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 共查询到20条相似文献,搜索用时 31 毫秒
We propose a resynthesis method that modifies a given circuit to reduce the number of paths in the circuit and thus improve its path delay fault testability. The resynthesis procedure is based on replacing subcircuits of the given circuit by structures called comparison units. A subcircuit can be replaced by a comparison unit if it implements a function belonging to the class of comparison functions defined here. Comparison units are fully testable for stuck-at faults and for path delay faults. In addition, they have small numbers of paths and gates. These properties make them effective building blocks for resynthesis to improve the path delay fault testability of a circuit. Experimental results demonstrate considerable reductions in the number of paths and increased path delay fault testability. These are achieved without increasing the number of gates, or the number of gates along the longest path in the circuit. The random pattern testability for stuck-at faults remains unchanged  相似文献   

We analyze the causes of low path delay fault coverage in synchronous sequential circuits and propose a method to improve testability. The three main reasons for low path delay fault coverage are found to be: (A) combinationally false (nonactivatable) paths; (B) sequentially nonactivatable paths; and (C) unobservable fault effects. Accordingly, we classify undetected faults in Groups A, B, and C. Combinationally false paths ran be made testable by modifying the circuit or resynthesizing the combinational logic as discussed by other researchers. A majority of the untestable faults are, however found in Group B, where a signal transition cannot be functionally propagated through a combinational path. A test requires two successive states necessary to create a signal transition and propagate it through the target path embedded in the sequential circuit. We study a partial scan technique in which flip-flops are scanned to break cycles and shun that a substantial increase in the coverage of path delay faults is possible  相似文献   

It has been shown earlier that, if we are restricted to unate gate network (UGN) realizations, there exist universal test sets for Boolean functions. Such a test set only depends on the function f, and checks any UGN realization of f for all multiple stuck-at faults and all robustly testable stuck-open faults. In this paper, we prove that these universal test sets are much more powerful than implied by the above results. They also constitute complete delay fault test sets for arbitrary UGN implementations of a given function. This is even true for UGN networks which are not completely testable with respect to the gate or path delay fault model. Our ability to prove the temporal correctness of such circuit realizations comes from the fact that we do not argue the correctness of individual paths, but rather complete path systems  相似文献   

Path delay fault model is the most suitable model for detectingdistributed manufacturing defects which can cause delayfaults. However, the number of paths in a modern design can beextremely large and the path delay testability of many practicaldesigns is very low. In this paper we show how to resynthesize acombinational circuit in order to reduce the total number of paths inthe circuit. Our results show that it is possible to obtain circuitswith a significant reduction in the number of paths while notincreasing area and/or delay of the longest sensitizable path in thecircuit.Research on path delay testing shows that in many circuits a largeportion of paths does not have a test that can guarantee detection ofa delay fault. The path delay testability of a circuit would increaseif the number of such paths is reduced. We show that addition of asmall number of test points into the circuit can help reducing thenumber of such paths in the given design.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new test scheme, oscillation ring test, and its associated test circuit organization for delay fault testing for high performance microprocessors. For this test scheme, the outputs of the circuit under test are connected to its inputs to form oscillation rings and test vectors which sensitize circuit paths are sought to make the rings oscillate. High speed transition counters or oscillation detectors can then be used to detect whether the circuit is working normally or not. The sensitizable paths of oscillation rings cover all circuit lines, detecting all gate delay faults, a large part of hazard free robust path delay faults and all the stuck-at faults. It has the advantage of testing the circuit at the working speed of the circuit. Also, with some modification, the scheme can also be used to measure the maximum speed of the circuit. The scheme needs minimal simple added hardware, thus ideal for testing, embedded circuits and microprocessors.  相似文献   

Automatic test pattern generation (ATPG) is the next step after synthesis in the process of chip manufacturing. The ATPG may not be successful in generating tests for all multiple stuck-at faults since the number of fault combinations is large. Hence a need arises for highly testable designs which have 100% fault efficiency under the multiple stuck-at fault(MSAF) model. In this paper we investigate the testability of ROBDD based 2×1 mux implemented combinational circuit design. We show that the ROBDD based 2×1 mux implemented circuit is fully testable under multiple stuck-at fault model. Principles of pseudoexhaustive testing and multiple stuck-at fault testing of two level AND-OR gates are applied to one sub-circuit(2×1 mux). We show that the composite test vector set derived for all 2×1 muxes is capable of detecting multiple stuck-at faults of the circuit as a whole. Algorithms to derive test set for multiple stuck-at faults are demonstrated. The multiple stuck-at fault test set is larger than the single stuck-at fault test set. We show that the multiple stuck-at fault test set can be derived from the Disjoint Sum of Product expression which allows test pattern generation at design time, eliminating the need of an ATPG after the synthesis stage.  相似文献   

