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With the objective of defining the relationship of descending inferior colliculus projections to the olivocochlear system in the guinea pig, inferior colliculus neurons were anterogradely labeled with Phaseolus vulgaris-leucoagglutinin and olivocochlear neurons were retrogradely labeled with horseradish peroxidase in the same brain sections. Inferior colliculus neurons were found to project to many nuclei and regions of the hindbrain where olivocochlear neurons reside. The most substantial of these descending projections was to the ipsilateral medioventral periolivary region. Fewer descending projections terminated in the ipsilateral ventral nucleus of the lateral lemniscus, superior paraolivary nucleus, and rostral periolivary region; and even fewer ipsilateral projections terminated in the area surrounding the lateral superior olive, caudal periolivary region, and the lateroventral periolivary region. Descending neurons of the inferior colliculus also project to the contralateral hindbrain first via the lateral lemniscus and then the trapezoid body, to terminate in the contralateral medioventral periolivary region, superior paraolivary nucleus, rostral periolivary region, and the ventral nucleus of the lateral lemniscus. In addition to the projections into these regions that contain olivocochlear neurons, there are varicosities of inferior colliculus neurons that appear to contact the olivocochlear neurons themselves, both ipsilaterally and contralaterally, especially, but not only, in the ipsilateral medioventral periolivary region. We therefore conclude that descending inferior colliculus neurons do provide input to olivocochlear neurons and that the input is not limited to olivocochlear neurons of the ipsilateral medioventral periolivary region. However, given the robust nature of the projection to the ipsilateral medioventral periolivary region and the paucity of contacts observed in that region, we also conclude that the olivocochlear neuron is not the major target of descending inferior colliculus projections.  相似文献   

Presbycusis is a sensory perceptual disorder involving loss of high-pitch hearing and reduced ability to process biologically relevant acoustic signals in noisy environments. The present investigation is part of an ongoing series of studies aimed at discerning the neural bases of presbycusis. The purpose of the present experiment was to delineate the inputs to a functionally characterized region of the dorsomedial inferior colliculus (IC, auditory midbrain) in young, adult CBA mice. Focal, iontophoretic injections of horseradish peroxidase were made in the 18-24 kHz region of dorsomedial IC of the CBA strain following physiological mapping experiments. Serial sections were reacted with diaminobenzidine or tetramethylbenzidine, counterstained and examined for retrogradely labeled cell bodies. Input projections were observed contralaterally from: all three divisions of cochlear nucleus; intermediate and dorsal nuclei of the lateral lemniscus (LL); and the central nucleus, external nucleus and dorsal cortex of the IC. Input projections were observed ipsilaterally from: the medial and lateral superior olivary nuclei; the superior paraolivary nucleus; the dorsolateral and anterolateral periolivary nuclei; the dorsal and ventral divisions of the ventral nucleus of LL; the dorsal and intermediate nuclei of LL; the central nucleus, external nucleus and dorsal cortex of the IC outside the injection site; and small projections from central gray and the medial geniculate body. These findings in young, adult mice with normal hearing can now serve as a baseline for similar experiments being conducted in mice of older ages and with varying degrees of hearing loss to discover neural changes that may cause age-related hearing disorders.  相似文献   

Extracellular recordings were made with microelectrodes from single neurons in the rat's dorsal nucleus of the lateral lemniscus (DNLL) and response characteristics were determined for monaural and binaural acoustic stimulation. The vast majority of DNLL neurons were narrowly tuned to sound frequency and their temporal responses to contralateral tone pulses fell into one of three broad categories: onset (57%), sustained (21%) or onset-pause-sustained (22%). Most DNLL neurons fired multiple action potentials to a single click delivered to the contralateral ear. The majority (77%) of DNLL neurons showed a monotonic increase in the number of spikes elicited by contralateral tone pulses of increasing sound pressure level; the remaining cells were weakly non-monotonic. No obvious tonotopic pattern was found in the distribution of characteristic frequency of neurons in DNLL. Most DNLL neurons exhibited either excitatory/inhibitory (74%) or excitatory/excitatory (9%) binaural response patterns. The remaining cells (17%) were monaural and driven exclusively by stimulation of the contralateral ear. The binaural neurons in DNLL were sensitive to both interaural intensity and interaural time differences as determined by presentation of dichotic tone bursts and clicks respectively. The responses of DNLL neurons could be distinguished on the basis of monaural and binaural response characteristics from those in surrounding areas including the sagulum, paralemniscal zone and the intermediate nucleus of the lateral lemniscus.  相似文献   

