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Zhang  Rui  Xie  Fei  Sun  Rui  Huang  Lei  Liu  Xixiang  Shi  Jianjun 《Neural computing & applications》2022,34(19):16655-16668
Neural Computing and Applications - Most existing methods based on graph neural network for traffic flow forecasting cannot effectively exploit potential semantic features, multiple features are...  相似文献   

交通流量预测是智能交通系统中的重要研究课题,然而,交通对象(如站点、传感器)之间存在的复杂局部时空关系使得这项研究颇具挑战。尽管以往的一些研究将流量预测问题转化为一个时空图预测问题从而取得了较大的进展,但是它们忽略了交通对象们跨时空维度的直接关联性。目前仍缺乏一种全面建模局部时空关系的方法。针对这一问题,首先提出一种新颖的时空超图建模方案,通过构造一种时空超关系来全面地建模复杂的局部时空关系;然后提出一种时空超关系图卷积网络(STHGCN)预测模型来捕获这些关系用于交通流量预测。在四个公开交通数据集上进行了大量对比实验,结果表明,相比ASTGCN、时空同步图卷积网络(STSGCN)等时空预测模型,STHGCN在均方根误差(RMSE)、平均绝对误差(MAE)、平均绝对百分比误差(MAPE)这三个评价指标上均取得了更优的结果,不同模型运行时间的对比结果也表明,STHGCN有着更高的推理速度。  相似文献   

Many studies on Graph Data Augmentation (GDA) approaches have emerged. The techniques have rapidly improved performance for various graph neural network (GNN) models, increasing the current state-of-the-art accuracy by absolute values of 4.20%, 5.50%, and 4.40% on Cora, Citeseer, and PubMed, respectively. The success is attributed to two integral properties of relational approaches: topology-level and feature-level augmentation. This work provides an overview of some GDA algorithms which are reasonably categorized based on these integral properties. Next, we engage the three most widely used GNN backbones (GCN, GAT, and GraphSAGE) as plug-and-play methods for conducting experiments. We conclude by evaluating the algorithm’s effectiveness to demonstrate significant differences among various GDA techniques based on accuracy and time complexity with additional datasets different from those used in the original works. While discussing practical and theoretical motivations, considerations, and strategies for GDA, this work comprehensively investigates the challenges and future direction by pinpointing several open conceivable issues that may require further study based on far-reaching literature interpretation and empirical outcomes.  相似文献   

Liu  Huijie  Wu  Han  Zhang  Le  Yu  Runlong  Liu  Ye  Liu  Chunli  Li  Minglei  Liu  Qi  Chen  Enhong 《Knowledge and Information Systems》2022,64(7):1723-1757
Knowledge and Information Systems - Technological advancement can provide new and more cost-effective solutions to challenges in critical areas. Therefore, as one of the important sources for...  相似文献   

Neural Computing and Applications - Undoubtedly, one of the greatest issues nowadays is congestion. To face such problem, forecasting of traffic is required. Bayesian combined neural network (BCNN)...  相似文献   

为了减少路由器的能耗,提出了一种改进的反向传播(BP)神经网络预测路由器流量的方法,在传统BP神经网络的基础上加入学习率自适应算法,提高路由器流量的预测精度和训练速度.运用MATLAB平台构建BP神经网络对网络流量进行建模、训练并预测.仿真结果表明:相较传统预测模型,运用改进的BP神经网络预测模型精度较高,训练速度较快,路由器可以更快、更准确地调整工作状态,实现了有效节能,具有很好的应用前景.  相似文献   

针对反向传播(BP)神经网络用于交通流预测易陷入局部最优且寻优速度慢的问题,采用了社会情感优化(SEO)BP神经网络的参数,以SEO中的个体为一个BP神经网络,以3种情绪为表现形式,通过个体间的合作竞争进行寻优.运用Levy、正态、柯西分布3种情绪随机选择策略,通过不同方式实现了以不同的概率选择不确定的情绪,使SEO中情绪更好地模拟人的正常心理变化.实验表明:该模型较其他模型更有利于搜寻全局最优解,能有效提高短时交通流的预测精度.  相似文献   

