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The sandalwood kernels of Santalum insulare (Santalaceae) collected in French Polynesia give seed oils containing significant amounts of ximenynic acid, E-11-octadecen-9-oic acid (64–86%). Fatty acid (FA) identifications were performed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) of FA methyl esters. Among the other main eight identified fatty acids, oleic acid was found at a 7–28% level. The content in stearolic acid, octadec-9-ynoic acid, was low (0.7–3.0%). An inverse relationship was demonstrated between ximenynic acid and oleic acid using 20 seed oils. Results obtained have been compared to other previously published data on species belonging to the Santalum genus, using multivariate statistical analysis. The relative FA S. insulare composition, rich in ximenynic acid is in the same order of those given for S. album or S. obtusifolium. The other compared species (S. acuminatum, S. lanceolatum, S. spicatum and S. murrayanum) are richer in oleic acid (40–59%) with some little differences in linolenic content.  相似文献   

Locoweeds (Astragalus and Oxytropis spp. that contain the toxic alkaloid swainsonine) cause widespread poisoning of livestock on western rangelands. There are 354 species of Astragalus and 22 species of Oxytropis in the US and Canada. Recently, a fungal endophyte, Embellisia spp., was isolated from Astragalus and Oxytropis spp. and shown to produce swainsonine. We conducted a survey of the major locoweeds from areas where locoweed poisoning has occurred to verify the presence of the endophyte and to relate endophyte infection with swainsonine concentrations. Species found to contain the fungal endophyte and produce substantial amounts of swainsonine were A. wootoni, A. pubentissimus, A. mollissimus, A. lentiginosus, and O. sericea. Astragalus species generally had higher concentrations of swainsonine than Oxytropis. Swainsonine was not detected in A. alpinus, A. cibarius, A. coltonii, A. filipes, or O. campestris. The endophyte could not be cultured from A. mollissimus var. thompsonii or A. amphioxys, but was detected by polymerase chain reaction, and only 30% of these samples contained trace levels of swainsonine. Further research is necessary to determine if the endophyte is able to colonize these and other species of Astragalus and Oxytropis and determine environmental influences on its growth and synthesis of swainsonine.  相似文献   

The seeds of two Apiaceae species, Ligusticum hultenii and Lomatium californicum, were investigated. Preliminary bioassays indicated that methylene chloride extracts of seeds of both species contained selective phytotoxic activity against monocots and antifungal activity against Colletotrichum fragariae. Active constituents were isolated by bioassay-guided fractionation, and the structures were elucidated by NMR and GC-MS as apiol and Z-ligustilide, isolated from L. hultenii and L. californicum, respectively. Apiol and Z-ligustilide had I50 values of about 80 and 600 μM, respectively, for inhibition of the growth of Lemna paucicostata. The methylene chloride (CH2Cl2) extracts of the seeds and the isolated and purified compounds were tested against the 2-methylisoborneol-producing cyanobacterium (blue-green alga) Oscillatoria perornata, and the green alga Selenastrum capricornutum. The CH2Cl2 extracts of both Apiaceae species and apiol were weakly toxic to both species of phytoplankton, while Z-ligustilide was toxic to both with a lowest complete inhibitory concentration (LCIC) of 53 μM. Seeds of L. californicum and L. hultenii were found to be rich sources of Z-ligustilide (97 mg/g of dry seed) and apiol (40 mg/g of dry seed), respectively.  相似文献   