The population of retinal ganglion cells which project ipsilaterally in the brain was examined in the fat-tailed dunnart, Sminthopsis crassicaudata, following injection of horseradish peroxidase into one optic tract. Retinae were examined as wholemounts and optic nerves as serial sections. In addition, visual fields were measured ophthalmoscopically. Ipsilaterally projecting ganglion cells were located temporal to a line which ran vertically through the middle of the area centralis and extended medially to define a ventrolateral crescent. Temporal to the naso-temporal division, a mean of 77% of ganglion cells projected ipsilaterally; these cells represented 20% of the total ganglion cell population. The magnitude and retinal location of the ipsilateral projection correlated with the extensive binocular field which measured 180 deg in the vertical (from 20 deg below the horizontal axis to 70 deg beyond the zenith) and 140 deg in horizontal meridian. Ipsilaterally projecting axons were restricted to the lateral third of the optic nerve along its length, sharing territory with contralaterally projecting axons.  相似文献   

We have studied the GABAergic projections to the inferior colliculus (IC) of the rat by combining the retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and immunohistochemistry for gamma-amino butyric acid (GABA). Medium-sized (0.06-0.14 microliter) HRP injections were made in the ventral part of the central nucleus (CNIC), in the dorsal part of the CNIC, in the dorsal cortex (DCIC), and in the external cortex (ECIC) of the IC. Single HRP-labeled and double (HRP-GABA)-labeled neurons were systematically counted in all brainstem auditory nuclei. Our results revealed that the IC receives GABAergic afferent connections from ipsi- and contralateral brainstem auditory nuclei. Most of the contralateral GABAergic input originates in the IC and the dorsal nucleus of the lateral lemniscus (DNLL). The dorsal region of the IC (DCIC and dorsal part of the CNIC) receives connections mostly from its homonimous contralateral region, and the ventral region from the contralateral DNLL. The commissural GABAergic projections originate in a morphologically heterogeneous neuronal population that includes small to medium-sized round and fusiform neurons as well as large and giant neurons. Quantitatively, the ipsilateral ventral nucleus of the lateral lemniscus is the most important source of GABAergic input to the CNIC. In the superior olivary complex, a smaller number of neurons, which lie mainly in the periolivary nuclei, display double labeling. In the contralateral cochlear nuclei, only a few of the retrogradely labeled neurons were GABA immunoreactive. These findings give us more information about the role of GABA in the auditory system, indicating that inhibitory inputs from different ipsi- and contralateral, mono- and binaural auditory brainstem centers converge in the IC.  相似文献   

There has been an abundance of research on the connections of the mammillary bodies but the projections from the lateral mammillary nucleus to the anterodorsal thalamic nucleus has remained a gray area due to a dearth of material which directly addresses the details of this pathway. This study seeks to further define the nature of this particular nerve connection within the mammillothalmic tract. The technique employed is fluorescent nerve tract tracing using two fluorescent tracers implanted separately into each anterodorsal thalamic nucleus then followed retrogradely to the soma of the neurons in the lateral mammillary nucleus. Fluorescent photomicrography allowed us to document the single and double labeled cells of the lateral mammillary nucleus. The single labeled cells can be categorized into ipsilaterally projecting neurons and contralaterally projecting neurons. About half of all labeled cells were bilaterally projecting double-labeled, a third was ipsilaterally projecting single-labeled and the remainder were contralaterally projecting single labeled-cells. There were no labeled cells traced to the medial mamillary nucleus. The mammillary bodies play an important role in the limbic circuitry and a part of the so-called "Papez Circuit". The pathway by which the mammillary body projects to the other structures of the limbic system and the way it connects the limbic system to other parts of the brain like the tegmentum is not fully understood. This clarification of the connection between the lateral mammilary nucleus and the anterodorsal thalamic nucleus is but one of the contemplated pathways.  相似文献   

