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Sledgehammer is a component of Isabelle/HOL that employs resolution-based first-order automatic theorem provers (ATPs) to discharge goals arising in interactive proofs. It heuristically selects relevant facts and, if an ATP is successful, produces a snippet that replays the proof in Isabelle. We extended Sledgehammer to invoke satisfiability modulo theories (SMT) solvers as well, exploiting its relevance filter and parallel architecture. The ATPs and SMT solvers nicely complement each other, and Isabelle users are now pleasantly surprised by SMT proofs for problems beyond the ATPs’ reach.  相似文献   

Sledgehammer is a component of the Isabelle/HOL proof assistant that integrates external automatic theorem provers (ATPs) to discharge interactive proof obligations. As a safeguard against bugs, the proofs found by the external provers are reconstructed in Isabelle. Reconstructing complex arguments involves translating them to Isabelle’s Isar format, supplying suitable justifications for each step. Sledgehammer transforms the proofs by contradiction into direct proofs; it iteratively tests and compresses the output, resulting in simpler and faster proofs; and it supports a wide range of ATPs, including E, LEO-II, Satallax, SPASS, Vampire, veriT, Waldmeister, and Z3.  相似文献   

Huffman’s algorithm is a procedure for constructing a binary tree with minimum weighted path length. Our Isabelle/HOL proof closely follows the sketches found in standard algorithms textbooks, uncovering a few snags in the process. Another distinguishing feature of our formalization is the use of custom induction rules to help Isabelle’s automatic tactics, leading to very short proofs for most of the lemmas. This work was supported by the DFG grant NI 491/11-1.  相似文献   

Interactive provers typically use higher-order logic, while automatic provers typically use first-order logic. To integrate interactive provers with automatic ones, one must translate higher-order formulas to first-order form. The translation should ideally be both sound and practical. We have investigated several methods of translating function applications, types, and λ-abstractions. Omitting some type information improves the success rate but can be unsound, so the interactive prover must verify the proofs. This paper presents experimental data that compares the translations in respect of their success rates for three automatic provers.  相似文献   

Formal verification methods have gained increased importance due to their ability to guarantee system correctness and improve reliability. Nevertheless, the question how proofs are to be formalized in theorem provers is far from being trivial, yet very important as one needs to spend much more time on verification if the formalization was not cleverly chosen. In this paper, we develop and compare two different possibilities to express coinductive proofs in the theorem prover Isabelle/HOL. Coinduction is a proof method that allows for the verification of properties of also non-terminating state-transition systems. Since coinduction is not as widely used as other proof techniques as e.g. induction, there are much fewer “recipes” available how to formalize corresponding proofs and there are also fewer proof strategies implemented in theorem provers for coinduction. In this paper, we investigate formalizations for coinductive proofs of properties on state transition sequences. In particular, we compare two different possibilities for their formalization and show their equivalence. The first of these two formalizations captures the mathematical intuition, while the second can be used more easily in a theorem prover. We have formally verified the equivalence of these criteria in Isabelle/HOL, thus establishing a coalgebraic verification framework. To demonstrate that our verification framework is suitable for the verification of compiler optimizations, we have introduced three different, rather simple transformations that capture typical problems in the verification of optimizing compilers, even for non-terminating source programs.  相似文献   

We show how codatatypes can be employed to produce compact, high-level proofs of key results in logic: the soundness and completeness of proof systems for variations of first-order logic. For the classical completeness result, we first establish an abstract property of possibly infinite derivation trees. The abstract proof can be instantiated for a wide range of Gentzen and tableau systems for various flavors of first-order logic. Soundness becomes interesting as soon as one allows infinite proofs of first-order formulas. This forms the subject of several cyclic proof systems for first-order logic augmented with inductive predicate definitions studied in the literature. All the discussed results are formalized using Isabelle/HOL’s recently introduced support for codatatypes and corecursion. The development illustrates some unique features of Isabelle/HOL’s new coinductive specification language such as nesting through non-free types and mixed recursion–corecursion.  相似文献   