The testability of majority voting based fault-tolerant circuits is investigated and sufficient conditions for constructing circuits that are testable for all single and multiple stuck-at faults are established. The testability conditions apply to both combinational and sequential logic circuits and result in testable majority voting based fault-tolerant circuits without additional testability circuitry. Alternatively, the testability conditions facilitate the application of structured design for testability and Built-In Self-Test techniques to fault-tolerant circuits in a systematic manner. The complexity of the fault-tolerant circuit, when compared to the original circuit can significantly increase test pattern generation time when using traditional automatic test pattern generation software. Therefore, two test pattern generation algorithms are developed for detecting all single and multiple stuck-at faults in majority voting based circuits designed to satisfy the testability conditions. The algorithms are based on hierarchical test pattern generation using test patterns for the original, non-fault-tolerant circuit and structural knowledge of the majority voting based design. Efficiency is demonstrated in terms of test pattern generation time and cardinality of the resulting set of test patterns when compared to traditional automatic test pattern generation software.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe in detail a new method for the single gate-level design error diagnosis in combinational circuits. Distinctive features of the method are hierarchical approach (the localizing procedure starts at the macro level and finishes at the gate level), use of stuck-at fault model (it is mapped into design error domain only in the end), and design error diagnostic procedure that uses only test patterns generated by conventional gate-level stuck-at fault test pattern generators (ATPG). No special diagnostic tests are used because they are much more time consuming. Binary decision diagrams (BDD) are exploited for representing and localizing stuck-at faults on the higher signal path level. On the basis of detected faulty signal paths, suspected stuck-at faults at gate inputs are calculated, and then mapped into suspected design error(s). This method is enhanced compared to our previous work. It is applicable to redundant circuits and allows using incomplete tests for error diagnosis. Experimental data on ISCAS benchmark circuits shows the advantage of the proposed method compared to the known algorithms of design error diagnosis.  相似文献   

The circuit testable realizations of multiple-valued functions are studied in this letter. First of all, it is shown that one vector detects all skew faults in multiplication modulo circuits or in addition modulo circuits, and n+1 vectors detect all skew faults in the circuit realization of multiplevalued functions with n inputs. Secondly, min(max) bridging fault test sets with n+2 vectors are presented for the circuit realizations of multiple-valued logic functions. Finally, a tree structure is used instead of cascade structure to reduce the delay in the circuit realization, it is shown that three vectors are sufficient to detect all single stuck-at faults in the tree structure realization of multiplevalued logic functions.  相似文献   

The relationships between redundant logic and don't care conditions in combinational circuits are well known. Redundancies in a combinational circuit can be explicitly identified using test generation algorithms or implicitly eliminated by specifying don't cares for each gate in the combinational network and minimizing the gates, subject to the don't care conditions.In this article, we explore the relationships between redundant logic and don't care conditions in sequential circuits. Stuck-at faults in a sequential circuit may be testable in the combinational sense, but may be redundant because they do not alter the terminal behavior of a nonscan sequential machine. These sequential redundancies result in a faulty State Transition Graph (STG) that is equivalent to the STG of the true machine.We present a classification of redundant faults in sequential circuits composed of single or interacting finite state machines. For each of the different classes of redundancies, we define don't care sets which if optimally exploited will result in the implicit elimination of any such redundancies in a given circuit. We present systematic methods for the exploitation of sequential don't cares that correspond to sequences of vectors that never appear in cascaded or interacting sequential circuits. Using these don't care sets in an optimal sequential synthesis procedure of state minimization, state assignment, and combinational logic optimization results in fully testable lumped or interacting finite state machines. We present experimental results which indicate that medium-sized irredundant sequential circuits can be synthesized with no area overhead and within reasonable CPU times by exploiting these don't cares.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relationship between test sets for multiple stuck-at faults and robust path-delay-fault tests in multilevel combinational circuits. It is shown that, in multilevel circuits, a complete robust path-delay-fault test set may not detect all multiple stuck-at faults. We also show that the detectability of the former does not imply the detectability of the latter, as suggested in a recent paper. The presence of undetectable or untested multiple stuck-at faults may invalidate some path delay tests.Supported in part by NSF Grant MIP-9320886.  相似文献   

