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氧气与葡萄酒中单宁、色素和芳香物质的作用对葡萄酒的品质有重要的影响,葡萄酒在陈酿中微量氧气可以改善其口品味、色泽和香气,提高葡萄酒品质。  相似文献   

微氧处理技术在葡萄酒陈酿中的应用   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
微氧处理技术是指以专用的微氧处理装置,向葡萄酒中有控制地通入微量的氧气,也可以辅助使用橡木片或橡木替代品,从而优化葡萄酒的陈酿条件,达到提高葡萄酒质量的目的。此项技术可以有效地稳定葡萄酒的颜色,改善口感,提高葡萄酒的感官质量。本文研究了微氧处理技术对干红葡萄酒陈酿的作用,找出了适当的处理条件。该项技术可以部分替代橡木桶陈酿,显著缩短陈酿周期,大大降低葡萄酒陈酿成本,提高企业生产能力和经济效益。  相似文献   

随着对外开放的不断深化,我国葡萄酒行业与国外的联系也日趋密切,近几年,我国有些葡萄酒厂家参加了一些世界性评选活动,葡萄酒和烈性酒都取得了比较好的成绩。我们的葡萄酒厂家和这方面的科研工作者了解一些葡萄酒和烈性酒评比的情况是很有必要的。从这里,我们可以了解到世界葡萄酒行业的发展动态;有助于我们提高产品质量、加紧新产品开发;也是我们扩大声誉、增加国际交流和扩大出口创汇的有效渠道。  相似文献   

人们每当谈葡萄酒时,常常会说:“喝葡萄酒可以补血,”“葡萄酒有营养,对身体有好处,”等等,赞美葡萄酒是一种好饮料。葡萄酒是不是能补血呢?按说铁是补血的主要元素,一般每升葡萄酒含铁8毫克左右,但葡萄酒中的铁含量不能太高,酿酒工作者发现,葡萄酒中铁含量超过这个限量时,就要设法去除,否则就会使酒浑浊。一些科学工作者研究葡萄酒中维生素时发现,会有各种维生素达六、七种,其中有维生素 B_(12),它能促进红血球细胞的成熟,每升酒平均含量在0.065微克。因此,可以说明喝葡萄酒是能够起一定的补血作用的。  相似文献   

橡木桶对葡萄酒的香气、色泽和稳定性有重要的作用。葡萄酒在橡木桶中经过氧化、浸渍等反应,可以有效改善葡萄酒品质。该文综述了橡木的种类、橡木桶的容量、橡木的烘烤程度对葡萄酒的品质的影响,并对生产中如何选择橡木桶提出合理建议。旨在进一步探究橡木桶在葡萄酒成熟中的作用。  相似文献   

冷浸渍工艺的应用可以延长发酵天数,从而增加浸渍时间,使得葡萄酒中的酚类物质含量较传统工艺都有提高,不同浸渍时间对葡萄酒品质的影响也不同,通过感官品评,我们可以发现,冷浸渍时间的长短对葡萄酒中的一类香气更有着明显的影响,浸渍时间按较长可以使葡萄酒中的果香更为浓郁、纯正。  相似文献   

提到进口葡萄酒,首先想到的肯定是法国葡萄酒,不仅是因为法国葡萄酒产业历史悠久,也是因为法国葡萄酒的高品质与文化内涵,以国家作为被评价对象,没有人会反对我的这个结论,尽管当前谈论这个话题,有遭到砖头的可能。谈论法国葡萄酒,首先讨论波尔多,也不应该遭到强烈的反对,又有哪个产区同时拥有享誉世界的干白、干红和贵腐葡萄酒呢?假如你正要准备一个葡萄酒盛宴,你可以足不出波尔多,找到盛宴从头至尾的用酒。波尔多葡萄酒产区通常分为左岸和右岸,有超过一万个酒庄,分为57个小产区,在这里选购一款葡萄酒,可真不是一件容易的事情!  相似文献   

橡木桶对葡萄酒的香气、色泽和稳定性有重要的作用。葡萄酒在橡木桶中经过氧化、浸渍等反应,可以有效改善葡萄酒品质。该文综述了橡木的种类、橡木桶的容量、橡木的烘烤程度对葡萄酒的品质的影响,并对生产中如何选择橡木桶提出合理建议。旨在进一步探究橡木桶在葡萄酒成熟中的作用。  相似文献   

