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储能技术的研究开发现状及展望   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
储能系统在稳定电网、利用可再生能源方面起着重要作用。介绍了各种储能方式及其特点.综述了大型储能技术的研究开发状况,其中氧化还原液流电池具有成本低、效率高、寿命长等优点,商业化前景看好。  相似文献   

为促进能源产业的优化升级,可再生能源的开发利用力度不断加大,电网的规划运行和调度管理将面临重大变革,亟需先进的大规模储能技术来改善可再生能源发电特性。本文从电化学储能技术在电网系统应用进行探讨,从各种电化学储能安全性、成本、技术特点等进行深入解析,归纳各种类型电化学储能的优势与不足,并对未来电化学储能在电网系统的应用前景做出展望。  相似文献   

随着人类社会的进步,人们对可穿戴电子设备的需求日益增强,其中电子皮肤、可植入传感器等新型便携式器件也对储能单元的可拉伸性提出了越来越高的要求。本综述介绍了制备可拉伸式锂离子电池或超级电容器的策略,并对其进行了简单评述;在此基础上概括地介绍了可拉伸式电化学储能器件中常用的电解质及其优缺点,以及可拉伸式储能器件的集成方案。最后,针对性地总结可拉伸储能器件制备过程中仍面临的挑战与未来可能的发展方向。  相似文献   

Energy storage technologies may be electrical or thermal. Electrical energy stores have an electrical input and output to connect them to the system of which they form part, while thermal stores have a thermal input and output. The principal electrical energy storage technologies described are electrochemical systems (batteries and flow cells), kinetic energy storage (flywheels) and potential energy storage, in the form of pumped hydro and compressed air. Complementary thermal storage technologies include those based on the sensible and latent heat capacity of materials, which include bulk and smaller-capacity hot and cold water storage systems, ice storage, phase change materials and specific bespoke thermal storage media.  相似文献   

随着电化学储能市场的蓬勃发展,电化学储能电池本身的安全性越来越受到关注,如何最大程度地降低储能电池组火灾风险是电化学储能大规模应用时亟需解决的问题。本文综述目前国内外针对锂离子电池热失控已有的研究成果,包括磷酸铁锂电池的燃烧特性、火灾危险等级以及在储能电站预警系统中应用的锂离子电池热失控及热扩散参数;梳理不同灭火剂对电池火灾的灭火效率;同时总结电化学储能电站的灭火系统选择,为电网储能工程应用提供参考,有效支持锂离子储能电池的大规模工程需求。  相似文献   

随着可再生能源发电技术的发展,能够整合分布式发电系统的微网成为满足日益增长的电力需求、节省投资和提高能源利用率的一种有效途径。储能系统作为微网必要的能量缓冲环节,其作用越来越重要。文章概述了电池储能系统的基本特性,分析了电池储能系统的运行及控制原理,并详细阐述了其在微网中的作用。基于蓄电池的储能系统,不仅能起到能量缓冲的作用,还能提供短时供电、缓冲微网中负荷波动、改善微网电能质量,对提高微网的经济效益具有重要作用。  相似文献   

高能耗企业生产过程中伴生的低品位热能,在供应与需求之间存在时空不匹配的矛盾,难以通过传统管道输送的模式加以利用。而移动式储热供热技术将能量收集、能量存储与输送以及能量供给有机结合,摒弃了管道输送的诸多弊端。详细分析了移动储热供热技术的国内外基础研究现状以及工程应用现状,并在此基础上,归纳了移动储热供热技术所面临的问题;之后提出一套移动式余热能模块化存储利用方案,并针对该方案的应用模式、经济性等问题进行详细阐述;最后展望了移动储热供热技术的市场前景与产业化。  相似文献   

曾德范  周东一 《节能》2009,28(5):19-21
对蓄冷节能技术在冷库中的应用进行了方案的可行性探讨,并通过实例进行了经济性分析。结果表明:蓄冷节能技术在冷库中的应用是可行的,但必然增加初投资,蓄冷系统投资额的增加能在3年左右通过运行电费的节省加以回收。  相似文献   

Zinc deposition from alkaline zincate solution in single flow zinc/nickel battery has been investigated. The effect of different substrates such as copper, cadmium and lead were examined by using cyclic voltammetry and cathodic polarization technique. It was found that the cadmium substrate is better than the others. Zinc deposition was carried out by using galvanostatic technique, and the deposits were examined by SEM. The results demonstrated that there is no zinc dendrite on the cadmium substrate in flowing electrolyte. Coulombic and voltage efficiencies of 98 and 88%, respectively, are obtained in a small laboratory cell.  相似文献   

