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采用Realizable k-ε湍流模型,对多级离心泵进行了CFD计算,分析了流场的分布规律和压力脉动。结果表明:由于隔舌的影响,多级泵内部各级叶轮速度与静压、总压分布均呈现非对称性;涡流、二次流等流动现象主要发生在首级叶轮蜗壳和次级叶轮蜗壳内;叶轮内叶片压力面侧进口至出口的相对速度呈现先减小后增大的趋势;隔舌处的压力脉动特性同时受到叶轮与隔舌间的动静干涉和叶片通过频率的影响。数值模拟计算得到的外性能曲线与试验的外特性曲线较吻合,误差在允许范围内。  相似文献   

采用Realizable k-ε湍流模型,对多级离心泵进行了CFD计算,分析了流场的分布规律和压力脉动。结果表明:由于隔舌的影响,多级泵内部各级叶轮速度与静压、总压分布均呈现非对称性;涡流、二次流等流动现象主要发生在首级叶轮蜗壳和次级叶轮蜗壳内;叶轮内叶片压力面侧进口至出口的相对速度呈现先减小后增大的趋势;隔舌处的压力脉动特性同时受到叶轮与隔舌间的动静干涉和叶片通过频率的影响。数值模拟计算得到的外性能曲线与试验的外特性曲线较吻合,误差在允许范围内。  相似文献   

利用LDV分别测量了最优的小流量工况下矩形断面蜗壳的3个断面内的清水平均流动,实验发现,蜗壳内部液体速度的圆周分速度比径向分速度大一个数量级;蜗壳内存在螺旋运动;蜗壳断面内流体角动量不守恒;无论在最优还是在小流量工况,蜗壳内部流动都是扩压流动;在小流量工况,扩压更为严重。  相似文献   

离心泵被广泛的应用于航空航天和石油化工领域,其内部的流动损失特征尚未被完全揭示.为了揭示离心泵内部流动损失机理,本文以1台带诱导轮的离心泵模型为研究对象,采用熵产理论和Q准则对不同转速和工况下的离心泵内部各个部件的流动损失特性进行定量分析.研究结果表明:局部熵产和壁面熵产值随着转速的增大而增大,与湍流耗散熵产和直接耗散...  相似文献   

为了改善离心泵内部流场的非定常流动特性,基于仿生学原理构建仿生非光滑表面蜗壳,利用滑移网格技术对标准蜗壳、仿生蜗壳离心泵内部流场进行非定常计算,研究不同时刻下不同蜗壳离心泵静压场及速度场的差异,对比不同蜗壳离心泵压水室内压力脉动特性.结果表明:在不同时刻下,仿生蜗壳扩散段内静压分布更均匀、压力梯度更小,速度方向、大小基本保持一致,相对标准蜗壳更不易出现漩涡、二次流及边界层分离现象;叶片扫过隔舌瞬间,仿生蜗壳叶轮流道内流线分布相对更对称;一个周期内,仿生蜗壳离心泵压力脉动最大与最小处的脉动幅值均明显降低.说明仿生蜗壳能改善离心泵内部非定常流场,且对压水室内压力脉动有明显的抑制作用.  相似文献   

基于一元流动的航空离心泵综合损失模型与效率预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
给出了一种全面考虑离心泵内各种损失形式的综合损失模型的建立方法,通过深入分析离心泵吸入室、叶轮、无叶扩压室、蜗壳形集水室和出口扩散段在内的各通流部件几何结构及损失机理,结合一元流动理论分别建立离心泵的水力损失模型、容积损失模型、轮盘摩擦损失和机械损失模型,最终构建一个能够表征12个离心泵主要设计参数与泵效率间的综合损失模型。基于所建立的损失模型进行了某航空燃油离心泵的性能预测研究,并将损失模型预测结果与试验数据、CFD仿真数据进行了对比研究。仿真结果表明:采用损失模型的效率预测值与该型航空离心泵试验数据相对误差小于2.8%,在设计工况下,CFD仿真得到的离心泵效率与试验数据相比误差在4.4%以内,损失模型的预测效率相比较CFD预测值,准确性高于CFD方法 1.6%,表明所建立损失模型预测效率精度优于CFD方法,能够用于准确的预测离心泵设计过程的工作效率。  相似文献   

基于标准κ-ε双方程湍流模型和SIMPLEC算法,采用Fluent软件对一台IS型离心泵内部整个三维流场,在不同工况下分别进行了定常湍流计算,并分析了不同工况下内部流动的差异性,获得了离心泵各过流部件内的流动特生,发现隔舌的存在导致泵内流动呈现非对称性.在数值模拟的基础上,得到该离心泵的性能曲线,并与试验性能曲线进行对比,结果显示两者在总体上吻合.  相似文献   