如果对遍布世界的评酒师进行一个排名,罗伯特·帕克将毫无疑问坐上头把交椅.作为世界上最有影响力的葡萄酒评论家,由他创办的现已成为了世界上最有影响力的酒评杂志之一,它主要是站在消费者的中立立场上来品评葡萄酒,因此成为了酒商卖酒和葡萄酒爱好者购酒的参考标准.现在,很多葡萄酒商在展示葡萄酒的时候,都会配上带有帕克评分的卡片,由此可以看出帕克的葡萄酒评分对葡萄酒销售者、消费者、收藏者和投资者的影响程度.  相似文献   

杨征建 《新食品》2010,(15):96-96
树立评分标杆 对葡萄酒行业稍有了解的人士对罗伯特·帕克应该都不会陌生,原因是他对葡萄酒的评论可以左右世界葡萄酒市场。罗伯特·帕克的打分以100分为满分,他对波尔多葡萄酒90分以上的评价可以为该酒庄增加几十上百万欧元的收入。95分以上的评价,可以给酒庄带来惊人的利润和追捧。也难怪,  相似文献   

汪彦孜  李东辉 《酿酒》2021,48(2):133-135
酒自诞生以来经不断发展已经有上千年的历史,它不仅是餐饮文化中重要的组成部分,更是人类文明进步的见证和部分缩影.中国作为世界上最早发现酒的国度之一,酒的历史悠久绵长.而在邻国日本,酒的起源更是与中国有着密不可分的联系.从中日两国酒的起源切入,继而就两国饮酒方式呈现的各具特色的饮酒文化的差异展开对比分析,以进一步促进两国酒...  相似文献   

The global wine industry has experienced profound changes over the past decades. But no matter how fundamental these changes have been, they have hardly affected the duality of global wine production. Competition between producers from the Old World and the New World has been the dominant notion not only in the international wine trade and consumption but in academic discourses too. This paper aims to contribute to the latter by presenting a wine region from the Central and Eastern European region. The Mátra wine region, located in Hungary, is a perfect example of the various difficulties that a post-transitional wine region has had to face under free market conditions. By applying case study research strategy, the paper examines the development of the Mátra wine region over the past twenty-five years, focusing on region-specific issues that have slowed down its adaptation to these new circumstances.  相似文献   

The Kōfu Basin in Yamanashi Prefecture is at the center of table grape and wine production in Japan. This article traces the historical geographies of the growing and fermentation of Delaware grapes in this region. Data were gathered from over 145 interviews with stakeholders across the table grape and wine industries, extensive archival research and participant observation as a grape farmer in the Kōfu Basin for over one and a half years. Emphasis is placed on intertwining that history to overarching developments in local viticulture and winemaking. This includes tracing the arrival of the cultivar from the USA to Japan at the start of the Meiji Restoration in 1868, early fermentation and later rapid diffusion linked to its popularity as the first commercially available seedless cultivar. Delaware reached the pinnacle of its popularity as a grape for the table and wine in the 1960s and 1970s, before changes in consumer demands to higher value table grapes and away from sweet wines led to its fairly rapid decline. Although significantly less Delaware is grown or fermented today, this introduced grape was and surprisingly continues to be highly influential on the developmental trajectories of Japanese grape growing and winemaking.  相似文献   

宁夏葡萄酒产业转型中政府职能实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宁夏葡萄酒产业在30多年中取得了快速的发展,政府在葡萄酒产业发展过程中一直扮演举足轻重的角色。 目前宁夏政府正 积极打造品牌,促进产业转型,然而学术研究中关于政府职能在葡萄酒产业发展的作用十分欠缺。 为了填补目前国内此类研究的匮 乏,此研究通过收集、分析宁夏葡萄产业的数据,研究政府职能在葡萄酒转型过程中作用,可以有效通过文化培育、公共设施和政策 以提高产区品牌影响,而政府职能在促进酒庄经济绩效的作用不明显,此研究意为抛砖引玉,希望更多的关于葡萄酒产业的研究能 够聚焦到政府职能上。  相似文献   

