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The El‐Kabir River watershed is the largest in western Lebanon and is shared between Lebanon and Syria. The river forms most of the northern boundary of Lebanon with Syria, being characterized by water flow throughout the year. The characteristics of the river and its variable hydrologic properties are the result of abrupt changes in land physiography. Until recently, data on Lebanese rivers was inadequate, especially for rivers shared with other countries. The El‐Kabir River watershed typifies this situation, particularly when the river has undergone many changes, including water pollution and declining discharge because of changing climate and increased pollution. This study was implemented in the context of a large investigation of the watershed which was funded by the International Development Research Council, Canada, for the purpose of improving the baseline data and knowledge required to effectively manage this important resource. Within the water cycle, ≈ 250 × 106 m3 of precipitation falls on the Lebanese side. Of this volume, ≈ 50% is lost as evaporation and transpiration, while 5–50% of the remainder infiltrates to ground water, with the residual becoming land run‐off. An obvious decline of ≈ 40% of the total river discharge of the river has occurred over the last 50 years. It can be explained by climate change and by water extraction associated with dramatic increases in population and associated land uses. The hydraulic configuration and characteristics of the river have two major orientations; namely, NE–SW and E–W. These orientations are the product of geological structure and lithologies. Furthermore, each has different hydrologic properties related to watershed size, elevation, slope, catchment shape and orientation, although both orientations are directly inter‐related.  相似文献   

Assessment of Hydrological Drought Revisited   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
A variety of indices for characterising hydrological drought have been devised which, in general, are data demanding and computationally intensive. On the contrary, for meteorological droughts very simple and effective indices such as the Standardised Precipitation Index (SPI) have been used. A methodology for characterising the severity of hydrological droughts is proposed which uses an index analogous to SPI, the Streamflow Drought Index (SDI). Cumulative streamflow is used for overlapping periods of 3, 6, 9 and 12 months within each hydrological year. Drought states are defined which form a non-stationary Markov chain. Prediction of hydrological drought based on precipitation is also investigated. The methodology is validated using reliable data from the Evinos river basin (Greece). It can be easily applied within a Drought Watch System in river basins with significant storage works and can cope with the lack of streamflow data.  相似文献   

This work addresses the issue of climate change in the context of water resource planning on the time scale of a few years. Planning on this time scale generally ignores the role of climate change. However, where the climate of a region has already shifted, the use of historical data for planning purposes may be misleading. In order to test this, a case study is conducted for a region, the Australian Capital Territory, where long term drought is raising concerns of a possible climate shift. The issue is cast in terms of a particular planning decision; the option to augment water supply in the next few years to hedge against the drought persisting. A set of climate scenarios are constructed for the region corresponding to the historical climate regime and to regimes where progressively greater levels of change are assumed to have already taken place (5%, 10%, 20% reductions in mean rainfall). Probabilities of the drought persisting are calculated for each of the scenarios. The results show substantial increases in the probability of the drought persisting for even moderate reductions in mean rainfall. The sensitivity of the decision to augment supply to the scenario results depends ultimately on the planners tolerable thresholds for the probability of the drought persisting. The use of different scenarios enables planners to explore the sensitivity of the decision in terms of their risk tolerance to ongoing drought and to their degree of belief in each of the scenarios tested.  相似文献   

The Aerosol Robotic Network - Ocean Color (AERONET-OC) instrument located at the Pålgrunden site in Lake Vänern provides values of remote sensing spectral reflectance RRS(λ) since 2008. These in situ RRS(λ) indicated a temporal increase from 2015 at center-wavelengths in the green and red spectral regions. To investigate the environmental and climate processes responsible for this increase, water color trends in Lake Vänern were analyzed considering in situ limnological measurements, meteo-climatic quantities and additionally satellite-derived data products from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer on board the Aqua platform (MODIS-A). Satellite ocean color RRS(λ) data assessed against in situ RRS(λ) from the Pålgrunden site showed satisfactory agreement at a number of spectral bands. Relying on these validation results, comprehensive statistical analysis were performed using MODIS-A RRS(λ). These indicated periodical changes between 2002 and 2021 with clear minima occurring between 2010 and 2013. The complementary analyses of temporal changes characterizing limological and meteo-climatic quantities, and also relationships between these quantities and RRS(λ), indicated the existence of complex and concurrent bio-geochemical processes influencing water color in Lake Vänern. In particular, significant correlations were observed between RRS(λ) and turbidity, and also between RRS(λ) and total biovolume. Additionally, an early warming of Lake Vänern surface waters was identified since spring 2014. This occurrence could potentially affect the vertical mixing and water exchange between turbid coastal and pelagic waters with implications for phytoplankton phenology.  相似文献   

