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陈超 《陶瓷工程》1999,33(2):38-39
本文详细介绍了墙地砖生产线上干燥窑采用可编程控制器进行控制的设计方法,包括硬件接口和软件编程。  相似文献   

结合橡胶硫化促进剂的物性特点设计应用于橡胶硫化促进剂(简称促进剂)的生产工艺的气流干燥系统,通过选择直管气流干燥设备处理经离心机脱水后的促进剂滤饼可以起到加大干燥强度;缩短干燥时间;提高热效率的作用,从而优化了气流干燥法的工艺参数。  相似文献   

新收购入库的高水分小麦,应抓住有利时机,利用离心风机及时就藏干燥,确保储粮安全。  相似文献   

利用地上笼通风系统,同时辅以人工翻倒粮面的方法,对散存高水分烘干玉米进行上行压入式机械通风,开展高大平房仓玉米就仓干燥实验;实验证明,依靠现有地上笼通风系统,充分利用有利的气候条件。能对高水分玉米进行有效的降水处理。  相似文献   

在湿度恒定、温度变化的强制干燥条件下,为了探讨在重涂间隔时间内温度对水分挥发速度和挥发量的影响,本研究以枫木薄木贴面家具板件为基材,以单组分水性封闭底漆为涂料,在相对湿度恒定为50%、温度为15~35℃范围内强制干燥涂层,研究涂层的水分挥发规律。结果表明:随时间的推移,同一温度条件下,水性封闭底漆的水分挥发率不断增加,水分挥发速度逐渐降低;不同温度条件下,水分挥发率和挥发速度差异不明显;相同的时间段内,在15~25℃温度范围内水分挥发率的差异程度要小于25~35℃的干燥条件;随着时间的推移,水分挥发速度的差距越来越不明显。  相似文献   

马永明 《天津化工》2012,26(4):52-53
煤中水分作为重要的煤质指标,在煤的加工利用中意义重大,它还是基准换算的基础数据.水分过高,在锅炉燃烧中会影响燃烧的稳定性和热传导,在炼焦工业中,水分的气化需消耗大量的热量而延长炼焦周期;在煤炭贸易中,煤的水分又是一个很重要的计质和计量指标.本文介绍了应用空气干燥法对煤样中全水分和分析水的测定,包括煤样的采样和制备及测定的方法和步骤.  相似文献   

空气流中一步干燥法测得的白煤样品的全水分经常会低于空气干燥基水分.通过改变烘样时间、烘样温度、样品粒度、操作步骤等试验,确定改进的空气流中两步干燥法:先测定样品的外在水分,再测定空气干燥基水分,最后按公式加和两次测定结果.  相似文献   

通过测试在不同干燥温度下聚酯切片软化初峰温度的变化,初步探讨了半消光切片软化初峰温度与干燥时间和干燥温度的关系,同时为干燥装置提供了适宜的操作条件。  相似文献   

王仲军 《佛山陶瓷》2001,1(9):25-26
在简述现有分散材料分析方法的基础上,介绍了一种原料和成品性能的快速分析法--测温吸附分析法。  相似文献   

陈小忠 《佛山陶瓷》2002,(11):13-15
1 前言“原料是基础”是陶瓷生产的一句行话,可见原材料的控制在陶瓷生产中的重要性。在当前原材料标准化程度较低的情况下,如何有效控制原材料是稳定产品质量、提高产品档次的关键所在。要有效控制原材料的质量就必须制定严格的技术标准、制定规范的检测标准,按不同种类原材料的特点,结合本企业的实际有针对性的检测,达到有效控制的目的。2 制定各种原材料的技术标准要有效控制原材料质量,就必须制定严格的技术标准。制定的技术标准中的指标一般可分为两类:一类指标为强制性执行指标,作为原料进厂检验的依据;另一类为指导性指标,…  相似文献   

气体冲击射流干燥过程中薄膜物料的温度及湿度的变化是干燥过程中的重要技术指标,关于其计算模型还没有相关文献报道.本文介绍了物料干燥规律,并建立了薄膜干燥过程传热传质的物理及数学模型,利用有限差分法求解,代入已知实验数据,绘制并分析了薄膜干燥过程中物料湿含量以及表面温度随时间的变化曲线,与干燥规律对比后验证了本文给出模型及计算方法的正确性.  相似文献   