This study describes work aimed at the rapid evaluation of the fatty acid (FA) composition of Turkish Rhododendron species, particularly the leaves and the flowers of the toxic plants, R. ponticum and R. luteum. The FA profiles of the available parts of three other nonpoisonous Rhododendron species were also investigated. Subtotal extracts obtained (using n-hexane, chloroform and methanol) from total chloroform:methanol (1:1) extracts were analyzed and compared to each other. Palmitic acid was found to be the most abundant FA in almost all Rhododendron extracts, and the majority of leaf and flower extracts contained significant portions of C18 unsaturated FAs (18:1n-9, 18:2n-6, 18:3n-3). The n-hexane extracts of R. ponticum leaves and R. luteum flowers were unique, as they contained an unusual series of even-chain iso FAs (C16–C24). Especially the n-hexane extracts were found to comprise uncommon FAs with odd-numbered carbons (C13–C29). Overall, n-hexane proved to be the best solvent by representing the richest FA profile, whereas chloroform or methanol appeared less suitable for FA analyses. Appreciable intra-species variations in FA compositions among the leaves as well as other anatomical parts examined were observed. This study highlights the chemotaxonomical importance of the FAs for the genus Rhododendron.  相似文献   

Ethanolic extract of aerial parts of Artemisia annua L. and artemisinin were evaluated as anti-insect products. In a feeding deterrence assay on Epilachna paenulata Germ (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) larvae, complete feeding rejection was observed at an extract concentration of 1.5 mg/cm2 on pumpkin leaf tissue. The same concentration produced a feeding inhibition of 87% in Spodoptera eridania (Cramer) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). In a no-choice assay, both species ate less and gained less weight when fed on leaves treated with the extract. Complete mortality in E. paenulata and 50% mortality in S. eridania were observed with extract at 1.5 mg/cm2. Artemisinin exhibited a moderate antifeedant effect on E. paenulata and S. eridania at 0.03–0.375 mg/cm2. However, a strong effect on survival and body weight was observed when E. paenulata larvae were forced to feed on leaves treated at 0.03 and 0.075 mg/cm2. Artemisia annua ethanolic extract of aerial parts at 1.5 mg/cm2 showed no phytotoxic effect on pumpkin seedlings.  相似文献   

Sesbania virgata (Cav.) Pers (wand riverhemp) is a fast-growing tropical legume species that has been used for revegetation of riparian forests and rehabilitation of degraded areas and that exhibits an invasive behavior in certain regions of Brazil. Preliminary studies have shown that seed leachates inhibit the germination and development of seedlings of some crop species. In this study, we report that the seed leachates of S. virgata inhibit the growth of Arabidopsis thaliana and rice. The flavonoid (+)-catechin is found in high amounts in these leachates. It was active at concentrations of 50 μg ml−1, and its effect was not distinguishable from the (+)-catechin obtained from a commercial source. We found that (+)-catechin is located in the seed coat and is rapidly released in high concentrations (235 μg per seed) at the beginning of imbibition. Quercetin was also detected in the seed coat of S. virgata, but it was not released from the seeds. Other phytotoxic compounds in the seed leachates were also detected. The fact that S. virgata releases high amounts of (+)-catechin, which also has antimicrobial activity, and other phytotoxins from its seeds at the earliest stages of its development might represent some adaptative advantage to the seedling that contributes to its invasive behavior and successful establishment in different soils.  相似文献   

Chamaecyparis obtusa Sieb. and Zucc. var. formosana (Hayata) Rehder is the dominant species in the temperate forest of Yuanyang Lake Nature Reserve (YYL), Taiwan. Although downed logs of C. obstusa var. formosana occupy only a small percentage of the forest floor area in YYL, they are important regeneration substrates. Seedlings of this species often grow without competition on the new downed logs, and a few broadleaf trees grow with them. We hypothesized that the bark of the newly fallen logs possesses allelopathic potential that provides a habitat especially suitable for seedling establishment. Eight different seeds including those from Lactuca sativa L. (lettuce), Bidens pilosa (an invasive weed), and six species in YYL were planted on the bark of the downed logs in an incubator for germination tests. Two dominant species in the forest of YYL, C. obtusa var. formosana and Rhododendron formosanum, were able to grow normally, but the others, Pieris taiwanensis, Barthea formosana, Chamaecyparis formosensis, Miscanthus transmorrisonensis, lettuce, and B. pilosa were growth inhibited. A bioactivity-guided isolation was designed to isolate allelochemicals from the bark. Salicylic acid, one of the inhibiting substances, was isolated and identified by gas chromatography/mass spectroscopy (GC/MS), proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR), and infrared (IR). Bioassay of salicylic acid confirmed a phytotoxic effect. The results suggest that the dominance of C. obtusa var. formosana seedlings on bark could be partly due to allelopathy.  相似文献   

