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Given a directed, non-negatively weighted graph G=(V,E) and s,tV, we consider two problems. In the k simple shortest paths problem, we want to find the k simple paths from s to t with the k smallest weights. In the replacement paths problem, we want the shortest path from s to t that avoids e, for every edge e in the original shortest path from s to t. The best known algorithm for the k simple shortest paths problem has a running of O(k(mn+n2logn)). For the replacement paths problem the best known result is the trivial one running in time O(mn+n2logn).In this paper we present two simple algorithms for the replacement paths problem and the k simple shortest paths problem in weighted directed graphs (using a solution of the All Pairs Shortest Paths problem). The running time of our algorithm for the replacement paths problem is O(mn+n2loglogn). For the k simple shortest paths we will perform O(k) iterations of the second simple shortest path (each in O(mn+n2loglogn) running time) using a useful property of Roditty and Zwick [L. Roditty, U. Zwick, Replacement paths and k simple shortest paths in unweighted directed graphs, in: Proc. of International Conference on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP), 2005, pp. 249-260]. These running times immediately improve the best known results for both problems over sparse graphs.Moreover, we prove that both the replacement paths and the k simple shortest paths (for constant k) problems are not harder than APSP (All Pairs Shortest Paths) in weighted directed graphs.  相似文献   

Computing shortest paths in a directed graph has received considerable attention in the sequential RAM model of computation. However, developing a polylog-time parallel algorithm that is close to the sequential optimal in terms of the total work done remains an elusive goal. We present a first step in this direction by giving efficient parallel algorithms for shortest paths in planar layered digraphs.We show that these graphs admit special kinds of separators calledone- way separators which allow the paths in the graph to cross it only once. We use these separators to give divide- and -conquer solutions to the problem of finding the shortest paths between any two vertices. We first give a simple algorithm that works in the CREW model and computes the shortest path between any two vertices in ann-node planar layered digraph in timeO(log2 n) usingn/logn processors. We then use results of Aggarwal and Park [1] and Atallah [4] to improve the time bound toO(log2 n) in the CREW model andO(logn log logn) in the CREW model. The processor bounds still remain asn/logn for the CREW model andn/log logn for the CRCW model.Support for the first and third authors was provided in part by a National Science Foundation Presidential Young Investigator Award CCR-9047466 with matching funds from IBM, by NSF Research Grant CCR-9007851, by Army Research Office Grant DAAL03-91-G-0035, and by the Office of Naval Research and the Advanced Research Projects Agency under Contract N00014-91-J-4052, ARPA, Order 8225. Support for the second author was provided in part by NSF Research Grant CCR-9007851, by Army Research Office Grant DAAL03-91-G-0035, and by the Office of Naval Research and the Advanced Research Projects Agency under Contract N00014-91-J-4052 and ARPA Order 8225.  相似文献   

The main results of this paper are efficient parallel algorithms, MSP and LOCATE, for computing minimal spanning trees and locating minimal paths in directed graphs, respectively. Algorithm MSP has time complexityO(log3 n) usingO(n 3/logn) processors, while LOCATE has time complexityO(logn) usingO(n 2) processors. Algorithm MSP is derived from sequential algorithms, when the unbounded parallelism model is used.  相似文献   

Shortest paths in weighted directed graphs are considered within the context of compact routing tables. Strategies are given for organizing compact routing tables so that extracting a requested shortest path will takeo(k logn) time, wherek is the number of edges in the path andn is the number of vertices in the graph. The first strategy takesO (k+logn) time to extract a requested shortest path. A second strategy takes (k) time on average, assuming alln(n–1) shortest paths are equally likely to be requested. Both strategies introduce techniques for storing collections of disjoint intervals over the integers from 1 ton, so that identifying the interval within which a given integer falls can be performed quickly.This research was supported in part by the National Science Foundation under Grants CCR-9001241 and CCR-9322501 and by the Office of Naval Research under Contract N00014-86-K-0689.  相似文献   

