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A structural lesion of the brain is a frequent finding in intractable partial epileptic patients. We analyse anatomo-electro-clinical characteristics of 58 patients in which MR showed a lesion inside the temporal lobe. They are 29 males and 29 females with a mean age at surgery of 23.5 +/- 10.7 years (2.6-45.9). The mean epilepsy duration is of 13.4 +/- 8 years (1.3-35.5), with a mean seizure frequency of 28.7 +/- 43.6 per month, with a great inter-individual variability (from 3 per month to 15 a day). The minimum follow-up is 3.5 years. A video-EEG monitoring was performed in 21 cases, while a stereo-EEG investigation was judged mandatory in 26. On the basis of anatomo-electro-clinical correlations and of the results of presurgical investigations, the epileptogenic area was proved to be temporal in 49 cases, temporal but controlateral to the lesion in 1, and at least bilobar in 8 patients.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND/AIMS: The precise relationships among colonic motor patterns, depth of sleep, and awakening are incompletely understood. The aim of this study was to correlate human colonic motor patterns with sleep stage, nocturnal arousals, and waking. METHODS: We monitored sleep and correlated sleep stage, arousals, and waking with pressures (area under curve and propagating contractions) recorded from the entire colon in 11 healthy volunteers. RESULTS: Propagating contraction frequency (P = 0.01) and area under the curve (P = 0.001) were significantly reduced at night. There was a highly significant correlation between depth of sleep and suppression of area under curve (P = 0.001) and propagating contraction frequency (P = 0.0001). Propagating contractions were eliminated during slow-wave sleep. During rapid eye movement sleep, colonic pressure and propagating contraction frequency increased sharply to levels comparable with those found in stage 2 sleep. Transient arousal from stable sleep, with or without waking, was a potent and immediate stimulus for colonic propagating contractions. CONCLUSIONS: Sleep per se has a profound inhibitory effect on propagating and nonpropagating activity and is the major determinant of diurnal variation of colonic motility. Propagating contractions are eliminated in slow-wave sleep. Rapid eye movement sleep, arousals, and waking have immediate stimulatory effects on colonic motility.  相似文献   

Postembryonic neurogenesis leads to a dramatic increase in the number of functional neurons within the segmental ganglia of the moth, Manduca sexta. These adult-specific neurons are generated during larval life by segment-specific arrays of individually identifiable stem cells, or neuroblasts (Nbs). By the end of the feeding larval stage, each Nb has generated a discrete nest of progeny, which ranges in size from less than 10 to more than 70 progeny. The sizes of these identifiable nests of progeny vary in a segment-specific manner, with the thoracic nests containing a greater number of progeny compared with their homologues in the simpler abdominal ganglia. In order to describe those factors that influence the size of the post-embryonic neuronal lineages, we examined the spatial and temporal pattern of postembryonic neurogenesis in the segmental ganglia of Manduca. The rates at which the identifiable nests accumulated progeny were estimated by counting the number of progeny within the nests, using sectioned material isolated from animals at stages ranging from embryonic hatching until the end of the feeding larval stage. All of the postembryonic Nbs began to generate progeny at around the time of the molt to the third larval instar. Each nest added progeny at a rate that was a characteristic of its identity and segment of origin. Although all of the nests within the thorax continued to accumulate progeny throughout the feeding larval stage, several of the abdominal nests showed little or no growth following the molt to the fifth larval instar. The thymidine analog 5-bromo 2-deoxyuridine (5-BrdU) was used to estimate the mitotic rates of the identifiable Nbs. The number of labeled progeny within a nest 24 h after application of 5-BrdU ranged from a low of 1 to 2 to a high of 11 to 13 labeled cells. In some instances there was a good correlation between the estimated mitotic rate of an identified Nb and the rate of growth of its associated nest of progeny. However, several of the identifiable nests accumulated progeny at a slower rate than predicted based on the estimated mitotic rate of the Nb. Cell death appears to be responsible for slowing the growth of the nests during the feeding larval stage. We estimate that 10% to 70% of the neurons generated during the feeding larval stage degenerate within 24 h of their birth. The level of cell death observed within a nest was dependent on both its identity and its segment of origin.  相似文献   