大规模储能技术是实现可再生能源并网和普及应用的核心技术,也是发展能源互联网、分布式发电、电力辅助调频、离网供电、安全备用电源等领域的关键使能技术。液流电池是一类新兴的大规模储能技术,经过近几年的快速发展,已经具备规模应用的竞争力。液流电池具备安全性好、单个循环储能时间长、功率/容量独立设计、储能容量大和寿命长等特点。目前液流电池成本偏高,高成本制约了液流电池储能技术大规模商业化应用。针对这一行业"痛点"问题,本文通过创新型的电池堆结构、新型关键材料和工艺研究,将液流电池堆功率密度提高2~4倍,实现电池堆的小型化,有效提高关键部件利用率,有望将液流电池系统成本降低20%~30%。  相似文献   

Developing green energy solutions has become crucial to society. However, to develop a clean and renewable energy system, significant developments must be made, not only in energy conversion technologies (such as solar panels and wind turbines) but also regarding the feasibility and capabilities of stationary electrical energy storage (EES) systems. Many types of EES systems have been considered such as pumped hydroelectric storage (PHS), compressed air energy storage (CAES), flywheels, and electrochemical storage. Among them, electrochemical storage such as battery has the advantage of being more efficient compared to other candidates, because it is more suitable in terms of the scalability, efficiency, lifetime, discharge time, and weight and/or mobility of the system. Currently, rechargeable lithium ion batteries (LIBs) are the most successful portable electricity storage devices, but their use is limited to small electronic equipment. Using LIBs to store large amounts of electrical energy in stationary applications is limited, not only by performance but also by cost. Thus, a viable battery technology that can store large amounts of electrical energy in stationary applications is needed. In this review, well-developed and recent progress on the chemistry and design of batteries, as well as their effects on the electrochemical performance, is summarized and compared. In addition, the challenges that are yet to be solved and the possibilities for further improvements are explored.  相似文献   

因地制宜推进配网侧储能应用,发挥储能在配电网局域调峰、提高供电可靠性、改善电能质量等方面的价值,是当前储能应用研究的热点。结合低压配电台区常见供电问题,基于对多目标场景下储能系统应用模式分析,充分考虑储能对电网投资替代效益,提出了适合低压配电台区应用的模块化储能系统典型容量配置和系统结构设计,并选择典型低压配电台区进行了实际应用,储能系统测试和运行结果表明,所提出低压配电台区储能系统设计方案具有较强的实用性和推广价值。  相似文献   

大容量锂离子电池储能系统对完善传统电网和高效利用新能源都具有非常重要的作用。为了实现大容量锂离子电池储能系统的高倍率化、长寿命化以及高安全性,高性能电池热管理系统的研发刻不容缓。本文总结了温度对锂离子电池性能的影响规律,综述了空冷、液冷、热管冷却、相变冷却这4种典型热管理技术的研究概况,分析了热管理技术在锂离子电池储能系统中的应用与研究状况。随着锂离子电池储能系统工作倍率的提高,产热量随之增大,对热管理系统的要求也越来越高。下一步的研究工作应围绕空冷系统优化、基于新型冷却介质的液冷系统、经济型热管及多目标优化设计这4方面展开。  相似文献   

作为可再生能源并网的关键技术,可再生能源的高速发展也带动了储能产业的发展和成熟。物理储能技术,发展历史长,技术较为成熟,部分已实现商业化运作;以抽水蓄能为代表,是电网调峰的主力,也在储能市场容量中占据着绝对份额。但无论是传统抽水蓄能,还是压缩空气储能都对环境、地理地质条件有较高的要求,极大地制约了这些技术的普遍推广和应用。因此物理储能也经历着应用模式的变革、传统技术向新兴技术转化的过程。虽然抽水蓄能、压缩空气储能和飞轮储能三种物理储能技术在原理、应用领域、安装容量以及未来发展趋势上各不相同, 但作为战略新兴技术,都需要技术的突破、政策和资金的支持以及更多的市场应用机会。  相似文献   

