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为简化悬置系统开发流程、缩短周期,以某型装载机驾驶室悬置系统为对象,在ADAMS中建立虚拟样机模型,采用试验测试信号作为激励,并在MATLAB中编写了优化算法程序,通过ADAMS和MATLAB联合仿真的方法,解决了驾驶室悬置隔振性能的多目标优化问题。以振动总量值最小化和解耦率最大化作为优化目标,分别采用了多目标粒子群算法(MOPSO)与非支配排序遗传算(NSGA-Ⅱ)法,结果表明前者能找到更好的帕累托前沿,仿真分析验证了该方法的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

Reconfigurable machines form a new class of machines that are designed around a specific part family of products and allow rapid change in their structure. They are designed to allow changes in machine configuration according to changes in production requirements. The reconfiguration may be related to changes in machine functionality or its scalability, i.e., the change in production volumes or speed of operation. Reconfigurable machines represent a new class of machines that bridges the gap between the high flexibility and high cost of totally flexible machines and the low flexibility and low cost of fully dedicated machines. The design principles of reconfigurable machines follow a similar philosophy, which was derived for reconfigurable manufacturing systems, and present an approach for the design of machines to be used mainly in high-volume production lines. This paper introduces design principles for reconfigurable machines, which may be applied in different fields of manufacturing. Based on these design principles, three types of reconfigurable machines were designed for various types of production operations such as: machining, inspection and assembly. This paper shows how the suggested design principles were utilized in the design of several full-scale machine prototypes and tested experimentally.  相似文献   

在应用仿生学原理和拓扑理论对足类生物骨骼结构进行简化和模块化分的基础上,开发了一套模块化可重构足式机器人系统,此套系统能够构造出多种不同构形的足式机器人,并且由于采用了均一化的设计,在一定程度上降低了生产成本。  相似文献   

沈正华  黄金梭 《机电工程》2012,29(11):1268-1271
针对控制系统存在的开发周期长、开放性差、操作复杂、设备利用率低等问题,将可重构技术的思想理论应用到机电控制系统的开发中,提出了一种模块化静态可重构的控制系统设计框架,在此基础上定义了一组行为规则库,并详细说明了上位机任务解析方法和下位机任务耦合机制;最后,基于三菱FX系列编程口通信协议,利用可视化编程软件和可编程控制器对该框架进行了可行性和有效性的验证。实验结果表明,该系统框架的设计方法可以实现系统输出逻辑的快速重组,降低操作复杂性,有效提高机电设备的开发效率和利用率,增强了系统的柔性。  相似文献   

对传统制造执行系统的不足和可配置制造执行系统进行了研究,设计了装配流程配置过程的数据模型,提出装配流程配置的方法,根据背景企业的需求,介绍系统各模块的功能,对产品装配流程进行配置,设计了系统软件架构,并对系统进行了开发实现.本系统已在某军品装配分厂的再个装配车间进行了试用,效果良好.  相似文献   

提出了一种全地形可重构橡胶履带变体轮设计方案.该变体轮主要由可重构橡胶履带和履带伸展机构组成,根据不同路面行驶要求,在伸展机构的作用下,履带可实现轮式与三角履带式的变换(即重构)以调整运动姿态.通过SolidWorks软件建立变体轮三维模型,并利用有限元分析软件ANSYS对其关键零部件进行有限元分析,验证了结构的正确性.  相似文献   

数控系统的可重构性设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)丰富的逻辑资源及其内部可编程的特点,提出可重构数控系统硬件设计方法,介绍以FPGA为控制核心的数控系统的设计方案,分析可重构设计思想、可编程脉冲发生器的设计和数字微分分析法(DDA)精插补等.基于FPGA的数控系统响应速度快,可重构性强,减少了系统的外围接口器件,降低了系统成本.  相似文献   

可重构模块化机床是可重构制造系统的主要组成部分,其设计方法是实现制造过程可重构的关键.本文对可重构机床的模块化设计方法进行了探讨,系统分析了可重构机床区别于传统机床的模块化设计和特点.阐述了实现可重构机床模块化设计的关键技术难点,间接勾画了可重构机床的模块化设计理念,接着论述了可重构机床应着重加强研究的内容.  相似文献   

文章分析了ERP系统的动态特性,在借鉴进化论原理的基础上,介绍了ERP系统的谱系进化树的构建模式和方法,定义了ERP系统的三个重构等级.  相似文献   

The reasons for chip deviation from the orthogonal direction in machining are (i) restricted cutting effect, (ii) nonzero inclination angle, and (iii) tool-nose radius. The present article has incorporated the concept of effective inclination angle in the models for predicting chip flow direction in oblique cutting. Model 1 takes into account the role of the effective principal cutting edge angle (as point function) and the concept of effective inclination angle has been incorporated in the model. Model 2 addresses the same roles but determined as path functions. Models 1 and 2 do not address the variation in the chip load along the width of cut. This has been addressed in Model 3 along with effective inclination angle. The models have been validated against the experimental data while turning two different medium carbon steels with uncoated carbide inserts over a wide domain of depth of cut, feed, cutting velocity, nose radius, rake angle, inclination angle and principal cutting edge angle. The major contribution of this work is the introduction of effective inclination angle along the effective cutting edge.  相似文献   