用倍增技术在带有Wormhole路由技术的n×n二维网孔机器上提出了时间复杂度为O(log2n)的连通分量和传递闭包并行算法,并在此基础上提出了一个时间复杂度为O(log3n)的最小生成树并行算法.这些都改进了Store-and-Forward路由技术下的时间复杂度下界O(n).同其他运行在非总线连接分布式存储并行计算机上的算法相比,此连通分量和传递闭包算法的时间复杂度是最优的.  相似文献   

The (min, + ) product C of two n × n matrices A and B is defined as C ij = min1≦kn A ik + B kj . This paper presents an algorithm to compute the (min, +) product of two n × n matrices. The algorithm follows the approach described by Fredman, but is faster than Fredman's own algorithm: its time complexity is either O(n 3/√log2 n) or even O(n 2.5√log2 n), if one adheres to the uniform-cost RAM model faithfully.

This result implies the existence of O(n 3/√log2 n) algorithms for the problems that (min, +) matrix multiplication is equivalent to, such as the all-pairs shortest paths problem.

As the presented algorithm uses operations on sets, the formal analysis of its time complexity raises a few interesting questions about the applicability of the standard RAM complexity model.  相似文献   

Xin He 《Algorithmica》1990,5(1):545-559
We present an efficient algorithm for 4-coloring perfect planar graphs. The best previously known algorithm for this problem takesO(n 3/2) sequential time, orO(log4 n) parallel time withO(n3) processors. The sequential implementation of our algorithm takesO(n logn) time. The parallel implementation of our algorithm takesO(log3 n) time withO(n) processors on a PRAM.  相似文献   

Given ann-vertex simple polygon we address the following problems: (i) find the shortest path between two pointss andd insideP, and (ii) compute the shortestpath tree between a single points and each vertex ofP (which implicitly represents all the shortest paths). We show how to solve the first problem inO(logn) time usingO(n) processors, and the more general second problem inO(log2 n) time usingO(n) processors, and the more general second problem inO(log2 n) time usingO(n) processors for any simple polygonP. We assume the CREW RAM shared memory model of computation in which concurrent reads are allowed, but no two processors should attempt to simultaneously write in the same memory location. The algorithms are based on the divide-and-conquer paradigm and are quite different from the known sequential algorithmsResearch supported by the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research (McGill University) grant 276-07  相似文献   

沈一飞  陈国良  张强锋 《软件学报》2007,18(11):2683-2690
分别在两种重要并行计算模型中给出计算有向基因组排列的反转距离新的并行算法.基于Hannenhalli和Pevzner理论,分3个主要部分设计并行算法:构建断点图、计算断点图中圈数、计算断点图中障碍的数目.在CREW-PRAM模型上,算法使用O(n2)处理器,时间复杂度为O(log2n);在基于流水光总线的可重构线性阵列系统(linear array with a reconfigurable pipelined bus system, LARPBS)模型上,算法使用O(n3)处理器,计算时间复杂度为O(logn).  相似文献   

Previous research on developing parallel triangulation algorithms concentrated on triangulating planar point sets.O(log3 n) running time algorithms usingO(n) processors have been developed in Refs. 1 and 2. Atallah and Goodrich(3) presented a data structure that can be viewed as a parallel analogue of the sequential plane-sweeping paradigm, which can be used to triangulate a planar point set inO(logn loglogn) time usingO(n) processors. Recently Merks(4) described an algorithm for triangulating point sets which runs inO(logn) time usingO(n) processors, and is thus optimal. In this paper we develop a parallel algorithm for triangulating simplicial point sets in arbitrary dimensions based on the idea of the sequential algorithm presented in Ref. 5. The algorithm runs inO(log2 n) time usingO(n/logn) processors. The algorithm hasO(n logn) as the product of the running time and the number of processors; i.e., an optimal speed-up.  相似文献   

