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In this paper we analyze the algorithms expressed as a system of recurrence equations. The algorithms are called 2?1 output algorithms if two output values of one function (variable identification) are specified by the system of recurrence equations for each index point in the algorithm. The algorithm is in free form if the indexes of these two values are not dependent. Two standard classes are determined by this criteria: the nearest neighbour and the all pair form. For example the sorting algorithm can be expressed in the all pair form i.e., the linear insertion algorithm or in the nearest neighbour form i.e., the bubble sort algorithm. However these algorithms are different in their nature. A procedure to eliminate the computational broadcast for the all pair 2?1output algorithm has been proposed by the authors in [1]. The result obtained by implementing this procedure was a localized form of the algorithm and a system of uniform recurrence equations by eliminating the computational and data broadcast. So he data dependence method can be efficiently used for parallel implementations. The proposed procedure cannot be implemented directly on the nearest neighbour form algorithms. Here we show how the algorithm can be restructured into a form where the computational and data broadcast can be eliminated. These transformations result in localized algorithms. A few examples show how these algorithms can be implemented on processor arrays. For example, the Gentleman Kung triangular array [2] can be used for solving the QR decomposition algorithm for both forms of the algorithm. The implementations differ in the order of the data flow and the processor operation. We show that the implementation of the nearest neighbour algorithm is even better than the standard one. 相似文献
VLSI technology has had tremendous success in revolutionizing computer design with processor arrays. Local communication and interconnection is a constraint that dictates the design of processor arrays. The shared bus and global access to memory are now no longer used, since they lower the speed. Consequently, parallel algorithms must be designed according to these constraints. One of the problems that must be resolved for the above mentioned constraints is data broadcast elimination. Algorithms must be transformed into a form that uses data propagation instead of data broadcast. Here systems of affine recurrence equations are analyzed and data broadcast is denned in context of the definition of data dependence and affine recurrence equations. A method for data broadcast elimination is introduced in [1] and expands the system of affine recurrence equations into new recurrence equations, that define data propagation and eliminates the data dependences where data broadcast occurs. Parallel algorithms are usually given as a set of similar tasks repetitively performed on different data. The iteration form of presenting the algorithms is most common. Several techniques are introduced to transform the algorithm to a single assignment form of recurrence equations. Some improvements of these techniques are presented to make the application of the data broadcast elimination method easier and more straight forward. The presented techniques are classified as the transformation of iterative algorithms to a recurrence form, the transformation of recurrence form to a single assignment form, and fulfilling the index forms of the algorithms. A system of affine recurrence equations with the data broadcast property is always obtained by applying these procedures. The method of data broadcast elimination successfully transforms this system of affine recurrence equations into a system of uniform recurrence equations which can be used for parallel implementation on VLSI processor arrays. 相似文献
相对于扩频系统抑制窄带干扰的时域经典自适应滤波算法,基于QR分解的窄带干扰抑制方法是一种性能优良的新算法.研究了基于QR分解的RLS自适应滤波算法,考虑两种指数加权递归最小二乘(RLS)估计的算法--QR-RLS算法和逆QR-RLS算法,对扩频通信系统进行窄带干扰抑制.通过定义新的数据矩阵,该算法求解出数据域正规方程中的系数矩阵和右侧向量,从而提高了计算效率.最后用Matlab仿真了自适应滤波过程,仿真结果表明,该算法具有良好的计算性能以及收敛性能. 相似文献
