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针对竞争环境下短视和策略乘客并存时航空公司的定价问题,提出了价格展示和动态定价两种定价策略。通过建立价格展示和动态定价模型,分别求出了两航空公司的价格均衡及期望收益,并证明了在两种定价策略下竞争双方都存在纯策略价格均衡。最后比较了两种策略下航空公司的收益差异,发现:当短视乘客数量较多时,宜采用价格展示策略;而当供小于求时,动态定价策略更优。  相似文献   

随着电子产品迭代速度的不断加快,零售商为抢占市场和缓解资金压力,开始广泛采用溢价预售模式。此模式下,当消费者预售期购买时,会产生高价后悔;当消费者现货期购买时,可能会产生缺货后悔。在考虑这两种后悔行为基础上,研究了零售商预售模式下的联合定价与订货决策问题。研究表明,在高价后悔敏感度与缺货敏感度相差较大时,零售商采用预售更优;当零售商采用预售时,对比动态定价策略和价格承诺策略发现,动态定价各阶段价格更低,订货量更高,利润则是价格承诺更优;当零售商采用预售且价格承诺策略时,消费者的高价后悔敏感度与缺货后悔敏感度较接近时,若忽略消费者的后悔行为,零售商将会面临较大的利润损失。  相似文献   

李豪  彭庆 《工业工程》2015,18(5):87-92
为了分析在顾客到达率不确定且面临市场竞争的情况下,零售商如何通过需求学习来动态地调整价格,以达到收益最大化的目的,运用博弈理论和动态规划方法建立了多周期随机动态定价优化模型,分析了需求学习下的价格竞争均衡。研究表明,在竞争和需求学习的市场环境下,零售商的价格博弈存在均衡,且多个均衡价格存在时,各零售商的收益与均衡价格成正比。应用算例分析了需求学习的效果,求出了需求学习下零售商竞争的价格均衡,并得出一些管理启示。  相似文献   

研究了需求不确定且策略型消费者具有失望厌恶时,一个报童零售商在两个销售时期销售单一产品的情形。分析了策略型消费者具有失望厌恶时,其策略性购买行为以及零售商的定价、库存和利润将如何变化。此外,考虑了策略型消费者具有失望厌恶时,对零售商而言,价格承诺和非价格承诺何者最优的问题。结果表明:失望厌恶缓解了消费者的策略性购买行为,提高了零售商的价格、库存和利润;对于高利润产品,当失望厌恶水平较低时,零售商最优策略是价格承诺,反之,是不承诺价格;对于低利润产品,或者当失望厌恶水平较高时,零售商的最优策略是不承诺价格。  相似文献   

研究了需求不确定且策略型消费者具有失望厌恶时,一个报童零售商在两个销售时期销售单一产品的情形。分析了策略型消费者具有失望厌恶时,其策略性购买行为以及零售商的定价、库存和利润将如何变化。此外,考虑了策略型消费者具有失望厌恶时,对零售商而言,价格承诺和非价格承诺何者最优的问题。结果表明:失望厌恶缓解了消费者的策略性购买行为,提高了零售商的价格、库存和利润;对于高利润产品,当失望厌恶水平较低时,零售商最优策略是价格承诺,反之,是不承诺价格;对于低利润产品,或者当失望厌恶水平较高时,零售商的最优策略是不承诺价格。  相似文献   

互联网行业市场"赢家通吃"的特征,要求互联网平台企业所用定价策略,优先服务于平台获取消费者用户规模。鉴于此,构建了互联网平台企业双寡头竞争模型,考察不同定价策略下竞争均衡,探索部分零价格定价策略对消费者用户规模的维持效应,解析互联网平台企业实施部分零价格定价策略的动因及效果。研究发现:部分零价格定价策略以价格歧视方式,将消费者分为低支付意愿和高支付意愿两类群体,并为高支付意愿的消费者设置统一价格,为低支付意愿的消费者设置低于统一价格的歧视性价格或零价格。借此,弥合统一定价策略引致的消费者用户规模缺口,并隐蔽地增加平台利润,蚕食消费者剩余。  相似文献   

研究了航空公司引入中介商销售机制时的动态定价策略及该机制缓解乘客策略行为的效果。在乘客具有策略行为且估价服从均匀分布的情况下,通过建立航空公司和销售中介的两周期动态博弈模型,分析了二者的均衡定价策略,从收益的角度探讨了中介商销售机制的有效性。研究表明:当乘客对中介商的估价折扣位于某一范围时,中介商销售机制可以缓解乘客的策略行为对航空公司收益的影响,且具有实施的可行性。最后应用算例验证了理论分析结果,同时发现:中介商销售机制不能完全弥补乘客策略行为带来的损失;航空公司和中介商一定程度的竞争可能带来更高的收益。  相似文献   