一种新型模块化可重组机器人的设计与研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了一种模块化可手动重组机器人机构,该机构具有结构简单,控制方便,成本低廉等优点。基于模块化设计,使机器人具有多自由度和灵活的变形能力,可以很好地适应环境的变化,完成不同的任务。通过模块间的分离和对接,可实现蛇形、履带形和4足形等多种仿生结构。通过实验证明,该结构可以通过手动重组能够较好的完成蛇形蠕动、履带形滚动和4足爬行3种运动步态。  相似文献   

An analysis of the plane Couette flow between two parallel plates of a viscous, incompressible, micropolar fluid is presented. Especially, the effects of non-zero values of the microgyration boundary condition coefficient and pressure gradient on the flow fields are studied. Numerical results show that the micropolar parameter was found to have much more of an impact on the flow behaviors. It is also observed that the micro-gyration boundary condition coefficient influenced on the coefficients of skin friction and couple stress due to its different effect on the surface stress.  相似文献   

可重构分布式数控系统的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为解决分布式数控系统在制造单元重新配置后难于重构的问题,提出一种可重构分布式数控系统的设计和实现方案。该方案通过层次化体系结构设计,将系统各个模块问的耦合降至最小;通过工业以太网、嵌入式智能终端和软插件技术来构建分布式数控硬件通信平台;对已提出的可重构软件系统框架进行了扩充,加入了基于角色的访问控制模块和基于抽象工厂模式的数据访问模块,并采用扩展后的框架开发了分布式数控管理软件,以浏览器/服务器模式对分布式数控相关制造资源进行统一、动态和有效的管理。基于此方案开发出的分布式数控系统能够通过简单的配置实现重构,迅速适应制造单元的变化。  相似文献   

提出了可重配置的制造设备和单元控制系统的设计方案,分析了可重配置制造这种新的生产制造模式的特点,指出了其关键使能技术。  相似文献   

针对可重组制造系统混流生产、快速重组的特点,提出了一种基于Petri网的可重组模块化逻辑控制器设计方法。该控制器包括产品决策逻辑控制器和加工设备逻辑控制器,通过施加不同的条件变量,以明确相互之间的时序关系,并给出了相应的模块连接算法,产品变化通过变量调整可快速重组逻辑控制器。由Petri网自身特性证明,支持混流生产的可重组模块化逻辑控制器是活性、安全和可逆的,可直接转换为用于工业现场控制的顺序功能流程图。实际应用证明,该控制器具有高度模块化、易于重构、支持混流的特点。  相似文献   

模块化可重构机器人分布式控制系统的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
模块化可重构机器人的研究扩大了机器人的应用范围.本课题通过选用控制功能强大的ARM芯片和高速、高可靠、低价格的新一代增强型单时钟/机器周期的STC单片机,应用简单通用的RS-232总线技术构建了性价比很高的模块化可重构机器人的分布式控制系统,有效地实现了机器人的运动控制.详细地介绍了控制系统的硬件构成,软件体系以及系统的工作原理.  相似文献   

基于图论的可重构制造系统单零件流水线构形优化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
获取各生产周期内的最优和K-1个次优(K优)单零件流水线构形,是可重构制造系统构形选择中一个重要的优化问题。给定零件的工序优先图、工序和工位操作的关系以及各工位操作的可选设备,该流水线构形优化问题即确定工作站数量,选择各工作站内的机床类型和数量,选择并分配工位操作,以最小化流水线构形的资本成本。将寻求满足功能和产能约束、空间约束和投资限制的K优构形问题建模为关联所有可行工位操作序列的复合增广有向图上的约束K最短路径问题,获得K优解。最后,通过案例研究验证了该方法的有效性和优越性。  相似文献   

To stay competitive in the new dynamic market having large fluctuations in product demand, manufacturing companies must use systems that not only produce their goods with high productivity but also allow for rapid response to market changes. Reconfigurable manufacturing system (RMS) is a new paradigm that enables manufacturing systems to respond quickly and cost effectively to market demand. In other words, RMS is a system designed from the outset, for rapid changes in both hardware and software components, in order to quickly adjust its production capacity to fluctuations in market demand and adapt its functionality to new products. The effectiveness of an RMS depends on implementing its key characteristics and capabilities in the design as well as utilization stage. This paper focuses on the utilization stage of an RMS and introduces a methodology to effectively adjust scalable production capacities and the system functionalities to market demands. It is supposed that arrival orders of product families follow the Poisson distribution. The orders are lost if they are not met immediately. Considering these assumptions, a mixed integer nonlinear programming model is developed to determine optimum sequence of production tasks, corresponding configurations, and batch sizes. A genetic algorithm-based procedure is used to solve the model. The model is also applied to make decision on how to improve the performance of an RMS. Since there is no practical RMS, a numerical example is used to validate the results of the proposed model and its solution procedure.  相似文献   

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