I present a formalization in Isabelle/HOL of the resolution calculus for first-order logic with formal soundness and completeness proofs. To prove the calculus sound, I use the substitution lemma, and to prove it complete, I use Herbrand interpretations and semantic trees. The correspondence between unsatisfiable sets of clauses and finite semantic trees is formalized in Herbrand’s theorem. I discuss the difficulties that I had formalizing proofs of the lifting lemma found in the literature, and I formalize a correct proof. The completeness proof is by induction on the size of a finite semantic tree. Throughout the paper I emphasize details that are often glossed over in paper proofs. I give a thorough overview of formalizations of first-order logic found in the literature. The formalization of resolution is part of the IsaFoL project, which is an effort to formalize logics in Isabelle/HOL.  相似文献   

The theorem of Sylow is proved in Isabelle HOL. We follow the proof by Wielandt that is more general than the original and uses a nontrivial combinatorial identity. The mathematical proof is explained in some detail, leading on to the mechanization of group theory and the necessary combinatorics in Isabelle. We present the mechanization of the proof in detail, giving reference to theorems contained in an appendix. Some weak points of the experiment with respect to a natural treatment of abstract algebraic reasoning give rise to a discussion of the use of module systems to represent abstract algebra in theorem provers. Drawing from that, we present tentative ideas for further research into a section concept for Isabelle.  相似文献   

基于Event-B方法的安全协议设计、建模与验证   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李梦君  潘国腾  欧国东 《软件学报》2018,29(11):3400-3411
随着软件精化验证方法以及Isabella/HOL、VCC等验证工具不断取得进展,研究者们开始采用精化方法和验证工具设计、建模安全协议和验证安全协议源程序的正确性.在介绍Event-B方法和验证工具Isabella/HOL、VCC的基础上,综述了基于Event-B方法的安全协议形式化设计、建模与源程序验证的典型研究工作,主要包括从需求规范到消息传递形式协议的安全协议精化设计、基于TPM(trusted platform module)的安全协议应用的精化建模以及从消息传递形式协议到代码的源程序精化验证.  相似文献   

Correctness of compilers is a vital precondition for the correctness of the software translated by them. In this paper, we present two approaches for the formalization of static single assignment (SSA) form together with two corresponding formal proofs in the Isabelle/HOL system, each showing the correctness of code generation. Our comparison between the two proofs shows that it is very important to find adequate formalizations in formal proofs since they can simplify the verification task considerably. Our formal correctness proofs do not only verify the correctness of a certain class of code generation algorithms but also give us sufficient, easily checkable correctness criteria characterizing correct compilation results obtained from implementations (compilers) of these algorithms. These correctness criteria can be used in a compiler result checker.  相似文献   

Boogie is a verification condition generator for an imperative core language. It has front-ends for the programming languages C# and C enriched by annotations in first-order logic, i.e. pre- and postconditions, assertions, and loop invariants. Moreover, concepts like ghost fields, ghost variables, ghost code and specification functions have been introduced to support a specific modeling methodology. Boogie’s verification conditions—constructed via a wp calculus from annotated programs—are usually transferred to automated theorem provers such as Simplify or Z3. This also comprises the expansion of language-specific modeling constructs in terms of a theory describing memory and elementary operations on it; this theory is called a machine/memory model. In this paper, we present a proof environment, HOL-Boogie, that combines Boogie with the interactive theorem prover Isabelle/HOL, for a specific C front-end and a machine/memory model. In particular, we present specific techniques combining automated and interactive proof methods for code verification. The main goal of our environment is to help program verification engineers in their task to “debug” annotations and to find combined proofs where purely automatic proof attempts fail.  相似文献   

We show how to mechanise equational proofs about higher-order languages by using the primitive proof principles of first-order abstract syntax over one-sorted variable names. We illustrate the method here by proving (in Isabelle/HOL) a technical property which makes the method widely applicable for the λ-calculus: the residual theory of β is renaming-free up-to an initiality condition akin to the so-called Barendregt Variable Convention. We use our results to give a new diagram-based proof of the development part of the strong finite development property for the λ-calculus. The proof has the same equational implications (e.g., confluence) as the proof of the full property but without the need to prove SN. We account for two other uses of the proof method, as presented elsewhere. One has been mechanised in full in Isabelle/HOL.  相似文献   