We present an algorithm for computingL 1 shortest paths among polygonal obstacles in the plane. Our algorithm employs the continuous Dijkstra technique of propagating a wavefront and runs in timeO(E logn) and spaceO(E), wheren is the number of vertices of the obstacles andE is the number of events. By using bounds on the density of certain sparse binary matrices, we show thatE =O(n logn), implying that our algorithm is nearly optimal. We conjecture thatE =O(n), which would imply our algorithm to be optimal. Previous bounds for our problem were quadratic in time and space.Our algorithm generalizes to the case of fixed orientation metrics, yielding anO(n–1/2 log2 n) time andO(n–1/2) space approximation algorithm for finding Euclidean shortest paths among obstacles. The algorithm further generalizes to the case of many sources, allowing us to compute anL 1 Voronoi diagram for source points that lie among a collection of polygonal obstacles.Partially supported by a grant from Hughes Research Laboratories, Malibu, California and by NSF Grant ECSE-8857642. Much of this work was done while the author was a Ph.D. student at Stanford University, under the support of a Howard Hughes Doctoral Fellowship, and an employee of Hughes Research Laboratories.  相似文献   

T. Takaoka 《Algorithmica》1998,20(3):309-318
In this paper we give three subcubic cost algorithms for the all pairs shortest distance (APSD) and path (APSP) problems. The first is a parallel algorithm that solves the APSD problem for a directed graph with unit edge costs in O(log 2 n) time with processors where μ = 2.688 on an EREW PRAM. The second parallel algorithm solves the APSP, and consequently APSD, problem for a directed graph with nonnegative general costs (real numbers) in O(log 2 n) time with o(n 3 ) subcubic cost. Previously this cost was greater than O(n 3 ) . Finally we improve with respect to M the complexity O((Mn) μ ) of a sequential algorithm for a graph with edge costs up to M to O(M 1/3 n (6+ω)/3 (log n) 2/3 (log log n) 1/3 ) in the APSD problem, where ω = 2.376 . Received October 15, 1995; revised June 21, 1996.  相似文献   

For an unweighted undirected graph G = (V,E), and a pair of positive integers α ≥ 1, β ≥ 0, a subgraph G′ = (V,H), HeqE, is called an (α,β)-spanner of G if for every pair of vertices u,vV, distG(u,v) ≤ α ⋅ distG(u,v) + β. It was shown in [21] that for any ∊ > 0, κ = 1,2,…, there exists an integer β = β(∊,κ) such that for every n-vertex graph G there exists a (1+∊,β)-spanner G′ with O(n1+1/κ) edges. An efficient distributed protocol for constructing (1+∊,β)-spanners was devised in [19]. The running time and the communication complexity of that protocol are O(n1+ρ) and O(|E|n^ρ), respectively, where ρ is an additional control parameter of the protocol that affects only the additive term β. In this paper we devise a protocol with a drastically improved running time (O(n^ρ) as opposed to O(n1+ρ)) for constructing (1+∊,β)-spanners. Our protocol has the same communication complexity as the protocol of [19], and it constructs spanners with essentially the same properties as the spanners that are constructed by the protocol of [19]. The protocol can be easily extended to a parallel implementation which runs in O(log n + (|E|⋅ nρlog n)/p) time using p processors in the EREW PRAM model. In particular, when the number of processors, p, is at least |E|⋅ nρ, the running time of the algorithm is O(log n). We also show that our protocol for constructing (1+∊,β)-spanners can be adapted to the streaming model, and devise a streaming algorithm that uses a constant number of passes and O(n1+1/κ⋅ {log} n) bits of space for computing all-pairs-almost-shortest-paths of length at most by a multiplicative factor (1+∊) and an additive term of β greater than the shortest paths. Our algorithm processes each edge in time O(n^ρ), for an arbitrarily small ρ > 0. The only previously known algorithm for the problem [23] constructs paths of length κ times greater than the shortest paths, has the same space requirements as our algorithm, but requires O(n1+1/κ) time for processing each edge of the input graph. However, the algorithm of [23] uses just one pass over the input, as opposed to the constant number of passes in our algorithm. We also show that any streaming algorithm for o(n)-approximate distance computation requires Ω(n) bits of space. This work was Supported by the DoD University Research Initiative (URI) administered by the Office of Naval Research under Grant N00014-01-1-0795. Michael Elkin was supported by ONR grant N00014-01-1-0795. Jian Zhang was supported by ONR grant N00014-01-1-0795 and NSF grants CCR-0105337 and ITR-0331548. Preliminary version of this paper was published in PODC’04, see [22]. After the preliminary version of our paper [22] appeared on PODC’04, Feigenbaum et al. [24] came up with a new streaming algorithm for the problem that is far more efficient than [23] in terms of time-per-edge processing. However, our algorithm is still the only existing streaming algorithm that provides an almost additive approximation of distances.  相似文献   

