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在阴极研究领域,钪型阴极因其大发射电流密度受到广泛关注,但其发射机制仍不明确。普遍认为表面发射层为BaxScyOz-W结构,但发射表面是动态变化的,很难确认其最佳表面发射结构。本文对钪型阴极表面BaxScyOz-W的理想发射结构进行了建模,并利用密度泛函方法对其功函数进行了计算。计算得到Ba-O-Sc-O-W表面结构的最小功函数为1.186eV。通过对计算结果的分析,讨论了不同表面原子结构对应的功函数变化。 相似文献
脉冲激光沉积技术(PLD)易于获得高质量的氧化物薄膜已成为一种重要的制备ZnO薄膜的技术.采用脉冲激光沉积(PLD)(KrF准分子激光器:波长248 nm,频率5 Hz,脉冲宽度20 ns)方法在氧气气氛中以高纯Zn(99.999%)为靶材、在单晶硅和石英衬底表而成功生长了ZnO薄膜.通过X射线衍射仪、表面轮廓仪、荧光光谱仪、紫外可见分光光度计对合成薄膜材料的晶体结构、厚度、光学性质等进行了研究,分析了激光能量变化对其性能的影响.实验结果表明我们使用PLD法可以制备出(002)结晶取向和透过率高于75%的ZnO薄膜,激光能量为450 mJ的ZnO薄膜的发射性能较好,但激光能量的增加不能改善薄膜的透光率. 相似文献
脉冲激光淀积技术是制备薄膜的先进技术之一,具有膜成分容易做到与靶成分一致、便于控制淀积条件、适用面宽、淀积速率高、易于引入新技术等特点.为了使脉冲激光淀积技术智能化、简便化,研究开发出了"脉冲激光淀积薄膜专家系统".该专家系统具有薄膜基片选择、淀积参数确定、实验结果总结、相关数据查询等功能.本文首先阐述了该专家系统的设计思想和工作原理,然后介绍了该专家系统的功能和结构;最后对该专家系统的适用条件和进一步拓展的目标进行了讨论.利用该专家系统,成功地指导了掺钛氧化钽薄膜和钛酸锶钙薄膜的制备.(OH16) 相似文献
为了研究镧钼阴极表面发射机制,采用专为研究阴极设计的与俄歇能谱仪相连的脉冲激光沉积装置制备薄膜阴极.通过测量阴极发射性能和原位分析表面成分(原子数分数),研究了阴极表面元素镧La和氧O变化对阴极发射性能的影响.实验发现随着阴极表面镧膜变薄,阴极发射性能逐渐减弱;阴极发射性能与表面元素La,O 的含量有关,表面层中La/O越高,阴极的发射性能越好.结果表明,传统的单原子层理论无法解释镧钼阴极的发射机制;超额镧在镧钼阴极的发射中起到了关键作用. 相似文献
R. T. Rajendra kumar B. Karunagaran D. Mangalaraj Sa. K. Narayandass P. Manoravi M. Joseph 《Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing》2003,6(5-6):375-377
Vanadium oxide thin film has been deposited on glass substrate at room temperature using pulsed laser deposition with the laser fluence of 1.4 J/cm2 under high vacuum. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analysis shows that the film is oxygen deficient compared to the stoichiometric V2O5. X-ray diffraction study reveals the amorphous nature of the film. Atomic force microscopy ensures the particulate free film with smooth surface topography. From the temperature-dependent resistance measurements, thermistor parameters such as temperature coefficient of resistance (α) and thermistor constant (B) were determined as 28000 ppm K−1 and 2623 K, respectively. 相似文献
By using correlation-detection technique and improving structure of the test tube,the background noise of thermionic-electrons and space charge effect are restrained.The sec-ondary emission coefficient δ of thermionic cathode at high temperature has been studied.Theδ of impregnated scandate cathodes increases exponentially with increasing temperature at lowenergy and current of the bombardment electrons;at high energy or current of the bombardmentelectrons the temperature has little effect on δ.The research shows that an enhanced thermionicemission occurred when the cathode works at high temperature and under electron bombardment.These phenomena are discussed in terms of “internal field model”. 相似文献
随着现代科学技术的发展,人们对图像信息传输的安全性要求越来越高,以混沌理论为基础的图像加密方案更加受到重视。该文提出一种新型的光混沌图像加密传输系统以及图像“自加密”算法,该系统的主激光器(ML)经全光反馈后分别注入到3个半导体激光器(SLs)中,从而产生3个同步的混沌序列。在图像加密之前,先对明文图像进行预处理,得到两幅图像,一幅是明文图像取商的图像,另一幅是明文图像取余的图像。利用发送端的混沌序列对预处理的两幅图像进行多次加密、隐写以及扩散等操作,得到密文图像。实验结果表明:该文的密文图像像素值分布均匀,各像素间的相关性被打破,NPCR和UACI均接近理想值。该图像预处理的方法能够有效地使图像像素值更为集中、分布更加均匀,同时结合光混沌对图像进行加密,大大地提高传输图像的安全性。 相似文献
利用脉冲激光沉积技术(Pulsed Laser Deposition)首次制备出非晶碳-聚酰亚胺复合薄膜,用其做为冷阴极,观察到其场致电子发射的预击穿现象,预击穿后阈值场强为7V/μm,最大发射电流密度为1.2mA/cm^2。利用透明导电薄膜阳技术可观察到电子在薄膜阴极表明的发射区域。用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)观察了预击穿后发射区域的表面形貌的变化,并对复合薄膜的预击穿现象的场电子发射机理进行了探 相似文献