Using electric storage systems (ESSs) is known as a viable strategy to mitigate the volatility and intermittency of renewable distributed generators (DGs) in microgrids (MGs). Among different electric storage technologies, battery energy storage (BES) is considered as the best option. In unit commitment (UC) module, the set of committed dispatchable DGs along with their power, power exported to/imported from macrogrid and status and power of ESS units are determined. In this paper, BES degradation is considered in UC formulation and an efficient particle swarm optimisation with quadratic transfer function is proposed for solving UC in BES‐integrated MGs, while the uncertainties of demand, renewable generation and market price are considered and dealt with robust optimisation. UC is formulated as a multi‐objective optimisation problem whose objectives are MG operation cost and BES degradation. The resultant multi‐objective optimisation problem is converted into a single‐objective optimisation problem and the effect of weight factors on MG operation cost and BES lifecycle are investigated. The results show that by consideration of BES degradation in objective function, BES lifecycle increases from 350 to 500 and the minimum depth of charge increases from 5.5% to 34%; however, MG operation cost increases from $8717 to $8910.2. The results also show that by consideration of uncertainties, MG's operation cost increases by 8.22%.  相似文献   

应用锂离子电池进行储能已成为大容量储能技术研究的重点,但为保证电池组的可靠性、安全性、一致性及使用寿命,必须设计电池管理系统来对锂离子电池进行有效管理。本文提出了一种适用于大容量储能技术的锂离子电池管理系统,该管理系统采用分层采集和管理的方法,分别对单体电池、电池组和储能子系统进行管理。文章详述了分层管理系统的结构、功能和管理策略,其中着重介绍了单体电池数据采集功能、电池状态估计功能和均衡管理功能,并进行了实验验证,给出了实验结果分析。实验结果证明了该管理系统可以满足实际的大容量储能应用需求,可以实现锂离子电池的高精度状态估计功能和高效均衡控制策略,具有很好的应用前景,为后续产业化发展提供了一种技术和思路。  相似文献   

文章以传统车载式柴油发电机应急电源车为例,引出近年来其家族的新成员"移动储能式应急电源"车,着重介绍了具有静音及环保特征的锌溴液流储能电池式应急电源车,阐述了液流电池作为车载式应急电源存在的几个问题,如防震,应用方式等.以一个具体的工程应用为例,介绍了将锌溴液流电池与车载系统相配合的几个要点,完成了第一个基于液流电池的车载式应急电源的研制,并结合工程实践提出了存在的问题及未来的展望.  相似文献   

A battery energy storage system (BES) can provide fast active power compensation and hence it also can be used to improve the performance of the load frequency control. In this paper, the study is carried out on a single area model representing the whole power system considering generation rate constraint (GRC). An incremental model of BES is proposed and merged into the load frequency control of the power system. Optimum value of integral gain setting is obtained using integral squared technique (ISE). Dynamic responses of the system are presented with and without considering BES facility. Analysis reveals that BES improves the system performance significantly. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

储能技术发展概况研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
我国能源建设面临的主要问题有人均能源储备量少,能源开发利用设备和技术落后,环境污染严重等。因此,研究价值高、应用前景广阔的储能技术,已受到科技界和企业界的密切关注,成为国际能源界研究的热点之一。储能方式主要有物理储能、化学储能、电磁储能和相变储能四大类型,其中物理储能包括抽水蓄能、压缩空气储能、飞轮储能及高温熔岩等;化学储能包括铅酸、锂离子、钠硫和液流等电池储能;电磁储能包括超级电容储能、超导储能和超级电池;相变储能包括蓄热和蓄冷储能等。对储能技术进行分类介绍,对其工作原理、技术现状、发展前景及优缺点进行了讨论,为进一步研究储能技术提供参考。  相似文献   

A battery energy storage system (BESS) is usually integrated with a wind farm to smooth out its intermittent power in order to make it more dispatchable. This paper focuses on the development of a scheme to minimize the capacity of BESS in a distributed configuration using model predictive control theory and wind power prediction. The purpose to minimize the BESS capacity is to reduce the overall cost of the system as the capacity of BESS is the main cost driver. A new semi-distributed BESS scheme is proposed and the strategy is analyzed as a way of improving the suppression of the fluctuations in the wind farm power output. The scheme is tested for similar and dissimilar wind power profiles, where the turbines are geographically located closer and further from each other, respectively. These two power profiles are assessed under a variety of hard system constraints for both the proposed and conventional BESS configurations. Based on the simulation results validated with real-world wind farm data, it has been observed that the proposed semi-distributed BESS scheme results in the improved performance as compared with conventional configurations such as aggregated and distributed storage.  相似文献   

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