This paper determines upper bounds on the expected time complexity for a variety of parallel algorithms for undirected and directed random graph problems. For connectivity, biconnectivity, transitive closure, minimum spanning trees, and all pairs minimum cost paths, we prove the expected time to beO(log logn) for the CRCW PRAM (this parallel RAM machine allows resolution of write conflicts) andO(logn · log logn) for the CREW PRAM (which allows simultaneous reads but not simultaneous writes). We also show that the problem of graph isomorphism has expected parallel timeO(log logn) for the CRCW PRAM andO(logn) for the CREW PRAM. Most of these results follow because of upper bounds on the mean depth of a graph, derived in this paper, for more general graphs than was known before.For undirected connectivity especially, we present a new probabilistic algorithm which runs on a randomized input and has an expected running time ofO(log logn) on the CRCW PRAM, withO(n) expected number of processors only.Our results also improve known upper bounds on the expected space required for sequential graph algorithms. For example, we show that the problems of finding connected components, transitive closure, minimum spanning trees, and minimum cost paths have expected sequential spaceO(logn · log logn) on a deterministic Turing Machine. We use a simulation of the CRCW PRAM to get these expected sequential space bounds.This research was supported by National Science Foundation Grant DCR-85-03251 and Office of Naval Research Contract N00014-80-C-0647.This research was partially supported by the National Science Foundation Grants MCS-83-00630, DCR-8503497, by the Greek Ministry of Research and Technology, and by the ESPRIT Basic Research Actions Project ALCOM.  相似文献   

We present an improved algorithm for all pairs shortest paths. For a graph of n vertices our algorithm runs in O(n3(loglogn/logn)5/7) time. This improves the best previous result which runs in O(n3(loglogn/logn)1/2) time.  相似文献   

This paper determines upper bounds on the expected time complexity for a variety of parallel algorithms for undirected and directed random graph problems. For connectivity, biconnectivity, transitive closure, minimum spanning trees, and all pairs minimum cost paths, we prove the expected time to beO(log logn) for the CRCW PRAM (this parallel RAM machine allows resolution of write conflicts) andO(logn · log logn) for the CREW PRAM (which allows simultaneous reads but not simultaneous writes). We also show that the problem of graph isomorphism has expected parallel timeO(log logn) for the CRCW PRAM andO(logn) for the CREW PRAM. Most of these results follow because of upper bounds on the mean depth of a graph, derived in this paper, for more general graphs than was known before. For undirected connectivity especially, we present a new probabilistic algorithm which runs on a randomized input and has an expected running time ofO(log logn) on the CRCW PRAM, withO(n) expected number of processors only. Our results also improve known upper bounds on the expected space required for sequential graph algorithms. For example, we show that the problems of finding connected components, transitive closure, minimum spanning trees, and minimum cost paths have expected sequential spaceO(logn · log logn) on a deterministic Turing Machine. We use a simulation of the CRCW PRAM to get these expected sequential space bounds.  相似文献   

