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Purified 22-nm forms of hepatitis B surface antigen (Hbsag) representing the three major antigenic subtypes (adw, ayw, and adr) were analyzed for their constituent polypeptides by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. No consistent difference in either the number or relative distributions of the polypeptides was observed for the various subtypes. Seven polypeptides were designated as P-1 through P-7 in order of their decreasing mobilities. By comparison with protein standards, their molecular weights were estimated as 23, 29.5, 36, 41.5, 53.5, 72, and 97 thousand. The P-1 and P-2 components represented the major polypeptides; P-2 and P-5 might by glycoproteins, based on their reaction with periodic acid-Shiff reagent. Each polypeptide contains cysteine residues. HBSAg was radiolabeled with 3H or 14C by reductive methylation or iodinated with 125I by the chloramine-T or lactoperoxidase procedures. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of labeled HBSAg yielded patterns identical to those obtained with protein stain. Comparison of HBSAg labeled by the chloramine-T and lactoperoxide procedures indicated that there was no distinction between internal or external components within the 22-nm structure.  相似文献   

Eosinophils, prominent cells in asthmatic inflammation, undergo apoptosis or programmed cell death following deprivation of contact with survival-promoting cytokines such as IL-5 and GM-CSF. The aim of this study was to assess a number of techniques for the quantification of apoptosis in human eosinophils cultured with or without IL-5 or GM-CSF and following staurosporine treatment. The relationship between apoptosis and necrosis in eosinophils was also determined. Eosinophils 'aged' in vitro for 48 h exhibited endonuclease DNA degradation, apoptotic morphology, increased red autofluorescence and externalisation of phosphatidylserine (PS) as assessed by binding of FITC-labelled annexin V. Annexin V-FITC binding was first detectable in eosinophils maintained at 37 degrees C for 5 h post-purification. This method proved to be the most sensitive marker of apoptosis. Morphological assessment of wet preparations of eosinophils by Kimura staining was found to be the next most-sensitive marker followed by increased red autofluorescence. The latter was a relatively insensitive method for the detection of apoptosis. At 5, 20 and 24 h of culture trypan blue exclusion indicated that eosinophil viability was high (85-90% viable cells). However, propidium iodide (PI) staining and flow cytometry revealed that, by 24 h, approximately 75% of cells had compromised membrane integrity. Eosinophils maintained in IL-5 or GM-CSF exhibited a non-apoptotic morphology and levels of annexin V-FITC binding and PI uptake similar to that of freshly isolated cells. Staurosporine (10(-5) M) treatment of eosinophils maintained in IL-5 or GM-CSF resulted in significant levels of apoptotic morphology at 2 h (23.8% +/- 6.9, p < 0.025) which was associated with negligible annexin binding. At 6 h post-staurosporine treatment significant annexin-FITC binding (38% +/- 1.5, p < 0.025) was observed compared with 93% +/- 1.2 of eosinophils displaying apoptotic morphology. Exclusion of PI demonstrated membrane integrity at all time points up to 6 h. Thus, eosinophils aged in vitro in the absence of viability-promoting cytokines exhibit evidence of both apoptosis and necrosis simultaneously. In contrast, staurosporine-treated eosinophils exhibited both membrane integrity and rapid apoptosis-associated morphological changes detected by single step Kimura staining which preceded externalisation of PS.  相似文献   

When the polypeptides of hepatitis B surface antigen were examined by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under a variety of conditions, anomalous results were found to be due to (i) variable and at times incomplete dissociation of polypeptides after boiling with 1% SDS and reducing agent, (ii) reaggregation of solubilized material under certain electrophoretic conditions and during laboratory manipulations, and (iii) the variable presence of additional components in hepatitis B surface antigen prepared from certain individual donors. When these factors were taken into account, two major components were consistently identified by discontinuous buffer polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, of apparent mol. wt. 60000 to 70000 and 12000 to 14000. However, in view of the demonstrated limitations of this technique in examining HBsAg polypeptides, alternative methods are necessary to confirm the true mol. wt. of the unique virus-specified amino acid sequence present.  相似文献   

