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一种用于水声信道的稀疏权超指数迭代盲均衡算法研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
超指数算法的迭代算法便于跟踪时变信道,但是,其计算量与权长的平方成比例,不利于工程实现.该文利用水声信道的稀疏性,采用超指数算法的部分步骤,估计权向量并进行稀疏处理,初始化超指数迭代算法,不但减小了算法的计算量,而且加快了算法的收敛速度.计算机仿真证明了该方法的有效性. 相似文献
稀疏水声信道判决反馈盲均衡算法研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
针对高速水声通信中信道的稀疏特性,提出了一种基于常数模准则的稀疏水声信道判决反馈盲均衡算法。该算法将改进的常数模算法与一种变化的判决反馈均衡器结构(部分反馈均衡器)有机结合,利用水声信道的稀疏特性,不但很好地实现了稀疏水声信道的盲均衡,而且简化了计算,易于算法的硬件实现。用典型稀疏水声信道进行了计算机仿真。结果表明,该算法性能稳定,计算量小,稳态均方误差低,整体性能与基于自适应LMS的稀疏迭代算法接近。该研究为高速水声通信中稀疏信道的均衡提供了一种可实现的方法。 相似文献
与传统的时域均衡相比,频域均衡为单载波传输系统提供了一种计算更为有效的方法。该文对有大多径时延和多普勒频移的水声信道中的频域分组迭代判决反馈均衡器(IB-DFE)进行了研究,提出了一种联合迭代均衡和频域信道估计(JECE)算法,分析了JECE算法的性能以及不同数据参数对IB-DFE性能的影响,并计算了IB-DFE的计算复杂度。仿真结果表明,所提出的JECE算法对时变水声信道有更好的适应性。与TD-DFE相比,IB-DFE有3.6 dB以上的信噪比增益和约19%的复杂度增益,而且随着多径时延和多普勒频移的增加,这种性能增益会进一步增加。 相似文献
设计了一种基于贝叶斯压缩感知(bayesian compressing sensing,BCS)的水声信道(underwater acoustic channel,UWAC)估计方法,并具体采用快速贝叶斯匹配追踪算法(fast bayesian matching pursuit,FBMP)对水声正交频分复用(OFDM)通信系统下的信道脉冲响应进行估计。在水声信道中,信道的抽头的位置及系数通常分别服从伯努利和复高斯分布,利用这一先验知识,首先对抽头的位置进行检测,然后通过最小均方误差准则得到准确的信道估计。仿真分析了导频数量、信噪比对FBMP、正交匹配追踪(orthogonal matching pursuit,OMP)、变换域(discrete fourier transform,DFT)、最小二乘法(least square,LS)信道估计算法的性能的影响,仿真结果表明,在稀疏信道下,基于FBMP的信道估计方法明显优于OMP、DFT、LS信道估计方法。 相似文献
水声信道均衡中基于信道估计的均衡方法理论上具有更优的均衡性能,但较高的计算复杂度限制了算法的实际应用。针对这一问题,该文首先基于Kalman滤波和Turbo均衡提出一种迭代Kalman均衡器,实现了基于软符号的迭代信道估计与迭代Kalman均衡,且复杂度较常规方法降低约1个数量级。其次,针对单一均衡算法和单一方向Turbo均衡器存在的误差传递现象,设计了基于迭代Kalman均衡器与改进成比例归一化LMS (IPNLMS)自适应均衡器相结合的混合双向Turbo均衡器,提高了自适应均衡器的收敛速度和均衡性能,并通过双向均衡结构带来的增益改善了符号估计误差传递的现象。理论分析与仿真实验验证了该文算法的有效性。 相似文献
在水下通信领域中,电磁波的传播会受到很大的限制,所以水声通信成为了通信的主要手段。利用正交频分复用(OFDM)调制技术的优势,在复杂且多变的水声信道中进行通信是目前常用的方法之一。为了应对水声信道的不利条件,需要使用信道估计来获取信道的状态信息来进行信道均衡以获得更好的通信效果。文章提出了一种基于深度学习的水声信道估计方法。设计了改进型多层感知机模型进行水声信道估计。与传统方法相比,文章提出的方法在估计性能与鲁棒性方面均获得了提升,同时也证明了残差对于基于深度学习的信道估计性能的提升有所帮助。 相似文献
基于虚拟时间反转镜的水声OFDM信道均衡 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
针对水声信道对正交频分复用(OFDM)系统带来的符号间干扰(ISI)问题,提出了虚拟时间反转镜(VTRM)信道均衡算法,该算法具有时间压缩特性和频域相位共轭特性,可以有效缩短信道长度,减小多途信道带来的相位畸变,采用匹配追踪(MP)算法估计信道冲激响应,可以精确的估计出水声信道的幅度、时延和相位信息,为虚拟时反信道均衡提供准确的信道信息,改进了传统匹配相关信道估计方法估计精度低、无法估计信道相位信息的缺点。仿真、水池和湖上实验结果表明,OFDM水声通信系统中,VTRM信道均衡技术性能优于被动时反镜(PTRM)信道均衡和最小平方(LS)信道均衡。 相似文献
Underwater acoustic communications 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Underwater acoustic imaging 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Underwater acoustic imaging systems are useful in providing underwater observation and inspection capabilities whenever optical systems cannot. Underwater acoustic imaging is a part of the larger field of acoustic imaging, and as such, has its own peculiarities and attributes as compared with the rest of the acoustic imaging field. In this report, the general characteristics of underwater acoustic imaging are presented. Three basic techniques of acoustic imaging that are appropriate for underwater imaging are discussed (focused, beamformed, and holographic) and examples of each of them are described. Then the limitations and promise for the future in underwater acoustic imaging are explored. 相似文献
Underwater acoustic sensor networks: research challenges 总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25
