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某日,饭局结束,蓝颜J跟我低语说L恋爱了。 我笑问:“你怎知道?难道是跟你吗?”J说:“不是。看她身材就知道!” J的预感与我一样。含蓄地问L,她羞答答地承认了。  相似文献   

朋友跟我说,她读高中的儿子最近很不听她的话,让他吃什么偏不吃,该写作业了,他就趴在电脑前.之后,话题换到自己的生活,她说已经把工作辞了.看到孩子学习退步,她很担心.她的焦虑无形中传达给了孩子,孩子也焦虑,就用上网打游戏来“替代”负性的能量.当家长用担心和不安向孩子要成绩时,知道孩子是你的“复印件”吗?知道孩子的焦虑与不驯,来自于你的不安与不快么?  相似文献   

一天,我和一个朋友在看电视.当造型师李大齐出现在节目中时,朋友感慨:幸好周迅没成李夫人,否则她哪还能遇上高圣远这位青年才俊.我回答:“李大齐也没什么不好,周迅看上过他,就证明他某方面很优秀.”朋友用电影《后会无期》里的经典台词反驳我:“喜欢就会放肆,但爱就是克制.”言外之意,朋友认为,当初周迅之所以那么高调、霸道地宣称“这个男人我嫁定了”,是因为她并没有那么爱李大齐,充其量不过是喜欢,正因如此,两人最终“后会无期”.  相似文献   

王小程  向北 《美容院》2023,(2):104-106
<正>那年,同窗的她和他,即便是下雨天也要一起去上学。她撑着油纸伞,他顶着麻袋片,他们一同穿过风雨,说说笑笑间走进校园。那年,同桌的她和他,倔强地在桌子上画下“三八线”,结果他不小心越了界,她抹起眼泪。一时间,他不知所措,只好憨憨地连连道歉,直到她破涕为笑。那年,同龄的她和他,在田间地里撒下一把秕谷,用棍子将箩筐的一边支起,再将细绳拴在木棍上,而后蹲在旁静静等待麻雀的“光临”。那年,喜欢听故事的她和他,发现离家不远的医院住进了很多在抗美援朝中负伤的志愿军战士,  相似文献   

连我家小孙女都知道,有电话来:“爷爷去哪了?”她一律答:“饭店吃饭。”如再追问:“饭店没见他呀?”她就再答:“那么就在去饭店的路上。”这不,人在路上走,电话从天降:“老师快来吃饭!”没看显示,问一声:“哪位?”一个熟悉的声音响起:“掌柜小王呀!”  相似文献   

因为拍照,我有幸与美女张庭“亲密”接触,在影棚旁边的一家茶楼,我和张庭一边喝茶一边聊天,她和我讲起了她关于吃的故事。她说她从小到大就特别喜欢吃,特别是拍完了电视剧《满汉全席》后,大家索性送她一个绰号:“食神”。每天拍戏收工前,张庭就开始想自己今天要吃什么,她不喜欢每天都吃一样的,就像她的个性,不喜欢每天看到一样的人,觉得那样很闷。  相似文献   

宁妈 《饮食科学》2012,(5):22-22
周日在外边玩儿的时候,宁宝喜欢上了一个小朋友手里的玩具,想玩。可那个小朋友不给,我对她说:“如果他现在不想给你,那你就不能强求。你要尊重他的意愿,宝贝。”她似懂非懂,但并没再接着要。等我们和另一个小男孩在玩儿秋千的时候,那个小朋友也跑过来看,手里的玩具扔到了一边。宁看了非常开心,上前就拿起了那个玩具,那个小朋友没有阻止,但紧盯着自己的玩具。  相似文献   

一位在立陶宛留学的朋友知道我很喜欢军事模型.趁回国探亲之际顺便带了几盒从当地购买的模型给我。这位老兄对模型是一窍不通,只知道我喜欢二战的装甲车辆.于是便挑了几个长的比较像坦克的就买了回来。为了答谢人家的一番好意.我便许诺从中选一个做好了送给他。朋友听了非常高兴.于是便指定了要我做这个样子怪怪的“坦克”,而他所说的这个样子怪怪的“坦克”其实就是大名鼎鼎的SU-100坦克歼击车。  相似文献   

