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In this paper, we introduce a two‐scale diffusion–deformation coupled model that represents the aging material deterioration of two‐phase materials involving micro‐crack propagations. The mathematical homogenization method is applied to relate the micro‐ and macroscopic field variables, and a weak coupling solution method is employed to solve the two‐way coupling phenomena between the diffusion of scalar fields and the deformation of quasi‐brittle solids. The macroscopic mechanical behavior represented by the derived two‐scale two‐way coupled model reveals material nonlinearity due to micro‐scale cracking induced by the scalar‐field‐induced deformation, which can be simulated by the finite cover method. After verifying the fundamental validity of the proposed model and the analysis method, we perform a simple numerical example to demonstrate their ability to predict aging material deterioration. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Two squeeze‐film gas damping models are proposed to quantify uncertainties associated with the gap size and the ambient pressure. Modeling of gas damping has become a subject of increased interest in recent years due to its importance in micro‐electro‐mechanical systems (MEMS). In addition to the need for gas damping models for design of MEMS with movable micro‐structures, knowledge of parameter dependence in gas damping contributes to the understanding of device‐level reliability. In this work, two damping models quantifying the uncertainty in parameters are generated based on rarefied flow simulations. One is a generalized polynomial chaos (gPC) model, which is a general strategy for uncertainty quantification, and the other is a compact model developed specifically for this problem in an early work. Convergence and statistical analysis have been conducted to verify both models. By taking the gap size and ambient pressure as random fields with known probability distribution functions (PDF), the output PDF for the damping coefficient can be obtained. The first four central moments are used in comparisons of the resulting non‐parametric distributions. A good agreement has been found, within 1%, for the relative difference for damping coefficient mean values. In study of geometric uncertainty, it is found that the average damping coefficient can deviate up to 13% from the damping coefficient corresponding to the average gap size. The difference is significant at the nonlinear region where the flow is in slip or transitional rarefied regimes. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present work is to model and to simulate the coupling between the electric and mechanical fields. A new finite element approach is proposed to model strong electro‐mechanical coupling in micro‐structures with capacitive effect. The proposed approach is based on a monolithic formulation: the electric and the mechanical fields are solved simultaneously in the same formulation. This method provides a tangent stiffness matrix for the total coupled problem which allows to determine accurately the pull‐in voltage and the natural frequency of electro‐mechanical systems such as MEMs. To illustrate the methodology results are shown for the analysis of a micro‐bridge. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We introduce a material model for the simulation of polycrystalline materials undergoing solid‐to‐solid phase‐transformations. As a basis, we present a scalar‐valued phase‐transformation model where a Helmholtz free energy function depending on volumetric and deviatoric strain measures is assigned to each phase. The analysis of the related overall Gibbs energy density allows for the calculation of energy barriers. With these quantities at hand, we use a statistical‐physics‐based approach to determine the resulting evolution of volume fractions. Though the model facilitates to take into account an arbitrary number of solid phases of the underlying material, we restrict this work to the simulation of phase‐transformations between an austenitic parent phase and a martensitic tension and compression phase. The scalar model is embedded into a computational micro‐sphere formulation in view of the simulation of three‐dimensional boundary value problems. The final modelling approach necessary for macroscopic simulations is accomplished by a finite element formulation, where the local material behaviour at each integration point is governed by the response of the micro‐sphere model.Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A PET‐MRI fusion system is developed for molecular‐genetic imaging. The purpose of the system is to obtain images of the in‐vivo human brain using two high‐end imaging devices, an advanced PET and an ultrahigh‐field MRI. These are the HRRT‐PET, a high‐resolution research tomograph dedicated to brain imaging on the molecular level, and the 7.0‐T MRI, an ultrahigh field version used for morphological imaging. HRRT‐PET delivers high‐resolution molecular imaging with a resolution down to 2.5 mm FWHM, which is currently the highest spatial resolution available for the observation of the human brain's molecular activities, including enzymes and receptors, which are manipulated genetically, such as reporter genes and probes. The 7.0‐T MRI began to reveal submillimeter resolution images of the cortical as well as deep brain areas, down to 250 μm, which allows us to visualize the fine details of the cortical and brainstem areas, including the line of Gennari in the visual cortex and the corticospinal tracts in the pontine area. The current PET‐MRI fusion imaging system produces the highest quality images of molecular and genetic activities of the human brain in vivo. It is starting to provide many answers to the key questions about the neurological diseases. Some of these start providing answers to many cognitive neuroscience problems with clear molecular and genetic bases. There is great potential in the PET‐MRI for early diagnosis of cancers as well as other neurological diseases, which we were previously unable to diagnose, such as microscopic molecular changes that occur in Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J Imaging Syst Technol, 17, 252–265, 2007  相似文献   

