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美国的住房抵押贷款形式吴新建住房抵押贷款就是购房者在借款时必须以所购住宅作为抵押品,在还清金融机构贷款本息之前,金融机构对抵押品有处置权。抵押贷款在美国是传统的,占主导地位的信贷方式。在美国各家商业银行四种主要贷款中,抵押贷款占1/4,其中住房抵押贷... 相似文献
目前,中国全国空置的商品房几近7000万平方米,积压资金1000多亿元;而与此同时,全国城镇仍有550多万户住房困难户。广厦千万间,寒士怎欢颜?笔者认为,"购房天然靠按揭",但是中国按揭的现状不容乐观,问题颇多。美国是世界上住房抵押贷款业务开展最早、最发达的国家。美国住房抵押贷款业务的成功经验,对中国或许有所启迪。借鉴国外经验,在政府的大力扶持下,形成并完善按揭制度,银行、保险、证券三业并举,建设完整的按揭市场体系,是激活中国的房产市场,孕育新的经济增长点的关键。 相似文献
我国住房抵押贷款证券化的试点已正式启动,住房抵押贷款证券化对促进直接融资发展和金融市场完善具有重要意义。为了加快住房抵押贷款证券化在中国的推进,本文建议推进住房贷款品种方式的多样化和标准化,积极防范住房抵押贷款证券化的政策和法律风险、提前偿付风险和违约风险,进一步明确住房抵押贷款证券的性质,建立住房抵押贷款证券的风险定价标杆,打造完善住房抵押贷款证券的市场平台。 相似文献
他山之石,可以攻玉。本文试图介绍美国、加拿大、英国、德四、日本等发达国家的住房抵押贷款制度,以期对逐步建立起适合我国国情的住房抵押贷款制度。有所借鉴。 1 美国住房抵押贷款 美国的住房抵押贷款十分发达,方式多样而灵活。 1.1 美国住房抵押贷款的主要方式 1.1.1 可调整抵押贷款 这种贷款的放贷金融机构,可以根据市场利率上升而相应的按规定的公开指数调整,而且还可以调整每期付款的金额或还款期限,但要在调整之前30至45天内通知借款人。借款人可以接受新的贷款条件,也可以另筹资金,提前偿还贷款本息。 1.1.2 可变利率抵押贷款 相似文献
我国住房抵押贷款保险市场的缺陷与完善 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
我国住房抵押贷款保险市场目前存在着险种不足,保险金额确定不合理,保险费率过高,保费设计不合理等缺陷,保险市场的功能还很不足。因此需要从宏观层面的制度创新和微观层面的操作合理化来完善我国住房抵押贷款保险市场。 相似文献
<正>住房抵押贷款证券化(Residential Mortgage-Backed Security,RMBS)在美国次贷危机中起到了推波助澜的作用,RMBS及其层层创新而出的金融衍生品将危机的影响扩散至全球范围,引发全球金融危机。 相似文献
发展住房抵押贷款的思考蔡琳●毛治住房抵押贷款,亦称住宅抵押贷款,是指商品房抵押人(即借款人或第三人)向抵押权人(即贷款银行)提供房地产(抵押物:商品房所有权与土地使用权)作为还款保证,由抵押权人向抵押人提供贷款,当抵押人不能按期偿还贷款本息时,由抵押... 相似文献
本文通过对于在我国推行住房抵押贷款证券化的必要性、可行性和现实性的分析和探讨 ,还对证券化的运作机制构造了一个模式 ,并对我国的现状提出一些要求 ,所有这些 ,使我们有理由相信 ,随着经济的发展 ,住房抵押贷款证券化最终会在我国发展起来。 相似文献
上世纪80年代.美国因为出现“房子富翁.现金穷人”.于是住房“反向抵押贷款”便应运而生.并逐渐成为许多老年人住房所有者的绝佳金融产品。住房“反向抵押贷款”即通常意义上所说的“倒按揭”养老方式.近年来开始进入国人视线。 相似文献
本文在回顾笔者参与保障性住房设计竞赛获奖作品的基础上,分析获奖方案精细化、人性化的设计理念,简要介绍户型的可能性拓展方案和相关技术的应用。 相似文献
James R. Dunn 《Housing Studies》2000,15(3):341-366
To date, relatively little research has systematically investigated relationships and pathways between housing, socio-economic status, and health status. At the same time, there is a growing awareness that one of the most important research needs in health inequalities scholarship is to better elucidate those pathways by which differences in socio-economic status manifest in everyday life, and produce, at the aggregate level, the systematic social gradient in health observed in all industrialised countries of the world. Existing 'population health' research on health inequalities provides evidence of the influence of four key factors upon health: social support, workplace organisation, income inequalities, and life course factors. This material is reviewed in the first section of the paper. The second section reviews the existing literature on housing and health, and finds little work that explicitly investigates housing as a factor in the social production of health inequalities. By extension and analogy, the final section shows, each of the four emphases in health inequalities can be translated into a fruitful, substantive research issue for housing and health research. 相似文献
中国的住宅建设需要走工业化、生产化的道路,发展钢结构住宅是最容易实现产业化的方式之一,文章以多个实际工程的设计及实践,阐述钢结构住宅是住宅产业今后的发展方向。 相似文献
Chyi Lin Lee 《Housing Studies》2014,29(8):1073-1095
