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Daily animal solutions were predicted using random regression analysis for feed intake, milk yield, live weight, and condition score recorded on 189 cows at the Langhill Dairy Cattle Research Centre. All cows had three successive lactations. Energy balance for days 1 to 305 of each of the three lactations was calculated both from daily measures of feed intake and milk output and from weekly measures of live weight and condition score. Cows returned to positive energy balance at days 72, 75, and 95 in lactations 1, 2, and 3, respectively, based on energy balance calculated from feed intake and milk output records (EB1), and at days 77, 83, and 73 based on energy balance calculated from body energy state changes (EB2). Correlations between energy balance at the same time in successive lactations ranged from 0.01 to 0.66 depending on the method of calculation and the stage of lactation. Energy balance over three lactations was modelled using sinusoidal functions which were associated with individual cows and allowed to vary between cows. The parameters of these curves are potentially useful since they have a biological interpretation. The phase relates to the period from calving to return to positive energy balance, and the amplitude relates to the degree of body energy loss (and recovery). The sinusoidal functions fitted to the curve removed a significant proportion of the variation, but accounted for only 45% and 40% of the variation in EB1 and EB2, respectively. The relationship between energy balance in the first three lactations is likely to be more complex than a simple linear function, but the profile of energy balance over the first three lactations may be a useful selection criteria in a multi-trait index. Energy balance profile over lactations one to three can be modelled with moderate accuracy using sinusoidal functions, and this warrants further research.  相似文献   

Determination of the geographical origin of foodstuffs is becoming of increasing interest to consumers and producers, since it may be used as a criterion for certifying quality, authenticity and typicality.  相似文献   

Genetic, environmental, and phenotypic correlations among average somatic cell score (SCS) at different stages of lactation and conformation traits were estimated. Data consisted of the lactational average of SCS at 150 (SCS150) and 305 (SCS305) d in milk and 19 conformation traits recorded on 57,154 primiparous Holstein cows, that calved from 1996 to 2009 in 119 herds in Iran. Variance components were estimated using the restricted maximum likelihood procedure based on multiple-trait animal models. Udder depth (−0.32), fore udder attachment (−0.22), and udder width (0.34) showed moderate genetic correlation with SCS150. Heart girth (0.17), body depth (0.14), chest width (0.26), and angularity (0.19), showed modest genetic correlation with SCS150. The estimated heritabilities for SCS150 and SCS305 were 0.06 and 0.08, respectively. The heritability of the conformation traits ranged from 0.09 to 0.29. Genetic and environmental correlations between SCS150 and SCS305 were very high (means ± SE; 0.99 ± 0.01 and 0.89 ± 0.01, respectively), which indicates that recording SCS over a shorter period of lactation is an alternative approach for involving many herds in SCS data collection. The low heritability of SCS indicated that indirect selection for some of udder and body traits might be helpful to reduce the SCS. Additionally, selection for udder traits may help reduce SCS in developing countries where SCS data are sparsely recorded.  相似文献   

The development of fresh-cut apple products requires the reconsideration of cultivar selection because different characteristics are required compared with those characteristics for the fresh market. The aim of this work was to evaluate four improved cultivars (‘Modì’, ‘Ariane’, ‘Fuji Kiku 8’ and ‘Pink Lady’) and to compare these cultivars with traditional cultivars (‘Golden Smoothee’ and ‘Granny Smith’). Cultivars were evaluated according to physicochemical parameters and nutritional, enzymatic, and sensory aspects. Next, the cultivars were peeled, cut, treated with different antioxidant treatments, packaged in polypropylene trays and stored at 4 °C. After seven days of storage, physicochemical parameters and visual assessment were determined. As whole apples, the improved cultivars were notable for their sensory characteristics. Moreover, two of them (‘Modì’ and ‘Ariane’) presented the highest amount of total phenols and vitamin C, respectively. After processing and storage, certain of the improved cultivars presented better aptitude for minimal processing. For instance, ‘Modì’ showed high suitability, and ‘Fuji Kiku 8’ was notable for its sensory quality after seven days of refrigerated storage. Among antioxidant treatments that were assayed, 40 g/L NatureSeal® demonstrated the best results in terms of physicochemical parameters, visual assessment and sensory quality.  相似文献   