Unmethylated CpG dinucleotides in bacterial DNA or synthetic oligodeoxynucleotides (ODN) cause B cell proliferation and Ig secretion, monocyte cytokine secretion, and activation of NK cell lytic activity and IFN-gamma secretion in vivo and in vitro. The potent immune activation by CpG ODN suggests possible utility for enhancing immune responses to vaccines. Mice immunized with recombinant hepatitis B virus surface Ag and a CpG ODN as an immune enhancer have titers of Abs against HBsAg (anti-HBs) that are five times higher than those of mice immunized with HBsAg and the standard adjuvant, aluminum hydroxide (alum). Ab titers in mice immunized with HBsAg and both CpG ODN plus alum were 35 times higher than the titers in mice immunized with alum alone, indicating a strong synergistic interaction between the CpG ODN and alum. ODN without CpG motifs had little or no immune-enhancing activity at the doses used herein. Alum induces a Th2 humoral response (mostly IgG1) and no CTL. In contrast, CpG ODN gives a strong Thl response with predominantly IgG2a Abs and CTL, even when mixed with alum. In vitro studies to determine possible mechanisms of CpG immune-enhancing effects show that CpG ODN induce expression of costimulatory molecules on Ag-presenting cells and drive B cell isotype switching in the appropriate cytokine milieu. These studies demonstrate that CpG ODN are promising new immune enhancers for vaccination applications.  相似文献   

A serial prospective study of cellular immunity to HBsAg and liver-specific membrane lipoprotein was undertaken in 21 adults with acute hepatitis type B. Cellular immunity to HBsAg as determined by leucocyte migration inhibition with partially purified HBsAg as antigen was detected in all the patients during the recovery phase of the illness and was already detectable at the time of admission in 13 (62%) of the cases. In five of the remaining eight the titre of HBsAg in the serum at this time was high and in the whole series there was an inverse correlation between the degree of migration inhibition on admission and the peak HBsAg titre suggesting that antigen or possibly antigen/antibody complexes might be interfering with the demonstration of cellular immunity in vitro. Using a combination of minimum migration index recorded during the recovery period peak HBsAg titre, it was possible to compute the peak aspartate aminotransferase level with reasonable accuracy, a finding consistent with the hypothesis that the severity of the illness is related to both the number of infected hepatocytes and the vigour of the immune response to HBsAg. Evidence of an immune response to the liver-specific hepatocyte membrane lipoprotein was present in 50% of the patients tested at the time of admission, but was transient, having disappeared in every case by four weeks. The minimum migration index recorded with HBsAg as antigen was significantly lower in those with detectable sensitisation to the lipoprotein and it is possible that this autoimmune reaction is also generated by the interaction of T cells with viral antigenic determinants on the liver cell surface.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) and antibodies to hepatitis B e antigen (anti-HBe) commonly coexist, and laboratory tests are often requested to assess histological hepatitis activity. An optimum panel of tests has not been found and the usefulness of hepatitis B virus (HBV) DNA assays in this context has not been established. We assessed various blood tests to find which best predicted hepatitis activity. METHODS: Routine plasma biochemical liver tests and serum HBV DNA (hybridisation and PCR assays) were assessed prospectively in 123 patients positive for HBsAg and anti-HBe. We scored histological hepatitis activity (hepatitis activity index) and determined whether chronic active hepatitis (chronic hepatitis with portal and periportal lesions) was present. We analysed the relation between laboratory data and the hepatitis activity index or risk of chronic active hepatitis by multiple regression and multiple logistic regression, respectively. FINDINGS: The analyses provided models for predicting either the hepatitis activity index or the risk of chronic active hepatitis. Aspartate aminotransferase was the most important test in the two models. The contribution of HBV DNA and other assays, especially alanine-aminotransferase activity, were of no practical importance. INTERPRETATION: Because screening by aspartate-aminotransferase activity could not be improved by the addition of other assays or HBV DNA, patients positive for HBsAg and anti-HBe could be screened for chronic active hepatitis with a single assay and counselling of patients can be improved if proper reference values are used.  相似文献   