We propose a new path delay fault model called the transition path delay fault model. This model addresses the following issue. The path delay fault model captures small extra delays, such that each one by itself will not cause the circuit to fail, but their cumulative effect along a path from inputs to outputs can result in faulty behavior. However, non-robust tests for path delay faults may not detect situations where the cumulative effect of small extra delays is sufficient to cause faulty behavior after any number of extra delays are accumulated along a subpath. Under the new path delay fault model, a path delay fault is detected when all the single transition faults along the path are detected by the same test. This ensures that if the accumulation of small extra delays along a subpath is sufficient to cause faulty behavior, the faulty behavior will be detected due to the detection of a transition fault at the end of the subpath. We discuss the new model and present experimental results to demonstrate its viability as an alternative to the standard path delay fault model. We describe an efficient fault simulation procedure for this model. We also describe test generation procedures. An efficient test generation procedure we discuss combines tests for transition faults along the target paths in order to obtain tests that satisfy the requirements of the new model.  相似文献   

We classify all path-delay faults of a combinational circuit intothree categories: singly-testable (ST), multiply-testable (MT), and singly-testable dependent} (ST-dependent). The classification uses anyunaltered single stuck-at fault test generation tool. Only two runsof this tool on a model network derived from the original network areperformed. As a by-product of this process, we generate single andmultiple input change delay tests for all testable faults. With thesetests, we expect that most defective circuits are identified. All STfaults are guaranteed detection in the case of a single fault, andsome may be guaranteed detection through robust and validatablenon-robust tests even in the case of multiple faults. An ST-dependentfault can affect the circuit speed only if certain ST faults arepresent. Thus, if all ST faults are tested, the ST-dependent faultsneed not be tested. MT faults cannot be guaranteed detection, butaffect the speed only if delay faults simultaneously exist on a setof paths, none of which is ST. Examples and results on several ISCAS89 benchmarks are presented. The method of classification throughtest generation using a model network is complex and can be appliedto circuits of moderate size. For larger circuits, alternativemethods will have to be explored in the future.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a method for path delay fault testing of multiplexer-based shifters. We show that many paths of the shifter are not single path propagating hazard free robustly testable (SPP-HFRT) and we present a path selection method such that all the selected paths are SPP-HFRT by (Olog2 n) test-vector pairs, where n is the length of the shifter's operand. The propagation delay along all other paths is a function of the delays along the selected paths. This is the first work addressing the problem of shifter path delay fault testing.  相似文献   

Two techniques for designing function-dependent easily testable programmable logic arrays are presented. The techniques can detect all the multiple stuck-at, crosspoint and bridging faults, as compared with most of the existing techniques where some of the faults, especially bridging faults, remain undetected.<>  相似文献   

A Booth multiplier is the most widely used type of multiplier. In this article, the testability issues involved in its design are discussed. In contrast to previous work, the fault model includes not only node stuck-at faults, but also transistor stuck-open and stuck-close faults. Moreover, as a result of adopting a hierarchical testability approach, the designed Booth multiplier turns out to be fully C-testable. To achieve this C-testability, only three additional controllable inputs are required, which results in a negligible area and delay overhead.Currently with Alcatel Bell Telephone.  相似文献   

We propose an efficient method to select a minimal set of testable paths in scan designs, such that every line in the circuit is covered by at least one of the longest testable paths that contain it (if there are any). The proposed path selection approach is based on a stepwise path expansion procedure that uses delay information and compact information about untestable paths to select longest paths while avoiding untestable paths. Techniques called delay analysis and delay-constrained path expansion are used to speedup the selection of paths to test. Compared to earlier approaches, the proposed approach is fast and it is guaranteed to find testable paths. Additionally the procedure also derives tests for the selected paths. Experimental results for ISCAS89 benchmark circuits using standard scan and broadside testing are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

The paper presents two functional fault models that are applied for functional delay test generation for non-scan synchronous sequential circuits: the pin pair state (PPS) fault model and the pin pair full state (PPFS) fault model. The PPS fault model deals with the pairs of stuck-at faults on the primary inputs and the primary outputs, as well as, with the pairs of stuck-at faults on the previous state bits and the primary outputs. The PPFS fault model encompasses the PPS model, and additionally deals with the pairs of stuck-at faults on the primary inputs and the next state bits, as well as, with the pairs of stuck-at faults on the previous state bits and the next state bits. The main factor in assessing the quality of obtained test sequences was the transition fault coverage at the gate level of the selected according to the appropriate fault model test sequences from the generated randomly ones. The experimental results demonstrate that the implementation using presented functional fault models allow selecting the test sequences from the initial test set without the loss of transition fault coverage in many cases, and the number of the selected test sequences is much lesser than that of the initial test set. This result demonstrates that the functional delay test can be generated using the presented functional delay fault models before structural synthesis of the circuit.  相似文献   

Compared with the propagation of logic errors produced by stuck-at faults, the propagation of gate delay fault effects in sequential circuits poses some particular problems. The authors first describe the propagation conditions of such faults then define the propagation rules of these faults which are used in a new delay fault simulation process for synchronous sequential circuits  相似文献   

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