有一个不吃鸡蛋的南方人到东北出差,此人特好面子,喜欢不懂装懂.一天他在沈阳一家饭馆吃饭,看到菜单上有一道“木须肉”的菜,他不知道“木须肉”是什么,心想大概是木耳炒由吧,就说:“来个木须肉!”店家将菜端上来后,他一看,是他不吃的鸡蛋炒肉。他不愿直说自己不懂叫错了,便问店家:“有什么又快又好吃的菜?”店家说:“摊黄菜好不好?”他不知道“摊黄菜”是什么,心想大概是黄花菜之类的东西,便说:“好!就来个摊黄菜吧!”结果端上来的是一碗摊得像饼一样的煎鸡蛋.他想:‘真是那壶不开提那壶,怎么连要两个菜都是鸡蛋,…  相似文献   

沈锁锁 《美容院》2015,(1):43-44
他会心一笑,大概他就是喜欢她身上那股聪明劲儿吧,就像他什么都没说,她的心里却像明镜一样知道,这个项目是他特意为她量身定做的,只为了帮她摘掉"花瓶"的帽子。好奇34岁的陶冶然,是一家大型广告公司的设计总监。托爸妈的福生了一副好皮囊,笑起来能让公司里的小姑娘花痴半天。他每天西装革履地出入淮海路的高档写字楼,收入不菲,前途无量。关键是,这么一优秀的主儿,尚且单身。  相似文献   

利用质构仪压缩稻谷籽粒的短轴来测定稻谷籽粒的压缩特性。测定的稻谷储藏在不同的时间与压力下。实验结果表明:当储藏时间为60 d且储藏压力由0 kPa增加到300 kPa,稻谷籽粒的破坏力由81.6 N减小到73.8 N,破坏能由8.10 mJ减小到6.27 mJ,破坏应变由0.139减小到0.117,表观接触弹性模量由171.3 MPa减小到57.7 MPa,最大接触应力由40.8 MPa减小到19.1 MPa。当稻谷储藏压力为77、100、139、200 kPa且储藏时间由0~60 d,稻谷籽粒的破坏力由81.6 N分别减小到79.6、79.1、78.2、77.0 N;破坏能由8.10 mJ分别减小到7.55、7.35、7.08、6.85 mJ;破坏应变由0.139分别减小到0.131、0.128、0.126、0.121;表观接触弹性模量由171.3 MPa分别减小到136.0、121.8、110.6、83.3 MPa;最大接触应力由41.2 MPa分别减小到35.0、32.5、30.3、15.0 MPa。结果表明储藏压力与储藏时间对稻谷籽粒的压缩特性有重要的影响。  相似文献   