A murine monoclonal antibody H67 was characterized for the binding specificity, which showed that H67 recognizes a disulfide-bond-dependent conformational epitope of common a antigenic determinant on the hepatitis B surface antigen. The result suggested that this antibody may have the potential of replacing hepatitis B immune globulin in the prevention of hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection. Therefore, we have constructed the humanized antibody HuS10 by grafting the complementarity determining regions and some framework amino acid residues of H67 onto the most homologous human antibody variable regions, 21/28 for heavy chain variable region and B1 and J kappa 2 for light chain variable region, followed by combining with human constant regions C gamma 1 and C kappa. The affinity of the HuS10 was the same as that of the H67, 8 x 10(8) x 10(8)M-1, and the HuS10 neutralized the in vitro infection of adult human hepatocyte primary culture by adr or ayw subtype of HBV. The neutralization assay showed that the HuS10 had approximately 2,000-times higher specific activity than commercially available polyclonal HBIG. These results suggest that the humanized antibody will be useful in the prevention or treatment of HBV infection.  相似文献   

The cattle tick Boophilus microplus has remained a latent problem to the cattle industry. The recombinant vaccine GAVAC against the cattle tick has proved its efficacy and, conveniently, combined with the use of chemicals could be the solution to this problem. As this vaccine is based in the recombinant concealed antigen Bm86, it has to be given periodically to the animal to maintain an adequate level of antibodies. Some other commercially available vaccines for cattle also have to be given periodically, which creates the possibility of combining vaccines for cattle. In an attempt to evaluate the possible interactions of the Bm86 with other vaccine antigens, a potent stimulatory effect was demonstrated of the recombinant Bm86 on the humoral immune response to the recombinant Hepatitis B surface antigen in mice, and to the inactivated Infectious Bovine Rhinothraqueitis virus in cattle. These results make the Bm86 antigen expressed in Pichia pastoris a good candidate for combining vaccines for cattle because of its dual role, immunogen and adjuvant.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to identify the existence of hepatovenous intrahepatic anastomosis in normal men. A total of thirteen livers were investigated during the early autopsies of normal men who died in accidents. Perfusion venography of branches of hepatic veins using meglucamine diatrizoate was done in six cases; this method we used had not been reported in the literature. In one case, portal venography was performed. And in the other six cases, liver substance staining was done by injecting the ink through the middle hepatic vein, and such staining of the liver was observed by light microscope. The results show, (1) there are intrahepatic anastomoses between the hepatic veins within the liver; (2) there are anastomoses between the middle hepatic vein and the accessory hepatic veins; and (3) shunts exist between portal veins and hepatic veins. The above findings provide an anatomical basis for the performance of irregular hepatectomy and the rationale for one or two hepatic veins ligation should such veins were traumatized or invaded by liver cancer.  相似文献   

Commercially available lots of plasma derivatives prepared between 1957 and 1975 were tested for hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) by radioimmunoassay. In all, 69 per cent of lots of plasma protein fraction, 40 per cent of factor IX concentrate, 20 per cent of normal serum albumin, 13 per cent of antihemophilic factor, 3 per cent of fibrinogen, and 0.7 per cent of immune serum globulin lots tested were HBsAg-positive. There was great variation in the prevalence of HBsAg-positive lots of each product among the different manufacturers, reflecting not only differences in methods of processing plasma, but also differences in donor populations. Those manufacturers relying upon volunteer donor plasma or placental source material demonstrated lower rates of HBsAg-positive lots of final products than those relying upon commercial donor plasma. There was a marked decrease in the prevalence of positive lots during the period 1971 to 1973, coincident with the onset of routine plasma donor screening for HBsAg. However, current requirements for plasma screening have not resulted in totally HBsAg-free plasma products. Use of more sensitive and more reliable tests for HBsAg will probably reduce contamination of plasma pools with HBsAg to undetectable levels. Despite HBsAg-status, however, the "high-risk" plasma products (fibrinogen, antihemophilic factor, factor IX concentrate) must still be considered capable of transmitting hepatitis and used only with the strictest indications.  相似文献   