One common problem in computational geometry is that of computing shortest paths between two points in a constrained domain. In the context of Geographical Information Systems (GIS), terrains are often modeled as Triangular Irregular Networks (TIN) which are a special class on non-convex polyhedra. It is often necessary to compute shortest paths on the TIN surface which takes into account various weights according to the terrain features. We have developed algorithms to compute approximations of shortest paths on non-convex polyhedra in both the unweighted and weighted domain. The algorithms are based on placing Steiner points along the TIN edges and then creating a graph in which we apply Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm. For two points s and t on a non-convex polyhedral surface P , our analysis bounds the approximate weighted shortest path cost as || Π'(s,t)|| ≤ ||Π(s,t)|| + W |L| , where L denotes the longest edge length of \cal P and W denotes the largest weight of any face of P . The worst case time complexity is bounded by O(n 5 ) . An alternate algorithm, based on geometric spanners, is also provided and it ensures that ||Π' (s,t)|| ≤β(||Π(s,t)|| + W|L|) for some fixed constant β >1 , and it runs in O(n 3 log n) worst case time. We also present detailed experimental results which show that the algorithms perform much better in practice and the accuracy is near-optimal. Received April 15, 1998; revised February 15, 1999.  相似文献   

The minimum k-terminal cut problem is of considerable theoretical interest and arises in several applied areas such as parallel and distributed computing, VLSI circuit design, and networking. In this paper we present two new approximation and exact algorithms for this problem on an n-vertex undirected weighted planar graph G. For the case when the k terminals are covered by the boundaries of m > 1 faces of G, we give a min{O(n 2 log n logm), O(m 2 n 1.5 log2 n + k n)} time algorithm with a (2–2/k)-approximation ratio (clearly, m \le k). For the case when all k terminals are covered by the boundary of one face of G, we give an O(n k3 + (n log n)k 2) time exact algorithm, or a linear time exact algorithm if k = 3, for computing an optimal k-terminal cut. Our algorithms are based on interesting observations and improve the previous algorithms when they are applied to planar graphs. To our best knowledge, no previous approximation algorithms specifically for solving the k-terminal cut problem on planar graphs were known before. The (2–2/k)-approximation algorithm of Dahlhaus et al. (for general graphs) takes O(k n 2 log n) time when applied to planar graphs. Our approximation algorithm for planar graphs runs faster than that of Dahlhaus et al. by at least an O(k/logm) factor (m \le k).  相似文献   

He  Xin 《Algorithmica》1990,5(1-4):545-559

We present an efficient algorithm for 4-coloring perfect planar graphs. The best previously known algorithm for this problem takesO(n 3/2) sequential time, orO(log4 n) parallel time withO(n3) processors. The sequential implementation of our algorithm takesO(n logn) time. The parallel implementation of our algorithm takesO(log3 n) time withO(n) processors on a PRAM.


The minimum k-terminal cut problem is of considerable theoretical interest and arises in several applied areas such as parallel and distributed computing, VLSI circuit design, and networking. In this paper we present two new approximation and exact algorithms for this problem on an n-vertex undirected weighted planar graph G. For the case when the k terminals are covered by the boundaries of m > 1 faces of G, we give a min{O(n 2 log n logm), O(m 2 n 1.5 log2 n + k n)} time algorithm with a (2–2/k)-approximation ratio (clearly, m \le k). For the case when all k terminals are covered by the boundary of one face of G, we give an O(n k3 + (n log n)k 2) time exact algorithm, or a linear time exact algorithm if k = 3, for computing an optimal k-terminal cut. Our algorithms are based on interesting observations and improve the previous algorithms when they are applied to planar graphs. To our best knowledge, no previous approximation algorithms specifically for solving the k-terminal cut problem on planar graphs were known before. The (2–2/k)-approximation algorithm of Dahlhaus et al. (for general graphs) takes O(k n 2 log n) time when applied to planar graphs. Our approximation algorithm for planar graphs runs faster than that of Dahlhaus et al. by at least an O(k/logm) factor (m \le k).  相似文献   

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