Surgical or endovascular approaches have proved effective for large‐vessel diseases over the past decade. However, approaches for small vessel diseases are unlikely to be accomplished by those for large vessels and only few have been applied, because it is hard to access to those small vessels and one could not directly delineate the affected small vessels due to a lack of detection modalities. This study is to examine patients with vascular diseases using ultra‐high field 7T MRI with conventional time‐of‐flight (TOF) sequence, 3D fast low‐angle shot (FLASH) gradient‐echo. We have evaluated several radio‐frequency (RF) coils to find the optimal one for 7T magnetic resonance angiography (MRA), especially for micro‐vascular imaging. We have conducted several comparison studies with vascular disease patients. The results showed that micro‐vessels such as lenticulostriate arteries in the subjects with risk factors like hypertension or stroke patients were significantly less than in the healthy subjects. 7T MRA images in steno‐occlusive patients also showed clearly numerous collateral vessels not visible by 1.5T or 3T MRA. Furthermore, 7T MRA images were comparable to those obtained by digital subtraction angiography (DSA), particularly for micro‐vascular imaging. In this article, we would like to share the clinical experiences on 7T MRA that vascular images of 7T MRA were superior to conventional angiography images including 1.5T and 3T MRA, and even comparable to DSA. We also expect that further technical development and clinical applications of 7T MRA would be a clinically important diagnostic tool, in terms of an early detection of the stroke in a totally non‐invasive manner. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J Imaging Syst Technol, 24, 121–128, 2014  相似文献   

F. Cosmi  C. Ravalico 《Strain》2015,51(3):171-179
The micro‐tomographic technique represents an important tool for the analysis of the internal structure in short‐fibre‐reinforced polymers samples. For the investigation of damage mechanisms, detection of the micro‐voids within the matrix can be facilitated by applying a tensile load in‐situ during the scan. The investigations here described started from two micro‐CT acquisitions, at different strain levels, of the same PA6.6GF10 sample. An original procedure for micro‐voids identification is proposed, based on the statistical elaboration of the matrix grey‐tone range. In order to validate the suggested procedure beyond visual inspection, an independent method based on an optimisation approach, which puts to use the two available micro‐tomographic sets, was developed and applied. The effect of the tensile load, which can induce a progression of the damage within the specimen, was investigated, and the relations among strain, fibre distribution and micro‐voids volumetric fraction were studied. Our findings point out that the mechanisms of damage progression, even under static loading as in this case, appear to be more complex than those related to the fibre‐density‐induced stress concentrations alone and require further investigation.  相似文献   