Renal dialysis patients are well known to have a high incidence of hepatitis B carrier state. In studying a group of 63 long-term dialysis patients, 10 were found to be positive for hepatitis B surface antigen by radioimmunoassay (RIA). Surprisingly, however, only three of these RIA positive patients were positive by counter immunoelectrophoresis (CIEP). The discrepancy could not be accounted for by the difference in sensitivity of the two methods. The cause for the negative reactions by CIEP in seven patients was found to be the marked excess surface antigen in these sera which produced false negative results by the postzone phenomenon. After dilution all seven sera were positive by CIEP, requiring a dilution up to 1/20 to produce a positive result. Also, all seven sera were positive by the less sensitive Ouchterlony double diffusion.  相似文献   

Hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) was detected by an immune adherence haemagglutination method in the serum samples of 292 voluntary, apparently healthy blood donors at four regional blood centres in Japan. Their serum samples were concentrated 3-fold and tested for e antigen (e Ag) and antibody to e (anti-e) by immunodiffusion. The e Ag was found in 41 samples (14.0%) and anti-e in 57 (18.6%). When 100 randomly selected serum samples containing HBsAg were tested as they were (unconcentrated), and at 3- and 5-fold concentrations, e Ag was detected in 3, 16 and 27, respectively, and anti-e in 10, 21 and 26. Subtypes of HBsAg were similar in carriers with e Ag and with anti-e. There is a high prevalence of e Ag in healthy individuals in Japan. There are also high rates of vertical transmission of hepatitis B virus from mothers to children, as well as a high incidence in the past of post-transfusion hepatitis. This is further evidence that e antigen is a marker for the infectivity of hepatitis B virus in carriers.  相似文献   

Thirty-nine carriers of hepatitis B surface antigen (HBs Ag) were studied with respect to e antigen and Dane particle-associated DNA polymerase activity and their relation to chronic hepatitis. Most of these individuals were followed for four or five years. A strong correlation between e antigen and DNA polymerase activity was found. Of the 22 e antigen-positive patients, 21 showed polymerase activity; none of the 13 e antigen-negative patients (one of whom had antibody to e antigen) had such activity. Three of four patients who became e antigen-negative after being e antigen-positive showed loss of polymerase activity. An independent clinical evaluation showed a strong correlation between chronic hepatitis and positive reactions in the tests for e antigen and DNA polymerase. The results emphasize the possibility of differentiating between groups of chronic carriers of HBs Ag by testing for e antigen and Dane particle-associated DNA polymerase activity. The differentiation may have important clinical implications.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Granulocyte-colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) is used for the mobilization of progenitor cells and granulocytes. False-positive hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) (NML) from one manufacturer in individuals receiving G-CSF have been observed. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: Sixty-six autologous peripheral blood progenitor cell donors from 1994 were retrospectively reviewed. Donors typically received 5 to 10 micrograms of G-CSF per kg subcutaneously for 5 days before collection. Additional ELISA dilutional studies (1-in-10, 1-in-100, 1-in-1000) with known HBsAg-negative serum were made with G-CSF. Testing was performed by the University of North Carolina, the American Red Cross in Charlotte, NC, or the National American Red Cross, Washington, DC. RESULTS: Of the 66 patients, none reacted for antibody to hepatitis B core antigen, and 30 (45%) had a positive reaction in the ELISA. Surface antigen positivity was "confirmed" on 6 of the 30 patients by neutralizing ELISA reactivity with an antibody to HBsAg test from the same manufacturer. In all cases, the clinical presentation was not suggestive of hepatitis, and these individuals were not at high risk for hepatitis B. Twenty-seven of the 30 cases were tested with a monoclonal HBsAg ELISA (AUSZYME) from another manufacturer in the peridonation period and did not react. In 1994, 256 autologous whole-blood donors not receiving G-CSF were similarly tested and only 1 (0.4%) had a positive reaction with the second manufacturer's HBsAg ELISA (p < 0.001). Of this group, 41 patients with histories of malignancy were identified, which is comparable to the history of the peripheral blood progenitor cell donors in this study, and none of these blood donors tested positive for HBsAg (p < 0.001). Dilutional studies with G-CSF produced no reactions. CONCLUSION: The NML HBsAg ELISA studied has an unacceptably high false-positive rate in patients or donors receiving G-CSF. The false reactivity of this assay appears to be an indirect consequence of G-CSF administration, which can also lead to spurious confirmation by the HBsAg neutralization assay from the same manufacturer.  相似文献   

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