In order to assess the quality of the waters of the El‐Kabir River, which forms the border between Lebanon and Syria, water samples were collected for phosphorus (P) and nitrogen analyses at 39 sample stations in the river watershed (18 in Syria, 21 in Lebanon). These samples were collected on the main stem and three major tributaries (Nahr al‐Arous and Nahr Nasrive in Syria, Chadra River in Lebanon). Three major springs also were sampled. The sampling was carried out in September 2001, and January, April and August 2002. Nutrient analyses were carried out on samples taken in September 2001, January and April 2002 in Syria, and in September 2001 and August 2002 in Lebanon. The P concentrations were extremely high throughout the watershed, as were the ammonia‐nitrogen and nitrate‐nitrogen concentrations, indicating extensive pollution. Although the nitrite‐nitrogen concentration was relatively low, it is at the upper end of what might be considered normal, thereby perhaps being indicative of some anthropogenic sources. The spring waters were found to be polluted by nutrients. The nutrient sources contributing to the river pollution were mainly from piped, direct sewage discharges from the many settlements throughout the basin. These were supplemented by diffuse sources directly from agricultural fertilizer use and from the indiscriminate disposal of solid wastes into the river and on the stream banks and lands adjacent to the roads of the watershed.  相似文献   

本文分析了山西水旱灾害特点及其成因,并提出了减轻灾害的对策,主要有加快河道综合治理,加强城市防洪治理,病险水库除险加固,灌区续建配套、污水资源化、开辟新水源等工程措施以及完善水法规体系、建立健全水旱灾害预警预报体系、防洪优化调度的实施等非工程措施。  相似文献   

This is an overview of the submarine springs occurring along the coast of Lebanon, and the associated geological, hydrogeological, and hydrological characteristics of their terrestrial catchment areas. Emphasis is placed on springs in the Chekka Bay in North Lebanon because of their voluminous discharge, and their importance as a potential source of water. Tapping and exploiting the larger springs along the entire coast would yield an estimated 650 Mm3/yr of fresh water and would certainly help to alleviate the acute water shortage anticipated in the foreseeable future. However, the associated ecological and socio-economic impacts must be considered alongside the beneficial aspects. Such projects are essential to meet the increasing water demands in Lebanon and the region.  相似文献   

Numerous definitions of droughts which are based on different climatological time series have been in use. In this paper, the development of drought indicators by using different time series is described. These drought indicators were developed for use by the Department of Natural Resources in the State of Indiana, U.S.A. The second part of the study deals with an analysis of the consistency of results obtained by using different time series, in order to select two or three of the commonly available series for drought analysis. Past drought data are used to test the performance of the drought indicators. As a result of this study, three month precipitation, monthly river flow and the Palmer Hydrologic Drought Index series are recommended for operational use.  相似文献   


Managed aquifer recharge can store surface water as safe and reliable groundwater for later recovery. However, most options are problematic in karstic aquifers due to complex hydrodynamics reducing their effectiveness and hence general applicability. River bank filtration and urban stormwater infiltration systems are among the main managed recharge approaches to cope with this complexity. Experiences in Lebanon demonstrate the viability of these and other options in karstic domains.  相似文献   

Optimal Water Resources Management: Case of Lower Litani River, Lebanon   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
The pressures of human population and patterns of development frequently jeopardize the integrity of river systems worldwide. An integrated approach to water resources management is essential, particularly in developing countries. This study presents the results of the water resources optimization conducted for the Lower Litani River Basin in Lebanon. The overall aim of the project is to develop, test, and critically evaluate an innovative approach to water resources management in the Mediterranean region. The method explores the ways in which multiple environmental, economic, and social benefits can be achieved through integrated management of water resources. The Water Resources Model was utilized to assess the efficiency of the baseline model scenario and for the optimization process of the different scenarios of the Litani Lower Basin. Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats analysis was applied in order to derive the objectives and constraints. Results revealed that the potential retained scenarios aim at decreasing water consumption and demand, losses, and return flow. These scenarios mainly include the shift to drip irrigation, awareness campaigns, and losses control in domestic supply pipes. Other retained scenarios having a higher shortfall rely on the use of the Channel concrete lining to decrease losses and return flow, in addition to the awareness campaigns in both domestic and irrigation sectors, and less consumptive/more efficient irrigation methods such as sprinkler and drip irrigation at variable application percentages. Hence, most of the interventions or measures proposed are generally not costly and can be implemented.  相似文献   

