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In this paper, we report a purposely designed instrumentation and a jump detection procedure for the measurement of single-electron phenomena in solid-state nonvolatile memories based on a silicon nanocrystal floating gate metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor. The stepwise evolution of the drain current of a memory cell after a ldquowriterdquo operation is monitored by means of a purposely designed low-noise acquisition system with a bandwidth of up to 10 kHz. The advantage of the measurement system background noise and bandwidth over a traditional semiconductor parameter analyzer performance is evident in the detection and classification of single-electron events.  相似文献   

In superconducting quantum point contacts, multiple Andreev reflection (MAR), which describes the coherent transport of m quasiparticles each carrying an electron charge with \(m\ge 3\), sets in at voltage thresholds \(eV = 2\Delta /m\). In single-electron transistors, Coulomb blockade, however, suppresses the current at low voltage. The required voltage for charge transport increases with the square of the effective charge \(eV\propto \left( me\right) ^2\). Thus, studying the charge transport in all-superconducting single-electron transistors (SSETs) sets these two phenomena into competition. In this article, we present the fabrication as well as a measurement scheme and transport data for a SSET with one junction in which the transmission and thereby the MAR contributions can be continuously tuned. All regimes from weak to strong coupling are addressed. We extend the Orthodox theory by incorporating MAR processes to describe the observed data qualitatively. We detect a new transport process the nature of which is unclear at present. Furthermore, we observe a renormalization of the charging energy when approaching the strong coupling regime.  相似文献   

《IEEE sensors journal》2008,8(10):1648-1655
This paper presents an input device with four degrees of freedom that can be used for various applications. The system comprises an array of lateral Hall elements implemented on a single chip in standard CMOS technology. A computationally efficient evaluation algorithm is presented that can be easily implemented on a simple microcontroller or dedicated hardware within the integrated circuit.   相似文献   

In rehabilitation medicine for patients with spinal cord injury (SCI), it is necessary for medical staff members to recommend a suitable computer input device and adjust the device for the individual patient. We have developed an evaluation system for selecting a suitable computer input device for each patient. After a device is selected, the medical staff must adjust the device by selecting the appropriate sensitivity of the mouse for the operating system. This paper describes a software system that can calculate suitable mouse sensitivity based on a mouse cursor image of the patient's computer use. The mouse sensitivity value calculated by our software system was shown to be adequate for the examined patient.   相似文献   

针对国内医院普遍存在预约机制不完善和医患矛盾突出引发的设备诊断依赖度高和病人等待时间长等问题,本研究特别考虑多医生同时诊断、设备检查以及病人设备检查后回诊等因素,建立普通门诊预约排程模型,在验证模型有效性的基础上,结合实际设计了六种排程规则并进行仿真研究,对提前预约与随机到达病人的比例、预约时间长度作了灵敏度分析,最后通过仿真实验找到相对较优的比例和预约时间值.  相似文献   

Arranging multiple identical sub-arrays in a special way can enhance degrees of freedom (DOFs) and obtain a hole-free difference co-array (DCA). In this paper, by adjusting the interval of adjacent sub-arrays, a kind of generalized array architecture with larger aperture is proposed. Although some holes may exist in the DCA of the proposed array, they are distributed uniformly. Utilizing the partial continuity of the DCA, an extended covariance matrix can be constructed. Singular value decomposition (SVD) is used to obtain an extended signal sub-space, by which the direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation algorithm for quasi-stationary signals is given. In order to eliminating angle ambiguity caused by the holes of DCA, the estimation of signal parameters via rotational invariance techniques (ESPRIT) is used to construct a matrix that includes all angle information. Utilizing this matrix, a secondary extended signal sub-space can be obtained. This signal sub-space is corresponding to a hole-free DCA. Then, dealing with the further extended signal sub-space by multiple signal classification (MUSIC) algorithm, the unambiguous DOAs of all incident signals can be estimated. Some simulation results are shown to prove the improved performance of proposed generalized array architecture in DOA estimation and the effectiveness of corresponding hole-repair algorithm in eliminating angle ambiguity.  相似文献   