Freeze-dried fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) seeds and bitter melon (Momordica charantia) fruit were extracted sequentially using non-polar to polar solvents, with further separation carried out on polar extracts by molecular weight cut off dialysis. The fenugreek ethyl acetate crude extract (FGE3) demonstrated the highest antioxidant activity, in terms of Trolox Equivalents (TE), for both the DPPH (35.338 ± 0.908 mg TE/g) and FRAP (77.352 ± 0.627 mg TE/g) assays. This extract also contained the highest phenolic content, in terms of Gallic Acid Equivalents (GAE) (106.316 ± 0.377 mg GAE/g). Despite having considerably lower antioxidant activity than fenugreek, the highest antioxidant activities for bitter fruit were observed in the hexane (BME1) and methanol hydrophilic < 3.5 kDa dialysed (BME4 < 3.5 kDa) extracts, while the highest phenolic content was found in the methanol hydrophilic > 3.5 kDa (BME4 > 3.5 kDa) dialysed extract. UPLC-MS was used to quantify 18 phenolic compounds from fenugreek and 13 from bitter melon in active crude extracts. The flavonoids apigenin-7-O-glycoside (1955.55 ng/mg) and luteolin-7-O-glycoside (725.50 ng/mg) were the most abundant compounds in FGE3, while bitter melon extracts contained only small amounts of mainly phenolic acids. A further 5 fenugreek and 1 bitter melon compounds were identified in trace amounts from the same extracts, respectively.  相似文献   

Two cider apple cultivars (Avrolles and Douce Coetligné) were compared for their technological and rheological properties and the evolution of these properties during storage after harvest (15 or 30 days). Avrolles was characterized by high and stable juice yields whereas Douce Coetligné had a lower juice yield at harvest which further decreased during storage. The aim was to identify measures of fruit texture which might be related to the fruits behaviour during pressing. Force-displacement curves were computed during penetrometric and compressive tests performed on a TAXT2 texturometer on 20 fruits sampled at three dates. Two main rheological factors have been pointed out. First, under strain, Avrolles showed important plastic irreversible deformations with important breakdowns of cells layers whereas visco-elastic mechanisms appeared more important for Douce Coetligné. Secondly, for this last cultivar, during storagethe skin seemed to act increasingly as a protection against initiation and propagation of cells fractures inside the inner tissues.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to investigate the filtration–consolidation behaviour of biological tissue (sugar beet specimens), denaturated by pulsed electric field (PEF) and freezing–thawing pretreatments. The degree of cell membrane damage was evaluated by the tissue electrical conductivity measurement (determination of the cell disintegration index Z). The PEF-treated and freeze–thawed tissues show different structure response on the applied compressive pressure and different filtration–consolidation behaviour. The value of fracture pressure (Pf ≈ 58.5 bar) is the lowest and the value of tissue deformation under fracture (εf ≈ 0.46) is the highest for sugar beet tissue treated by freezing/thawing. PEF treatment leads to more rigid and more fragile tissue structure (Pf ≈ 63.8 bar, εf ≈ 0.28) than freeze–thawed tissue. Untreated tissue seems to be stronger and less fragile than the PEF-treated tissue (Pf ≈ 84.1 bar, εf ≈ 0.37). Different tissue reactions on the loading pressure evidently reflect the difference between microstructures of treated and untreated tissues. The filtration/consolidation behaviour during liquid expression from a sugar beet tissue also depends on the type and degree of structure denaturation. Tissues treated by PEF and freezing/thawing demonstrate two consolidation stages of expression (primary and secondary). However, the freeze–thawed tissue tends to modify the expression mechanism under the higher loading pressure (60 bar) with approach to the primary consolidation behaviour. The simplified semi-empirical consolidation model permits a reasonably good prediction of expression behaviour from the denaturated sugar beet tissue and estimation of consolidation coefficient b under different pressures. The extrapolation of curves b(P) shows the value of hypothetical pressure, Pmax  90 bar at which the consolidation behaviour would be similar to both PEF-treated and freeze–thawed tissues.  相似文献   