The ability of rats to localize sounds in space was determined before and after kainic acid lesions of the dorsal nucleus of the lateral lemniscus (DNLL). The rats were trained to approach a 45-msec noise burst delivered from loudspeakers on the right or left of midline. Lesions were made by local injection of kainic acid into the DNLL. Rats with unilateral lesions of DNLL were impaired in their postoperative ability to localize a single noise burst. Rats with bilateral lesions also had deficits in postoperative performance, but the severity of the impairment was not substantially greater than that expected from a unilateral lesion. The mean pre- and postoperative minimum audible angles were 14.8° and 40.4° for rats with complete unilateral lesions and 13.5° and 36.0° for rats with bilateral lesions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Neurons located in the trigeminal sensory complex (TSC) and the lateral pontine tegmentum (LPT) have been reported to project to both the accessory abducens and the facial nuclei, which innervate the retractor bulbi and orbicularis oculi muscles respectively, in order to control the nictitating membrane (NM) and eyelid defensive reflex. Since muscles innervated by the oculomotor nucleus (OCM) also appear to be involved in this reflex, retrograde and anterograde tracers were used in this study to determine whether there are projections from the TSC and LPT to the OCM in the rabbit. Injections of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) in the OCM nucleus labeled neurons in the LPT surrounding the trigeminal motor nucleus dorsally, laterally and ventrally. Only a few scattered neurons were found in the principal and spinal trigeminal nuclei. Injection of biocytin in the LPT area containing most of the HRP-labeled neurons caused anterograde labeling of fibers that crossed the midline and ascended just dorsal to the contralateral medial lemniscus. A proportion of these fibers coursed in a dorsal direction to enter and terminate within the OCM contralateral to the injection site. The location of the motoneuronal groups innervating the different extraocular muscles was studied by retrograde transport of HRP, and compared with the distribution of biocytin-labeled terminals. It was found that the terminals were located in the superior rectus and the levator palpebrae zone of the nucleus. We discuss the functional significance of this projection for the eyelid and NM response.  相似文献   

A direct projection from the retina to the dorsal raphe nucleus at the pontomesencephalic junction was demonstrated with both antero- and retrograde tracing techniques in the rat. Following intravitreous injections of choleratoxin subunit B (CTB), horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and CTB-conjugated HRP, varicose fibers were labeled in the lateral region of the dorsal raphe nucleus, predominantly contralateral to the injection. Many of these labeled fibers were intermingled with serotonin-immunoreactive neurons, but some fibers were also found further laterally, beyond the boundary of dorsal raphe nucleus but within the periaqueductal gray. Following injections of the retrograde tracers Fluoro-Gold and CTB into the dorsal raphe nucleus and adjacent periaqueductal gray (without contamination of previously known targets of retinal projections), a small population of ganglion cells was labeled in the retina. These data provide evidence for the existence of a direct retinal projection to the lateral region of the dorsal raphe nucleus and the adjacent mesopontine periaqueductal gray in the rat. This projection may have a role in sensorimotor coordination and the regulation of circadian rhythm as well as sleep and wakefulness.  相似文献   