An immunocytochemical approach with specific glial markers was used to investigate the temporal and spatial patterns of differentiation of ensheathing glia wrapping axon fascicles along the primary olfactory pathway of the rat during development. The two glial markers tested, the proteins S-100 and glial fibrillary acidic protein, are known to be expressed at different stages of maturation in glial cells. The S-100 protein was first weakly expressed in cells accompanying the olfactory axons at embryonic day 14 (E14), while a first faint glial fibrillary acidic protein staining was detected along the olfactory axons at E15 and along the vomeronasal nerves at E16. A strong S-100 immunoreactivity was already present from E16 onwards along the axon fascicles through their course in both the nasal mesenchyme and the subarachnoid space before entering the olfactory nerve layer of the olfactory bulb. A gradual increase in glial fibrillary acidic protein expression was observed along this part of the developing olfactory pathway from E16 up to E20, when an adult-like pattern of staining intensity was seen. By contrast, most of the ensheathing cells residing in the olfactory nerve layer exhibited some delay in their differentiation timing and also a noticeable delayed maturation. It was only from E20 onwards that a weak to moderate S-100 expression was detected in an increasing number of cells throughout this layer, and only few of them appeared weakly glial fibrillary acidic protein positive at postnatal days 1 and 5. The immunocytochemical data indicate that there is a proximodistal gradient of differentiation of ensheathing cells along the developing olfactory pathway. The prolonged immaturity of ensheathing cells in the olfactory nerve layer, which coincides with the formation of the first glomeruli, might facilitate the sorting out of olfactory axons leading to a radical reorganization of afferents before they end in specific glomeruli.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to support the hypothesis that visceral signals may integrate and influence behavior by way of direct pathways from the nucleus tractus solitarii (NTS) to the olfactory tubercle and the midline/intralaminar thalamus. An anterograde tracer, biotinylated dextran amine (BDA) was iontophoresed bilaterally into the caudal NTS to optimize terminal labeling. NTS-cortical projections traversed both limbs of the diagonal bands providing heavy innervation, and terminated lightly within layer 3 of the olfactory tubercle. NTS-thalamic projections terminated within anterior and, as previously shown, posterior divisions of nucleus paraventricularis thalami and avoided the adjoining mediodorsal thalamic nucleus. Heretofore unrecognized projections were traced to the parafascicular and reuniens thalamic nuclei, and the peripeduncular nucleus. Control experiments identified the nucleus gracilis as the principal source of ascending projections to ventroposterior lateral, posterior and intralaminar thalamic nuclei. Our data corroborate the supposition that olfactory signals may integrate with visceral stimuli in the striatal compartment of olfactory tubercle. NTS projections encompass thalamic nuclei that project topographically to the prefrontal cortex, hippocampus and ventral (limbic) striatum, regions activated by visceral stimulation. Structural data support the idea that compartments of the non-discriminative thalamus may contribute to perception and behavioral responses to visceral stimulation.  相似文献   