Underwater sensor nodes will find applications in oceanographic data collection, pollution monitoring, offshore exploration, disaster prevention, assisted navigation and tactical surveillance applications. Moreover, unmanned or autonomous underwater vehicles (UUVs, AUVs), equipped with sensors, will enable the exploration of natural undersea resources and gathering of scientific data in collaborative monitoring missions. Underwater acoustic networking is the enabling technology for these applications. Underwater networks consist of a variable number of sensors and vehicles that are deployed to perform collaborative monitoring tasks over a given area.In this paper, several fundamental key aspects of underwater acoustic communications are investigated. Different architectures for two-dimensional and three-dimensional underwater sensor networks are discussed, and the characteristics of the underwater channel are detailed. The main challenges for the development of efficient networking solutions posed by the underwater environment are detailed and a cross-layer approach to the integration of all communication functionalities is suggested. Furthermore, open research issues are discussed and possible solution approaches are outlined. 相似文献
Underwater imaging with a moving acoustic lens 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The acoustic lens is a high-resolution, forward-looking sonar for three dimensional (3-D) underwater imaging. We discuss processing the lens data for recreating and visualizing the scene. Acoustical imaging, compared to optical imaging, is sparse and low resolution. To achieve higher resolution, we obtain a denser sample by mounting the lens on a moving platform and passing over the scene. This introduces the problem of data fusion from multiple overlapping views for scene formation, which we discuss. We also discuss the improvements in object reconstruction by combining data from several passes over an object. We present algorithms for pass registration and show that this process can be done with enough accuracy to improve the image and provide greater detail about the object. The results of in-water experiments show the degree to which size and shape can be obtained under (nearly) ideal conditions. 相似文献
To ensure the communication safety of unmanned underwater vehicle,a physical layer key generation scheme of underwater acoustic channel based on orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) system was proposed.First,a local pilot assistance channel sounding protocol was proposed to solve the reciprocity impaired caused by the great propagation delay in the underwater acoustic channel,ensure high key randomness and enhance the defenses against nearby eavesdroppers.Secondly,double-layer compensation centralized combined with adaptive guard interval quantization method was proposed to improve key agreement rate and key generation rate.Simulation results show that the scheme effectively overcomes the problems of impaired reciprocity and ensures high key generation rate and high randomness on the premise that the key agreement is superior to the existing schemes. 相似文献
主要研究了采用模式匹配的方法对水声目标进行分类的技术,在模式匹配的过程中,引入了人工鱼群算法对传统神经网络进行改进.通过Matlab仿真试验表明:采用AFSA-神经网络可以大大提高对不同声源信号的分类正确率,并大幅降低检测的时间. 相似文献