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知识经济的逼近使信息服务的价值倍增,如何广泛开发信息资源和网络资源,向广大社会群众提供满意的宽带互动信息服务,已成为人们越来越关心的话题。从几个主要的技术方面,讨论利用HFC接入网,建立本地宽带多媒体通信应用试验网络工程,为未来的宽带多媒体通信接入网络 搭建框架。  相似文献   

随着宽带通信市场的日益火爆,对接入网产品需要提出一个较为完善的测试系统,形成较为完善的入网测试系统,以进一步规范接入网市场。主要介绍了当前主流的两种接入技术-Cable Modem和ADSL测试平台与相关测试指标。  相似文献   

宽带光纤接入网的发展与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章首先分析了宽带接入网发展的主要驱动力,并简要介绍其发展善和主要应用。然后分析了宽带点到点有源光纤系统和宽带点到多点无源光纤系统的特点和发展状况。最后着重指出各种宽带光纤接入网都有其最佳使用场合和时机,宽带点到点有源光纤系统最适合企事业用户,其中宽带数字环路载波系统适合从传统电话网向宽带网转型的过渡期应用;宽带点到点有源以太网光纤统筹适合在低密度用户分数地区应用;宽带点到多点无源光纤系统最适合新建或改建的密集用户区应用。我国的发展可能跨越APON,BPON和EPON阶段,从宽带点到点以太网光纤系统和GEPON开始,乃至很快过渡到GPON阶段。  相似文献   

宽带接入网的发展趋势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
石晶  龚震字 《计算机工程》2001,27(9):5-6,10
信息技术发展大趋势是走向“三网融合”,接入网部分的融合是三网融合中最困难的部分,它要求AN传输设备既能满足业务综合组网能力和网管能力,还要达到价廉物美的苛刻条件。然而由于接入网巨大的市场潜力和社会的要求,各种AN技术不断问世并投入实用。文章按传输媒质的不同介绍4类技术解决方宁:铜缆(多对双绞线)、同轴电缆、光缆、无线。同时还提出了当前发展宽带入网所应注意的主要问题。  相似文献   

关于中国电信宽带业务发展的一些思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曲永雷先生是英特尔公司中国大区电信与媒体事业部的团队负责人,他和他的团队致力于开拓英特尔公司和中国的电信运营商的广泛合作。曲永雷先生曾在毕博管理咨询公司工作三年,参与了很多中国电信运营商的管理和业务咨询项目,此外,他先后在美国泰乐公司、法国的阿尔卡特和比利时电话公司工作近十年,具有丰富的市场营销、运营和团队管理的实际操作经验和扎实的理论基础。他拥有中欧工商学院MBA学位和上海大学的电子工程学士学位。  相似文献   

目前而言,宽带还只是电信运营商的一个新收入增长点,从国家高度而言也尚未将其特别对待。但从全球的发展看,宽带无论是对国家还是对包括运营商在内的整个产业而言,都是一个明确的战略发展方向.蕴含巨大的战略价值。首先.宽带是国家信息化的必要基础设施和战略资源,对国家信息产业乃至社会和经济发展都具有战略意义,从长远看,它将促进经济和社会生活方式的深刻变化;其次.宽带是运营商业务长远发展和战略转型的方向;第三.对运营商而言,宽带的投资目前能够带来一定的回报,但更重要的是它蕴含的长远战略价值,目前对宽带市场的争夺具有战略制高点的意义。  相似文献   

近两年来,随着网络技术的不断发展,用户的接入方式也逐渐变的多样化。本文分析了接入网的技术特点和现有宽带接入技术及其应用情况,并提出了一些当前接入网的发展策略。  相似文献   

夏征兵  宋玲 《电子技术应用》2006,32(10):24-26,30
介绍了无线Mesh网络(WMN)的一些基本概念和结构特点,分析了WMN与其他无线网络的区别、融合及应用领域,讨论了实现WMN的相关标准和关键技术。  相似文献   

