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Seung Nam Yu Seung Yeol Lee Chang Soo Han Kye Young Lee Sang Heon Lee 《Autonomous Robots》2007,22(3):281-291
The development of automation in construction has been restricted by the variety of construction materials used, variable
circumstances, and difficulties in the quantitative management of the construction process. Curtain wall, however, can be
considered a relatively standard material compared to other construction materials. In this study, we analyze the current
process of curtain wall installation and investigate the potential of an automated system combining a commercial excavator
and a 3-DOF manipulator. This automated system has the adaptations necessary to work with any type of commercialized excavator.
Therefore, workers need to transfer only the 3-DOF manipulator portion of the system when they move to other construction
sites. This paper investigates experimental trials involving the proposed system at construction sites to determine its performance,
working time, and efficiency. Results from this study were analyzed and further research options outlined. 相似文献
针对传统机器人控制器控制性能差,控制时间慢的问题,基于System Vue研究了一种新的爬壁机器人控制器。在机器人控制器仿生分析过程中,对爬壁机器人的腿部进行仿生关节的模拟性增加操作,并进一步提升关节的灵活性,促使关节在运行过程中能够自主完成对身体的前后控制以及倾斜处理,根据所获得的仿生与步态规划数据,对爬壁机器人控制器进行控制模型的建立与参数的设置操作,优化爬壁机器人控制器吸附控制算法,并利用LM339芯片改进JH-D400X-R4型六向摇杆的内部电路,使控制爬壁机器人的吸附和移动功能得到更好的控制。利用引导路径加强系统自身防护,对路径进行清理。实验结果表明,基于System Vue的爬壁机器人控制器具有较好的控制性能,控制时间提高了1.52s。 相似文献
介绍一种主要用于写字楼及医院病区走廊清扫的机器人 ,该机器人由移动、视觉和清扫三部分构成 ,具有体积小、噪音低、清扫效率高等优点。 相似文献
为解决爬壁机器人在船舶货舱清洗过程中多壁面过渡的问题,该文设计了一种具有壁面自适应能力的磁吸附爬壁机器人,其包括磁吸附机构、自适应清洗机构和行走机构。该文首先通过建立机器人壁面过渡时的力学模型,得到机器人磁吸附力的分布特点,并据此设计出一种弧形磁吸附机构。然后利用 ANSYS Maxwell 3D 软件对该机构磁吸附力的分布进行优化,以满足壁面过渡的需要;此外,还在机器人前端设计了一种自适应清洗机构,通过对该机构的结构原理进行分析和实验,验证了清洗机构也具有壁面过渡能力。最后通过模拟船舶货舱壁面的实际特点,对机器人样机进行壁面过渡综合实验,完成了机器人舱底过渡行走实验和舱顶过渡行走实验,验证了该机器人的壁面自适应和舱内行走的能力。 相似文献
Development of a Tracked Climbing Robot 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
This paper describes a climbing robot, using chain-track as the locomotive mechanism and suction cups as the adhesion method. The main structure, sensors, and the vision-based motion control system of the robot are described in the paper. The robot can turn in a limited range by adjusting the steering wheel and twisting the chain. The turning gait is discussed and relations between turning angles of the chain node, the front wheel, and the frame of the robot are formulated. Forces applied to the robot are analyzed in order to obtain a safety condition that prevents the robot from slipping and falling. An experiment is conducted to measure the safety factor of suction cups and determine the payload capacity of the robot. 相似文献
针对铸造类零件人工清理效率低、劳动强度大、成本高等问题,论文提出一种基于机器视觉的智能机器人清理系统.设计了由CCD摄像机、图像采集卡、输入输出单元、控制装置构成的机器人硬件系统,搭建了图像采集、处理分析、学习识别软件系统.通过对金属型铸造的盖板、导体类零件浇口、冒口等清理部位机械化自动化清理工作的多次实验验证,零件残... 相似文献
清洗系统的性能直接影响幕墙清洗机器人的工作效率.本文根据幕墙清洗机器人的结构特点,讨论了机械力清洗方法以及清洗系统结构的设计,并对三种典型清洗器结构作了较为详细的分析. 相似文献
基于Cortex-M0微控制器设计超声波、红外和碰撞等多传感器硬件系统感知机器人工作环境,应用模糊神经网络对采集的数据进行信息融合处理,输出结果用来控制吸尘机器人的定位与避障。实验证明,多传感器硬件系统和基于模糊神经网络的避障算法大大提高了吸尘机器人的定位与避障精度,对不同的工作环境也具有良好的鲁棒性。 相似文献
Abstract: The motion control problem for the finger of a humanoid robot hand is investigated. First, the index finger of the human hand is dynamically modelled as a kinematic chain of cylindrical links. During construction of the model, special attention is given to determining bone dimensions and masses that are similar to the real human hand. After the kinematic and dynamic analysis of the model, in order to ensure that the finger model tracks its desired trajectory during a closing motion, a fuzzy sliding mode controller is applied to the finger model. In this controller, a fuzzy logic algorithm is used in order to tune the control gain of the sliding mode controller; thus, an adaptive controller is obtained. Finally, numerical results, which include a performance comparison of the proposed fuzzy sliding mode controller and a conventional sliding mode controller, are presented. The results demonstrate that the proposed control method can be used to perform the desired motion task for humanoid robot hands efficiently. 相似文献
Arjun Nagendran William Crowther Martin Turner Alexander Lanzon Robert Richardson 《Advanced Robotics》2014,28(4):203-218
A new locomotion method for unmanned (autonomous) ground vehicles (UGV) is proposed based around six independently driven wheels mounted on three separate modules. Each module is attached to the overall robot via a pivot point and capable of independently controlling its orientation and velocity. This configuration allows the UGV to perform maneuvers conventional vehicles cannot perform, and in particular to control the body orientation separately from the movement direction. The locomotion method is mathematically analyzed to develop appropriate control algorithms and to demonstrate the vehicle performance criteria. A vehicle was constructed according to the proposed configuration and experimentally tested in the UK Ministry Of Defense grand challenge. The performance of the developed locomotion schemes helped the robot make it to the finale of the competition. 相似文献
水下船体清刷机器人运动分析及仿真 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
本文分析了水下船体清刷机器人的运动,建立了机器人运动学方程,根据所设计的伺服控制系统对机器人系统进行了运动仿真.结果表明,所设计的机器人系统鲁棒性好,满足设计要求. 相似文献
针对现有对GIS管道的检测方法不能同时兼顾异物清理的问题,研制了一种基于Inter Edison平台的用于GIS管道内腔异物清扫与检测的机器人系统。从硬件结构、机器人运动学建模以及人机交互平台3个方面对设计的机器人系统进行了详细的介绍。其中硬件上采用集成化程度高的Inter Edison处理器作为模块化设计的中心;在人机交互平台上,基于Android开发平台,实时实现系统的3D动态显示、运动过程控制、机器人姿态控制等功能。实验表明:该机器人结构独特,能在GIS管道腔内平稳地运行;机器人能实现左右各20°的移位;摄像头拍摄无死角;人机交互中心视频画面清晰;整个机器人系统满足GIS检测清理机器人各项功能的任务要求。 相似文献