为研究含气率对导叶式离心泵输送气液两相时内部流动的影响,基于延迟分离涡DDES(Delayed Detached-Eddy Simulation)湍流模型及Mixture多相流模型对导叶式离心泵进行非定常数值模拟,得到不同含气率下,模型泵内气相分布、压力分布、流线分布以及所选监测点压力脉动情况,并将数值模拟的外特性曲线与试验进行对比分析。结果表明:气相主要在导叶靠近蜗壳出口的流道、蜗壳靠近叶轮前盖板一侧以及出口段靠近隔舌一侧聚集;导叶出口处压力从靠近隔舌处沿顺时针方向逐渐减小;蜗壳隔舌至第Ⅰ断面内及出口段靠近隔舌侧均出现了回流区;蜗壳壁面从P1点顺时针方向沿蜗壳至出口段静压值逐渐减小;随着含气率的增大,叶轮进口处低压区面积增大,导叶内压力降低;蜗壳出口段多个面积较小的回流区转变为几个面积较大的回流区;同一监测点静压值逐渐减小,隔舌处静压值受含气率的影响最大。  相似文献   

小型风扇叶顶间隙内部流动数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对不同叶顶间隙小型风扇内部数值模拟,得出不同叶顶间隙小型风扇的静特性曲线、相同S面间隙涡流变化及叶顶到机闸内表面各回转面涡流变化.研究得出:当流量Q小于0.006 5 m3/s时,4个不同叶顶间隙的总压变化趋势一致,均随叶顶间隙的增加总压减小.流量增加时,叶顶间隙为2.5 mm时性能较好;在相同S面上,间隙涡流现象...  相似文献   

为提高D46-50X4型多级离心泵的单级运行效率,使用CFX流体分析软件,选取k-ε湍流模型,对其内部流场进行数值模拟,得出减损其效率的主要原因,设计新的导叶及叶轮,并对离心泵原始模型与改进模型的流场进行数值模拟与分析。结果表明:离心泵的原始模型中叶轮流道进口与导叶扩散段进口均存在明显漩涡,严重降低该型泵的效率;通过减小叶轮外径和调整叶轮流道型线,改进原始模型中的圆盘摩擦损失及叶轮流道内漩涡堵塞;标准工况下,与原始模型相比,改进模型单级扬程提高4.4 m,单级效率提高6.4%,达到了国家标准。  相似文献   

基于湍流润滑理论建立小间隙环流数学模型,计算层流假设时层流、过渡流及湍流3种流态下环流内压力分布情况,并与实验结果进行对比.结果显示采用层流模型进行计算时,层流工况下求得结果与实验吻合很好,但当雷诺数增加导致小间隙环流发展至过渡态及湍流状态时,数值计算结果与实验结果相比有较大偏差.利用几种典型湍流模型及过渡流模型对数值结果进行修正,修正后的数值结果与实验结果吻合较好;引用过渡区域摩擦因子对模型进行修正后的计算结果可修正采用层流模型和湍流模型时产生的误差,更接近于实验结果.针对离心泵启动的瞬态过程,求解考虑转子涡动角速度及涡动幅值变化时小间隙环流内压力分布,结果显示,涡动角速度及涡动幅值的变化对环流内正压区及负压区分布均有明显影响.  相似文献   

针对工况的要求和企业设备管理的水平,将离心式水泵的机械密封改造成填料密封,通过合理的结构设计和组合填料使用,改造后的填料密封达到了密封要求,取得了满意效果.  相似文献   

对 10叶片式轿车转向泵定子曲线进行了校系统的研究 ,分析其运动特性及流量脉动。在前人研究工作的基础上 ,建立了转向泵漏油流量的数学模型。结果表明 ,分段组合曲线不但运动学特性较好 ,而且其流量脉动显著降低 ,10叶片式泵而言 ,比通常采用的高次曲线更有推广应用价值  相似文献   

对10片叶式轿车转向泵定子曲线进行了校系统的研究,分析其运动特性及流量脉动。在前人研究工作的基础上,建立了转向泵漏油流量的数学模型。结果表明,分段组合曲线不但运动学特性较好,而且其流量脉动显著降低,10片叶式泵而言,比通常采用的高次曲线更有推广应用价值。  相似文献   

On the nature of tip clearance flow in subsonic centrifugal impellers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Increasing demand for downsizing of engines to improve CO2 emissions has resulted in renewed efforts to improve the efficiency and expend the stable operating range of the centrifugal compressors used in petro-chemical equipment and turbochargers. The losses in these compressors are dominated by tip clearance flow. In this paper, the tip clearance flow in the subsonic impeller is numerically investigated. The nature of the tip clearance in inducer, axial to radial bend and exducer are studied in detail at design and off-design conditions by examining the detailed flow field through the clearance and the interaction of the clearance flow with the shear effect with the endwalls. The correlation between blade loading and span wise geometry and clearance flow at different locations are presented.  相似文献   