The hybrid Wireless-Optical Broadband Access Network (WOBAN) provides a new and promising architecture for broadband access network by combining the beneficial properties of wireless and optical access technologies. To avoid huge data loss, WOBAN needs to be designed with a high availability guarantee. The purpose of this paper is to protect the Passive Optical Network at the back-end using the backup radios in Wireless Mesh Network at the front-end. The proposed protection scheme is based oi1 a connection availability mode]. First,we assigned several backup Optical Network Units (ONUs) for each primary ONU not satisfying the availability requirement of primary optical connection. Under the availability requirement of backup optical connection, each backup ONU needed to reserve the residual capacity as the backup capacity to fully protect the traffic demand of its primary ONU. Then, we selectively deployed the additional radio interfaces as the backup radios for the wireless routers in the front-end under the availability requirement of backup wireless connection, in order to establish the wireless-backup-path between each pair of primary and backup ONUs. Each backup radio on the wireless-backup-path will retain the backup radio capacity for rerouting traffic, so as to decrease the possibility of traffic block in case of failure. We aimed to design efficient heuristic algorithms and yield suboptimal solutions for minimizing the consumption of backup ONU capacity and the cost of backup radios. Simulation results demonstrate the advantage of the proposed scheme compared to previous works.  相似文献   

利用成本分析模型及等性能成本比较方法对基于多跳中继的宽带无线接入网络部署进行了量化分析,并与传统单跳网络部署进行了仿真比较。结果显示,基于中继的网络部署在保证性能的前提下能有效地降低组网成本,增强网络边缘吞吐量,扩大基站覆盖范围。进一步分析表明,无线资源配置方法也对网络的成本增益有一定的影响。复用技术能进一步改善中继网络的成本效益,并有效提升网络性能。  相似文献   

介绍了一种基于OFDM技术的宽带电力接入网系统设计,该系统适用于低压配电网.OFDM(正交频分复用)技术能克服低压电力线信道的高噪声、多径效应和信道衰落,实现高速数据的传输.以INT5500CS为核心设计出符合HomePlug 1.0-Turbo标准的低压配电网宽带电力接入网系统.整个系统主要分为电力线接口端和以太网接口端.由于采用OFDM通信技术,该系统能实现宽带接入,具有较高的实用价值.  相似文献   

《Computer Networks》2007,51(11):3013-3046
Wireless broadband technologies provide ubiquitous broadband access to wireless users, enabling services that were available only to wireline users. In this paper, we summarize emerging wireless broadband access technologies, ranging from WLANs to satellite communications. We explain the latest standards in the IEEE 802.11 and IEEE 802.16 families in detail. The MAC layer mechanisms of IEEE 802.11e, 802.11n, and 802.11s standards are explained as well as the point-to-multipoint and Mesh modes of IEEE 802.16. The recent mobility amendment to the WiMAX family, IEEE 802.16e, is also described. Though the earliest versions of some of these technologies date back to 1996 (such as IEEE 802.11) and some are obsolete (such as HiperLAN), they have been included in this survey for the sake of completeness.Wireless technologies can be categorized based on their coverage areas. IEEE 802.11 and ETSI HiperLAN standards are considered for wireless access in local areas. IEEE 802.16 and 802.22, ETSI HiperACCESS and HiperMAN, WiBro, and HAP technologies can be used to provide service in metropolitan areas. Lastly, IEEE 802.20 and satellite systems provide service as wide area networks. Since the aim of this survey is to summarize wireless broadband technologies for data services, technologies such as Wireless USB are excluded. 3G and 4G systems have also been excluded since they are covered in detail in [C. Smith, D. Collins, 3G Wireless Networks, second ed., McGraw-Hill Osborne Media, 2006; S.G. Glisic, Advanced Wireless Networks: 4G Technologies, Wiley Publishing, 2005].  相似文献   

以太网接入是目前逐渐被看好的一种宽带接入方案,骨干网通过千兆接口进入小区,宽带接入交换机提供给用户10M/100M的带宽,给出了以太网宽带接入的整体解决方案,介绍智能宽带接入交换机的体系结构,重点说明智能交换机实现接入所采用的主要技术及其实现。  相似文献   

针对宽带远程接入服务器的备份机制,主要研究了双机备份机制和智能弹性架构技术,分析和比较了两者的优缺点,并提出了一种接口联动机制。  相似文献   

如何提供符合用户需求的业务并提供良好的服务是电信运营商必须考虑的问题。宽带网络中认证技术的采用要遵循网络的可运营、可管理要求。本对宽带接入系统中如何有效地进行用户管理,以及宽带接入的三种用户认证技术和特点进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Using a constellation of several hundred low-Earth-orbit satellites — a global, broadband “Internet-in-the-sky” — Teledesic will enable affordable access to fiber-like telecommunications capability anywhere in the world. The Teledesic Network will allow local Service Providers to extend their networks in terms of both scope of services and geographic reach. It will be a local service provided through a global network.  相似文献   

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