Spiraea thunbergii Sieb. contains 1-O-cis-cinnamoyl--d-glucopyranose (CG) and 6-O-(4-hydroxy-2-methylene-butyroyl)-1-O-cis-cinnamoyl--d-glucopyranose (BCG) as major plant growth inhibiting constituents. In the present study, we determined the inhibitory activity of CG and BCG on root elongation of germinated seedlings of lettuce (Lactuca sativa), pigweed (Amaranthus retroflexus), red clover (Trifolium pratense), timothy (Phleum pratense), and bok choy (Brassica rapa var chinensis) in comparison with that of two well-known growth inhibitors, 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) and (+)-2-cis-4-trans-abscisic acid (cis-ABA), as well as two related chemicals of CG and BCG, cis-cinnamic acid (cis-CA) and trans-cinnamic acid (trans-CA). The EC50 values for CG and BCG on lettuce were roughly one-half to one-quarter of the value for cis-ABA. cis-Cinnamic acid, which is a component of CG and BCG, possessed almost the same inhibitory activity of CG and BCG, suggesting that the essential chemical structure responsible for the inhibitory activity of CG and BCG is cis-CA. The cis-stereochemistry of the methylene moiety is apparently needed for high inhibitory activity, as trans-CA had an EC50 value roughly 100 times that of CG, BCG, and cis-CA. Growth inhibition by CG, BCG, and cis-CA was influenced by the nature of the soil in the growing medium: alluvial soil preserved the bioactivity, whereas volcanic ash and calcareous soils inhibited bioactivity. These findings indicate a potential role of cis-CA and its glucosides as allelochemicals for use as plant growth regulators in agricultural fields.  相似文献   

Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis L.) is a popular medicinal plant distributed widely in North America. The rhizome, rootlets, and root hairs produce medicinally active alkaloids. Berberine, one of the Hydrastis alkaloids, has shown antifungal activity. The influence of a combination of the major Hydrastis alkaloids on the plant rhizosphere fungal ecology has not been investigated. A bioassay was developed to study the effect of goldenseal isoquinoline alkaloids on three Fusarium isolates, including the two species isolated from Hydrastis rhizosphere. The findings suggest that the Hydrastis root extract influences macroconidia germination, but that only the combined alkaloids—berberine, canadine, and hydrastine—appear to synergistically stimulate production of the mycotoxin zearalenone in the Fusarium oxysporum isolate. The Hydrastis root rhizosphere effect provided a selective advantage to the Fusarium isolates closely associated with the root tissue in comparison with the Fusarium isolate that had never been exposed to Hydrastis.  相似文献   

Our objective was to identify the sex pheromone of Lymantria bantaizana (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) whose larvae feed exclusively on walnut, Juglans spp., in China, and Japan. Coupled gas chromatographic–electroantennographic detection (GC-EAD) analyses of pheromone gland extracts revealed a single EAD-active component. Retention index calculations of this compound on four GC columns suggested that it was a methyl-branched octadecadiene with conjugated double bonds. In GC-EAD analyses of 2-methyloctadecenes, (Z)-2-methyl-7-octadecene and (E)-2-methyl-7-octadecene elicited the strongest antennal responses, suggesting that the double bond positions were at C7 and C9. In comparative GC-EAD analyses of pheromone gland extract and stereoselectively synthesized isomers (E,E; E,Z; Z,E; Z,Z) of 2-methyl-7,9-octadecadiene, the (E,Z)- and (Z,E)-isomer had retention times identical to that of the candidate pheromone, but only the latter isomer elicited strong EAD activity. Results of field experiments in Japan substantiated that (7Z,9E)-2-methyl-7,9-octadecadiene is the L. bantaizana sex pheromone, a compound previously unknown in the Lepidoptera. Detection surveys in North America for exotic Eurasian forest defoliators could include traps baited with the L. bantaizana pheromone.  相似文献   