Neurons in the central nucleus of the inferior colliculus (ICc) typically respond with phase-locked discharges to low rates of sinusoidal amplitude-modulated (SAM) signals and fail to phase-lock to higher SAM rates. Previous studies have shown that comparable phase-locking to SAM occurs in the dorsal nucleus of the lateral lemniscus (DNLL) and medial superior olive (MSO) of the mustache bat. The studies of MSO and DNLL also showed that the restricted phase-locking to low SAM rates is created by the coincidence of phase-locked excitatory and inhibitory inputs that have slightly different latencies. Here we tested the hypothesis that responses to SAM in the mustache bat IC are shaped by the same mechanism that shapes responses to SAM in the two lower nuclei. We recorded responses from ICc neurons evoked by SAM signals before and during the iontophoretic application of several pharmacological agents: bicuculline, a competitive antagonist for gamma-aminobutyric acid-A (GABAA) receptors; strychnine, a competitive antagonist for glycine receptors; the GABAB receptor blocker, phaclofen, and the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor blocker, (-)-2-amino-5-phosphonopentanoic acid (AP5). The hypothesis that inhibition shapes responses to SAM signals in the ICc was not confirmed. In >90% of the ICc neurons tested, the range of SAM rates to which they phase-locked was unchanged after blocking inhibition with bicuculline, strychnine or phaclofen, applied either individually or in combination. We also considered the possibility that faster alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-propionic acid (AMPA) receptors follow high temporal rates of incoming excitation but that the slower NMDA receptors could follow only lower rates. Thus at higher SAM rates, NMDA receptors might generate a sustained excitation that "smears" the phase-locked excitation generated by the AMPA receptors. The NMDA hypothesis, like the inhibition hypothesis, was also not confirmed. In none of the cells that we tested did the application of AP5 by itself, or in combination with bicuculline, cause an increase in the range of SAM rates that evoked phase-locking. These results illustrate that the same response property, phase-locking restricted to low SAM rates, is formed in more than one way in the auditory brain stem. In the MSO and DNLL, the mechanism is coincidence of phase-locked excitation and inhibition, whereas in ICc the same response feature is formed by a different but unknown mechanism.  相似文献   

The dorsal nucleus of the lateral lemniscus (DNLL) is a binaural nucleus whose neurons are excited by stimulation of the contralateral ear and inhibited by stimulation of the ipsilateral ear. Here we report on several features of the ipsilaterally evoked inhibition in 95 DNLL neurons of the mustache bat. These features include its dependence on intensity, its tuning and the types of stimuli that are capable of evoking it. Inhibition was studied by evoking discharges with the iontophoretic application of glutamate, and then evaluating the strength and duration of the inhibition of the glutamate evoked background activity produced by stimulation of the ipsilateral ear. Excitatory responses were evoked by stimulation of the contralateral ear with best frequency (BF) tone bursts. Glutamate evoked discharges could be inhibited in all DNLL neurons and the inhibition often persisted for periods ranging from 10 to 50 ms beyond the duration of the tone burst that evoked it. The duration of the persistent inhibition increased with stimulus intensity. Stimulus duration had little influence on the duration of the persistent inhibition. Signals as short as 2 ms suppressed discharges for as long as 30 ms after the signal had ended. The frequency tuning of the total period of inhibition and the period of persistent inhibition were both closely matched to the tuning evoked by stimulation of the contralateral ear. Moreover, the effectiveness of complex signals for evoking persistent inhibition, such as brief FM sweeps and sinusoidally amplitude and frequency modulated signals, was comparable to that of tone bursts at the neuron's excitatory BF, so long as the complex signal contained frequencies at or around the neuron's excitatory BF. We also challenged DNLL cells with binaural paradigms. In one experiment, we presented a relatively long (40 ms) BF tone burst of fixed intensity to the contralateral ear, which evoked a sustained discharge, and a shorter, 10 ms signal of variable intensity to the ipsilateral ear. As the intensity of the 10 ms ipsilateral signal increased, it generated progressively longer periods of persistent inhibition and thus the discharges were suppressed for periods far longer than the 10 ms duration of the ipsilateral signal. With interaural time disparities, ipsilateral signals that led contralateral signals evoked a persistent inhibition that suppressed the responses to the trailing contralateral signals for periods of a least 15 ms. This suggests that an initial binaural sound that favors the ipsilateral ear should suppress the responses to trailing sounds that normally would be excitatory if they were presented alone. We hypothesize a circuit that generates the persistent inhibition and discuss how the results with binaural signals support that hypothesis.  相似文献   