Stock index forecasting is one of the major activities of financial firms and private investors in making investment decisions. Although many techniques have been developed for predicting stock index, building an efficient stock index forecasting model is still an attractive issue since even the smallest improvement in prediction accuracy can have a positive impact on investments. In this paper, an efficient cerebellar model articulation controller neural network (CAMC NN) is proposed for stock index forecasting. The traditional CAMC NN scheme has been successfully used in robot control due to its advantages of fast learning, reasonable generalization capability and robust noise resistance. But, few studies have been reported in using a CMAC NN scheme for forecasting problems. To improve the forecasting performance, this paper presents an efficient CMAC NN scheme. The proposed CMAC NN scheme employs a high quantization resolution and a large generalization size to reduce generalization error, and uses an efficient and fast hash coding to accelerate many-to-few mappings. The forecasting results and robustness evaluation of the proposed CMAC NN scheme were compared with those of a support vector regression (SVR) and a back-propagation neural network (BPNN). Experimental results from Nikkei 225 and Taiwan Stock Exchange Capitalization Weighted Stock Index (TAIEX) closing indexes show that the performance of the proposed CMAC NN scheme was superior to the SVR and BPNN models.  相似文献   

He  Xiaoyu  Shi  Suixiang  Geng  Xiulin  Xu  Lingyu  Zhang  Xiaolin 《Applied Intelligence》2021,51(7):4381-4393
Applied Intelligence - The multistep-ahead prediction of chlorophyll provides an effective means for early warning of red tide. However, since multistep-ahead forecasting presents challenges, such...  相似文献   

Artificial neural network based robot control: An overview   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The current thrust of research in robotics is to build robots which can operate in dynamic and/or partially known environments. The ability of learning endows the robot with a form of autonomous intelligence to handle such situations. This paper focuses on the intersection of the fields of robot control and learning methods as represented by artificial neural networks. An in-depth overview of the application of neural networks to the problem of robot control is presented. Some typical neural network architectures are discussed first. The important issues involved in the study of robotics are then highlighted. This paper concentrates on the neural network applications to the motion control of robots involved in both non-contact and contact tasks. The current state of research in this area is surveyed and the strengths and weakness of the present approaches are emphasized. The paper concludes by indentifying areas which need future research work.  相似文献   

基于Elman神经网络的股票价格预测研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
林春燕  朱东华 《计算机应用》2006,26(2):476-0477
为了更好地把握股票价格的波动,应用了在处理序列数据输入输出具有优越性的Elman 递归神经网络建立股市预测模型,并用两支股票进行了检测,检测结果说明人工神经网络应用于中国股票市场的预测是可行和有效的,有着良好的前景。  相似文献   

现有的网络流量预测模型存在着泛化能力弱和预测准确率低等问题,为了解决此问题,提出了一种结合动态扩散卷积模块和卷积交互模块的预测模型。动态扩散卷积模块可以提取网络流量中复杂的空间特征和动态特性,而卷积交互模块则能捕获到流量中的时间特征,两者的有机结合可以有效预测网络中的流量。通过与其他网络流量预测模型在美国能源科学网(ESnet)流量数据上进行对比实验,验证了提出的动态扩散卷积交互图神经网络模型(DDCIGNN)的有效性。实验结果表明,DDCIGNN模型的均方根误差(RMSE)在最好的情况下优化了大约13.0%,说明该模型能够进行更有效的网络流量预测。  相似文献   

为解决网络流量时间序列的预测问题,针对传统BP神经网络的网络流量时间序列预测模型容易陷入局部极小值的不足,提出一种基于模拟退火的微粒群算法训练神经网络的网络流量时间序列预测模型.将模拟退火算法和基本粒子微粒群算法相结合,设计出一种基于模拟退火的微粒群算法.利用基于模拟退火微粒群算法优化BP神经网络的权值和阀值,对实际采集的网络流量时间序列进行建模.实验结果表明,基于模拟退火的微粒群算法训练的神经网络具有较高的预测效果,相对于传统的神经网络模型具有更高的预测精度和良好的自适应性.  相似文献   

Neural Computing and Applications - Datasets with outliers can be predicted with robust learning methods or robust artificial neural networks. In robust artificial neural networks, the...  相似文献   

Session-based recommendation is a popular research topic that aims to predict users’ next possible interactive item by exploiting anonymous sessions. The existing studies mainly focus on making predictions by considering users’ single interactive behavior. Some recent efforts have been made to exploit multiple interactive behaviors, but they generally ignore the influences of different interactive behaviors and the noise in interactive sequences. To address these problems, we propose a behavior-aware graph neural network for session-based recommendation. First, different interactive sequences are modeled as directed graphs. Thus, the item representations are learned via graph neural networks. Then, a sparse self-attention module is designed to remove the noise in behavior sequences. Finally, the representations of different behavior sequences are aggregated with the gating mechanism to obtain the session representations. Experimental results on two public datasets show that our proposed method outperforms all competitive baselines. The source code is available at the website of GitHub.  相似文献   