Initial crushing and pressing operations have a major influence on the polyphenolic composition of apple juice, therefore, we have tested the impact of variations of this step using three cider apple cultivars of contrasting polyphenolic composition: Guillevic, Kermerrien and Dous Moen. Under inert atmosphere, increased temperature (between 5 °C and 24 °C), increased the extraction of procyanidins from fruit to juice. The crushed apples were also subjected to four conditions of oxidation: preserved from oxidation as above, short contact with air, short contact with air and mixing, long contact with air and mixing. Oxidation decreased the concentrations of native polyphenols in the juices, especially for flavan-3-ols. The golden colour of the juices was initially enhanced with increases in saturation C∗ and a shift of the hue angle from yellow to orange. However, for the highest oxidation state the colour became paler and more yellow. Bitterness and astringency decreased upon oxidation, probably due to increased retention of oxidised moieties.  相似文献   

Cuticular waxes of four varieties of Malus domestica were investigated regarding their content of ursolic acid. Peels from Fuji, Gala, Smith and Granny Smith apples were extracted with chloroform, ethyl acetate and/or ethanol. The crude extracts were purified by high speed counter-current chromatography (HSCCC), by using mobile and stationary phases derived from the two-phase solvent system composed by n-hexane:ethyl acetate:methanol:water in the proportion of 10:5:2.5:1. The phase proportions and the relative distribution of ursolic acid between the two-phases were optimized by TLC and optical densitometry, by comparison with an authentic sample of ursolic acid. The amount of ursolic acid present in the extracts as well as the characterization of the isolated compound were made by high resolution gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC–MS), 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (13C NMR), Infrared; and by comparing thin layer chromatography and flame ionization detection gas chromatography (GC–FID) patterns with the commercial sample. The average content of ursolic acid of 0.8 mg/cm2 in the peel (around 50 mg per medium sized fruit with a surface area of 50–70 cm2) was found in the Fuji and Smith varieties, whereas 0.5 mg/cm2 and 0.2 mg/cm2 were the amounts calculated for Granny Smith and Gala, respectively. The HSCCC technique was shown to be a good method to purify free ursolic acid from apple peels and could represent a new technological tool to be developed to exploit industrially this source of product.  相似文献   

Automated on-line solid-phase extraction (SPE) coupled to liquid chromatographytandem mass spectrometry (LCMS/MS) has been developed for fast determination of lipophilic marine toxins in shellfish samples. The direct coupling of an on-line SPE column to LCMS/MS was accomplished using column switching techniques. Suitable chromatographic separation was performed on a reversed-phase C18 column under alkaline conditions (pH 11).  相似文献   

An endemic plant of Turkey Salvia halophila Hedge (Lamiaceae) was examined for its antioxidant activity and phenolic compositions. The aerial part of S. halophila was extracted with different solvents in an order of increasing polarity such as hexane, ethyl acetate, methanol, and 50% methanol using a Soxhlet apparatus. Water extract was also prepared from S. halophila by reflux. All solvent fractions were investigated for their total phenolic contents, flavonoids, flavonols, qualitative–quantitative compositions, iron(III) reductive activities, free radical scavenging activities and the effect upon linoleic acid peroxidation activities. The peroxidation level was also determined by the TBA method. The results of activity tests given as IC50 values were estimated from non-linear algorithm and compared with standards via BHT, ascorbic acid, gallic acid. Polar fractions were found more active among the others in free radical activity system whereas non-polar fractions protected the peroxidation of linoleic acid. Rosmarinic acid was the most abundant component, in the extracts.  相似文献   