Descending projections from the spinal (Vsp) and the mesencephalic nuclei (Vme) of the trigeminal nerve to the spinal cord were studied by means of the retrograde horseradish peroxidase technique in the cat. The number of labeled neurons was largest in the case of high cervical injections and decreased as the injections were placed caudally. Small laminae III and IV neurons of the nucleus caudalis (Vc) were labeled ipsilaterally following injections placed as caudally as the middle cervical segments (C4-C5). Lamina I (marginal) neurons of the Vc were labeled ipsilaterally after injections at the middle thoracic level (T6) but those of C1 were labeled after lumbar injections (L3). Lamina V neurons of C1 and the medullary counterparts were labeled bilaterally after injections placed caudally to thoracic segments. A few small neurons were labeled in the ipsilateral nucleus interpolaris (Vi) after injections placed as caudally as the middle cervical segments (C6). Among the subdivisions of the Vsp, the labeled neurons were most numerous in the nucleus oralis (Vo). They were medium-sized and large, and appeared bilaterally, with an ipsilateral predominance at the level of the superior olive. The great majority projected to the cervical segments but a few also projected to the lower cervical to the thoracic segments (C8-T9). Neurons of the Vme projected ipsilaterally to the upper cervical segments (C1-C3). No projections were found from the principal sensory nucleus. The present study suggests that the trigeminospinal projections of the Vsp and the Vme are composed of various cells of origin and thereby subserve not only the trigeminospinal reflex but other unknown functions.  相似文献   

