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三自由度行波型超声波电机的静力学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从三自由度行波型超声波电机的驱动原理与基本结构出发,使用变换矩阵得到了定转子的位置变换关系,进而分析了球转子的受力情况,并给出了定转子接触圆周的接触力方程.根据球转子和各个行波定子的力平衡方程,得到了球转子球心的微位移和行波定子的轴向压紧量与行波定子的轴向压紧力的关系方程.仿真分析表明,对电机定子施加对称的压紧力、增大定子轴线与基本坐标系轴线的夹角和减小定子半径,能够减小定转子接触圆周上定子与转子不相互接触的区域,使电机性能得到充分发挥.  相似文献   

双锥面齿自支撑轴系行波超声电机设计与有限元分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对传统的行波超声电机定转子接触面小、输出力矩小,需要轴承定位,存在润滑问题,设计了一种新型双锥面齿驱动的自支撑轴系行波超声电机。首先设计了双锥面齿超声电机的结构,并分析其运行机理,然后利用有限元软件对电机的定子进行模态分析、谐振分析和瞬态分析,不但精确地预测了电机的激励频率,得到定子的振动模态图,而且从理论上获得其振幅和阻抗随频率的变化规律,以及定子齿端上某点随时间变化的位移曲线及其椭圆运动轨迹。最后利用自行研制的电机样机进行了实验,该样机的最大堵转力矩是0.48 N.m,是与其相近尺寸的传统单面齿超声电机的1.7倍,样机的最大空载速度是86 r/min。  相似文献   

基于纵扭型超声电机与行波型超声电机发展存在的问题,笔者分别从超声电机的驱动机理、压电陶瓷逆压电效应的能量转换以及定、转子之间的接触形式三个方面对两种电机进行了详细的分析比较,指出了纵扭型超声电机比行波型超声电机对提高超声电机的性能更具有潜在的优势;同时指明当前阻碍纵扭型超声电机发展的几点不利因素.最后,从发展的角度说明了纵扭型超声电机的发展前景是非常美好的.  相似文献   

利用模糊预测控制对旋转型行波超声电机的速度控制进行了研究。使用预测输出,在线辨识电机参数,通过模糊控制器完成对参考信号的跟踪。仿真结果表明控制器有效,跟踪性能良好。  相似文献   

重点介绍了微型环型行波超声波电机的结构、行波的产生、椭圆运动的产生、驱动原理等,最后介绍了制作这种电机的实验结果。  相似文献   

基于微特电机在军事和民用现代化装备及控制中的广泛应用,综合叙述了微特电机的最新发展、分类和特性以及超声波电机的异军突起,论述了超声波电机的原理、控制方式及特性,并展望了超声波电机的发展前景。  相似文献   

基于微特电机在军事和民用现代化装备及控制中的广泛应用,综合叙述了微特电机的最新发展、分类和特性以及超声波电机的异军突起.论述了超声波电机的原理、控制方式及特性,并展望了超声波电机的发展前景.  相似文献   

通过对锥面钢领钢丝圈的受力分析,推出了钢领锥面倾角设计的理论算式和范围。  相似文献   

正技术开发单位中国船舶重工集团公司第七〇七研究所技术简介高速高精度微特电机可提供稳定的角动量输出和角速度输出,适用于需要高速稳定旋转的场合。高速高精度微特电机从电磁形式上可分为永磁同步电机和磁滞同步电机两种,从轴承形式上可分为气体动压轴承和精密球轴承两类,均具有高精度、高转速、高转速稳定性、长寿命、高效率等优点。中国船舶重工集团公司第七〇七研究所拥有50余年高速高精度微特电  相似文献   

A novel traveling wave ultrasonic motor using a bar shaped transducer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A novel traveling wave ultrasonic motor was proposed. The structure of the motor is rather simple and different from the conventional traveling wave ultrasonic motors. Its production processes are very convenient. It is composed of a stator constituted with a ring and a bar shaped transducer and two cone shaped rotors. The rotors were pressed on inner surface of the ring by means of a pre-pressure system. The bar shaped transducer has a sand- wich-like configuration,where two sets of piezoelectric element are bolted. One set excites a longitudinal vibration of the bar, and the other set excites a flexural vibration of the bar. The ring's traveling wave excited with the longitudinal vibration and the bending vibration of the bar transducer was simulated with FEM (finite element method). The prototype of the motor was made and investigated experimentally for its performance. Its maximum torque and rotating speed are 0.25 N · m and 50 r/min, respectively.  相似文献   

A new contact model of traveling wave ultrasonic motor (TWUSM) with a visco-elastic stator frictional layer was presented. In this model, the initial boundaries were revised, and the rotor revolution speed could be calculated iteratively. This model was compared with compliant slider and rigid stator model. The results of motor characteristics simulations showed that the motors based on this model would gain bigger stall torque. Then the friction and wear characteristics of two models were analyzed. The motors based on this model had lower coefficient of friction and better wear resistance.  相似文献   

为了提高铣削加工的能量利用率,提出了一种以无颤振切削为约束条件,以能量利用率为优化目标的铣削参数优化方法.基于机床的能耗特性,建立了提高能量利用率的无颤振铣削参数优化模型.利用切削稳定域图确定主轴转速的优化区间,利用切削力、切削功率、切削速度等条件确定切削深度、切削宽度及进给速度的优化区间,并通过合理选择各参数的优化步长快速获得切削参数.以五轴雕铣机为实验机床,45#钢为切削材料进行了验证试验,结果表明,该参数优化方法使能量利用率得到了较大提高.  相似文献   