Distributed algorithms are subtle and error-prone. Still, very few of them have been formally verified, most algorithm designers only giving rough and informal sketches of proofs. We believe that this unsatisfactory situation is due to a scalability problem of current formal methods and that a simpler model is needed to reason about distributed algorithms. We consider formal verification of algorithms expressed in the Heard-Of model recently introduced by Charron-Bost and Schiper. As a concrete case study, we report on the formal verification of a non-trivial Consensus algorithm using the proof assistant Isabelle/HOL.  相似文献   

This article presents detailed implementations of quantifier elimination for both integer and real linear arithmetic for theorem provers. The underlying algorithms are those by Cooper (for Z) and by Ferrante and Rackoff (for ℝ). Both algorithms are realized in two entirely different ways: once in tactic style, i.e. by a proof-producing functional program, and once by reflection, i.e. by computations inside the logic rather than in the meta-language. Both formalizations are generic because they make only minimal assumptions w.r.t. the underlying logical system and theorem prover. An implementation in Isabelle/HOL shows that the reflective approach is between one and two orders of magnitude faster.  相似文献   

The real-time process calculus Timed CSP is capable of expressing properties such as deadlock-freedom and real-time constraints. It is therefore well-suited to model and verify embedded software. However, proofs about Timed CSP specifications are not ensured to be correct since comprehensive machine-assistance for Timed CSP is not yet available. In this paper, we present our formalization of Timed CSP in the Isabelle/HOL theorem prover, which we have formulated as an operational coalgebraic semantics together with bisimulation equivalences and coalgebraic invariants. This allows for semi-automated and mechanically checked proofs about Timed CSP specifications. Mechanically checked proofs enhance confidence in verification because corner cases cannot be overlooked. We additionally apply our formalization to an abstract specification with real-time constraints. This is the basis for our current work, in which we verify a simple real-time operating system deployed on a satellite. As this operating system has to cope with arbitrarily many threads, we use verification techniques from the area of parameterized systems for which we outline their formalization.  相似文献   

The considerable mathematical knowledge encoded by the Flyspeck project is combined with external automated theorem provers (ATPs) and machine-learning premise selection methods trained on the Flyspeck proofs, producing an AI system capable of proving a wide range of mathematical conjectures automatically. The performance of this architecture is evaluated in a bootstrapping scenario emulating the development of Flyspeck from axioms to the last theorem, each time using only the previous theorems and proofs. It is shown that 39 % of the 14185 theorems could be proved in a push-button mode (without any high-level advice and user interaction) in 30 seconds of real time on a fourteen-CPU workstation. The necessary work involves: (i) an implementation of sound translations of the HOL Light logic to ATP formalisms: untyped first-order, polymorphic typed first-order, and typed higher-order, (ii) export of the dependency information from HOL Light and ATP proofs for the machine learners, and (iii) choice of suitable representations and methods for learning from previous proofs, and their integration as advisors with HOL Light. This work is described and discussed here, and an initial analysis of the body of proofs that were found fully automatically is provided.  相似文献   

Formal verification of complex algorithms is challenging. Verifying their implementations goes beyond the state of the art of current automatic verification tools and usually involves intricate mathematical theorems. Certifying algorithms compute in addition to each output a witness certifying that the output is correct. A checker for such a witness is usually much simpler than the original algorithm—yet it is all the user has to trust. The verification of checkers is feasible with current tools and leads to computations that can be completely trusted. We describe a framework to seamlessly verify certifying computations. We use the automatic verifier VCC for establishing the correctness of the checker and the interactive theorem prover Isabelle/HOL for high-level mathematical properties of algorithms. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach by presenting the verification of typical examples of the industrial-level and widespread algorithmic library LEDA.  相似文献   


In this article we present an ongoing effort to formalise quantum algorithms and results in quantum information theory using the proof assistant Isabelle/HOL. Formal methods being critical for the safety and security of algorithms and protocols, we foresee their widespread use for quantum computing in the future. We have developed a large library for quantum computing in Isabelle based on a matrix representation for quantum circuits, successfully formalising the no-cloning theorem, quantum teleportation, Deutsch’s algorithm, the Deutsch–Jozsa algorithm and the quantum Prisoner’s Dilemma. We discuss the design choices made and report on an outcome of our work in the field of quantum game theory.


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