We studied the binaural properties of 72 neurons in the dorsal nucleus of the lateral lemniscus (DNLL) of the mustache bat. There are six main findings: 1) Conventional EI neurons that were excited by stimulation of the contralateral ear and inhibited by ipsilateral stimulation, comprise the majority (80%) of binaural DNLL cells. 2) For most EI neurons the quantitative features of their interaural intensity disparity (IID) functions, maximum inhibition, dynamic range and 50% point IIDs, were largely unaffected by the absolute intensity at the contralateral ear. 3) Although the net effect of the inhibition evoked by ipsilateral stimulation was to suppress discharges evoked by contralateral stimulation, our results indicate that the inhibitory inputs can act in three different ways. The first was a time-intensity trade, where increasing the intensity at the ipsilateral ear evoked inhibitory effects with progressively shorter latencies. The second way was that the latency of inhibition did not appear to decrease with ipsilateral intensity, but rather increasing ipsilateral intensity appeared only to increase the strength of the inhibition. The third way was that the lowest effective ipsilateral intensity suppressed the first spikes evoked by the contralateral stimulus and higher ipsilateral intensities then suppressed the later discharges of the train. Each of these inhibitory patterns was seen in about a third of the cells. 4) Neurons that had more complex binaural properties, such as the facilitated EI neurons (EI/F) and neurons that were driven by sound to either ear (EE neurons), represented about 20% of the binaural population. There were two types of EE neurons; those in which there was a simple summation of discharges evoked with certain IIDs, and those in which the spike-counts to binaural stimulation at certain IIDs were greater than a summation of the monaural counts and thus were facilitated. 5) All binaural neurons were strongly inhibited with IIDs that favored the ipsilateral ear. Our findings indicate that the more complex binaural types, the facilitated EI neurons (EI/F) as well as the two types of EE neurons, may be constructed from conventional EI neurons by adding inputs from several sources that impart the more complex features to these neurons. We propose four circuits that could account for the different binaural response properties that we observed. The circuits are based on the known connections of the DNLL and the neurochemistry of those connections. Finally, we compared the binaural properties of neurons in the mustache bat DNLL with those of neurons in the mustache bat inferior colliculus and lateral superior olive.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Changes in amplitude are a characteristic feature of most natural sounds, including the biosonar signals used by bats for echolocation. Previous evidence suggests that the nuclei of the lateral lemniscus play an important role in processing timing information that is essential for target range determination in echolocation. Neurons that respond to unmodulated tones with a sustained discharge are found in the dorsal nucleus (DNLL), intermediate nucleus (INLL) and multipolar cell division of the ventral nucleus (VNLLm). These neurons provide a graded response over a broad dynamic range of intensities, and would be expected to provide information about the amplitude envelope of a modulated signal. Neurons that respond only at the onset of a tone make up a small proportion of cells in DNLL, INLL and VNLLm, but are the only type found in the columnar division of the ventral nucleus (VNLLc). Onset neurons in VNLLc maintain a constant latency across a wide range of stimulus frequencies and intensities, thus providing a precise marker for when a sound begins. To determine how these different functional classes of cells respond to amplitude changes, we presented sinusoidally amplitude modulated (SAM) signals monaurally to awake, restrained bats and recorded the responses of single neurons extracellularly. There were clear differences in the ability of neurons in the different cell groups to respond to SAM. In the VNLLm, INLL and DNLL, 90% of neurons responded to SAM with a synchronous discharge. Neurons in the VNLLc responded poorly or not at all to SAM signals. This finding was unexpected given the precise onset responses of VNLLc neurons to unmodulated tones and their ability to respond synchronously to sinusoidally frequency modulated (SFM) signals. Among neurons that responded synchronously to SAM, synchronization as a function of modulation rate described either a bandpass or a lowpass function, with the majority of bandpass functions in neurons that responded to unmodulated tones with a sustained discharge. The maximal modulation rates that elicited synchronous responses were similar for the different cell groups, ranging from 320 Hz in VNLLm to 230 Hz in DNLL. The range of best modulation rates was greater for SAM than for SFM; this was also true of the range of maximal modulation rates at which synchronous discharge occurred. There was little correlation between a neuron's best modulation rate or maximal modulation rate for SAM signals and those for SFM signals, suggesting that responsiveness to amplitude and frequency modulations depends on different neural processing mechanisms.  相似文献   

The time course of ingrowth of retinal projections to the superior colliculus in the marsupial mammal, the wallaby (Macropus eugenii), was determined by anterograde labelling of axons from the eye with horseradish peroxidase, from birth to 46 days, when axons cover the colliculus contralaterally and ipsilaterally. The position of retinal ganglion cells giving rise to these projections over this period was determined in fixed tissue by retrograde labelling from the colliculus with a carbocyanine dye. Axons first reach the rostrolateral contralateral colliculus 4 days after birth and extend caudally and medially, reaching the caudal pole at 18 days and the far caudomedial pole at 46 days. The first contralaterally projecting cells are in the central dorsal and temporal retina, followed by cells in the nasal and finally the ventral retina. They are distributed closer to the periphery with increasing age. The first sign of a visual streak appears by 18 days. Axons reach the ipsilateral colliculus a day later than contralateral axons and come from a similar region of the retina. The sparser ipsilateral projection reaches the caudal and medial collicular margins by 46 days but by 16-18 days, ganglion cells giving rise to this transient projection are already concentrated in the temporoventral retina. The orderly recruitment of ganglion cells from retinotopically appropriate regions of the retina as axons advance across the contralateral colliculus suggests that the projection is topographically ordered from the beginning. The ipsilateral projection is less ordered as cells are located in the temporoventral crescent at a time when their axons are still transiently covering the colliculus prior to becoming restricted to the rostral colliculus. Features of mature retinal topography such as the visual streak and the location of ipsilaterally projecting cells begin to be established very early in development, before the period of ganglion cell loss and long before eye opening at 140 days.  相似文献   