This paper presents a chaos and evolutionary programming (CEP)-based digital redesign scheme. This scheme can determine a practically implementable low-gain digital tracker for global optimization of hybrid uncertain input-delay systems with constraints on states and inputs. The proposed global-optimization searching technique, which was provided in the evolutionary programming together with a chaotic optimization algorithm, is utilized to determine the low-gain digital tracker. This technique takes into consideration the relatively large sampling time and the intersampling behavior for digital control of hybrid input-delay systems with unknown-but-bounded parameter uncertainties. Moreover, the newly developed CEP-based digital redesign scheme provides less conservative results than those obtained by the conventional interval methods. One illustrative example is given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the new scheme compared with the conventional methods.   相似文献   

Formation of a uniformn-layer by multiple29Si+ implantation on LEC grown semi-insulating GaAs 〈100〉 substrate and its characterisation by differential Hall measurement at room temperature is reported. The implantation energies are 60, 160 and 260 keV with corresponding doses of 1 × 1012, 2·55 × 1012 and 3 × 1012 cm−2. Asimplanted, uncapped substrates were furnace-annealed with face-to-face configuration in an N2 ambient at 850°C with arsenic overpressure. After annealing, the samples were subjected to Hall measurements using Van der Pauw configuration. Experimental and theoretical (LSS) profiles are compared. Electrical activation of the dopant atoms was found to range from 65–90% with average mobility values lying between 2000–2300 cm2 V−1 s−1. Uniform concentration of then-layer ∼ 1017 cm−3 up to a depth of 0·3 μm has been achieved. These layers are used for the fabrication of power MESFETs.  相似文献   

本文利用现代控制论中可控性与可观性理论,从理论和实验两方面对模态参数时域识别法进行了分析和研究,给出了利用时域法能够识别出振动系统所有模态参数的充要条件,并对单输入和多输入识别法进行了比较,指出在重根模态和大阻尼等复杂情形下,多输入识别法拥有单输入识别法所无法比拟的优点。  相似文献   

Tremendous efforts have been devoted to developing thin film halide perovskites (HPs) for use in high-performance photoelectronic devices, including solar cells, displays, and photodetectors. Furthermore, structured HPs with periodic micro- or nanopatterns have recently attracted significant interest due to their potential to not only improve the efficiency of an individual device via the controlled arrangement of HP crystals into a confined geometry, but also to technologically pixelate the device into arrays suitable for future commercialization. However, micro- or nanopatterning of HPs is not usually compatible with conventional photolithography, which is detrimental to ionic HPs and requires special techniques. Herein, a comprehensive overview of the state-of-the-art technologies used to develop micro- and nanometer-scale HP patterns, with an emphasis on their controlled microstructures based on top-down and bottom-up approaches, and their potential for future applications, is provided. Top-down approaches include modified conventional lithographic techniques and soft-lithographic methods, while bottom-up approaches include template-assisted patterning of HPs based on lithographically defined prepatterns and self-assembly. HP patterning is shown here to not only improve device performance, but also to reveal the unprecedented functionality of HPs, leading to new research areas that utilize their novel photophysical properties.  相似文献   