In this paper,the CFD simulation and new flow unsteadiness analysis for a single-blade centrifugal pump with whole flow passage were carried out.The periodic flow unsteadiness has been quantitatively investigated in detail by defining unsteady intensity and turbulence intensity in both rotor and volute domains under design condition Q=33 L s 1.The results show that the distributions of flow unsteadiness are the functions of impeller rotating angle and have complex unsteady characteristics.The obvious T u fluctuations can be also observed for different impeller positions.In addition,time-averaged unsteady intensity and time-averaged turbulence intensity were calculated by averaging the results of each mesh node for entire impeller revolution period to evaluate the strength distributions of flow unsteadiness directly and comprehensively.The accumulative results of an impeller revolution can directly show the positions and strength of the flow unsteadiness and turbulence intensity in both rotor and stator domains which can be an important aspect to be considered in the single-blade pump optimum design procedure for obtaining more stable inner flow of the pump and decreasing flow-induced vibration and noise.The flow unsteadiness in the side chamber cannot be neglected for an accurate prediction of the inner flow of the pump,and the optimizing design procedure for a single-blade pump impeller will not be accurate using CFD tool if the unsteady flow phenomenon in the side chamber is not considered.  相似文献   

Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) technology was used to study the unsteady internal flow in a double-blade centrifugal pump (DBCP) impeller at the design flow rate.Relative velocity distributions and turbulence intensity distributions in the DBCP impeller at six phase conditions were obtained.And mean dimensionless relative velocity,turbulence intensity,mean absolute flow angle,mean relative flow angle,mean dynamic pressure and mean angular momentum distributions at the different radii of impeller were calculated.Results show that from impeller inlet to impeller outlet,turbulence intensities gradually decrease.With the increase of radius r,mean dimensionless relative velocity first decreases and then increases,while variation tendencies of mean absolute flow angle and mean dynamic pressure are the opposite.With the increase of radius r,turbulence intensity and mean relative flow angle first decrease,then increase,and then decrease,while mean angular momentum gradually increases.  相似文献   

Based on RNG k-ε turbulence model and sliding grid technique, solid-liquid two-phase three-dimensional(3-D) unsteady turbulence of full passage in slurry pump was simulated by means of Fluent software. The effects of unsteady flow characteristics on solid-liquid two-phase flow and pump performance were researched under design condition. The results show that clocking effect has a significant influence on the flow in pump, and the fluctuation of flow velocity and pressure is obvious, particularly near the volute tongue, at the position of small sections of volute and within diffuser. Clocking effect has a more influence on liquid-phase than on solid-phase, and the wake-jet structure of relative velocity of solid-phase is less obvious than liquid-phase near the volute tongue and the impeller passage outlet. The fluctuation of relative velocity of solid-phase flow is 7.6% smaller than liquid-phase flow at the impeller outlet on circular path. Head and radial forces of the impeller are 8.1% and 85.7% of fluctuation, respectively. The results provide a theoretical basis for further research for turbulence, improving efficient, reducing the hydraulic losses and wear. Finally, field tests were carried out to verify the operation and wear of slurry pump.  相似文献   

离心泵气液混输瞬态过渡过程水力特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究离心泵进口管路因漏气而出现气液混输瞬态过渡过程的水力特性,采用Pro/E软件完成离心泵内部流道三维造型,利用雷诺时均N-S方程和RNG k-ε两方程及SIMPLEC算法,应用计算流体力学软件CFX对离心泵叶轮流道内的气液混输过渡过程的汽液两相湍流进行值模拟计算,并与试验结果进行对比.结果表明:离心泵发生含气量连续增大的气液混输过渡过程时,在离心力和惯性力共同作用下,叶轮进口的气泡相偏向叶片压力面的运动;叶轮流道内的气泡相的气体体积分数Cvol从零逐渐增加到一定值后急剧增加到最大值,缓慢下降到一定值保持不变;叶轮内部和出口处压力变化规律是先逐渐下降一定值后开始出现大幅度压力波动,而速度变化规律是逐渐变大到一定值后开始剧烈震荡.  相似文献   

Tip clearance leakage flow in a radial inflow turbine rotor for microturbines under the stage environment is investigated using a three-dimensional viscous flow simulation. The results indicate that the scraping flow caused by relative motion between casing and rotor tip, and the pressure difference between pressure side and suction side at rotor tip, play important roles in tip clearance leakage flow. The more the rotor tip speed increases and tip clearance height decreases, the more the scraping effect acts. Though the leakage velocity of tip clearance at midsection and exducer regions changes less when the rotor rotational speed is changing, the distance between passage vortex and rotor suction side varies in evidence. Main leakage flow rate of tip clearance takes place at region of exducer tip and some seal configurations will be quite effective for cutting leakage flow if these configurations are arranged over midsection and exducer of the radial inflow rotor.  相似文献   

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