The fast systolic computation and double pipelines were designed to achieve implementations that use less processors to execute the algorithm in less time then the conventional systolic algorithms. H. T. Kung and C. S. Leiserson in [1-3] proposed systolic algorithms realized on a bidirectional linear array where two data streams flow in opposite directions. The data flow introduced for this solution requires data elements to appear in the data stream at each second time step, which is the only way to meet all the elements from the other data stream. In [4, 5] the authors proposed a linear array where one data stream is double mapped while the elements from the other data stream flow in consecutive time moments. The procedure to obtain such a solution is called a fast systolic design. It was shown in [5] that double pipeline solutions are obtained by separating and grouping techniques in addition to this design. Several more efficient systolic designs have been proposed for the matrix vector multiplication algorithm in [4, 5]. Here we implement these techniques on other linear array algorithms such as triangular linear system solver, string comparison, convolution, correlation, MA and AR filter. 相似文献
信号的稀疏表示在信号处理的许多方面有着重要的应用,但稀疏分解计算量十分巨大,难以产业化应用。粒子群优化(PSO)及果蝇优化(FOA)等智能算法具备前期收敛速度快,全局搜索能力强的优点,应用到语音信号的稀疏分解中,虽然大大提高了语音信号稀疏分解的速度,但是该类算法后期的收敛速度较低,稀疏分解速度仍然偏低。拉凡格氏(LM)算法具有收敛速度快,精度高的特点,但是LM算法依赖初值,这使它的应用受到了限制。结合智能算法FOA及LM算法的优点,采用FOA算法求出Gabor原子参数初值,利用这些初值进行LM迭代搜索最优原子。仿真结果表明,基于FOA优化算法和LM算法相结合的方法,具有收敛速度快,精度高的特点,有较高的实用价值。 相似文献
Liyu Cao Author Vitae 《Automatica》2004,40(1):5-19
In this paper we shall provide new analysis on some fundamental properties of the Kalman filter based parameter estimation algorithms using an orthogonal decomposition approach based on the excited subspace. A theoretical analytical framework is established based on the decomposition of the covariance matrix, which appears to be very useful and effective in the analysis of a parameter estimation algorithm with the existence of an unexcited subspace. The sufficient and necessary condition for the boundedness of the covariance matrix in the Kalman filter is established. The idea of directional tracking is proposed to develop a new class of algorithms to overcome the windup problem. Based on the orthogonal decomposition approach two kinds of directional tracking algorithms are proposed. These algorithms utilize a time-varying covariance matrix and can keep stable even in the case of unsufficient and/or unbounded excitation. 相似文献
将矩形矩阵的正交(QR)分解和改进的最小二乘(GLS)算法相结合,实现传感器的动态建模,运用零极点配置理论改善传感器动态性能。利用传感器动态校准实验数据,首先构造矩形数据矩阵并对矩阵进行正交分解确定传感器模型阶次,继而利用改进的最小二乘算法建立传感器的数学模型,而后运用零极点理论对模型零极点进行重新配置改善传感器的动态性能。实验结果表明:该方法简洁,建模精度高,能够较准确得到反映传感器动态特性的数学模型,且基于该方法的传感器动态性能改善效果明显。 相似文献
黄艺坤 《网络安全技术与应用》2014,(9):37-37
本文通过对数据挖掘技术的研究,采用关联规则法对学生答题数据进行分析,并在关联规则使用中采用改进型的Apriori算法进行运算,构建高频集,并对于高分学生和低分学生的试卷进行了加权处理,使得高频集中的试题在知识点和难度上的关联更加突出,便于在自动组卷时更科学地评价试卷. 相似文献
We present an algorithm to compute the Wedderburn decomposition of semisimple group algebras based on a computational approach of the Brauer–Witt theorem. The algorithm was implemented in the GAP package wedderga. 相似文献
Gregory E. Coxson Christopher L. DeMarco 《Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems (MCSS)》1994,7(4):279-291
An interval matrix can be represented in terms of a center matrix and a nonnegative error matrix, specifying maximum elementwise perturbations from the center matrix. A commonly proposed robust stability (regularity) characterization for an interval matrix with a stable (nonsingular) center matrix identifies the minimum scaling of this error matrix for which instability (singularity) is achieved. In this paper it is shown that approximating this minimum scaling is a MAX-SNP-hard problem. This implies that in the general case, unless the class of deterministic polynomial-time decision problems, P, equals the class of nondeterministic polynomial-time decision problems, NP, thought to be highly unlikely, this minimum scaling cannot be approximated with a ratio arbitrarily close to unity in polynomial time.This research was supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant ECS-8857019. 相似文献
Adeline Samson Marc Lavielle France Mentré 《Computational statistics & data analysis》2006,51(3):1562-1574
The reduction of viral load is frequently used as a primary endpoint in HIV clinical trials. Nonlinear mixed-effects models are thus proposed to model this decrease of the viral load after initiation of treatment and to evaluate the intra- and inter-patient variability. However, left censoring due to quantification limits in the viral load measurement is an additional challenge in the analysis of longitudinal HIV data. An extension of the stochastic approximation expectation-maximization (SAEM) algorithm is proposed to estimate parameters of these models. This algorithm includes the simulation of the left-censored data in a right-truncated Gaussian distribution. Simulation results show that the proposed estimates are less biased than the usual naive methods of handling such data: omission of all censored data points, or imputation of half the quantification limit to the first point below the limit and omission of the following points. The viral load measurements obtained in the TRIANON-ANRS81 clinical trial are analyzed with this method and a significant difference is found between the two treatment groups of this trial. 相似文献