高压催陈黄酒的研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
黄酒在50~150MPa压力下处理后色泽和风格不变,酸度基本不变,挥发酯含量提高20%左右,呈苦、涩味的氨基酸比例下降,呈甜、鲜味氨基酸比例上升,处理后酒味变得更加鲜甜、醇和、爽口、醇香更加浓郁,总体催陈效果达1a以上。  相似文献   

日本黄曲霉1#菌株与苏-16菌株性能的对比   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杜士良 《酿酒科技》2004,(6):39-39,42
将日本黄曲霉1^#株与苏-16黄曲霉菌株进行了性能对比。结果表明,日本黄曲霉1^#的糖化酶活力比苏-16低16.7%,液化力略高,但酸性蛋白酶活力是苏-16的4倍。为了有利于黄酒生产,建议用日本黄曲霉1^#菌株代替苏-16菌株培养麦曲。(丹妮)  相似文献   

In recent years, neural networks have turned out as a powerful method for numerous practical applications in a wide variety of disciplines. In more practical terms neural networks are one of nonlinear statistical data modeling tools. They can be used to model complex relationships between inputs and outputs or to find patterns in data. In food technology artificial neural networks (ANNs) are useful for food safety and quality analyses, predicting chemical, functional and sensory properties of various food products during processing and distribution. In wine technology, ANNs have been used for classification and for predicting wine process conditions. This review discusses the basic ANNs technology and its possible applications in wine technology.  相似文献   

Wine authentication is vital in identifying malpractice and fraud, and various physical and chemical analytical techniques have been employed for this purpose. Besides wet chemistry, these include chromatography, isotopic ratio mass spectrometry, optical spectroscopy, and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, which have been applied in recent years in combination with chemometric approaches. For many years, 2H NMR spectroscopy was the method of choice and achieved official recognition in the detection of sugar addition to grape products. Recently, 1H NMR spectroscopy, a simpler and faster method (in terms of sample preparation), has gathered more and more attention in wine analysis, even if it still lacks official recognition. This technique makes targeted quantitative determination of wine ingredients and nontargeted detection of the metabolomic fingerprint of a wine sample possible. This review summarizes the possibilities and limitations of 1H NMR spectroscopy in analytical wine authentication, by reviewing its applications as reported in the literature. Examples of commercial and open-source solutions combining NMR spectroscopy and chemometrics are also examined herein, together with its opportunities of becoming an official method.  相似文献   

宁夏贺兰山东麓葡萄酒区已经成为中国葡萄酒行业的一个代表性产区,但至今未有葡萄酒产品等级。该文论述产品市场分级意义和必要性,以产区、产品质量等级、获奖情况、葡萄园管理、酒庄管理为等级要素,设计贺兰山东麓产区特级、优质、佐餐葡萄酒三级质量等级和五星市场等级体系,并提出成立评选机构、风土研究、葡萄酒指纹图谱数据库建设、分级分类评定的推广路径,建立具有贺兰山东麓特色、适合我国国情、有利于国际贸易的具有公信力的葡萄酒质量等级制度和市场等级制度。  相似文献   

The overall aim of the present study was to investigate the social representation of wines produced by various methods of wine production, in particular in relation to the concept of Distance to the Object (DO). The DO concept postulates that some participants will have a greater knowledge of the object (wine), feel more involved with it, and develop more practices related to wine, than other participants. We compared the social representations of French and New Zealanders of two levels of domain specific expertise (wine professionals; wine consumers) concerning three wine types, natural wine, organic wine, and conventionally-produced wine. Via a preliminary study, we validated our DO questionnaire. In the main analysis, results demonstrated French participants to have a higher level of involvement in wine than New Zealanders, and professionals to have higher levels on involvement, personal identification and capacity for action than consumers. New Zealanders expressed more knowledge and levels of practices than the French, and professionals more than consumers did. Results also showed that organic wine produced the most structured representations (i.e., participants more often quoted the same words) followed by natural wines, with conventional-wine representation the least structured. French participants’ representations were more structured than New Zealanders, and consumers’ representations more structured than those of professionals. Finally, by drawing on data concerning the frequencies, rank and valence of the words evoked by participants, we demonstrated differences in the content of participants’ social representations as a function of wine-production method, culture, and level of domain-specific expertise, demonstrating how these variables influence wine representation.  相似文献   

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