of solute-alloying
elements on the thermal stress, the activation enthalpy, and the constitutive parameters will be discussed.
This article is based on a presentation given in the symposium entitled ‘Dynamic Behavior of Materials-Part II,” held during
the 1998 Fall TMS/ASM ASM Meeting and Materials Week, October 11–15, 1998, in Rosemont, Illinois, under the auspices of the
TMS Mechanical Metallurgy and the ASM Flow and Fracture Committees. 相似文献
After a short introduction to the theoretical background of thermally activated glide of dislocations, a constitutive model
is presented, which describes the temperature and strain-rate dependence of the flow stress. The properties of this constitutive
equation were estimated for several plain carbon steels in normalized conditions, for quenched and tempered low-alloy steels,
as well as for some high-strength low-alloy (HSLA) steels based on the temperature dependence and strain-rate sensitivity
of the flow stress at temperatures 81 K≤T≤398 K and strain rates 5 · 10−5 s−1≤ε≤1 · 10−2 s−1. The constitutive equation enables the extrapolation of flow-stress data to higher strain rates (ε≲10+4 s−1), which are in good agreement with the results obtained from high strain-rate deformation tests. The influence of solute-alloying
elements on the thermal stress, the activation enthalpy, and the constitutive parameters will be discussed.
This article is based on a presentation given in the symposium entitled “Dynamic Behavior of Materials-Part II,” held during
the 1998 Fall TMS/ASM Meeting and Materials Week, October 11–15, 1998, in Rosemont, Illinois, under the auspices of the TMS
Mechanical Metallurgy and the ASM Flow and Fracture Committees. 相似文献
Ruth M. Magdowski Ph.D. Candidate Markus O. Speidel 《Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A》1988,19(6):1583-1596
This work presents the results of a comprehensive study concerning stress corrosion crack growth rates in steam turbine rotor
steels exposed to hot water. The effects of stress intensity, temperature, and dissolved gases in the water have been investigated.
Special attention has been given to the influence of impurities and alloying elements in the steel such as P, S, Mn, Si, Mo,
and Ni, and to the effect of yield strength and fracture toughness on the growth rates of stress corrosion cracks. The results
of this study clearly show that there exists a threshold stress intensity of about 20 MNm−3/2 above which the invariably intergranular stress corrosion cracks grow at a constant, stress-independent velocity. This plateau
stress corrosion crack growth rate isnot affected by the oxygen and carbon dioxide concentration in the water. The temperature and the yield strength of the steel
have a strong influence on the growth rate of stress corrosion cracks. In contrast, there isno effect of the steel composition within the range investigated, neither of the impurity elements such as P and S, nor of the
major alloying elements such as Mn, Si, Mo, and Ni. Steels with low fracture toughness due to temper embrittlement do not
exhibit faster stress corrosion crack growth rates in water than nonembrittled steels. No direct relationship between intergranular
temper embrittlement and intergranular stress corrosion crack growth in water can be demonstrated. 相似文献
耐高温材料的开发和材料高温下安全服役的实现一直是材料领域关注的热点问题。简要阐述了钢铁材料强度性能随温度变化的一般规律、材料强度在高温下的主要损失机理,并详细介绍了几种代表性的耐高温用途的铁素体型钢铁材料的合金化思想和强化机制,可为今后针对其他应用条件,开发新型耐高温钢铁材料、改善现有材料耐高温性能提供技术经验借鉴。 相似文献
Influence of alloying elements on the kinetics of strain-induced martensitic nucleation in low-alloy, multiphase high-strength steels 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
L. Samek E. De Moor J. Penning B. C. De Cooman 《Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A》2006,37(1):109-124
Low-alloy multiphase transformation-induced-plasticity (TRIP) steels offer excellent mechanical properties in terms of elongation
and strength. This results from the complex synergy between the different phases, i.e., ferrite, bainite, and retained austenite. The precise knowledge of the austenite-to-martensite transformation kinetics is
required to understand the behavior of TRIP steels in a wide array of applications. The parameters determining the stability
of the metastable austenite were reviewed and investigated experimentally, with special attention paid to the effect of the
chemical composition, the temperature, and the size of the austenite particles. The results show that the stability and rate
of transformation of the austenite particles in TRIP steels have a pronounced composition dependence: austenite particles
transform at a faster rate in CMnSi TRIP steel than in TRIP steels in which Si is fully or partially replaced by Al and P.
The results clearly support the view that (1) both a high C content and a submicron size are required for the room-temperature
stability of the austenite particles and (2) the effect of the chemical composition on the transformation is due to its influence
on the intrinsic stacking-fault energy. In addition, the composition dependence of the Md
30 temperature was derived by regression analysis of experimental data. The influence of the size of the retained austenite
particles on their Ms
σ temperature was studied by means of a thermodynamic model. Both the analysis of the transformation-kinetics data and the
microstructural analysis by transmission electron microscopy revealed the very limited role of autocatalysis in the transformation. 相似文献