Water samples for bacterial analyses were taken, when possible, at 41 sites in Lebanon and Syria in the El‐Kabir River watershed. Samples were analysed for total coliform (TC), faecal coliform (FC) and faecal streptococcus. The Lebanese samples also were analysed for the presence of sulphate‐reducing bacteria. The TC and FC concentrations were extremely high throughout the watershed, rendering the water unfit for any human uses. The origin of the bacteria is the untreated sewage waste from the numerous settlements situated throughout the watershed. This primary origin is supported by high ratios of FC/faecal streptococcus, although impacts from animal wastes also were observed. The bacterial levels were higher in summer than in winter, indicating a high winter river flow that dilutes a relatively constant source of human sewage discharged to the system. Spring waters also exhibited elevated levels of bacteria, implicating surface land use and waste disposal practices upstream of the springs. The data clearly shows that human health is at a high risk and that strategies for improving water quality and protecting spring water must be expeditiously implemented.  相似文献   

The hydrological cycle, a fundamental component of climate is likely to be altered in important ways due to climate change. In this study, the historical daily runoff has been simulated for the Chenab River basin up to Salal gauging site using a simple conceptual snowmelt model (SNOWMOD). The model has been used to study the impact of plausible hypothetical scenarios of temperature and rainfall on the melt characteristics and daily runoff of the Chenab River basin. The average value of increase in snowmelt runoff for T + 1°C, T + 2°C and T + 3°C scenarios are obtained to be 10, 28 and 43%, respectively. Whereas, the average value of increase in total streamflow runoff for T + 1°C, T + 2°C and T + 3°C are obtained to be 7, 19 and 28%, respectively. Changes in rainfall by −10 and + 10% vary the average annual snowmelt runoff over the T + 2°C scenario by −1% and + 1% only. The result shows that melt is much more sensitive to increase in temperature than to rainfall.  相似文献   

以位于内蒙古的第一大湖-呼伦湖为研究对象,综合应用RS、GIS等现代分析技术手段,通过解译该区1973、1975、1986~2009年近36a的MSS、TM、ETM遥感影像,实现了呼伦湖湖泊水位、面积的遥感动态监测,并建立了关系模型:研究发现呼伦湖面积在1999年达到了1959年以来的最大水面面积2106.95km2后开始骤然下降到2009年的最低水面面积1813.69km2。以24.44km2/a的速度减少了293.26km2,水面面积比1999年最大面积时减少了近14%。水位高程自1999年的最高水位下降了3.94m,是呼伦湖平均水深(9m)的39.4%。收集、整理了呼伦湖及上游流域4个气象站点、3个水文站点近52a的气象、水文资料。分析了呼伦湖区域尺度内的水热状况变化,发现研究区域温度升高。降水呈波动性减少.并且在1999年后温度和降水的变率增大,是呼伦湖面积减小、水位下降的主要原因。最后.分析了气候变化对呼伦湖生态环境的影响效应。并建立了湖泊水位和降水、气温等气象因子以及径流量之间的关系模型.研究可为寒旱区湖泊水环境管理提供参考。  相似文献   

A total of 39 sediment samples were collected from the El‐Kabir River and its major tributaries during the low‐flow period of August/September 2001. Of these samples, six were selected for a scan for pesticide residues, polychlorinated biphenyls and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). An additional seven samples were analysed for major elements and trace elements. Despite the limited number of samples analysed, it can be concluded that major elements reflect the distribution and chemistry of major rock types in the watershed, the sodium oxide concentrations indicate an early onset of salinization in the coastal plain, dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane is currently in use in the watershed despite being a banned substance, the PAH contamination is directly linked to an old, disused railway track, and chromium and nickel are the two trace elements showing anthropogenic enrichment, being attributed to leather tanning and metal plating by small‐scale industries in the watershed.  相似文献   