Hyperpolarization-activated inward current in neurons of the rat's dorsal nucleus of the lateral lemniscus in vitro. J. Neurophysiol. 78: 2235-2245, 1997. The hyperpolarization-activated current (Ih) underlying inward rectification in neurons of the rat's dorsal nucleus of the lateral lemniscus (DNLL) was investigated using whole cell patch-clamp techniques. Patch recordings were made from DNLL neurons of young rats (21-30 days old) in 400 micro;m tissue slices. Under current clamp, injection of negative current produced a graded hyperpolarization of the cell membrane, often with a gradual sag in the membrane potential toward the resting value. The rate and magnitude of the sag depended on the amount of hyperpolarizing current. Larger current resulted in a larger and faster decay of the voltage. Under voltage clamp, hyperpolarizing voltage steps elicited a slowly activating inward current that was presumably responsible for the sag observed in the voltage response to a steady hyperpolarizing current recorded under current clamp. Activation of the inward current (Ih) was voltage and time dependent. The current just was seen at a membrane potential of -70 mV and was activated fully at -140 mV. The voltage value of half-maximal activation of Ih was -78.0 +/- 6.0 (SE) mV. The rate of Ih activation was best approximated by a single exponential function with a time constant that was voltage dependent, ranging from 276 +/- 27 ms at -100 mV to 186 +/- 11 ms at -140 mV. Reversal potential (Eh) of Ih current was more positive than the resting potential. Raising the extracellular potassium concentration shifted Eh to a more depolarized value, whereas lowering the extracellular sodium concentration shifted Eh in a more negative direction. Ih was sensitive to extracellular cesium but relatively insensitive to extracellular barium. The current amplitude near maximal-activation (about -140 mV) was reduced to 40% of control by 1 mM cesium but was reduced to only 71% of control by 2 mM barium. When the membrane potential was near the resting potential (about -60 mV), cesium had no effect on the membrane potential, current-evoked firing rate and input resistance but reduced the spontaneous firing. When the membrane potential was more negative than -70 mV, cesium hyperpolarized the cell, decreased current-evoked firing and increased the input resistance. Ih in DNLL neurons does not contribute to the normal resting potential but may enhance the extent of excitation, thereby making the DNLL a consistently powerful inhibitory source to upper levels of the auditory system.  相似文献   

We have recorded from principal cells of the medial nucleus of the trapezoid body (MNTB) in the cat's superior olivary complex using either glass micropipettes filled with Neurobiotin or horseradish peroxidase for intracellular recording and subsequent labeling or extracellular metal microelectrodes relying on prepotentials and electrode location. Labeled principal cells had cell bodies that usually gave rise to one or two primary dendrites, which branched profusely in the vicinity of the cell. At the electron microscopic (EM) level, there was a dense synaptic terminal distribution on the cell body and proximal dendrites. Up to half the measured cell surface could be covered with excitatory terminals, whereas inhibitory terminals consistently covered about one-fifth. The distal dendrites were very sparsely innervated. The thick myelinated axon originated from the cell body and innervated nuclei exclusively in the ipsilateral auditory brain stem. These include the lateral superior olive (LSO), ventral nucleus of the lateral lemniscus, medial superior olive, dorsomedial and ventromedial periolivary nuclei, and the MNTB itself. At the EM level the myelinated collaterals gave rise to terminals that contained nonround vesicles and, in the LSO, were seen terminating on cell bodies and primary dendrites. Responses of MNTB cells were similar to their primary excitatory input, the globular bushy cell (GBC), in a number of ways. The spontaneous spike rate of MNTB cells with low characteristic frequencies (CFs) was low, whereas it tended to be higher for higher CF units. In response to short tones, a low frequency MNTB cell showed enhanced phase-locking abilities, relative to auditory nerve fibers. For cells with CFs >1 kHz, the short tone response often resembled the primary-like with notch response seen in many globular bushy cells, with a well-timed onset component. Exceptions to and variations of this standard response were also noted. When compared with GBCs with comparable CFs, the latency of the MNTB cell response was delayed slightly, as would be expected given the synapse interposed between the two cell types. Our data thus confirm that, in the cat, the MNTB receives and converts synaptic inputs from globular bushy cells into a reasonably accurate reproduction of the bushy cell spike response. This MNTB cell output then becomes an important inhibitory input to a number of ipsilateral auditory brain stem nuclei.  相似文献   

