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This paper describes a resource broker whose main function is to match available resources to user needs. The resource broker provides a uniform interface for accessing available and appropriate resources via user credentials. We also focus on providing approximate measurement models for network-related information using NWS for future scheduling and benchmarking. We first propose a network measurement model for gathering network-related information (including bandwidth, latency, forecasting, error rates, etc.) without generating excessive system overhead. Second, we constructed a grid platform using Globus Toolkit that integrates the resources of five schools in Taichung integrated grid environment resources (TIGER). The resource broker runs on top of TIGER. Therefore, it provides security and current information about available resources and serves as a link to the diverse systems available in the Grid.
Sung-Yi ChenEmail:

The current representatives of Grid systems are Globus and Web services, however, they have poor scalability and single point failure. It is these two factors which make the building of an improved P2P and grid hybrid framework for resource management and task schedule such a popular research topic. This paper differs from current research because it puts forward an Information Pool Based Grid Architecture (IPBGA), which is a real sense hybrid of P2P and grid instead of only introducing P2P methods into grid systems for resource management. Based on virtualizations, abstract physical resources and tasks to be, the information requests from resources for tasks and appeals from tasks for resources are upgraded as information services by using an information pool protocol (IPP). Thus, grid resource management and task scheduling are regarded as information matching by IPP which is adaptive to the heterogeneous, dynamic, and distributed characteristics of a grid system. Tri-Information Center (Tri-IC) and source ranking mechanisms are presented in IPP to improve robustness, prevent sybil attack, and to discourage free riding. Experiments and theory analysis show that the IPP of the IPBGA is more efficient and robust in dealing with information while both the bandwidth and process costs are less.
Yi PanEmail:

目前把网格分为两类:计算网格和数据网格。计算网格目标在于通过大量计算节点的协作来减少应用程序的执行时问。数据网格提供解决大量数据管理的问题的方法。目前网格文件传输软件例如Grid FTP使用Client/Server结构,在性能和结构上存在问题。将网格和P2P结合起来,提出一种新的非集中式的、高效的数据网格文件管理协议。  相似文献   

The computational grid is rapidly evolving into a service-oriented computing infrastructure that facilitates resource sharing for solving large-scale data and computationally intensive problems. Peer-to-peer (P2P) systems have emerged as an infrastructure enabling technologies for enhanced scalability and reliability in file sharing and content distribution. It is envisioned that P2P enabled service-oriented grid systems would virtualize various resources as services with high scalability and reliability. Many legacy software resources exist nowadays, but making them grid aware services for effective resource sharing has become an issue of vital importance. This paper presents GSLab, a toolkit for automatically wrapping legacy software into services that can be published, discovered and reused in grid environments. GSLab employs Sun Grid Engine (SGE) to enhance its performance in execution of wrapped services. Using GSLab, we have automatically wrapped a legacy computer animation rendering code written in C as a service that can be discovered and accessed in a SGE environment. The evaluation results show that the performance of GSLab improves with an increase in the number of computing nodes involved.
Nick AntonopoulosEmail:

网格计算是下一代互联网的应用模式,网格中间件是网格系统的核心.该文通过对网格计算本质的探讨提出了网格中间件的设计准则,并依照此准则提出了一种新颖的采用P2P技术的基于Agent的网格中间件实现,满足了网格计算对于自适应性、可扩展性和用户Pervasive接入的需求.  相似文献   

This paper introduces ontology metric algorithm of web GIS in P2P environment, and proposes an infrastructure of web GIS services (WGServices) based on ontology, which is the integration of agents and Web services. We also designed a prototype of the WGServices and did some experiments. The experiment results show that the algorithm can improve the recall rate of web GIS services find from websites.  相似文献   

This article presents an enhanced platform that provides a friendly environment of developing grid services and accessing grid services over Globus Toolkit 3 (GT3). This platform includes a class of functions for processing parameters input from a developer via GUI, a class of functions for generating files required for defining a grid service specified, and a class of functions for creating client program and facilitating accesses of the deployed services. As a result, the development and access of grid services requires less special expert knowledge of a developer at the server side and users at the client side, the efficiency of developing and accessing grid services can be improved. This paper describes our design ideas, necessary functions, and implementations. The comparisons with other related toolkits are given and the extended version of the platform on top of the web service environment rather than GT3.
Jianhua MaEmail:

广域网虚拟平台:网格计算和对等计算的融合   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
近几年,分布式计算领域出现了两个研究热点:网格计算(Grid Computing)和对等计算(PeertoPeer Computing)。网格计算和对等计算以不同的方法组织大规模分布式的资源,包括计算能力、存储资源和带宽等。两者的研究领域有一定的重叠,又有很好的互补性,融合将是必然趋势。我们构想了一个广域网虚拟平台,全世界的计算机连接成一个整体,任何人随时随地都可以得到所需的资源和服务。正是这一理想,驱动着网格计算和对等计算技术的快速进步。  相似文献   

This paper presents the design of a new system architecture, Virtual Service Grid (VSG), for delivering high‐performance network services. The VSG is based on the concept of the virtual service which provides location, replication, and fault transparency to clients accessing remotely deployed high‐end services. One of the novel features of the virtual service is the ability to self‐scale in response to client demand. The VSG exploits network and service information to make adaptive dynamic replica selection, creation, and deletion decisions. We describe the VSG architecture, middleware, and replica management policies. We have deployed the VSG on a wide‐area Internet testbed to evaluate its performance. The results indicate that the VSG can deliver efficient performance for a wide range of client workloads, both in terms of reduced response time and in the utilization of system resources. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

针对现有数字图书馆网格系统中存在的瓶颈、低扩展性及节点自主性差等问题,引入P2P自组织管理策略,用P2P和网格技术互补特性及自主性管理策略来弥补这些缺陷。首先提出一个基于P2P自组织的三层数字图书馆网格结构模型;然后分析模型的体系结构并对主要模块的功能进行了详细的介绍;最后通过数字图书馆网格体系结构的Petri net描述方法对模型进行了评价。  相似文献   

We consider non-preemptively scheduling a bag of independent mixed tasks (hard, firm and soft) in computational grids. Based upon task type, we construct a novel generalized distributed scheduler (GDS) for scheduling tasks with different priorities and deadlines. GDS is scalable and does not require knowledge of the global state of the system. It is composed of several phases: a multiple attribute ranking phase, a shuffling phase, and a task-resource matched peer to peer dispatching phase. Results of exhaustive simulation demonstrate that with respect to the number of high-priority tasks meeting deadlines, GDS outperforms existing approaches by 10%–25% without degrading schedulability of other tasks. Indeed, with respect to the total number of schedulable tasks meeting deadlines, GDS is slightly better. Thus, GDS not only maximizes the number of mission-critical tasks meeting deadlines, but it does so without degrading the overall performance. The results have been further confirmed by examining each component phase of GDS. Given that fully known global information is time intensive to obtain, the performance of GDS is significant. GDS is highly scalable both in terms of processors and number of tasks—indeed it provides superior performance over existing algorithms as the number of tasks increase. Also, GDS incorporates a shuffle phase that moves hard tasks ahead improving their temporal fault tolerance. Furthermore, since GDS can handle mixed task types, it paves the way to open the grid to make it amenable for commercialization. The complexity of GDS is O(n2m)O(n2m) where nn is the number of tasks and mm the number of machines.  相似文献   

高阳  张红宇  马华 《计算机应用研究》2009,26(10):3774-3777
针对当前再制造生产的特点和实际需求,设计了一种面向再制造信息共享的P2P网络模型ReMIS。为适应再制造网络的高度动态性,模型采用基于自然簇和主题簇构成的两层混合结构,上层由主题对等体组成结构化的主题网络,下层由普通对等体组成P2P网络。ReMIS采用基于主题簇的资源分类和检索机制,能够确保在处理海量再制造资源信息的检索请求时具有较高的路由性能和查询性能,并能减少再制造生产中的词汇语义冲突;同时,发布/订阅机制的应用使再制造企业获取实时信息成为可能。相关性能分析表明,ReMIS网络是高效可行的,可以适应再  相似文献   

提出了一种基于P2P网络局部信息的负载平衡算法,该算法依赖于局部网络的负载信息,并在局部网络内部进行负载迁移使整个系统达到负载平衡状态。理论分析和实验数据均表明,该算法可在网络传输存在限制的条件下,尽快地使系统到达平衡状态。基于局部负载信息与基于全局负载信息的负载平衡效果几乎相同,而前者的时间复杂度远低于后者,特别是在节点较多的P2P网络中。同时由于在局部网络内进行负载迁移,故能够以较小的网络通信量得到良好的性能。  相似文献   