引入扩展差别矩阵和扩展决策矩阵,提出了新的属性约简算法和增量更新算法,即基于扩展差别矩阵的属性约简算法和基于扩展决策矩阵的增量式规则提取算法,讨论了规则的增量更新算法。由于使用了增量更新算法和并行处理技术,从而提高了数据挖掘的效率,降低了时间复杂度。通过实验说明此算法是有效和可行的。 相似文献
An algorithm and a computer routines library written in object programming language C++ are described, which allow removal of global intensity deformation in a grey-scale image using contrast control. During the process, a Gaussian pyramid representation of an input image is constructed through low-pass filtration and sampling of successive pyramid levels, where the input image constitutes the first (zero) level of the pyramid. In the second step a Laplacian pyramid is built by subtracting successive levels of the Gaussian pyramid. Then, all levels in the Laplacian pyramid are expanded to the original image size and added with weights, which are real numbers, to reconstruct the image. Proper choice of the weights allows global grey-level deformation removal. This technique can be applied for contrast enhancement and image archiving of airborne, scanned, photo-copied and optical camera-made images, where global distortions of intensity are frequently met. 相似文献
The discovery of community structure in a large number of complex networks has attracted lots of interest in recent years.
One category of algorithms for detecting community structure, the divisive algorithms, has been proposed and improved impressively.
In this paper, we propose an improved divisive algorithm, the basic idea of which is to take more than one parameters into
consideration to describe the networks from different points of view. Although its basic idea appears to be a little simple,
it is shown experimentally that it outperforms some other algorithms when it is applied to the networks with a relatively
obscure community structure. We also demonstrate its effectiveness by applying it to IPv6 backbone network. The communities
detected by our algorithm indicate that although underdeveloped compared with IPv4 network, IPv6 network has already exhibited
a preliminary community structure. Moreover, our algorithm can be further extended and adapted in the future. In fact, it
suggests a simple yet possibly efficient way to improve algorithms. 相似文献
运动参数估计在图像配准,电子稳像以及图像拼接中起着很重要的作用,其中块匹配算法是经常使用的一种方法。当平移较大的时候,块匹配算法仍然存在不足,因此本文提出了一种新的算法。首先利用灰度投影法得到相邻两幅图像的平移量,在此基础上再利用块匹配算法进行分块处理。实验说明了此方法的有效性,能够满足一般要求。 相似文献
Yihang Yang Xiang Cheng Junrui Cheng Da Jiang 《International journal of systems science》2018,49(1):160-178
The application of evolutionary algorithms (EAs) is becoming widespread in engineering optimisation problems because of their simplicity and effectiveness. The Alopex-based evolutionary algorithm (AEA) possesses the basic characteristics of heuristic search algorithms but is lacking in adequate information about the fitness landscape of the input domain, reducing the convergence speed. To improve the performance of AEA, the Gaussian copula estimation of distribution algorithm (EDA) is embedded into the original AEA in this paper. With the help of Gaussian copula EDA, precise probability models are built utilising the best solutions, which can increase the convergence speed, and at the same time, keep the population diversity as much as possible. The simulation results on the benchmark functions and the application to the Butterworth filter design demonstrate the efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed algorithm, compared with several other EAs. 相似文献
V. G. Akulovsky 《Cybernetics and Systems Analysis》2008,44(6):941-950
A system of algorithmic algebras is considered whose basic concepts are newly interpreted to formalize the interrelation between operators and data of such a system. A modified formal instrument is constructed that extends the possibilities of design and transformation of regular schemes of algorithms. Translated from Kibernetika i Sistemnyi Analiz, No. 6, pp. 170–182, November–December 2008. 相似文献
ZHANG Li-hong ZHANG Yan-hua 《通讯和计算机》2009,6(10):81-83
For the edge and texture characteristics of the flower, a new improved canny algorithm is proposed. In the method, canny algorithm detects the edge and the texture of the flower perfectly, the image noise is eliminated simultaneously. The method is applied to all bloom stages. The growing status of the flower could be better analyzed. 相似文献