In this research, selected geometric and mechanical properties of mung bean grain were evaluated as a function of moisture content. Five levels of moisture content ranging from 7.28 to 17.77% d.b. (dry basis) were used. The average length, width, thickness, arithmetic and geometric mean diameters, sphericity, thousand grain mass and angle of repose ranged from 5.145 to 6.199 mm, 3.760 to 4.474 mm, 3.537 to 4.223 mm, 4.147 to 4.965 mm, 4.090 to 4.893 mm, 0.795 to 0.789, 52.3 to 64.6 g, and 25.87 to 29.38° as the moisture content increased from 7.28 to 17.77% d.b., respectively. The bulk density was found to be decreased from 821.3 to 745.2 kg/m3, whereas the grain volume, true density, porosity, terminal velocity, and projected area were found to be increased from 27.88 to 47.33 mm3, 1230.0 to 1456.7 kg/m3, 30.43 to 46.57%, 4.86 to 5.29 m/s, and 17.48 to 19.26 mm2, respectively. There is a 43% increase in surface area from grain moisture content of 7.28 to 17.77% d.b. The static coefficient of friction on various surfaces increased linearly with the increase in moisture content. The rubber as a surface for sliding offered the maximum friction followed by galvanised iron, medium density fibreboard, stainless steel, aluminium and glass sheet. As moisture content increased from 7.28 to 17.77%, the rupture forces values ranged from 67.39 to 39.44 N; 63.86 to 42.18 N, and 53.96 to 41.79 N for thickness (Z axis), length (Y-axis) and width (X-axis), respectively.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  Seeds of 4 cultivars (M-1, M-6, NM-92, and NM-98) of mungbean [ Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek] were investigated for proximate composition, antioxidant potential, fatty acids, tocopherols, and minerals profiles. Hexane-extracted seed oil content of the investigated cultivars of mungbeans ranged from 1.20% to 1.56%. Mungbean seeds were found to be a rich source of protein (20.97% to 31.32%). The contents of Fe, Cu, Mg, Na, K, Ca, and Zn were found to be 105.8 to 190.9, 4.8 to 6.3, 48.6 to 51.7, 382.6 to 562.7, 11.6 to 18.8, 359.2 to 482.9, and 24.9 to 47.2 mg/kg, respectively. The mungbean seeds contained linoleic acid in the highest amount, 340.5 to 465.7 mg/100 g of dry seed, followed by palmitic, oleic, linolenic, stearic, and arachidic acids: 278.1 to 401.2, 212.6 to 293.5, 188.7 to 236.8, 135.5 to 168.4, and 22.8 to 24.5 mg/100 g of dry seed, respectively. The seeds were found to be a rich source of tocopherols (α, γ, δ) ranged from 1.1 to 10.1, 60.7 to 80.9, and 4.6 to 11.2 mg/kg, respectively. Methanolic extracts of the seeds of the mungbean cultivars exhibited a good antioxidant activity as determined in terms of measurement of total phenolic contents (TPC) (0.62 to 1.08 g/100 g of dry matter), percent inhibition of peroxidation (49.8% to 89.2%), reducing power (1.19% to 1.45%), and bleaching β-carotene. The results of the present analytical study revealed these 4 mungbean cultivars to be a potential source of essential fatty acids, antioxidants, minerals and protein, all of which are linked with positive health benefits.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  The purpose of this study was to investigate the nutrient and phytochemical composition of bitter melon leaves under varying maturity levels and drying techniques. Fresh, oven-dried, and freeze-dried leaves were evaluated over 3 maturity stages. In fresh leaves at various stages, crude fat, crude protein, and soluble dietary fiber contents ranged from 4.2% to 13.6%, 6.4% to 23.1%, and 0.04% to 3.50% on dry-weight basis, respectively. The contents of K, Ca, Mg, Fe, and Zn ranged from 1850.8 to 2811.8, 837.4 to 4978.2, 317.3 to 512.4, 8.4 to 16.7, and 4.1 to 5.9 mg/100 g dry-weight basis, respectively. Vitamin C, β-carotene, and lutein contents ranged from 397.4 to 1275.1, 154.2 to 422.8, and 737.6 to 1304.6 μg/g dry-weight basis. The major flavonoids and phenolic acids were rutin, gentistic acid, and  o -coumaric acid, which ranged from 7.57 to 12.75, 2.53 to 10.11, and 4.24 to 9.75 mg/g dry-weight basis, respectively. In oven-dried samples, 40.2% to 52.3% of vitamin C, 35.4% to 55.4% of β-carotene, 25.6% to 71.6% of lutein, 26.4% to 84.0% of rutin, trace to 11.4% of gentistic acid, and 7.4% to 46.6% of  o -coumaric acid were retained, while the retainment ratios of these components in freeze-dried samples were 84.7% to 99.0%, 76.4% to 99.3%, 90.4% to 96.1%, 39.8% to 99.3%, 24.1% to 68.4%, and 75.8% to 87.0%, respectively. The data showed that freeze-drying better preserves the nutrient and phytochemical quality of bitter melon leaves in comparison to oven-drying. Bitter melon leaf is a rich source of selected nutrients and phytochemicals.  相似文献   

