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Various parameter estimates were assessed at housing in calves that had been exposed to gastrointestinal nematodes during a first grazing season. The analysis involved 41 groups of first grazing season (FGS) calves on 15 different farms in Belgium and comprised groups that had received chemoprophylactic treatment and untreated controls. Serum pepsinogen levels gave the clearest division between chemoprophylactic-treated calf groups (all were <2.6 U tyr), and untreated calf groups in which sub-clinical (range: 2.0-4.1 U tyr) and clinical infections (range 3.7-6.3 U tyr) occurred. There was also a tight relationship between individual pepsinogen values and adult Ostertagia burdens obtained at slaughter. In chemoprophylactic-treated groups there was a significant negative relationship between mean serum pepsinogen levels at housing and the proportion of the grazing season covered by different chemoprophylactic systems. Although only limited data on crude adult Ostertagia antigen ELISA were available, a good relationship between optical densities and estimated exposure was also found. The parasitological parameters, faecal egg counts and pasture Ostertagia larval counts at housing, and weight gain per day, gave less clear divisions among the three categories (chemoprophylaxis, sub-clinical and clinical). Distinguishing how much exposure a calf group has experienced during a first grazing season could help in designing more appropriate control measures for the FGS calves in the next year, assuring good protection and at the same time allowing sufficient exposure for the development of acquired immunity to Ostertagia, and for this serum pepsinogen is recommended.  相似文献   

Research on the prevention of gastrointestinal nematode infections of cattle has mainly concentrated on comparing a specific chemoprophylactic treatment system to an untreated control group on a particular farm. Here, the results from analysis of 85 studies involving over 2000 first grazing season (FGS) calves put onto pasture for at least 4 months from late spring/early summer over a 26-year period in 13 countries in Western Europe are presented. Both control and chemoprophylactic treated FGS calf groups were considered. All chemoprophylactic systems (slow- and pulse-release boli, strategic treatments) were given early in the grazing season. Two general infection levels emerged--'sub-clinical' (32 studies) and 'clinical' (53 studies). The 'sub-clinical' infections were characterised by no clinical symptoms of parasitic gastroenteritis (PGE) being observed in the control groups. Mean faecal egg counts in the 'clinical' control groups were significantly higher than those for 'sub-clinical' control groups for almost the entire season with overall peaks of 275 and 100 EPG respectively. Maximum pasture larval counts were also significantly higher in the 'clinical' control groups with 44% of 'clinical' pastures > 10,000 L3 kg(-1) dry herbage by the end of the FGS, compared to only 15% of 'sub-clinical' pastures. There was a significant positive relationship between log transformed worm burdens from tracers put onto pastures for 2 weeks and the corresponding pasture larval count. No evidence of density dependence in tracer worm burden was observed. Weight gains in the 'clinical' control groups (375 g/day) were significantly lower than those of the 'sub-clinical' control groups (530 g/day). No symptoms of PGE were observed in any of the chemoprophylactic treated groups, but in those studies with an outbreak of PGE in the control group, the treated groups had significantly higher faecal egg and pasture larval counts than treated groups in 'sub-clinical' studies. The overall weight gain in chemoprophylactic treated calves in 'clinical' studies (600 g/day) was significantly lower than the chemoprophylactic treated calves in 'sub-clinical' studies (690 g/day), and was not significantly different from the weight gain of control calves in 'sub-clinical' studies. These results indicate that on heavily infected pastures, chemoprophylaxis will prevent PGE, but calves will still suffer production losses.  相似文献   