–2–4C-deoxyglucose autoradiographs of attack rats were compared densitometrically with those of control rats whose electrodes were located nearby and elicited nonaggressive behaviors like those that accompanied the attack. Most closely associated with attack was the path from the ventromedial hypothalamus through the ventral supraoptic commissural pathway to the peripeduncular area, subparafascicular nucleus, zone incerta, and cuneiform area. Moderately correlated with attack were 4 visual areas: the dorsal and ventral lateral geniculate nuclei, pretectal area, and superior colliculus. Activity in the periaqueductal gray was unrelated to attack ipsilaterally and only weakly related contralaterally. In an orthogonal analysis, upward-oriented flight thresholds were significantly correlated with medial activation extending anteriorly to the lateral septal nucleus, dorsally to the thalamic paraventricular-parataenial region, and posteriorly to the periaqueductal gray. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Glutamate receptors mediate most excitatory synaptic transmission in the adult vertebrate brain, but their activation in developing neurons also influences developmental processes. However, little is known about the developmental regulation of the subunits composing these receptors. Here we have studied age-dependent changes in the expression of alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole (AMPA) and N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor subunits in the cochlear nucleus complex (CN), the superior olivary complex (SOC), the nuclei of the lateral lemniscus, and the inferior colliculus of the developing rat. In the lateral superior olive, the medial nucleus of the trapezoid body, and the ventral nucleus of the lateral lemniscus, the distribution of AMPA receptor subunits changed drastically with age. While GluR1 and GluR2 subunits were highly expressed in the first 2 postnatal weeks, GluR4 staining was detectable only thereafter. GluR1 and GluR2 immunoreactivities rapidly decreased during the third postnatal week, with the GluR1 subunits disappearing from most neurons. In contrast, the adult pattern of the distribution of AMPA receptor subunits emerged gradually in most of the other auditory nuclei. Thus, progressive as well as regressive events characterized AMPA receptor development in some nuclei, while a monotonically maturation was seen in other regions. In contrast, the staining patterns of NMDA receptor subunits remained stable or only decreased during the same period. Although our data are not consistent with a generalized pattern of AMPA receptor development, the abundance of GluR1 subunits is a distinctive feature of early AMPA receptors. As similar AMPA receptors are present during plasticity periods throughout the brain, neurons undergoing synaptic and structural remodelling might have a particular need for these receptors.  相似文献   

Frogs exhibit a morphologically complex (multiply laminated) optic tectum, while salamanders have one of the morphologically simplest tecta among vertebrates. In a comparative approach, the morphology of tectal projection neurons is investigated in three salamander species, Hydromantes italicus, H. genei and Plethodon jordani, and two frog species, Discoglossus pictus and Eleutherodactylus coqui, by means of retrograde Biocytin labeling complemented by intracellular Biocytin staining of cells. Despite striking differences in the gross anatomy of the tectum, salamanders and frogs have the same types of tectal neurons with respect to their dendritic arborization and the pattern of ipsilaterally and bilaterally ascending (to praetectum and thalamus) and ipsilaterally or contralaterally descending projections (to nucleus isthmi, medulla oblongata and rostral spinal cord). In the light of these findings, the relationship between morphological complexity of the tectum and behavioral complexity (feeding behavior) is discussed.  相似文献   

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