Three strains of each of the seven taxa comprising the Penicillium series Corymbifera were surveyed by direct injection mass spectrometry (MS) and liquid chromatography–MS for the production of terrestric acid and roquefortine/oxaline biosynthesis pathway metabolites when cultured upon macerated tissue agars prepared from Allium cepa, Zingiber officinale, and Tulipa gesneriana, and on the defined medium Czapek yeast autolysate agar (CYA). A novel solid-phase extraction methodology was applied for the rapid purification of roquefortine metabolites from a complex matrix. Penicillium hordei and P. venetum produced roquefortine D and C, whereas P. hirsutum produced roquefortine D and C and glandicolines A and B. P. albocoremium, P. allii, and P. radicicola carried the pathway through to meleagrin, producing roquefortine D and C, glandicolines A and B, and meleagrin. P. tulipae produced all previously mentioned metabolites yet carried the pathway through to an end product recognized as epi-neoxaline, prompting the proposal of a roquefortine/epi-neoxaline biogenesis pathway. Terrestric acid production was stimulated by all Corymbifera strains on plant-derived media compared to CYA controls. In planta, production of terrestric acid, roquefortine C, glandicolines A and B, meleagrin, epi-neoxaline, and several other species-related secondary metabolites were confirmed from A. cepa bulbs infected with Corymbifera strains. The deposition of roquefortine/oxaline pathway metabolites as an extracellular nitrogen reserve for uptake and metabolism into growing mycelia and the synergistic role of terrestric acid and other Corymbifera secondary metabolites in enhancing the competitive fitness of Corymbifera species in planta are proposed.  相似文献   

Securidaca longepedunculata Fers (Polygalaceae) is commonly used as a traditional medicine in many parts of Africa as well as against a number of invertebrate pests, including insects infesting stored grain. The present study showed that S. longepedunculata root powder, its methanol extract, and the main volatile component, methyl salicylate, exhibit repellent and toxic properties to Sitophilus zeamais adults. Adult S. zeamais that were given a choice between untreated maize and maize treated with root powder, extract, or synthetic methyl salicylate in a four-way choice olfactometer significantly preferred the control maize. Methyl salicylate vapor also had a dose-dependant fumigant effect against S. zeamais, Rhyzopertha dominica, and Prostephanus truncates, with a LD100 achieved with a 60 l dose in a 1-l container against all three insect species after 24 hr of exposure. Probit analyses estimated LD50 values between 34 and 36 l (95% CI) for all insect species. Furthermore, prolonged exposure for 6 days showed that lower amounts (30 l) of methyl salicylate vapor were able to induce 100% adult mortality of the three insect species. The implications are discussed in the context of improving stored product pest control by small-scale subsistence farmers in Africa.  相似文献   

Lettuce seeds (Lactuca sativa L.) and other crop species are often used in phytotoxic bioassays that are designed to detect allelochemicals. The seeds of these species are considered ideal because they are readily available, germinate rapidly and uniformly, and are routinely used in laboratories around the world. Despite their common use, however, the seeds of these species are often not as sensitive or responsive to some phytotoxic chemicals as are the seeds of other species. While searching for a more sensitive test species for phytotoxic bioassays, the Columbia ecotype of Arabidopsis thaliana exhibited greater sensitivity to seven potent allelochemicals than did lettuce seeds, which, in some cases, did not respond at all to those substances. Sensitivity satisfies one of the criteria for selecting a test species for bioassays. We now report on the results of our study and offer additional reasons for using A. thaliana seeds.  相似文献   