Four studies were conducted to a similar experimental design in the U.S. to evaluate the effectiveness of doramectin injectable administered to yearling stocker cattle in the control of gastrointestinal nematodiasis over the subsequent grazing period. Studies were conducted in Wisconsin (WI) and Arkansas (AR) during the summer season. The other two studies were conducted in Georgia (GA) and Mississippi (MS) during the winter/spring season. Doramectin was compared with both ivermectin injectable and ivermectin pour-on in the WI study, with ivermectin injectable alone in the GA study and with ivermectin pour-on alone in the other two studies. At each study site, an area of permanent pasture previously grazed by parasitized animals was subdivided by fencing into equal pasture units each with its own water supply. A treatment designation (non-medicated control, doramectin injectable, ivermectin injectable or ivermectin pour-on) was randomly assigned to each pasture unit. Weaned beef calves with confirmed gastrointestinal nematode infections were randomly allotted to a pasture unit and corresponding treatment group. Each treatment group consisted of three replicates of seven animals per pasture unit (total 21 animals) in the WI study, three replicates of four or six animals per pasture unit (total 16 animals) in the AR study, five replicates of six animals per pasture unit (total 30 animals) in the GA study and three replicates of 12 animals per pasture unit (total 36 animals) in the MS study. Treatments were 1% doramectin injectable solution, 1% ivermectin injectable solution, 0.5% ivermectin pour-on solution or non-medicated controls. The injectables were administered at a dose of 1 ml/50 kg body weight (200 micrograms doramectin or ivermectin/kg) by subcutaneous injection in the neck. Ivermectin pour-on solution was administered topically at a dose of 1 ml/10 kg body weight (500 micrograms ivermectin/kg). After receiving their prescribed treatment, animals were placed on their designated pasture unit where they remained for the entire grazing period (84-140 days). Fecal nematode egg counts and body weights were monitored at predetermined intervals throughout each study. Doramectin treatment reduced pretreatment egg counts by between 95 and 100% by 21 days post-treatment. Subsequent rises in egg output from exposure to infective pastures were delayed by two to four weeks resulting in substantial reductions in total egg deposition over the grazing period and, therefore, potential pasture recontamination. Doramectin treatment resulted in substantial average daily weight gain advantages (0.152-0.272 kg) over the grazing season compared to non-medicated controls. Advantages were statistically significant (P < 0.05) in three of the four studies. There were no significant differences (P > 0.05) in average daily gain between the doramectin and ivermectin injectable or ivermectin pour-on treated groups.  相似文献   

Two groups of second grazing season cattle, which had been treated with an ivermectin-sustained-release bolus (ISRB) in their first grazing season, were monitored during consecutive years (1995 and 1996) on the same second grazing season pasture. In the preceding year (1994), this pasture had been grazed by yearlings that had not received chemoprophylaxis in their first grazing season. The objectives of the study were, firstly, to investigate whether the chemoprophylactic-treated yearlings were less resistant to gastrointestinal nematodes upon subsequent exposure, and hence excreted more strongyle eggs compared to the control yearlings; secondly, whether an increased susceptibility of the previously treated animals resulted in a yearly increase of the pasture infestation on the second grazing season pasture; and finally, whether this affected the second year weight gain of the animals. In 1996, the yearlings that had been chemoprophylactic-treated in 1995 excreted higher numbers of nematode eggs, compared to the previously 'untreated' yearlings. In addition, the proportion of Cooperia larvae was markedly higher in the faecal cultures from the chemoprophylactic treated-animals, suggesting a negative effect of preventive treatment with an ISRB on the acquired resistance of the animals. However, there was no evidence that the slightly higher egg output in the previously treated yearlings had an effect on the larval contamination of the second grazing season pasture. A significant yearly decrease in the second season average daily weight gains was observed, but it could not be inferred from the results of the parasitological parameters that the differences in second year growth were caused by different levels of resilience between chemoprophylactic-treated and -untreated animals. As the study covered three consecutive second grazing seasons, an effect of differences between years (e.g. in weather conditions or grass growth) on the results cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