Micro‐tools offer significant promise in a wide range of applications such as cell manipulation, micro‐surgery, and micro/nanotechnology processes. Such special micro‐tools consist of multi‐flexible structures actuated by two or more piezoceramic devices that must generate output displacements and forces at different specified points of the domain and at different directions. The micro‐tool structure acts as a mechanical transformer by amplifying and changing the direction of the piezoceramics output displacements. The design of these micro‐tools involves minimization of the coupling among movements generated by various piezoceramics. To obtain enhanced micro‐tool performance, the concept of multifunctional and functionally graded materials is extended by tailoring elastic and piezoelectric properties of the piezoceramics while simultaneously optimizing the multi‐flexible structural configuration using multiphysics topology optimization. The design process considers the influence of piezoceramic property gradation and also its polarization sign. The method is implemented considering continuum material distribution with special interpolation of fictitious densities in the design domain. As examples, designs of a single piezoactuator, an XY nano‐positioner actuated by two graded piezoceramics, and a micro‐gripper actuated by three graded piezoceramics are considered. The results show that material gradation plays an important role to improve actuator performance, which may also lead to optimal displacements and coupling ratios with reduced amount of piezoelectric material. The present examples are limited to two‐dimensional models because many of the applications for such micro‐tools are planar devices. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The work outlined in this paper is a part of a wider effort aimed at the development of a built‐in system for real‐time damage detection in aircraft structures. The objective of this study was to show the feasibility of applying low‐frequency phased‐array transducers for damage detection in metallic structures with bonded repairs and, also, in structures made of composite materials. This paper is divided into two main portions: a component dedicated to the monitoring of crack growth under a simulated composite repair and a part describing an introductory study done for composite panels monitoring. The data acquisition system is also described. The results of the study described in this paper indicate that a low‐frequency, built‐in phased‐array system can successfully estimate the length of a crack growing under a bonded repair. Satisfactory results of monitoring simulated defects in composite structures are presented, as well.  相似文献   

设计了用于 19英寸显示器、具有 110°偏转角的一种新型的矩形偏转线圈。这种矩形偏转线圈可节省偏转能量 ,提高偏转灵敏度。由于采用了一种简单新颖的设计方法 ,不仅避免了复杂的三维电磁场计算和优化 ,而且还可利用现有的旋转对称偏转线圈的计算结果 ,因此可节省大量的时间。文中给出了相应的设计结果。结果表明 ,采用该方法所设计的新型矩形偏转线圈具有很好的偏转性能 ,进一步证明了所用方法是一种行之有效的方法。该方法不仅可用于非旋转对称矩形线圈的设计 ,而且还可用于其它的电磁场问题。  相似文献   

This paper presents a comprehensive finite‐element modelling approach to electro‐osmotic flows on unstructured meshes. The non‐linear equation governing the electric potential is solved using an iterative algorithm. The employed algorithm is based on a preconditioned GMRES scheme. The linear Laplace equation governing the external electric potential is solved using a standard pre‐conditioned conjugate gradient solver. The coupled fluid dynamics equations are solved using a fractional step‐based, fully explicit, artificial compressibility scheme. This combination of an implicit approach to the electric potential equations and an explicit discretization to the Navier–Stokes equations is one of the best ways of solving the coupled equations in a memory‐efficient manner. The local time‐stepping approach used in the solution of the fluid flow equations accelerates the solution to a steady state faster than by using a global time‐stepping approach. The fully explicit form and the fractional stages of the fluid dynamics equations make the system memory efficient and free of pressure instability. In addition to these advantages, the proposed method is suitable for use on both structured and unstructured meshes with a highly non‐uniform distribution of element sizes. The accuracy of the proposed procedure is demonstrated by solving a basic micro‐channel flow problem and comparing the results against an analytical solution. The comparisons show excellent agreement between the numerical and analytical data. In addition to the benchmark solution, we have also presented results for flow through a fully three‐dimensional rectangular channel to further demonstrate the application of the presented method. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The article introduces a low‐cost algorithm for improving the demosaicking process in the texture areas such as one‐pixel patterns. The algorithm first detects difficult texture regions. After the detection process is completed, the algorithm demosaicks the texture areas using special demosaicking operations whereas non‐texture regions are restored using some of the existing demosaicking approaches. In this way, the quality of the texture areas in demosaicked images can be improved up to 70% while only little increasing the computational complexity of the original demosaicking solution. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J Imaging Syst Technol, 17, 232–243, 2007  相似文献   