Drosophila santomea and Drosophila yakuba are two sister species inhabiting Saõ Tomé island. Previous studies showed that both species display strong reproductive isolation, although they can produce a few viable hybrids. Our study tried to understand the mechanism of this ethological isolation between two allopatric strains. A strong sexual isolation was confirmed, with a marked asymmetry. Comparisons of latency times to either courtship or copulation suggest that males do not discriminate females, whereas D. yakuba females, but not D. santomea females, accept their homospecifics more quickly. Cuticular hydrocarbon compositions of both species and sexes were also established with gas chromatography (GC) and GC/mass spectrometry analysis. All have (Z)-7-tricosene as their major compound. There are several quantitative differences between species for few minor compounds. The largest difference concerns n-heneicosane, which is more abundant in D. santomea than in D. yakuba flies (up to seven times more between males). A similar quantitative difference was also found in a pair of sympatric strains. Furthermore, D. yakuba males artificially perfumed with n-heneicosane were discriminated negatively by D. yakuba females, suggesting a role for this compound in the sexual isolation between these two species.  相似文献   

Mated female Heliothis virescens and H. subflexa were induced to produce sex pheromone during the photophase by injection of pheromone biosynthesis activating neuropeptide (PBAN). When injected with 1 pmol Hez-PBAN, the total amount of pheromone that could be extracted from glands of mated females during the photophase was similar to that extracted from virgin females in the scotophase. The PBAN-induced profile of pheromone components was compared between mated, PBAN-injected females and virgin females during spring and fall. Virgin females exhibited some differences in the relative composition of the pheromone blend between spring and fall, but no such temporal differences were detected in PBAN-injected, mated females. Because the temporal variation in pheromone blend composition was greater for virgin females than for PBAN-injected females, PBAN can be used to determine a females native pheromone phenotype. This procedure has the advantages that pheromone glands can be extracted during the photophase, from mated females that have already oviposited.  相似文献   

Gevuina avellana and Rosa rubiginosa proteins were evaluated for their potential food use. The proteins were sequentially separated into five fractions according to their solubilities in deionized water, 0.5 M NaCl, 70% (vol/vol) isopropyl alcohol, 50% (vol/vol) glacial acetic acid, and 0.1 M NaOH. The five fractionated protein groups were then characterized by SDS-PAGE and gel filtration chromatography to determine their M.W. profiles. Ninety-six percent of G. avellana total protein was solubilized in three extraction stages, and 88% of R. rubiginosa total protein was solubilized in one extraction stage. Albumins were the major protein fraction in G. avellana and glutelins-1 the most abundant in R. rubiginosa. The protein solubility profile determined over the pH range 1–12 showed minimal solubilities at pH 3–5 and pH 3–7 for G. avellana and R. rubiginosa, respectively. Electrophoretic studies revealed the existence of proteins composed of two major kinds of polypeptides linked together via disulfide bonds and with molecular masses ranging from 13 to 119 kDa. Gel filtration chromatography profiles of globulins and albumins were studied for both seeds. Isoelectric focusing showed an isoelectric point in the ranges of 4.5–6 and 3–6.5 for G. avellana and R. rubiginosa proteins, respectively.  相似文献   

Purification of arachidonic acid (AA) from Mortierella alpina single-cell oil was attempted. The process comprised three steps: (i) preparation of FFA by nonselective hydrolysis of the oil with Alcaligenes sp. lipase; (ii) elimination of long-chain saturated FA from the resulting FFA by urea adduct fractionation; and (iii) enrichment of AA through lipase-catalyzed selective esterification with lauryl alcohol (LauOH). In the third step, screening of industrially available lipases indicated that Burkholderia cepacia lipase (Lipase-PS, Amano Enzyme Inc., Aichi, Japan) acted on AA more weakly than on other FA and was the most effective for enrichment of AA in the FFA fraction. When the FFA obtained by urea adduct fractionation were esterified with 2 molar equivalents of LauOH at 30°C for 16 h in a mixture with 20% water and 20 units (U)/g-mixture of Lipase-PS, the esterification reached 39% and the content of AA in the FFA fraction was raised from 61 to 86 wt%. To further increase the content of AA, unesterified FFA were allowed to react again under the same conditions as those in the first selective esterification except for the use of 50 U/g Lipase-PS. A series of procedures raised the content of AA to 97 wt% with a 49% recovery based on the initial content in the single-cell oil. These results indicated that the three-step process for selective esterification with Lipase-PS was effective for purifying AA from the single-cell oil.  相似文献   