The susceptibility of two common breeds of cattle in the Pyrenees, Brown Swiss and Pyrenean breed, to parasitism by gastrointestinal nematodes was studied. Twenty-two female calves (13 Brown Swiss and 9 Pyrenean), 3 months old with a mean weight of 112.8 +/- 18.33 and 103.3 +/- 17.11 kg respectively at the start of the study, were used. The calves began their first grazing season grazing with 200 cattle following the traditional grazing system for mountainous areas: Stabling during winter (December-April), grazing on harvesting meadows at an elevation of 900 m in the spring (May-June) and autumn (October-November), and grazing areas between 1200-2100 m during the summer (July-September). Faeces, blood samples and calves growth rate were taken at 2-week intervals throughout the grazing season. Faecal egg counts of gastrointestinal nematodes, level of serum pepsinogen, total serum protein and blood parameters were measured. The worm egg counts and Cooperia sp. counts were significantly smaller in the calves of Pyrenean breed than in Brown Swiss throughout the experiment. Numbers of eggs of the other genera of parasites found were smaller in the calves of Pyrenean breed than in calves of Brown Swiss breed, but no statistical differences were found. Blood was compared during two periods: the prepatent and patent periods. During the first period, no differences were found between the breeds for any parameter studied. However, during the patent period, Pyrenean animals had significantly greater numbers of erythrocytes, haemoglobin values and packed cell volume (PCV) values, and smaller numbers of eosinophils than animals of the Brown Swiss breed. No differences were found in the level of serum pepsinogen, total serum protein and live weight gains between the two breeds.  相似文献   

In spite of a part of unavoidable subjectivity, it seems that the use of antidepressive, anxiolytic and hypnotic agents has increased over the past years, but with a certain recent stabilization in the consumption of benzodiazepines. A slipping towards the medicalization of problems yet principally social is generally admitted. The following factors are specially considered: the type of request of the person, often dominated by a behaviour of "relieved" people; the medical answers, frequently marked with a preferential if not exclusive rest on the chemical molecule; the financial limitations imposed by the national level, very probable indirect origin of changes in the medical status and role, therefore of distortions concerning the therapeutic relation; a contrario, marketing phenomena involved in large economic challenges. In front of that conflict situation, we must hope for a keeping of the liberty of exercise of the physician, for the benefit of the patient.  相似文献   

This paper tracks access, utilization, and costs of mental health care for a private employer over nine years during which mental health benefits were carved out of the medical plan and managed care was introduced. Prior to the carve-out, mental health costs increased by around 30 percent annually; in the first year after the change, costs dropped by more than 40 percent; in the six follow-up years, costs continued to decline slowly. This cost reduction was not attributable to decreased initial access, as the number of persons using any mental health care increased following the change. Instead, the cost reduction was the result of (1) fewer outpatient sessions per user, (2) reduced probability of an inpatient admission, (3) reduced length-of-stay for an inpatient episode, and (4) substantially lower costs per unit of service.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Slow potentials appearing during simple repetitive acral limb movement were investigated. Twenty-six patients suffering from drug resistant partial epilepsies and explored with implanted intracerebral electrodes were examined using two protocols. METHODS: In 18 patients, readiness potential (RP), in 13 patients contingent negative variation (CNV), and in 7 patients both protocols, were tested. The recordings from leads with evident pathological EEG activity were excluded from evaluation. The results concerning the slow potentials preceding the movements in RP and CNV protocols have already been published. RESULTS: The movement-accompanying slow potentials (MASP) were polyphasic or monophasic, started before or during the movement. In the primary motor cortex they followed the pre-movement potentials depending on the protocol: in the RP paradigm they were present only contralateral to the movement, but were bilateral in the CNV protocol. In other areas they either followed the potentials preceding the movement, in some cases with opposite polarity, or they occurred alone. MASP was recorded in motor and supplementary motor, premotor and prefrontal, midtemporal, somatosensory, superior parietal and cingular cortices. The cingular cortex was heavily involved in the self-paced movements but rarely in the cued movements. CONCLUSION: The major involvement of the cingular gyrus contrasted with the absence of slow potentials in temporal limbic structures. MASP is evidently a heterogenic phenomenon. Its genesis could be involved in a spread of information through the relevant structures.  相似文献   

A prospective, double-blinded crossover study was carried out to test whether a brief course of antibiotic therapy could eliminate bacteria adherent to uroepithelial cells and thus prolong the interval between urinary tract infections (UTIs). Thirty-two women with frequent Gram-negative urinary tract infections were randomized to receive either co-trimoxazole or enoxacin twice a day for 10 days to treat their UTI. Their urines were collected for 30 days after the onset of their UTI and quantitatively analyzed for bacteria, antibiotics, and bacteria adherent to uroepithelial cells (UECs). A subsequent infection caused the patient to be treated with the alternative antibiotic. A third infection terminated the study. Both regimens were indistinguishable in the rate of elimination of bacteria and in their inhibition of bacterial adherence to UECs for up to five days after stopping treatment. The interval between infections was inversely correlated with the number of adherent bacteria per UEC 30 days after the onset of the first UTI. Both regimens were equally effective in preventing subsequent UTI and the effect of 10 days therapy on the inhibition of bacterial adherence to UEC's did not extend beyond five days after stopping treatment.  相似文献   