The dependence of the extent of aqueous extraction of antioxidant compounds on particle size and contact time was studied for three important medicinal plants, that are commonly used in infusions: agrimony, sage and savoury. The effect of extraction time was dependent on the plant considered; however, ca. 5 min can be taken as the minimum period required to assure an acceptable degree of extraction of those compounds. As expected, a smaller particle size led to a higher extraction extents; a typical value of 0.2 mm is accordingly recommended. Chlorogenic acid was the dominant phenolic compound extracted from agrimony, whereas caffeic acid dominated in the case of sage or savoury. A mathematical model based on Fick’s law was developed from first principles, and its two parameters were suitably fitted to the experimental data generated – in attempts to predict the evolution of antioxidant capacity extracted during contact time, for each plant and each particle size.  相似文献   

The polyphenolic components of Idared and Shampion apple purées were determined by HPLC; chlorogenic acid was the most abundant acid (20.0 mg/100 g in microwaved Idared); other polyphenols identified in high concentrations included (−)-epicatechin, procyanidin B1 and B2; quercetin and cyanidin glycosides were found in minor concentrations. The Shampion purées had higher total phenolics (142 mg/100 g) and procyanidin B2 concentrations (17.3 mg/100 g) than the Idared ones, and polymeric procyanidins represented 41% of all polyphenols. Antioxidant capacities of the samples, determined by spectrophotometric methods and EPR spectroscopy, correlated well with the concentration of polyphenols. The antioxidant properties could be better represented by EPR than by UV–vis measurements. The latter require transparent (clear) samples whereas EPR can be a method of choice in the assessment of radical-scavenging activity of dense and cloudy apple purées. Our results support the putative high antioxidant value of apple purées and define their capacity in terms of the major constituents. Apple purées are a rich source of natural antioxidants, especially of chlorogenic acid and procyanidins.  相似文献   

Nowadays, the interest in dietary antioxidants, mainly present in fruits and vegetables, has prompted research in the field of commercial polyphenol-rich beverages. The main objective of the present work was to produce new polyphenol-rich beverages using lemon and pomegranate juices in different proportions (at 25%, 50% and 75% for both juices). The bioactive composition (flavonoids and vitamin C) of the mixtures as well as its stability, antioxidant capacity and changes in colour over a 70 days storage period were studied. Our results suggest that the new drink made of 75% of pomegranate juice (PJ) and 25% of lemon juice (v:v), has potential for development of new healthy beverages or food products, emphasised by its high antioxidant capacity determined by its phenolic composition – punicalagin isomers, anthocyanins and vitamin C – and improved colour properties.  相似文献   

The importance of foodborne viruses is increasingly recognized. Thus, the effect of commonly used food preservation methods on the infectivity of viruses is questioned. In this context, we investigated the antiviral properties of d,l-lactic acid, sodium chloride and sodium nitrite by in vitro studies. Two model viruses, Feline Calicivirus (FCV) and Enteric Cytophatic Human Orphan (ECHO) virus, were chosen for this study simulating important foodborne viruses (human noroviruses (NoV) and human enteroviruses, resp.). The model viruses were exposed to different solutions of d,l-lactic acid (0.1-0.4% w/w, pH 6.0-3.2), of sodium chloride (2-20%, w/v) and of sodium nitrite (100, 150 and 200 ppm) at 4 and 20 °C for a maximum of 7 days. Different results were obtained for the two viruses. ECHO virus was highly stable against d,l-lactic acid and sodium chloride when tested under all conditions. On the contrary, FCV showed less stability but was not effectively inactivated when exposed to low acid and high salt conditions at refrigeration temperatures (4 °C). FCV titers decreased more markedly at 20 °C than 4 °C in all experiments. Sodium nitrite did not show any effect on the inactivation of both viruses. The results indicate that acidification, salting or curing maybe insufficient for effective inactivation of foodborne viruses such as NoV or human enteroviruses during food processing. Thus, application of higher temperature during fermentation and ripening processes maybe more effective toward the inactivation kinetics of less stable viruses. Nevertheless, more studies are needed to examine the antiviral properties of these preserving agents on virus survival and inactivation kinetics in the complex food matrix.  相似文献   

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