Physical properties of sweet corn kernels have been evaluated as a function of kernel moisture content, varying from 9.12 to 17.06% (db). In the moisture range, kernel length, width, thickness, and geometric mean diameter increased linearly from 9.87 to11.09 mm, 7.41 to 9.25 mm, 3.25 to 4.37 mm, and 6.18 to 7.62 mm, respectively, with increase in moisture content from 9.12–17.06%. The sphericity index, kernel volume, kernel surface area, and thousand seed weight increased linearly from 62.6 to 68.8, 93.8 to 194.3 mm3, 120.1 to 182.9 mm2, and 220 to 268 gr, respectively. Apparent density and bulk density decreased linearly from 1.315 to 1.232 g/cm3 and 0.765 to 0.698 g/cm3, respectively, while bulk porosity increased from 41.8 to 43.3%. The highest static coefficient of friction was found on the plywood surface. The static coefficient of friction increased from 0.680 to 0.891, 0.605 to 0.741, and 0.530 to 0.644 for plywood, galvanized iron, and aluminum surfaces, respectively. The angle of repose increased linearly from 30.2 to 35.2° with the increase of moisture content.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Four varieties of bitter melon ( Momordica charantia ), India green (IG), India white (IW), China green (CG), and China white (CW) were analyzed for total phenolics, phenolic acid constituents, and antioxidant activities of their methanolic extracts. Phenolic contents of the oven-dried and freeze-dried tissues ranged from 5.39 to 8.94 and 4.64 to 8.90 mg chlorogenic acid equivalent (CAE)/g on dry weight basis, respectively. Phenolic contents of bitter melon seed, inner tissues, and flesh ranged from 4.67 to 8.02, 4.64 to 8.94, and 5.36 to 8.90 mg CAE/g, respectively. The total phenolic contents of IG, IW, CG, and CW were 4.64 to 6.84, 6.03 to 8.94, 5.39 to 7.81, and 6.07 to 8.90 mg CAE/g, respectively. The main phenolic acids in flesh were gallic acid, gentisic acid, catechin, chlorogenic acid, and epicatechin, which ranged from 8.04 to 39.76, 16.99 to 32.39, 23.06 to 82.45, 4.55 to 15.83, and 16.14 to 44.28 mg/100 g on dry weight basis, respectively, while in inner tissues were gallic acid, gentisic acid, catechin, and epicatechin, which ranged from 2.57 to 18.05, 5.39 to 32.61, 13.54 to 39.74, and 2.96 to 40.91 mg/100 g, respectively. The main phenolic acids contained in seeds were gallic acid, catechin, and epicatechin, which ranged from 4.61 to 18.9, 13.2 to 57.61, and 6.00 to 40.08 mg/100 g, respectively. There was no significant difference in the antioxidant activities of the extracts among varieties ( P = 0.2556) and between drying methods ( P = 0.1444). The antioxidant activities of flesh, inner tissue, and seed ranged from 81.7% to 86.5%, 78.8% to 88.4%, and 78.5% to 85.4% inhibition, respectively. Bitter melon is a rich source of phenolic compounds. These natural plant phenolics can be a good source of antioxidants for application in food system.  相似文献   

Campylobacterjejuni is one of the most common causes of bacterial foodborne infection in the United States, and there are reports of resistance of Campylobacter spp. to antimicrobial agents used for the treatment of gastroenteritis. The purpose of this study was to determine the antimicrobial resistance patterns of Campylobacter spp. isolated from hog, beef, and chicken carcasses from provincially inspected abattoirs in Ontario. The agar dilution method was performed to measure antimicrobial resistance of the isolates. Antimicrobial resistance of Campylobacter isolates from hogs (n = 401), beef (n = 21), and chicken (n = 435) to ampicillin, azithromycin, chloramphenicol, ciprofloxacin, clindamycin, erythromycin, gentamicin, nalidixic acid, streptomycin, and tetracycline was determined. Resistance of chicken, hog, and beef isolates was 14.3, 18.2, and 9.5% to ampicillin; 17.9, 67.3, and 38.1% to azithromycin; 0, 0.5, and 0% to chloramphenicol; 3.7, 1.2, and 0% to ciprofloxacin; 2.3, 46.6, and 4.8% to clindamycin; 6.7, 43.6, and 4.8% to erythromycin; 0.2, 0, and 0% to gentamicin; 5.1, 10.7, and 0% to nalidixic acid; 13.6, 57.4, and 4.8% to streptomycin; and 52.6, 44.1, 42.9% to tetracycline, respectively. The hog isolates had the greatest resistance to seven of the ten antimicrobials tested. Results of this study confirm the existence of antimicrobial resistance of Campylobacter to various antimicrobial agents,especially ciprofloxacin and erythromycin, commonly used for treatment of campylobacteriosis in humans.  相似文献   