雪崩光电二极管(APD)作为高灵敏光探测器件,为降低暗电流噪声需要半导体热电制冷嚣来降低其工作环境温度。用于制冷器的能源供应以及恒温控制的开关电源是该制冷系统重要的支持性配置,从半导体热电制冷控制需要电源功率输出较大、稳定性较好和受外界影响较少的要求出发,在开关电源的功率转换电路和脉宽调制(PWM)控制电路部分做了相应的改进。选择半桥式功率转换电路,以及利用控制芯片的功能实现脉宽调制电路,并根据探测和控制的反馈信号进行功率调整,实验结果证明这些方法对本设计电源是可行的。 相似文献
Anurag Srivastava Jin-Kyu So Yiman Wang Jinshu Wang R. S. Raju Seong-Tae Han Gun-Sik Park 《Journal of Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves》2009,30(7):670-678
The design of a sheet-beam electron gun with planar cathode was made with the help of a three-dimensional electrostatic field
solver that was capable of forming a sheet-beam of 19 mA at 12 kV. It uses one-dimensional three-fold beam cross-sectional
area compression meets the specific requirement of a beam to be formed of height 30 μm and width 600 μm at the beam–waist
position with over 100 A/cm2 uniform current density and 0.068 π-mm-mrad emittance, typically, for 0.5 THz devices. A novel beam focusing electrode (BFE)
provided with extended-corner rectangular-aperture geometry alleviating the commonly encountered sheet-beam formation problem
with a gun that uses a conventional BFE, as well as it reduced beam emittance more than 50%. The practicability of the design
was tested by the high-voltage, the thermal and structural analyses. Work has been initiated to test the performance of special
high current scandate cathode using anode-aperture mapping. 相似文献
本文研究了4H-SiC MESFET与Ni,Ti/4H-SiC SBD的中子辐照效应,中子归一化能量为1MeV,最高中子注量和gamma射线累积总剂量分别为1×1015n/cm2和3.3Mrad(Si)。经过1×1013n/cm2的辐照剂量后, SiC MESFET的电学特性仅有轻微的变化,Ni、Ti/4H-SiC以及SiC MESFET栅极肖特基接触的 都没有明显变化;随着辐照中子注量的进一步上升,SiC MESFET的漏极电流下降,夹断电压上升。辐照剂量达到1×1014n/cm2,夹断电压从辐照前的-12.5V上升为约-11.5V。当中子辐照注量达到2.5×1014n/cm2时,SiC MESFET栅极肖特基接触的 比辐照前有一定的下降。分析认为SiC MESFET和SBD的退化主要是由中子辐照引入的体材料损伤造成的。本文的研究表明,提高器件有源区的掺杂浓度可以提高中子辐照容限。 相似文献
H. Liu O. Vasquez V. R. Santiago L. Diaz F. E. Fernandez 《Journal of Electronic Materials》2004,33(10):1171-1175
VO2 thin films deposited on MgO and fused silica glass substrates were prepared by the pulsed laser deposition (PLD) technique,
which shows phase transition (PT) from the monoclinic semiconductor phase to a metallic tetragonal rutile structure at temperatures
over 68°C. The observed PT is reversible, showing a typical hysteresis. The PT can also be induced through optical pumping
by laser excitation. In this case, it was found that the optically induced PT is ultrafast and passive, but not thermally
initiated. In order to understand the PT mechanism, a study of transient holography using degenerate-four-wavemixing (DFWM)
measurement was conducted. A Nd:YAG pulsed laser with pulse duration of 30 psec operating at 532 nm was employed as the coherent
light source. This showed that the observed transient holography in VO2 thin film is associated with the excited state dynamical process, which essentially causes the structural change, or so-called
optically induced PT. The observed extremely large polarizability is believed to relate to the large offset in the potential
well minimum between the ground state and excited state. Through an unidentified intermediate state, the transient lattice
distortion triggered the structural change. 相似文献