平台定价的价格策略对于参与平台竞争的管理决策者们有重要的辅助作用,忠诚奖励与统一定价是两种各有侧重的定价策略.本文通过提出假设构建平台定价的两阶段动态模型,对比分析不同价格策略对平台定价及利润的影响,进而得出若干命题.研究结果表明,平台第二阶段的定价及顾客留购率与忠诚顾客奖励产生的内生性转移成本正相关.而统一定价模型的均衡结果显示,两阶段利润总和变化取决于外生转移成本和用户预期折现系数的大小.  相似文献   

针对考虑消费者选择行为的新产品与再制造品歧视性定价策略问题,通过构建制造商价格决策与消费者购买行为的三阶段动态博弈模型,研究了消费者选择行为和对再制造品的接受程度对最优价格决策、利润以及再制造率的影响,求解得制造商歧视性定价策略和消费者选择行为的子博弈完美均衡.结论表明:消费者行为不仅影响厂商歧视性定价策略与利润,还影...  相似文献   

在考虑参照价格和感知质量的基础上,构建了零售商自有品牌动态定价模型。针对不考虑参照效应的固定定价策略和考虑参照效应的动态定价策略两种情况分别进行了分析并得到了最优解。结果表明:当不考虑参照效应时,自有品牌的最优价格随着全国品牌价格、自有品牌感知质量、自有品牌生产成本系数、零售商对全国品牌收益分成比例的增大而增大;在考虑参照效应的动态定价策略下,参照价格和价格最终都会趋于稳态值;记忆系数、自有品牌感知质量和零售商对全国品牌收益分成比例的增大,将导致稳态价格和稳态参照价格的增大;参照效应系数和自有品牌历史价格权重系数的增大,将导致稳态价格和稳态参照价格的减小;当参照效应为正时,动态定价策略的收益大于固定定价策略的收益。  相似文献   

官振中  康怀飞 《工业工程》2023,26(1):1-7+40
建立随机需求下的两阶段销售模型,研究消费者高价后悔和缺货后悔对零售商定价与库存决策的影响,分析两种运营策略:价格承诺和快速响应。结果表明,高价(缺货)后悔加重(减轻)消费者策略性等待行为,零售商应降低(提高)定价并减少(增加)库存;价格承诺和快速响应均能缓解消费者策略性等待行为,但两者的价值受消费者预期后悔的影响相反;价格承诺仅在补货成本高于某个阈值且消费者预期后悔敏感度低于某个阈值时优于快速响应。  相似文献   

Consumers are susceptible to reference price effects when they make purchase decisions for a certain product. Meanwhile, the sales price and advertisement are the determinable factors that have impact on consumers’ reference price which are also fundamental marketing strategies. Therefore, how to determine an appropriate sales price and advertising effort level to maximise firms’ profits is an essential task. A joint pricing and advertising problem for a monopolistic firm with consideration of reference price effect is investigated, where consumer demand rate is price-sensitivity and depends on the gap between the sales price and the reference price in consumers’ mind. An optimisation model is established to maximise the firm’s total profit by making a joint pricing and advertising strategy. The static and dynamic joint strategies are obtained by applying Pontryagin’s maximum principle. Results show that the dynamic strategies dominate the static ones. Furthermore, the dynamic pricing and dynamic advertising strategies are strategic complements. Additionally, the length of the sales period plays a key role in determining the superiority of the two dynamic strategies. Specifically, a relatively short sales period highlights the value of the dynamic advertising while a long sales period strengthens the function of the dynamic pricing.  相似文献   

The study investigates two dynamic pricing strategies, namely posterior price matching (PM) and delay posterior price matching (DPM). These strategies are used by sellers to consider consumer behaviour in a market with several types of consumers. We analyze reduction season price, purchasing equilibrium and regular selling season price using equilibrium theory and backward induction method. A comparison of these two strategies indicates that both PM and DPM enable sellers to increase price in a regular selling season. Hassle cost and valuation differences between high- and low-end consumers influence the profits and decisions of the seller. PM is the best choice when valuations of low- and high-end consumers vary significantly. When the strategic consumer delaying fraction is small, the advantages of PM are more evident than those of DPM. However, DPM is the best choice when the difference between the valuations of low- and high-end consumers is small, and the strategic consumer delaying fraction is large. An increase in hassle cost also affects the seller’s strategy choice and profits; this effect decreases as strategic consumer delaying fraction increases.  相似文献   

研究了零售商信息分享对制造商承担企业社会责任(CSR)的影响,借助动态博弈论,构建了双方的Stackelberg博弈模型,并利用逆向归纳法解析得到供应链成员的信息分享及社会责任承担策略。研究发现,制造商承担CSR策略受到消费者对企业承担CSR行为的敏感程度、信息分享策略的影响。当消费者CSR敏感度较高或较低时,信息分享策略均不会影响制造商承担CSR的行为;当消费者CSR敏感度适中时,零售商会主动分享较大的不确定需求信息,引导制造商承担CSR,但竞争会削弱零售商分享信息的动机。  相似文献   