Segregation occurs during most particulate materials-related unit operations including mixing, conveying, discharging, filling, and compaction. A redesigned second-generation primary segregation shear cell (PSSC-II) was fabricated to simulate and quantify percolation and sieving mechanisms-based segregation. Several binary mixtures were tested to quantify the effect of size ratios and absolute size. The constituents of binary mixtures studied were spherical glass beads. Three binary size ratios, 4:1, 6:1, and 8:1, were tested. For a given size ratio, three different absolute coarse (710-850, 1000-1200, and 1400-1700 μm) to fine particle sizes were studied. The experimental results showed that the PSSC-II was capable of quantifying segregation potential for various materials. Several physical parameters such as segregation rate (SR), phase of segregation rate (PSR), distribution of segregation rate (DSR), maximum segregation rate (MSR), and normalized segregation rate (NSR) were created to describe the quantity of segregation to a certain level. It was concluded that: (1) Generally, the segregation rates increase with the increase in size ratio. A linear relationship between NSR and size ratio exists for glass beads (R2 = 0.99). (2) Segregation rate also increases with absolute size. NSR increases linearly with absolute size for glass beads (R2 = 0.99). Furthermore, a quantitative relationship exists between certain size ratios and segregation rates, i.e., while size ratio increased two-fold from 4:1 to 8:1, the NSR increased approximately six-fold. (3) The largest magnitude of the NSR occurred where both absolute size and size ratio were at their largest values. (4) The DSR for the binary mixture of glass beads was mainly concentrated in the center region of the shear box for larger size ratios such as 8:1 and 6:1, whereas, for smaller size ratios such as 4:1, the DSR is approximately uniformly distributed. (5) Both duration of lag phase (DLP) and duration of acceleration phase (DAP) decrease with increase in size ratios and in absolute sizes. The smaller the DLP and DAP, the larger the MSR.  相似文献   

受电子器件芯片铝电极耐温性能的限制和钝化膜沉积工艺中高能粒子对芯片辐射损伤等因素的影响,一般的沉积方法难以用到要求较高的浅结器件的钝化工艺中。微波ECR-PCVD技术没有高能粒子对芯片的辐射损伤,可以在较低的温度条件下沉积出均匀致密、性能优良的Si_3N_4薄膜,因而成为微电子器件沉积钝化膜的最佳工艺。  相似文献   

The optical properties of a$hboxSiO_x$film rapid-thermal-annealed (RTA) by$hboxCO_2$laser are primarily investigated. The microphotoluminescence ($mu$-PL) and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) analyses indicate that the precipitation of random-oriented Si nanocrystals can be initiated when laser intensity$(P_ laser)$is larger than 4.5$hboxkW/cm^2$. At$P_ laser$of 6$hboxkW/cm^2$, the Si nanocrystal exhibits a largest diameter of 8 nm and a highest density of$hbox4.5times hbox10^16 hbox cm^-3$, which emits strong PL at 790–825 nm. The microphotoreflectance of the$hboxCO_2$laser RTA$hboxSiO_x$film reveals a volume density product dependent refractive index increasing from 1.57 to 1.87 as$P_ laser$increases from 1.5 to 7.5$hboxkW/cm^2$. Nonetheless, the laser ablation of the$hboxSiO_x$film occurs with a linear ablation slope of 35$hboxnm/kW/cm^2$at beyond 7.5$hboxkW/cm^2$, which terminates the enlargement of Si nanocrystals, degrades the near-infrared PL, and slightly reduces the refractive index of the$hboxCO_2$laser RTA$hboxSiO_x$film.  相似文献   

We demonstrate vertical capacitors using a novel spacer process capable of fin thickness down to 5 nm. We also integrate this process compatibly with planar devices on the same die using minimal additional mask steps. Various implant conditions, order of implant step, and starting substrate dopings are studied and best conditions identified through TSUPREM4 simulations and later through experiments to ensure process robustness and dopant tunability for the vertical devices as well as to ensure comparable performance for planar and vertical devices. In anticipation of usage of this process in a high-density environment, the impact of isolation density on the leakage characteristics of vertical capacitors is also studied. After simultaneously fabricating planar and vertical structures, electrical characterization using capacitance–voltage (C–V) and current–voltage (I–V) measurements is performed. Functional capacitors for both types of devices are obtained. Oxide thickness is backtracked using I–V, C–V, and TEM and yield consistent results. The leakage current shows expected trends with voltage and is successfully fitted using prevalent tunneling models. The vertical structures are found to suffer from two problems: a larger leakage current and an additional planar parasitic capacitance due to a finite polysilicon gate thickness. The larger leakage is attributed to thin corners as confirmed by higher leakage in structures having a larger fraction of corner area (higher isolation density structures). A modified novel vertical device process circumventing both these problems by yielding thicker bottom and corner oxides is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. Finally, a path to extending this process for vertical transistor fabrication is shown in simulations.  相似文献   