研究了工业炉烟气粉尘及氮氧化物同时净化用高温滤尘器的陶瓷构件结构与生产工艺。利用所研制的两种型式的陶瓷构件在工业条件下有可能对烟气实施两段式净化。测定了在第一阶段及第二阶段对烟气粉尘及氮氧化物净化时的指标,以及净化总效率。  相似文献   

A steady-state apparatus for measuring thermal conductivity by a direct method, viz., water calorimetry, is described. The accuracy of measurement is about 1 to 3% in the temperature range 30° to 30O°C. and about 3 to 10% in the range 300° to 1200°C. The samples are rods 9 in. long and in. in diameter, although smaller sizes can be accommodated. One feature of the design is that the sample thermocouples can be plugged into the unit. Curves for samples of alumina, stainless steel, and graphite are included.  相似文献   

采用热压(HP)法制备了BN陶瓷材料。利用三点弯曲方法测定了材料的抗弯强度等力学性能。现场应用结果表明,该材料具有良好的性能。  相似文献   

Veikko M  tt  nen 《Drying Technology》2006,24(11):1405-1413
Conventional and vacuum drying experiments were conducted on Betula pendula timber, which was sawn from trees felled during three different seasons. The influence of the wood procurement season on drying behavior differed, on the one hand, between the drying phases above and below 30% moisture content in the conventional drying, and, on the other hand, between the conventional and vacuum drying methods. During the first steps of the conventional drying process, relative humidity in the kiln, as well as drying time and drying rate, varied according to the felling season. Variations in environmental conditions outside the kiln and the seasonal variation in the physical properties of the wood were presumed to be the reasons for differences in drying behavior. The difference in moisture content gradient, i.e., the difference in final moisture content between the inner wood and the surface layer of boards, was greater in conventionally dried timber than in vacuum-dried timber. In conventionally dried timber there was a clear seasonal variation in the gradient of final moisture content, which was greatest for winter-felled wood. The premature drying of the surface layer during the first steps of the conventional drying process of winter-felled wood was the reason for the higher gradient of moisture content. Storage of wood as logs decreased the standard deviation of the final moisture content.  相似文献   

Conventional and vacuum drying experiments were conducted on Betula pendula timber, which was sawn from trees felled during three different seasons. The influence of the wood procurement season on drying behavior differed, on the one hand, between the drying phases above and below 30% moisture content in the conventional drying, and, on the other hand, between the conventional and vacuum drying methods. During the first steps of the conventional drying process, relative humidity in the kiln, as well as drying time and drying rate, varied according to the felling season. Variations in environmental conditions outside the kiln and the seasonal variation in the physical properties of the wood were presumed to be the reasons for differences in drying behavior. The difference in moisture content gradient, i.e., the difference in final moisture content between the inner wood and the surface layer of boards, was greater in conventionally dried timber than in vacuum-dried timber. In conventionally dried timber there was a clear seasonal variation in the gradient of final moisture content, which was greatest for winter-felled wood. The premature drying of the surface layer during the first steps of the conventional drying process of winter-felled wood was the reason for the higher gradient of moisture content. Storage of wood as logs decreased the standard deviation of the final moisture content.  相似文献   

储章生 《江苏陶瓷》1998,31(2):10-11
简要地叙述了国家八五攻关项目“85-705”中“低温低介电常数陶瓷材料”这一课题的研制过程及关键工艺技术问题  相似文献   

本文采用真空旋转抽滤成型工艺,以莫来石纤维为主要原料制备了高温气体净化 用陶瓷纤维过滤材料,研究了纤维浆料搅拌时间和烧结温度对纤维膜材料性能的影响,评价其 过滤及热震性能。实验结果表明:当纤维膜浆料搅拌 2 h 时,在 1000?C 下烧结可以制备出过抗 压强度为 4.75 MPa、透气阻力 95 Pa、气孔率为 85%、平均孔径为 70 ?m、显微结构均匀的纤维 膜材料,其除尘效率可达 99.99%,且具有良好的热震性能。  相似文献   

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