交通流量预测是智能交通系统中非常重要的研究领域,因为交通流量的复杂性,传统的预测方法不能很好地预测。提出一种基于[t]分布自适应变异优化的布谷鸟算法,通过动态变异控制尺度和设置多个自由度来构造自适应变异算法,可以获得优于高斯变异和柯西变异的整体优化效果。在此基础上,提出改进布谷鸟搜索算法优化神经网络的交通流量预测模型(ACS-BPNN),通过优化BP神经网络的初始权值和阈值参数,以提高短时交通流量预测精度。仿真结果表明,该方法取得比较好的预测结果。  相似文献   

针对目前仅单独考虑价格序列中样本的趋势或仅考虑多个关联属性与价格间的函数关系,而不能更准确地进行房价预测的问题,构建了时空注意力图卷积长短期记忆模型AG-LSTM,包含局部特征提取模块、区域特征提取模块、复合预测模块。局部特征提取模块分别使用同构图和异构图神经网络提取各小区及价格关系属性、各小区和配套邻居节点相关性的特征信息;区域特征提取模块先对邻近小区节点进行聚类,再结合图注意力网络获得小区节点对所属区域的重要性程度,建立区域与小区之间的映射矩阵,根据小区节点信息和映射矩阵得到区域特征;复合预测模块使用长短期记忆模型对由局部特征和区域特征组成的复合特征进行时序建模,实现房价预测。以链家网北京房价数据进行了实验,结果表明AG-LSTM预测结果优于已有基线模型。该模型同时挖掘了小区间位置关系、小区与其配套间位置关系、多个关联属性、价格时序趋势对房屋价格的影响,较好地实现了房屋价格的预测。  相似文献   

实时准确的交通流量预测是智能交通诱导和交通控制实现的前提和关键。针对城市交通流的特点,建立了模糊神经网络预测模型,并将全局优化的蚁群算法和粒子群算法组成递阶结构优化模糊神经网络的参数。算法中,主级为蚁群算法,进行全局搜索;从级为粒子群算法,进行局部搜索。仿真结果表明该模型能够取得比梯度下降法更高的预测精度。  相似文献   

张晗  王霞 《计算机应用研究》2012,29(8):3134-3136
提出一种基于小波分解的网络流量时间序列的分析和预测方法。将非平稳的网络流量时间序列通过小波分解成为多个平稳分量,采用自回归滑动平均方法分别对各平稳分量进行建模,将所有分量的模型进行组合,得到原始非平稳网络流量时间序列的预测模型。在仿真实验中,利用网络流量文库的时间序列数据建立了预测模型,并对其进行独立测试检验。仿真结果表明,本预测方法提高了网络流量时间序列的预测准确率,是一种有效、稳健的网络流量预测方法。  相似文献   

Session-based recommendation (SBR) and multi-behavior recommendation (MBR) are both important problems and have attracted the attention of many researchers and practitioners. Different from SBR that solely uses one single type of behavior sequences and MBR that neglects sequential dynamics, heterogeneous SBR (HSBR) that exploits different types of behavioral information (e.g., examinations like clicks or browses, purchases, adds-to-carts and adds-to-favorites) in sequences is more consistent with real-world recommendation scenarios, but it is rarely studied. Early efforts towards HSBR focus on distinguishing different types of behaviors or exploiting homogeneous behavior transitions in a sequence with the same type of behaviors. However, all the existing solutions for HSBR do not exploit the rich heterogeneous behavior transitions in an explicit way and thus may fail to capture the semantic relations between different types of behaviors. However, all the existing solutions for HSBR do not model the rich heterogeneous behavior transitions in the form of graphs and thus may fail to capture the semantic relations between different types of behaviors. The limitation hinders the development of HSBR and results in unsatisfactory performance. As a response, we propose a novel behavior-aware graph neural network (BGNN) for HSBR. Our BGNN adopts a dual-channel learning strategy for differentiated modeling of two different types of behavior sequences in a session. Moreover, our BGNN integrates the information of both homogeneous behavior transitions and heterogeneous behavior transitions in a unified way. We then conduct extensive empirical studies on three real-world datasets, and find that our BGNN outperforms the best baseline by 21.87%, 18.49%, and 37.16% on average correspondingly. A series of further experiments and visualization studies demonstrate the rationality and effectiveness of our BGNN. An exploratory study on extending our BGNN to handle more than two types of behaviors show that our BGNN can easily and effectively be extended to multi-behavior scenarios.  相似文献   

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