Diversity in properties of seed and flour of kidney bean germplasm   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The genetic diversity in seeds (physicochemical, hydration, textural and cooking properties) and flours (pasting and gel texture) among kidney bean lines was studied. A wide range of variation was observed for yield and yield-related traits. Seed weight, volume, density, hydration capacity, hydration index, swelling capacity, cooking time and amylose content ranged from 10.2 to 51.7 g/100 seeds, 14 to 46 ml/100 seeds, 0.51 to 2.15 g/ml, 0.03 to 0.62 g/seed, 0.16 to 0.97, 1.24 to 1.93 ml/seed, 50 to 120 min, and 0.09% to 5.02%, respectively. Hardness, cohesiveness, gumminess, springiness and chewiness of hydrated seeds ranged from 0.81 to 2.03 g, 0.18 to 0.48, 0.20 to 0.97 g, 0.31 to 0.51 and 0.08 to 0.43 g, respectively. Pasting temperature, peak viscosity, breakdown, final viscosity and setback ranged from 79 to 95 °C, 402 to 3235 cP, 9 to 393 cP, 862 to 5311 cP, and 363 to 2488 cP, respectively. Hardness, cohesiveness, gumminess, springiness, chewiness and adhesiveness of flour gels ranged from 3.9 to 5.3 g, 0.52 to 0.76, 1.47 to 23.52 g, 0.91 to 0.99, 3.21 to 23.91 and 13.2 to 178.5 g s, respectively.  相似文献   

To investigate the effect of storage pressure and storage time on the mechanical properties of paddy grains, an experimental study was carried out to determine the mechanical properties of paddy grains compressed at minor axis orientation using the Texture Analyzer. The paddy grains were stored under different pressures and for different time. The results showed that as the storage pressure increased from 0 to 300 kPa, the rupture force of paddy grains stored for 60 days decreased from 81.58 to 73.78 N, the rupture energy from 8.10 to 6.27 mJ, the rupture strain from 0.1392 to 0.1168, the apparent contact modulus of elasticity from 171.32 to 57.68 MPa and the maximum contact stress from 40.84 to 19.11 MPa. All of the mechanical properties of the paddy grains exhibited a linear relationship with storage pressure. As for the paddy grains stored under the pressures of 77, 100, 139, 200 kPa, as the storage time increased from 0 to 60 days, the rupture force of the paddy grains decreased from 81.58 to 79.58 N, 81.58 to 79.12 N, 81.58 to 78.21 N and 81.58 to 76.96 N; the rupture energy decreased from 8.10 to 7.55 mJ, 8.10 to 7.35 mJ, 8.10 to 7.08 mJ and 8.10 to 6.85 mJ; the rupture strain decreased from 0.1392 to 0.1309, 0.1392 to 0.1283, 0.1392 to 0.1257 and 0.1392 to 0.1213. The apparent contact modulus of elasticity decreased from 171.32 to 135.97 MPa, 171.32 to 121.77 MPa, 171.32 to 110.59 MPa and 171.32 to 83.32 MPa; the maximum contact stress decreased from 41.16 to 35.00 MPa, 41.16 to 32.45 MPa, 41.16 to 30.32 MPa and 41.16 to 14.97 MPa, respectively. The results revealed that both storage pressure and storage time have a significant effect on the mechanical properties of paddy grains.  相似文献   

Thirteen Staphylococcus sp. strains, previously isolated from spontaneous sausage fermentation, were in vitro examined for properties associated with their ability to survive through the gastro-intestinal tract. None of the strains were able to survive exposure to pH 1 or pH 2, while for most of them, a population reduction, ranging from 77.3% to 99.0% and a surviving population from 1.7 x 10(8) to 9.0 x 10(6) was observed after exposure to pH 3. None of the strains exhibited bile salt hydrolase activity or production of antimicrobial compounds, while all of them were resistant to pancreatin. Only S. cohnii cohnii LQC 5112 was found to be alpha-haemolytic, seven other strains were beta-haemolytic and the rest gamma-haemolytic. All strains were sensitive to erythromycin, ampicillin (but S. intermedius LQC 5023) and chloramphenicol while most of them were sensitive to tetracycline. On the other hand, most of the strains were resistant to novobiocin. Furthermore, their aptitude, not only to withstand, but to proliferate in the presence of bile salts, as well, even at an acidic environment and their ability to adhere to stainless-steel plates, indicate the need for an in vivo study.  相似文献   

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