混合型消费者的短生命周期产品动态定价摘要: 研究了复杂市场环境下针对混合型消费者(策略型消费者和非策略型消费者并存)的一类短生命周期产品的动态定价问题,分析消费者与销售商间的博弈过程,确定了消费者的最优购买决策。建立不同时刻的需求模型,并对消费行为进行了分析。以销售商总体收益最大化为目标,确定了两阶段的最优价格策略。  相似文献   

张念  李诗杨  姜林  蹇洁 《工业工程》2019,22(5):32-42
为了研究消费者的预期后悔对产品创新换代供应链的影响,构建了制造商领导(M)、销售商领导(R)及无领导(N)3种供应链博弈模型。针对不同领导市场,采用了理论比较和数值仿真分析了预期后悔、状态概率、创新属性及价值贬值率与均衡价格和系统利润的关系。研究表明如下。1) 面对预期后悔的消费者时,创新品仍有吸引力,无领导结构仍然更加有利于消费者;面对高满足状态的消费者时,创新品可采用“撇脂定价策略”。2) 实施持续换代的产品计划时,企业为长期发展应采取“适度创新策略”,当创新属性超过阈值时,对创新品采取“撇脂定价策略”;当产品贬值快时,对现任品采取“撇脂定价策略”,创新品采取“渗透定价策略”。  相似文献   

The express delivery industry is often overloaded in some hot online selling seasons, which causes consumers’ dissatisfaction. Under such a circumstance, the e-retailer can utilise two opposite strategies, i.e. to set-up either a low price with a pre-announced markdown pricing (PMDP) strategy, or a high price with a pre-announced markup pricing (PMUP) strategy for the hot selling period. As both the prices and the express service quality are different between the regular period and the hot selling period, consumers can strategically choose their purchase time, which will in turn influences the e-retailer’s pricing strategy. To investigate under what condition one pricing strategy will dominate the other, we propose a two period pricing model in which the selling season are divided into regular and hot selling period, and all consumers are assumed to be strategic. The e-retailer determines the prices over the two kinds of periods to maximise its profit. The comparison shows that a PMUP (resp. PMDP) strategy is preferred when the overloading degree in the hot selling period is slight (resp. heavy). Furthermore, we extend our model by incorporating the competition of traditional retailers.  相似文献   

消费者网络购物对运费的认知和商家的偏好存在差异。通过消费者的购买行为分析和效用函数的刻画,研究网络零售商在进行产品与运费联合定价时捆绑定价和分割定价的优化决策问题。讨论商家之间价格竞争的组合形式,提出最优定价存在的情形选项,论证价格决策的边界和适用条件,揭示商家之间采用捆绑定价的对称竞争均衡具有稳定性,及其不同均衡条件下商家利润的相对大小规律。研究结论表明,价格决策的选项取决于商家的产品成本高低,在产品成本给定的条件下,每种价格决策的边界依赖于市场中消费者的属性特征,即运费存怀疑的消费者比例,以及消费者对商家的偏好程度。  相似文献   

Price differentiation over time is an additional policy that firms might consider when determining prices for perishable products. The common policy of a fixed price regardless of freshness might result in leaving some expired inventory unsold. Price differentiation can impact the demand for perishable products, which declines as the expiration date approaches. We develop an optimisation model with the goal of evaluating the monetary effectiveness of the strategy of simultaneously combining price discrimination across heterogeneous consumers with price differentiation over time for perishable inventory under separable multiplicative demand factors of price and time. Necessary optimality equations are derived, and their solutions are proved to constitute a unique global optimal solution. It is proved that an optimal pricing policy is to implement price discrimination with respect to consumers’ sensitivity to freshness, while dynamically changing the price over time, starting with a lower price at the early stages of the product’s shelf life and increasing it at a later stage. The monetary benefit that the retailer and consumer can derive from the suggested pricing policy is evaluated by comparing the model to other models in which price discrimination or dynamic pricing are not implemented. A numerical example that illustrates the significance is introduced. From the analysis of a numerical illustration of the model, it is concluded that a dynamic price discrimination policy can be approximated by an identical-to-all dynamic pricing policy in order to maximise the retailer’s profit and thus, mitigate the retailer’s risk from failing in the process of implementing price discrimination.  相似文献   

文章以杭州市四所大学的270名大学生为样本,以手机购买行为为问卷调查的情境,实证研究了在中国背景下消费者后悔情绪对购买后投诉、转换行为的影响以及关系质量(满意、信任、承诺)在此关系中的缓冲作用。结果显示,消费者后悔情绪与投诉、转换行为都显著正相关;信任与承诺是后悔与转换行为间关系的缓冲变量。从而说明,消费者对购买决策感到后悔就将采取投诉行为或转换品牌、商家,而若消费者对商家有着较高的信任或承诺,就将降低后悔引发的投诉、转换行为倾向。  相似文献   

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