The seeds of cultivated Hibiscus spp. were extracted with supercritical carbon dioxide, and the resulting extracts were analyzed to identify the major TG components as the corresponding FAME. The seed oils were composed predominantly of oleic and linoleic FA (69.6–83.4%) with lesser amounts of palmitic acid (14.8–27.0%). Minor amounts of C14, C18, and C20 saturated FA were also detected. The oil content of the seeds was determined to be between 11.8 and 22.1 wt% for hybrid varieties and between 8.9 and 29.5 wt% for the native species from which the hybrid varieties were developed. The protein content of the defatted seed meal averaged 20% for the hybrid varieties. The composition of the extracted hibiscus seed oils suggests potential edible applications.  相似文献   

Ageratum conyzoides L. weed often invades cultivated fields and reduces crop productivity in Southeast Asia and South China. However, intercropping this weed in citrus orchards may increase the population of predatory mite Amblyseius newsami, an effective natural enemy of citrus red mite Panonychus citri, and keep the population of P. citri at low and noninjurious levels. This study showed that A. conyzoides produced and released volatile allelochemicals into the air in the intercropped citrus orchard, and these volatiles influenced the olfactory responses of A. newsami and P. citri. At test temperature (25°C), A. conyzoides fresh leaves, its essential oil, and major constituents, demethoxy-ageratochromene, β-caryophyllene, α-bisabolene, and E-β-farnesene, attracted A. newsami and slightly repelled P. citri. Field experiments demonstrated that spraying A. conyzoides essential oil emulsion in an A. conyzoides nonintercropped citrus orchard increased the population density of A. newsami from below 0.1 to over 0.3 individuals per leaf, reaching the same level as in an A. conyzoides intercropped citrus orchard. However, this effect could not be maintained beyond 48 hr because of the volatility of the essential oil. In contrast, in the A. conyzoides intercropped citrus orchard, A. conyzoides plants continuously produced and released volatile allelochemicals and maintained the A. newsami population for a long time. The results suggest that intercropping of A. conyzoides not only made the citrus orchard ecosystem more favorable for the predatory mite A. newsami, but also that the volatile allelochemicals released from A. conyzoides regulated the population of A. newsami and P. citri.  相似文献   

Two Melittini species, Macroscelesia japona and M. longipes (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae), are native to Japan, but occupy different localities as their host plants seldom grow together. The contents of the sex pheromone gland of adult females of both species, obtained after rearing larvae collected from the field, were investigated by gas chromatograph-electroantennogram detection (GC-EAD) and gas chromatograph-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analyses. Two GC-EAD-active components were found in a crude extract of M. japona female pheromone gland, and identified as (2E,13Z)-2,13-octadecadien-1-ol (E2,Z13-18:OH) and (2E,13Z)-2,13-octadecadienal (E2,Z13-18:Ald). The average ratio of these two components was about 1:10. In the field, M. japona males were attracted to traps baited with E2,Z13-18:Ald alone, but the strongest attraction was observed with a 1:100 mixture of E2,Z13-18:OH and E2,Z13-18:Ald. The same two components were found in extracts of M. longipes females, but in a markedly different ratio. Male M. longipes were attracted most strongly to lures containing a 20:1 mixture of E2,Z13-18:OH and E2,Z13-18:Ald, although some males were also attracted to lures with E2,Z13-18:OH alone. Although the two species do not generally occur in sympatry, our data indicate that, in the event of overlap, cross attraction of the two species is unlikely.  相似文献   

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