Using immunocytochemical methods, we have examined extensively the spatial and temporal patterns of expression of three extracellular matrix molecules-laminin, fibronectin, and type IV collagen-in the embryonic, postnatal (days 2 and 11) and adult rat olfactory system. The study started at embryonic day 14 when olfactory fibres and their associated migrating cells course through the nasal mesenchyme. From embryonic day 14 to the adult, a sheet-like pattern of labelling for laminin, fibronectin and type IV collagen was observed along the basal surface of the olfactory epithelium and around the telencephalon. This type of labelling was continuous around the telencephalic vesicle, whereas it appeared disrupted in the basal lamina of the olfactory epithelium to permit exit of the olfactory axons and their associated migrating cells into the mesenchyme. From embryonic day 14 to day 20, punctate labelling for the three molecules studied was observed along the mesenchymal olfactory pathway, the ventral part of the olfactory bulb, the olfactory nerve layer and the presumptive glomerular layer, respectively. By embryonic day 17, the punctate labelling initially detected in the mesenchymal olfactory pathway was replaced by a sheet-like pattern related to the mature basal lamina surrounding the olfactory axon fascicles. Punctate labelling for laminin and type IV collagen persisted in the olfactory nerve layer and around the glomeruli through adult life whereas that of fibronectin declined and disappeared by postnatal day 2. The spatiotemporal distribution of the punctate pattern for laminin, fibronectin and type IV collagen observed in the embryonic olfactory system suggests a role in delineating the pathway for olfactory axon elongation. The continuous expression of laminin and type IV collagen in the adult olfactory bulb may be related to the regenerative activity and high plasticity of the olfactory system.  相似文献   

根据结构动力学理论证明了能力谱曲线的确定与侧向荷载分布模式间存在对应关系,指出对于不同的侧向荷载模式,应采用不同的能力谱曲线转化公式并给出了具体的表达式.分别采用本文方法、传统方法和弹塑性时程分析对一个六层钢筋混凝土框架结构进行了计算,证明了本文方法计算精度更高.利用该方法,采用多种侧向荷载模式对结构进行静力弹塑性分析,能将侧向位移反应可能范围限定得更小,使人们把握实际地震反应大小的准确性得以提高.  相似文献   

The central complex, a highly ordered neuropil area in the insect brain, plays a role in motor control and spatial orientation. To further elucidate the neurochemical architecture of this brain area, we have investigated the distribution and morphology of neurons containing locustatachykinin I/II-related substances in the central complex of the locust Schistocerca gregaria. The central complex is innervated by at least 66 locustatachykinin I/II-immunoreactive neurons, which belong to two sets of tangential neurons and four sets of columnar neurons. These neurons give rise to immunostaining in the protocerebral bridge, in several layers of the upper division of the central body, and in all layers except layer 5 of the lower division of the central body. Double-label experiments show colocalization of immunoreactivity for both locustatachykinin I/II and octopamine in tangential neurons of the protocerebral bridge. A pair of tangential neurons of the lower division of the central body exhibits both locustatachykinin I/II and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) immunoreactivity. A set of 16 columnar neurons of the lower division of the central body shows colocalized immunoreactivity for locustatachykinin II, leucokinin, and substance P. This study reveals novel features of the anatomical organization of the locust central complex and suggests a prominent role for locustatachykinin-related peptides as neuromediators and cotransmitters within this brain area.  相似文献   

The olfactory system is a highly plastic region of the nervous system. Continuous remodeling of neuronal circuits in the olfactory bulb takes place throughout life as a result of constant turnover of primary sensory olfactory neurons in the periphery. Glycoconjugates are very important in olfactory development, regeneration and function. This article deals with different aspects of glycobiology relevant for the olfactory system. Various anatomical, developmental and functional subdivisions of the olfactory system have been labeled with exogenous lectins. The application of reverse lectin histochemistry resulted in the visualization of endogenous lectins, involved in fasciculation of olfactory axons. Numerous glycoproteins, among them members of the immunoglobulin superfamily, the cadherins and integrins as well as different glycolipids and proteoglycans can act as surface adhesion molecules in the olfactory system. The olfactory-specific form of the sialoglycoprotein neural cell adhesion molecule is implicated in olfactory neuronal and axonal guidance. Glycoconjugates including laminin, fibronectin and proteoglycans are abundant components of the olfactory extracellular matrix, influencing neurite outgrowth and cellular migration. Immunohistochemical labeling has revealed occurrence of the carbohydrate differentiation antigen, playing a role in neurulation and morphogenesis of the very early olfactory system. The synaptic vesicle glycoprotein, appearing also early in olfactory development, is used as a marker of olfactory tumors. Finally, membrane and transmembrane glycoconjugates as well as secreted glycoconjugates may act as olfactory receptor molecules.  相似文献   