Declining homeownership rates as observed in many western countries have direct and indirect implications for the broader economy; hence, governments have been seeking an effective solution to address this decline. One of the major challenges is the decline in overall homeownership rates with an increasing proportion of households deciding to rent rather than purchase. However, it is surprising that the impact on the housing market following the introduction of a first-time housing subsidy scheme has received relatively little attention. This study addresses this knowledge gap by examining the relationship between (1) housing market intervention based on first-time owner subsidies in a global city and (2) the level of house price volatility in the broader market. For example, the Australian government has implemented different policies designed to ease housing stress among first-time buyers; one high-profile policy was the First-time buyer Grant or First Home Owner Grant (FHOG) in which a cash payment or subsidy is given to new first-time buyers as a direct incentive. Based on a case study approach, an analysis is undertaken of the first-time buyer policy where an innovative approach using the E-GARCH model is employed to assess the effect of the scheme on the housing market. The findings indicated that the FHOG scheme offered a stabilisation effect on the housing market. In addition, there is evidence to support implementation of the FHOG scheme as an effective scheme to enhance housing affordability of first-time buyers. The findings offer a rare insight into the effectiveness of the FHOG scheme in enhancing housing affordability and also maintaining price stabilisation in the broader housing market. 相似文献
In 1988 the Victorian government published Victoria: Trading on Achievement, a long term urban development framework for future growth. An inter-developmental committee was then established to undertake a wide-ranging strategic study entitled Urban Centres- A Regional Development Program for Victoria. 相似文献
Peter K. Mackie 《Housing Studies》2012,27(6):805-821
Most studies of disabled young people's housing experiences focus on structural constraints, with little attention given to the role of young people themselves in shaping their housing biographies. Using Clapham's (2002) housing pathways framework, this paper reflects on new empirical data to examine interactions between structure, agency and wider discourses in the housing pathways of disabled young people. The paper develops a typology of disabled young people's housing pathways, consisting of direct, staged and return pathways to independent living. Within each of these pathways, young people face key challenges of deciding to leave, finding suitable accommodation and maintaining their accommodation. The research identifies some of the complex interconnected factors that shape the ways young people negotiate these challenges and in doing so key messages emerge for policy makers and practitioners. Moreover, the paper not only informs policy and practice but also responds to questions that have recently been asked of the pathways framework and social constructionism more generally. 相似文献
在预应力多孔板楼面上增设梁,来承担楼面新增的线荷载。该施工方法实用、可靠,安全、经济地实施了加固处理,满足了使用功能需要。 相似文献