A high‐density and high‐performance microfluidic particle‐cluster‐array device utilizing a novel hydrodynamically tunable pneumatic valve (HTPV) is reported for parallel and dynamic monitoring of the interactions taking place in particle clusters. The key concept involves passive operation of the HTPV through elastic deformation of a thin membrane using only the hydrodynamic force inherent in microchannel flows. This unique feature allows the discrete and high‐density (≈30 HTPVs mm?2) arrangement of numerous HTPVs in a microfluidic channel without any pneumatic connection. In addition, the HTPV achieves high‐performance clustering (≈92%) of three different particles in an array format through the optimization of key design and operating parameters. Finally, a contamination‐free, parallel, and dynamic biochemical analysis strategy is proposed, which employs a simple one‐inlet–one‐outlet device operated by the effective combination of several techniques, including particle clustering, the interactions between engineered particles, two‐phase partitioning and dehydration control of aqueous plugs, and shape/color‐based particle identification.  相似文献   

简要介绍当前制造自动化网络技术的工,着重论述现代机电设备网络结构的总体设计方案,并以调整无轴多色印刷机为实例,说明它在实际系统中的应用。  相似文献   

We present a combined experimental investigation of magnetic normal modes in an antidot lattice using both Brillouin light scattering and broadband ferromagnetic resonance. It was fabricated on a silicon substrate using optical ultraviolet lithography. The sample consisted of a 30-nm-thick ${rm Ni}_{80}{rm Fe}_{20}$ squared antidot array with circular holes whose diameter and edge-to-edge spacing are 250 and 150 nm, respectively. Experiments were performed as a function of the applied magnetic field $mu_{0}{rm H}_{rm ext}$ in the range from $-$100 to 100 mT, with ${rm H}_{rm ext}$ applied along both the square lattice axis and its diagonal. Several peaks were observed in both the Brillouin light scattering and ferromagnetic resonance spectra, and their evolution with the intensity and the direction of the applied field ${rm H}_{rm ext}$ was measured. Micromagnetic simulations enabled us to identify the modes in terms of their symmetry obtaining a good quantitative agreement with the measured frequencies. In addition, we show how the inhomogeneity of the internal field affected the properties of the magnetic eigenmodes and their localization in different regions of the antidot lattice.   相似文献   

将磁控溅射物理气相沉积(MS-PVD)和电子回旋共振-微波等离子体增强化学气相沉积(ECR—PECVD)技术相结合,在铜基体上通过制备两种不同的过渡层,成功地沉积了类金刚石膜。拉曼光谱结果分析表明,所制备的碳膜都具有典型的类金刚石结构特征。通过原子力显微镜对薄膜的微观形貌进行分析,采用纳米压痕测量薄膜的硬度和模量。并对Ti/TiC过渡层和Si/SixNy过渡层上沉积的类金刚石薄膜进行了研究对比。  相似文献   

The fabrication and characterization of a fully integrated capillary electrophoresis (CE)-based microfluidic device with integrated carbon sensing electrode is described in this study. A combination of microfabrication protocols were employed for fabricating the hybrid polydimethyl siloxane (PDMS)/glass microfluidic device including chemical wet etching, soft lithography, and micromolding techniques. The microdevice is comprised of glass substrate with integrated gold electrodes and carbon sensing electrode, and PDMS slab that encompasses the microchannels network. The carbon sensing electrode was physically characterized via atomic force microscopy (AFM), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and Raman spectrometry. In addition, its quality was evaluated electrochemically and compared to commercial glassy carbon electrodes upon performing cyclic voltammetric analysis of two illicit drugs, morphine and codeine. The analytical performance of the standalone microdevice was evaluated upon testing the injection and amperometric detection on the carbon sensing electrode using morphine and codeine as selected targets. The carbon sensing electrode provides stable background current during the application of a high sensing potential, which is necessary for sensing molecules that can be only detected at high potentials such as morphine and codeine.  相似文献   

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