In order to build a reference system to assess ongoing in vitro and in situ hybridisation experiments on epithelial-mesenchymal interactions governing odontogenesis in the zebrafish, we describe here the generation of the pharyngeal dentition, and the histological development of teeth up to fourteen days post-fertilization, using serial semithin sections, handmade and computer-assisted reconstructions and transmission electron microscopy. The tooth pattern in larval zebrafish is generated in a predictable, and bilaterally symmetrical manner from shortly before hatching onwards. Characteristics related to tooth development and structure differ considerably from those seen in juvenile specimens and those described for other bony fishes. Particular features related to the cyprinid condition include the complex epithelial connectivity and the mode of attachment of the teeth.  相似文献   

Horseradish peroxidase conjugated to wheatgerm agglutinin (HRP:WGA) was injected into the proximal cut ends of three branches of the mylohyoid nerve in rats: the branch to the mylohyoid muscle (BrMh), the branch to the anterior belly of the digastricus muscle (BrDg), and the cutaneous branch (BrCu). HRP-labeled cells were detected in the ipsilateral caudal portion of the trigeminal mesencephalic nucleus (Vmes) and the ipsilateral ventromedial division of the trigeminal motor nucleus, except when HRP:WGA was applied to the BrCu. Morphologically, all labeled Vmes cells were of the pseudounipolar type. Projections of the primary afferents of the BrMh were observed in the ipsilateral trigeminal nucleus caudalis, the upper cervical dorsal horns of laminae I-III, and the dorsolateral recticular formation (Rf), whereas the primary afferents of the BrDg terminated in the ipsilateral trigeminal nucleus principalis and Rf. These observations suggest that the role of the afferent inputs of the mylohyoid muscle differs from that of those of the anterior belly of the digastricus muscle in terms of several functions associated with jaw-closing and infrahyoid muscles.  相似文献   

In the frog, unitary electrophysiological recordings have been extensively used to investigate odor processing along the olfactory pathways. From the responses of primary second-order neurons, neuroreceptor and mitral cells, odor stimuli could be classified in qualitative groups, revealing that neuronal discriminative mechanisms are partly based on the structure of odor molecule. In the olfactory bulb, thanks both to the anatomical convergence of primary afferences and intrinsic network properties, mitral cells have been demonstrated to gain in odor discrimination and detection power abilities. GABAergic bulbar interneurons were found to be involved in the control of mitral cell excitability, adjusting response thresholds and duration and promoting a progressive increase of burst discharges with stimulus concentration. Otherwise, dopamine was observed to shunt off mitral cell spontaneous activity without altering their odor responsivity properties. Dopamine was demonstrated to act through D2 receptors. Matching anatomical and electrophysiological data, D2 receptors are assumed to be localized on mitral cells. The frog olfactory cortex neurons, silent at rest, could be segregated in two functional groups basing on their odor response properties. The first group shared most intensity coding properties with mitral cells while showing a lower discriminative power, similar to that of neuroreceptor cells. By contrast, the second group provided only minimal intensity coding and, basing on its high discrimination power, was assumed to be mainly devoted to odor discrimination. Thus, along the olfactory pathways, intensity and quality odor parameters which are simultaneously encoded by a neuroreceptor or mitral cell, become specified by two distinct populations in the cortex.  相似文献   