Characterisation of erosion contact conditions remains a challenge due to the chaotic morphology of eroded surfaces. The present work presents details on the design and construction of a low load micro‐indenter to investigate the initial stages of particle impact. Spherical ZrO2 particles and angular SiC particles have been fitted onto stainless steel indenter tips to simulate contact between eroding particles on an aluminium surface. Contact loads between 50 and 1800 mN were utilised to elucidate the effects of load and indentation depth. Indented craters were subsequently imaged by the scanning electron microscope (SEM), revealing its particle dependent morphology. Crater area and depths from both types of particles were also quantified and subsequently correlated to the indentation load. It was demonstrated that contact pressure generated by angular particles are 1.5 times higher than those from spherical particles, resulting in greater plastic deformation and larger crater area at high loads. The work carried out during indentations were also calculated, it was shown that indentation experiments can be utilised for simulating dynamic erosion experiments under a large velocity range.  相似文献   

何鹏  朱宇洁 《中国测试》2022,(1):129-133
为解决脉冲电流测量系统中所用电流环满量程校准的需求,该文基于感应电流叠加原理设计实现一种瞬态电流倍增器,利用镜像交叠扣合的两块PCB形成螺旋缠绕闭合回路,使得通过套接在其内部的电流环中的感应电流得到增加.试验结果表明:利用重复性较好的小幅度过阻尼振荡电流作为输入信号,经倍增后所获感应电流波形特征能够保持高度一致,峰值最...  相似文献   

Continuum theories can be equipped with additional inertia terms to make them capable of capturing wave dispersion effects observed in micro‐structured materials. Such terms, often called micro‐inertia, are convenient and straightforward extensions of classical continuum theories. Furthermore, the critical time step is usually increased via the inclusion of micro‐inertia. However, the drawback exists that standard finite element discretisation leads to mass matrices that cannot be lumped without losing the micro‐inertia terms. In this paper, we will develop a solution algorithm based on Neumann expansions by which this disadvantage is avoided altogether. The micro‐inertia terms are translated into modifications of the residual force vector, so that the system matrix is the usual lumped mass matrix and all advantages of explicit time integration are maintained. The numerical stability of the algorithm and its effect on the dispersive properties of the model are studied in detail. Numerical examples are used to illustrate the various aspects of the algorithm. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to investigate the applicability and more verification of recently developed new micro‐meso approach by the authors. Defining the damage evolution law in traditional classic mesomechanics approaches needs multifarious standard and non‐standard lay‐up tests. By combining the micromechanics and mesomechanics approaches, a relatively new micro‐meso model is proposed to overcome the major disadvantage of traditional meso‐scale modelling. In this study, standard tests are firstly performed to obtain the stress‐strain behaviour of various laminates and then the effects of transverse cracking and induced delamination on laminates responses are examined under uniaxial loading. Furthermore, the recently developed new micro‐meso approach is employed to predict the damage growth and stress‐strain response of examined composite specimens in the experimental study. The experimental results are used to verify this micro‐meso approach and discuss the differences. It is shown that the predicted stress‐strain behaviours using the developed method are in good agreement with the experimental results for various laminates with different lay‐up configurations.  相似文献   

In this paper, a nonlinear Dirichlet–Robin iteration‐by‐subdomain domain decomposition method is studied for a multidimensional, multiphysics, and multiphase model of polymer electrolyte fuel cell (PEFC) containing micro‐porous layer (MPL). Across the interface of gas diffusion layer and MPL in PEFC, it is well known that the capillary pressure is continuous, whereas liquid saturation is discontinuous, by which the liquid‐water removal in the porous electrodes can be significantly enhanced. We design a type of non‐overlapping domain decomposition method to deal with water transport in such multi‐layer diffusion media, where Kirchhoff transformation and its inverse techniques are employed to conquer the discontinuous and degenerate water diffusivity in the coexisting single‐phase and two‐phase regions. In addition, the conservation equations of mass, momentum, charge, and hydrogen and oxygen transport are also solved by the combined finite element–upwind finite volume method (FEM/FVM) to overcome the dominated convection effect in gas channels. Numerical simulations demonstrate that the presented techniques are effective in obtaining a fast and convergent nonlinear iteration for such a 3D PEFC model within around 50 steps, in contrast with the oscillatory and nonconvergent iteration conducted by standard FEM/FVM. A series of numerical convergence tests are also carried out to verify the efficiency and accuracy of the present numerical techniques. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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