There is presently a lack of well conducted clinical trials demonstrating any significant benefits of probiotics in humans. With the exception of diarrhoea due to rotavirus infection in children there is little evidence from randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled studies that bacterial probiotics have a significant beneficial action in preventing diarrhoea of any cause. The yeast Saccharomyces boulardii has been shown to be of benefit in the prevention of antibiotic-associated diarrhoea but not in preventing infection with Clostridium difficile. S. boulardii may also be of benefit in preventing relapse of C. difficile infection. Because of the simplicity of in vitro systems and some animal models, beneficial characteristics of probiotics such as the ability of bacteria to bind to epithelial surfaces are not always transferable to humans. Thus any postulated benefit from consumption of probiotic bacteria should only be accepted as fact after testing in clinical studies. This review outlines our present knowledge of the mode of action of probiotics and presents the data from clinical trials on their use.  相似文献   

The authors propose a comprehensive approach to laboratory diagnosis of seasonal transmissible infections, based on modern methods permitting etiological deciphering of disease. A universal diagnostic algorithm notably accelerated the laboratory diagnosis due to cutting the period between collection of material from a patient and consecutive screening for antibodies to agents of tick-borne encephalitis, Lyme disease, and California encephalitis.  相似文献   

The proteasome activator PA28 or 11S regulator is a protein complex composed of two different but homologous polypeptides, termed PA28alpha and PA28beta. The purified activator protein (approximately 200 kDa) is a ring-shaped heteromultimer containing the two polypeptides, possibly with an (alpha3beta3 stoichiometry. The activator, which by itself shows no hydrolytic activity elicits activation of the proteasome's multiple peptidase activities by binding to the terminal rings of the proteinase. In vitro, active PA28 can be reconstituted from isolated alpha and beta subunits, yielding two different oligomers: with the single alpha subunit, PA28alpha homomultimers with moderate stimulatory activity toward 20S proteasomes are obtained whereas isolated beta-subunits are unable to form oligomers and are devoid of stimulatory activity. However, in the presence of both subunits, alphabeta heteromultimers form, concomitant with restoration of full stimulatory activity. The recent finding that PA28 modulates the proteasome-catalyzed production of antigenic peptides presented to the immune system on MHC class I molecules indicates a cellular function of the activator in antigen processing.  相似文献   

Electromechanical dissociation (EMD) occurred in a 20-year-old woman 48 hours after an overdose of atenolol, despite intensive treatment of the beta-blocker poisoning (gastric lavage, charcoal, glucagon, epinephrine, atropine, correction of electrolyte abnormalities, administration of fluids, cardiac pacing, and mechanical ventilation). Administration of calcium chloride during EMD repeatedly restored blood pressure. Therefore it may have a role to play in management of atenolol overdose.  相似文献   

CT analysis was performed to evaluate change in the anterior mediastinal fat (AMF) after lobectomy and differences in AMF in the lobectomized region. In 67 carcinoma patients who underwent lobectomy, the area and volume of AMF were measured on CT before and after surgery. Mediastinal deviation after lobectomy was also correlated to the altered fat tissue. The postoperative AMF distribution was distinctly changed in the left upper lobectomy (LUL) group, showing a marked increase from the infra-aortic arch to the carina level, with converse decreases in upper and lower slices. No significant post-operative change was noted in total AMF volume. There was a close correlation between changes in AMF area and mediastinal deviation after lobectomy, and postoperative mediastinal deviation was also greater the in the LUL group than in any other group. In conclusion, postoperative change in the AMF area was distinctly different in the LUL group. Redistribution of displaced AMF is considered to be the main cause of seemingly increased fat tissue.  相似文献   

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