The role of different cytochrome P450 isozymes (CYP) in the N-demethylation of chlorimipramine and chlorpromazine has been investigated in liver microsomes from rats by studying the effects of multiple subchronic doses of chlorimipramine, chlorpromazine, phenobarbital and beta-naphthoflavone on the N-demethylation of ethylmorphine, mono-N-demethyl-chlorimipramine and chlorpromazine and on the hydroxylation of aniline. With control microsomes, CYP-dependent metabolism of chlorimipramine and chlorpromazine (100 nmol; 30 min incubation) resulted in the formation of predominantly chlorimipramine (46.5 +/- 4.9 nmol) whereas chlorpromazine (14.1 +/- 0.9 nmol) accounted for only part of the overall metabolism of chlorpromazine. Multiple doses of chlorimipramine increased the capacity of microsomes to N-demethylate ethylmorphine (9.8 +/- 0.73 and 6.08 +/- 0.06 nmol min(-1) (mg protein)(-1) for chlorimipramine-treated and control rats, respectively) as well as itself (4.65 +/- 0.25 and 3.10 +/- 0.33 nmol min(-1) (mg protein)(-1), respectively). Multiple doses of chlorpromazine induced aniline-hydroxylase activity (1.11 +/- 0.16 and 0.94 +/- 0.06 nmol min(-1) (mg protein)(-1) for chlorimipramine and control microsomes, respectively) but the capacity to N-demethylate itself was unchanged. Phenobarbital treatment induced ethylmorphine N-demethylation activity, but did not affect N-demethylation activity, towards chlorimipramine and chlorpromazine. In control microsomes the N-demethylation capacity of chlorimipramine or chlorpromazine (0.160 +/- 0.025 and 0.015 +/- 0.003 nmol min(-1) (mg protein)(-1), respectively) was one order of magnitude lower than that of chlorimipramine or chlorpromazine. The capacity to N-demethylate either chlorimipramine or chlorpromazine was increased by treatment with either phenobarbital or beta-naphthoflavone. In control microsomes, sulphaphenazole markedly inhibited both chlorimipramine-N-mono- and di-N-demethylation, whereas quinidine markedly inhibited the rate of formation of chlorpromazine. The CYP2C and CYP2D subfamilies seem to be involved in the mono N-demethylation of chlorimipramine and chlorpromazine, respectively. Moreover the CYP1A and CYP2B subfamilies might participate in the N-demethylation of either chlorimipramine or chlorpromazine. This could have important implications in the clinical use of chlorimipramine and chlorpromazine in view of the genetic polymorphism of CYP2C and CYP2D isozymes in man.  相似文献   

It is a well-established fact that prolonged odor stimulation leads to marked sensory adaptation. This study demonstrates comparable electrophysiological phenomena occurring at the level of the olfactory receptor and at more central olfactory structures. Recordings of overall receptor response and of olfactory bulb unit responses were made during repeated odor stimulation. During the course of a single, continuous odor presentation response decrements were seen in the EOG (at the olfactory receptors) and were mirrored at the mitral cell layer of the bulb. When brief periods without stimulation were introduced between such odor presentations, receptor responsiveness rebounded to its original level, but mitral cell responses did not. On the basis of this dissociation it is suggested that the pattern of response decrement within the bulb represents a case of stimulus-specific habituation in a simple cortical subsystem and is well worth future investigation as a model of neural plasticity. Surgical disconnection of the olfactory bulb from one or more of its centrifugal inputs results in hyperactive, hyperresponsive mitral cells, which habituate more rapidly and show longer recovery times than do those in the intact bulb. In addition, the synchronization of such units to the inhalation cycle is markedly reduced as compared with normal preparations. These facts together suggest that the habituation of mitral cell activity does not depend on centrifugal inputs, although one or more of such inputs act indirectly in an inhibitory fashion to modulate and tune mitral cell response characteristics.  相似文献   

To understand the relationship between the expression and the genomic organization of the zebrafish dlx genes, we have determined the genomic structure of the dlx2 and dlx4 loci. This led to the identification of the zebrafish dlx1 and dlx6 genes, which are closely linked to dlx2 and dlx4, respectively. Therefore, the inverted convergent configuration of Dlx genes is conserved among vertebrates. Analysis of the expression patterns of dlx1 and dlx6 showed striking similarities to those of dlx2 and dlx4, respectively, the genes to which they are linked. Furthermore, the expression patterns of dlx3 and dlx7, which likely constitute a third pair of convergently transcribed genes, are indistinguishable. Thus, the overlapping expression patterns of linked Dlx genes during embryonic development suggest that they share cis-acting sequences that control their spatiotemporal expression. The evolutionary conservation of the genomic organization and combinatorial expression of Dlx genes in distantly related vertebrates suggest tight control mechanisms that are essential for their function during development.  相似文献   