Rivers in arid and semi-arid regions are threatened by droughts and climate change. This study focused on a comparative evaluation of the impacts of climate change and droughts on the vulnerability of river flows in three basins with diverse climates in Iran. The standardized precipitation-evapotranspiration index (SPEI) and precipitation effectiveness variables (PEVs) extracted from the conjunctive precipitation effectiveness index (CPEI) were used to analyze the drought severity. To investigate hydrological droughts in the basins, the normalized difference water index (NDWI) and the streamflow drought index (SDI) were calculated and compared. The effects of droughts were assessed under various representative concentration pathway (RCP) scenarios. Changes in the number of wet days and precipitation depth restricted hydrological droughts, whereas an increasing number of dry days amplified their severity. The projected increases in dry days and precipitation over short durations throughout a year under future climate scenarios would produce changes in drought and flood periods and ultimately impact the frequency and severity of hydrological droughts. Under RCP 4.5, an increase in the frequencies of moderate and severe meteorological/hydrological droughts would further affect the Central Desert Basin. Under RCPs 2.6 and 8.5, the frequencies of severe and extreme droughts would increase, but the drought area would be smaller than that under RCP 4.5, demonstrating less severe drought conditions. Due to the shallow depths of most rivers, SDI was found to be more feasible than NDWI in detecting hydrological droughts.  相似文献   

Thirty‐nine sampling sites were selected in the El‐Kabir River watershed, including 18 in Syria and 21 in Lebanon. Three major tributaries, the Nahr al‐Arous and the Nahr Nasrive in Syria, and the Chadra River in Lebanon, were included in the site selection, together with Wadi el‐Aatchane and Wadi Khaled. Instrumental measurements for temperature, specific conductivity (Sp. Cond.), dissolved oxygen (DO) and pH were taken directly in the water at each site visit. Measurements were taken in both countries in May 2001, January, April and August 2002, and there was an additional sampling in Lebanon during September 2001. The interpretation of the data led to some specific conclusions on the conditions in the watershed. The waters of the El‐Kabir River are derived almost exclusively from ground water, with many significant springs functioning throughout the year. The water that flows rapidly through the system is well‐mixed and consistent in its major characteristics. The DO concentration > 5 mg L?1, averaging 8.53 mg L?1 (three DO values < 5 mg L?1 were observed, all at the same spring). Some variability in water character was observed for Sp. Cond.; these differences could be related to the spring‐source waters originating in limestone or basaltic terrain. Furthermore, an increase in Sp. Cond. in the lower reaches of the river might be related to salinization, resulting from surface water and near‐surface ground water withdrawals for anthropogenic use, particularly irrigation.  相似文献   

本文回顾了1990-1999年发生的旱灾,据此提出今后的抗旱减灾对策。  相似文献   

Water Resources Management - A reliable understanding of propagation from meteorological to hydrological drought is necessary for accurate forecasting of hydrological droughts. Our current...  相似文献   

本文介绍了现有抗旱信息网络的建设情况,分析了运行当中存在的问题,提出了完善抗旱信息网络的几条对策。  相似文献   

The persistent water shortage in Cyprus has been alleviated by importing freshwater from neighbouring countries, and severe droughts have been met with financial reimbursement from the EU at least twice. The goal of this research is to investigate and perform short-term forecasting of both streamflow and hydrological drought trends over the island. Eleven hydrometric stations with a 34-year common record length of the mean daily discharge from 10/1979 to 09/2013 are used for this purpose, with the relevant upstream catchments considered to represent pristine conditions. The Streamflow Drought Index (SDI) successfully captures the hydrological drought conditions over the island, and the performance of the index is validated based on both the historic drought archives and results from other drought indices for the island. The Mann–Kendall (M-K) test reveals that the annual and seasonal time series of the discharge volumes always illustrate a decreasing but insignificant trend at a significance level of a?=?0.05; additionally, the decrease per decade in the average annual streamflow volume based on Sen’s slope statistic is approximately ?9.4%. The M-K test on the SDI reveals that drought conditions intensified with time. Ten autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) models are built and used to forecast the mean monthly streamflow values with moderate accuracy; the best ARIMA forecast model in each catchment is derived by comparing two model-performance statistical measures for the different (p,d,q) model parameters. The predicted discharge values are processed by the SDI-3 index, revealing that non-drought conditions are expected in most catchments in the upcoming three months, although mild-drought conditions are anticipated for catchments 7, 8 and 9.  相似文献   

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