网格和P2P网络技术在当今分布式计算研究中有十分重要的意义和地位,这两种技术都是通过汇聚互联网中来自不同机构的数量庞大的资源,来满足用户之间的资源共享需求。但是它们在具体实现与应用中遇到一定困难。文中在分析了其各自的优点和不足的同时,比较了它们的相似性,提出了一种结合二者技术优势的新的分布式模型———P2P-Grid模型。它是由一些被称之为Super-Peer的小型的网格系统通过P2P技术互连构成。在充分比较该模型与银行运作模式的基础上,设计了整体结构模型,包括系统结构模型、功能模型和任务调度模型。  相似文献   

随着Web服务数目的增长和对实时性需求的增加,单一集中式的UDDI服务注册中心难以满足实际需求,而基于某个领域的UDDI虽然查找迅速却难以满足所有用户的要求,于是如何组织一个逻辑上完整的服务注册中为Web服务应用的一个新研究方向.基于P2P的底部架构,将服务注册中心作为P2P网络内基本节点,提出了一个根据本体信息对服务注册节点进行语义分类查找的Web服务发现模型.在模型的基础上,提出了在P2P层支持语义的一种发现的方法.提出的Web服务发现模型既结合了集中式Web服务发现方式和分布式Web服务方式发现的优点,又创新性地在P2P发现方面加入了本体信息.  相似文献   

一种基于Cloud-P2P计算模型的恶意代码联合防御网络   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对目前的反病毒系统在应对恶意代码时通常具有的滞后性,提出并构建了一种新颖的基于Cloud-P2P计算模型的恶意代码联合防御网络。Cloud-P2P计算模型将云计算与对等计算进行有机融合。恶意代码联合防御网络系统中的集群服务器与用户终端群体联合组成了一个高安全防御网,协同防御恶意代码,并快速产生群体免疫力。为了提高系统的性能表现,提出适用于Cloud-P2P融合计算环境的两种基于分布式哈希表的层次式网络结构C-DHT和D-DHT,并通过引入移动agent技术实现了恶意代码联合防御网络中的疫苗agent和巡警agent。基于Cloud-P2P计算模型的恶意代码联合防御网络具有负载均衡、反应快捷、防御全面和兼容性良好等性能表现。  相似文献   

A P2P strategy for QoS discovery and SLA negotiation in Grid environment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In recent years, Grid systems and Peer to Peer networks are the most commonly-used solutions to achieve the same goal: the sharing of resources and services in heterogeneous, dynamic, distributed environments. Many studies have proposed hybrid approaches that try to conjugate the advantages of the two models. This paper proposes an architecture that integrates the P2P interaction model in Grid environments, so as to build an open cooperative model wherein Grid entities are composed in a decentralized way. In particular, this paper focuses on a QoS aware discovery algorithm for P2P Grid systems, analyzing protocol and explaining techniques used to improve its performance.  相似文献   

1.技术背景对等网络(P2P,Peer to Peer)技术是指在不同电脑用户之间不经过中继设备而直接完成数据交换或服务交换的信息控制技术。实际上,P2P不是新概念。最早的互联网应用就是实现计算机和计算机之间的对等通信。当代互联网的前身ARPANet就是建立在把计算机作为对等机(peer)而连接起来这一概念之上的,这也是ARPANet最大的技术突破之一。  相似文献   

The number of mobile agents and total execution time are two factors used to represent the system overhead that must be considered as part of mobile agent planning (MAP) for distributed information retrieval. In addition to these two factors, the time constraints at the nodes of an information repository must also be taken into account when attempting to improve the quality of information retrieval. In previous studies, MAP approaches could not consider dynamic network conditions, e.g., variable network bandwidth and disconnection, such as are found in peer-to-peer (P2P) computing. For better performance, mobile agents that are more sensitive to network conditions must be used. In this paper, we propose a new MAP approach that we have named Timed Mobile Agent Planning (Tmap). The proposed approach minimizes the number of mobile agents and total execution time while keeping the turnaround time to a minimum, even if some nodes have a time constraint. It also considers dynamic network conditions to reflect the dynamic network condition more accurately. Moreover, we incorporate a security and fault-tolerance mechanism into the planning approach to better adapt it to real network environments.  相似文献   

P2P网贷在爆发式增长的同时,也面临着巨大的信用风险。针对这一问题,首先提出了综合评判法这种信用评估方法,并且运用融360的数据对其进行了验证。其次,提出了利用粒计算的信息融合方法将第三方数据与已有信用评估值进行信息融合,进而不仅对原有信用评估值信息进行了补充,而且使彼此得到相互印证。最后通过模拟第三方数据对运用粒计算的信息融合方法进行了验证。  相似文献   

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