A double cylinders type traveling wave ultrasonic motor using composite transducer was proposed.The proposed stator contained two cylinders and one composite transducer,and the transducer located on the outer surfaces of cylinders.The composite transducer included two exponential horns located on leading ends,and the horns insected with the cylinders at tip ends.Two degenerated flexural vibration modes spatially and temporally orthogonal to each other were excited in each cylinder by the composite transducer.In this new design,a single transducer could excite two flexural traveling waves in the cylinders.Thus,elliptical motions were achieved at the particles on the teeth.The working principle of the proposed motor was analyzed.The cylinder and transducer were designed with FEM.The resonant frequencies of two vibration modals of the stator were tuned to be the same,and the motion trajectories of nodes on the teeth were analyzed.Transient analysis results show that the motion trajectories of teeth are ellipses.The results of this paper can guide the development of this new type of ultrasonic motor.  相似文献   

高速永磁电机转子多场综合设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由于转子的强度和动力学分析是高速永磁电机设计的关键问题,因此必须对高速永磁转子进行基于强度、电磁及动力学特性的综合设计.采用有限元方法对转子进行应力场、电磁场及模态分析,并利用有限元软件优化设计模块,对转子结构进行多场迭代综合设计.通过强度分析确定了转子外径允许变化范围,根据电机的输出功率要求,选取了永磁体结构和转子的轴向尺寸.根据动力学要求确定转子长度,通过对转子多场综合设计得到满足强度、临界转速和电磁性能的转子综合设计结果,并以100kW,60000r/min高速电机为例进行设计和制造,电机实验验证了设计方法的正确性.  相似文献   

为了减小行波型旋转超声电动机定子与转子间的径向滑移,提出通过增大转子摩擦层径向最大剪切变形角的方法和基于定子与摩擦层间的黏滑原理来减小定子与转子间的径向滑移,分析了影响摩擦层的径向最大剪切变形角的因数;在ANSYS10.0中建立电动机定转子三维有限元接触模型;对影响定转子间径向滑移的因素进行仿真分析。分析结果表明,可以通过增大定子与摩擦层间的摩擦因子和增大摩擦材料的泊松比来减小电动机定子与转子间的径向滑移。摩擦材料泊松比的改变对减小径向滑移的贡献程度要大于定子与摩擦层间摩擦因子的改变对减小径向滑移的贡献程度。  相似文献   

在低速范围内,对无传感器应电动机进行矢量控制时用定子电压和电流推算转子磁通是比较困难的,通过用二个延迟回路的转子磁通推算器代替积分器,实验结果表明具有良好的响应特性。  相似文献   

Flow passing a vehicle may lead to the increase of the cabin interior noise level through a variety of mechanisms. These mechanisms include vibrations caused by aerodynamic excitations and reradiation from the glass panels, exterior noise trans-mitted and leaked through door seals including gaps and glass edge, and transmission of airborne noise generated by the interaction of flow with body panels. It is of vital importance to predict both the flow fields and the acoustic sources around the ve-hicle to accurately assess the impact of wind induced noise inside the cabin. In the present study, an unstructured segregated finite volume model was used to calculate the flow fields in which a hexahedron grid is used to simplify the vehicle geometry.A large eddy simulation coupled with a wall function model was applied to predict the exterior transient flow fields. The mean flow quantities were thus calculated along the symmetry plane and the vehicle’s side windows. A coupled FEM/BEM method was used to compute the vehicle’s interior noise level. The total contribution of the interior noise level due to the body panels of the vehicle was subsequently analyzed.  相似文献   

设计了一种双振子自走型直线超声电机,电机的定子由2个同轴的对称布置的弯曲摇头型振子和中部带细颈的柔性振动块组成.2个振子的弯曲振动会激励出中间振动块的摇头振动,使驱动头上的质点产生椭圆运动轨迹,与导轨摩擦接触产生自走直线运动.测量得到定子上振动块的局部弯曲共振频率为20 792Hz,定子的弯曲共振频率约为40 420Hz.仿真发现,以振动块的局部弯曲共振模态作为工作模态能够得到更大的振幅.实验结果表明,在该模态频率下,电机可以提供较大的驱动速度,发热很少,较长时间工作仍旧稳定可靠,故被选作工作模态.在40 420Hz附近电机能够驱动,但是振子发热严重,不易稳定工作.当两相驱动信号的频率为20.8kHz、相位差为90°、驱动信号电压的峰峰值为138V时,电机的驱动速度达到598mm/s,电机的最大驱动力达到1.94N.  相似文献   

提出了一种采用自然水(含海水和淡水)作为液压介质进行工作的径向低速大扭矩马达。与油压马达相比,摩擦、磨损、腐蚀等是水压马达面临的主要问题,而合适的定子曲线可以减少摩擦、磨损、水击等现象的发生。本文根据运动学理论对水液压马达的定子曲线进行了设计与分析。对幅角修正等加速运动规律和匀变加速修正等加速运动规律的加速度公式进行了修正。对9种不同类型运动规律的各区段幅角进行了设计,并结合曲线方程和水压马达的相关参数绘制出相应的定子曲线。综合分析了9种类型定子曲线下柱塞副(滚球与柱塞)的加速度、速度以及曲线压力角等特性,指出有过渡区的等加速运动规律曲线较适合于所研究的低速大扭矩水液压马达。  相似文献   

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