A general method is presented to classify temporal patterns generated by rhythmic biological networks when synaptic connections and cellular properties are known. The method is discrete in nature and relies on algebraic properties of state transitions and graph theory. Elements of the set of rhythms generated by a network are compared using a metric that quantifies the functional differences among them. The rhythms are then classified according to their location in a metric space. Examples are given, and biological implications are discussed.  相似文献   

A coculture method is described for ensheathing glial cells from adult rat olfactory nerve, serving as a substrate for the regrowth of neurites from adult rat retinal ganglion cells. Immunocytochemically identified phenotypes present in primary cultures of olfactory nerve cells are described, and their ability to promote neurite outgrowth is compared with neonatal astrocytes and Schwann cells, with other nonglial cells, and with laminin. Ensheathing cell cultures were more effective than any other substrate tested and also directed the orientation of regrowing neurites. In comparison with cultured Schwann cells, which released neurotrophic factors into the culture medium, there was no evidence of a similar activity in ensheathing cell cultures. Combinations of ensheathing cell-conditioned medium and substrates of laminin, merosin, or 3T3 cells also failed to show the release of factors enhancing either survival or neurite outgrowth from retinal ganglion cells. Evidence is presented for a partial inhibition of neurite outgrowth in the presence of calcium channel antagonists or an intracellular calcium-chelating reagent. This provides evidence for a contribution from an intracellular calcium signaling mechanism, possibly implicating ensheathing cell adhesion molecules in promoting neurite outgrowth.  相似文献   

Mast cells hold a key position in the defensive mechanisms against exogenous intruders. In this study, we investigated whether human mast cells express functional major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II molecules that can transduce endogenous signals and present staphylococcal enterotoxin A (SEA) to T cells. Similar to HMC-1 human mast cell line, umbilical cord blood-derived mast cells express HLA-DR, -DP and -DQ molecules on their surface. MHC class II molecules expressed on HMC-1 cells bind significantly the SEA (a natural MHC class II ligand), and their ligation with specific mAbs or with SEA, leads ultrastructural changes, suggesting their degranulation. Recognition of SEA-bound MHC class II molecules on HMC-1 mast cells by the T cell receptor of K25 cells, an SEA-specific murine T cell hybridoma, triggers significant IL-2 secretion by these T cell hybridomas. Hence, our data point out the expression of functional MHC class II molecules on human mast cells, reinforcing the implication of these cells in the defense mechanisms of acquired immunity.  相似文献   

The advantages of the free TRAM flap over the conventional Tram flap are known. The use of its main pedicle--the deep inferior epigastric system--improves the blood supply, decreasing the risk of skin and fat necrosis. The harvesting of 5-7 cm of muscle, and the preservation of its lateral border decreases the risk of abdominal wall bulge or hernias. Delayed breast reconstructions in patients submitted to radiotherapy were performed by end to side anastomosis between flap vessels and axillary vessels, avoiding the thoracodorsal irradiated vessels, and improving the blood flow. Ten patients were submitted to breast reconstruction by free TRAM flaps. There was one total flap necrosis, and one delayed healing around the periumbilical suture. Neither skin nor fat necrosis were seen. One patient developed an abdominal wall bulge. Two patients presenting tumor metastasis abandoned the plastic surgery outpatient clinic. Two patients refused the nipple-areolar complex (NAC) reconstruction. The outcome of five NAC reconstructions was very good, breasts being symmetrical without an opposite breast operation.  相似文献   

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