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并行计算机系统互连网络的拓扑性质对系统功能的实现起着重要的作用.为了精确度量基于(n,k)-冒泡排序网络构建的并行计算机系统的子网络容错能力,建立了(n,k)-冒泡排序网络中(n-m,k-m)-冒泡排序子网络与特定字符串之间的一一对应关系,研究了点故障模型下(n,k)-冒泡排序网络中(n-m,k-m)-冒泡排序子网络的...  相似文献   

The matching preclusion number of a graph is the minimum number of edges the deletion of which results in a graph that has neither perfect matchings nor almost-perfect matchings. For many interconnection networks, the optimal sets are precisely those induced by a single vertex. Recently, the conditional matching preclusion number of a graph was introduced to look for obstruction sets beyond those induced by a single vertex. It is defined to be the minimum number of edges the deletion of which results in a graph with no isolated vertices that has neither perfect matchings nor almost-perfect matchings. In this article, we find this number and classify all optimal sets for the alternating group graphs, one of the most popular interconnection networks, and their companion graphs, the split-stars. Moreover, some general results on the conditional matching preclusion problems are also presented.  相似文献   

The matching preclusion number of a graph is the minimum number of edges whose deletion results in a graph that has neither perfect matchings nor almost-perfect matchings. For many interconnection networks, the optimal sets are precisely those induced by a single vertex. Recently, the conditional matching preclusion number of a graph was introduced to look for obstruction sets beyond those induced by a single vertex. It is defined to be the minimum number of edges whose deletion results in a graph with no isolated vertices that has neither perfect matchings nor almost-perfect matchings. In this paper we find this number and classify all optimal sets for the arrangement graphs, one of the most popular interconnection networks.  相似文献   

网络嵌入是互连网络研究的一个重要方向,通过网络嵌入可以用一种拓扑结构模拟另一种结构,高效的嵌入会提高并行程序的运行效率。构造了10*k个节点的双环网结构,基于文献[3]提出的互连网络RP(k),提出了一种将双环网嵌入RP(k)的算法DLN-RP(k),此算法得到的4个性能参数为拓展、负载、延伸、拥挤度分别为1,1,2,2,并证明了该结果为最优值。  相似文献   

杨玉星  邱亚娜 《计算机科学》2017,44(11):264-267
在并行计算机系统中,元器件和线路故障普遍存在,而系统的容错能力可以通过其底层基础网络的拓扑性质衡量。为了精确度量以k元n维冒泡排序网络为底层拓扑结构的并行计算机系统的容错能力,结合其层次结构和子网划分特征,分别提出了节点故障模型和线路故障模型下攻击该网络中所有k-m元n-m维冒泡排序子网络的算法,确定了需要攻击的最优节点集合和最优线路集合。根据算法可得:当2≤k≤n-2,m≤k-1时,攻击k元n维冒泡排序网络中所有的k-m元n-m维冒泡排序子网络,在节点故障模型下需要攻击至少Cmnm!个节点,在边故障模型下需要攻击至少Cmnm!条线路。  相似文献   

In 2005, Rahman and Kaykobad proved that if G is a connected graph of order n such that d(x)+d(y)+d(x,y)n+1 for each pair x, y of distinct nonadjacent vertices in G, where d(x,y) is the length of a shortest path between x and y in G, then G has a Hamiltonian path [Inform. Process. Lett. 94 (2005) 37–41]. In 2006 Li proved that if G is a 2-connected graph of order n3 such that d(x)+d(y)+d(x,y)n+2 for each pair x,y of nonadjacent vertices in G, then G is pancyclic or G=Kn/2,n/2 where n4 is an even integer [Inform. Process. Lett. 98 (2006) 159–161]. In this work we prove that if G is a 2-connected graph of order n such that d(x)+d(y)+d(x,y)n+1 for all pairs x, y of distinct nonadjacent vertices in G, then G is pancyclic or G belongs to one of four specified families of graphs.  相似文献   

冒泡排序连通圈网络BSCC(n)是一类重要的互连网络。2010年师海忠提出了如下猜想:冒泡排序连通圈网络BSCC(n)(n≥4)可分解为边不交的Hamilton圈和完美对集的并。记BSCC(n)为BSCC(n,0),对BSCC(n,0)的每个顶点用一个三角形代替,得到新网络BSCC(n,1),对BSCC(n,1)的每个顶点用三角形代替得到BSCC(n,2),类似迭代k次得新网络BSCC(n,k)。师海忠进一步提出猜想2:BSCC(n,k)可分解为边不交的一个Hamilton圈和一个完美对集的并。证明了BSCC(4,k)可分解成边不交的一个Hamilton圈和一个完美对集的并。  相似文献   

Given two non-negative integers h and k,an L(h,k)-labeling of a graph G=(V,E) is a function from the set V to a set of colors,such that adjacent nodes take colors at distance at least h,and nodes at distance 2 take colors at distance at least k.The aim of the L(h,k)-labeling problem is to minimize the greatest used color.Since the decisional version of this problem is NP-complete,it is important to investigate particular classes of graphs for which the problem can be efficiently solved.It is well known that the most common interconnection topologies,such as Butterfly-like,Bene(?),CCC,Trivalent Cayley networks,are all characterized by a similar structure:they have nodes organized as a matrix and connections are divided into layers.So we naturally introduce a new class of graphs,called (1×n)-multistage graphs,containing the most common interconnection topologies,on which we study the L(h,k)-labeling.A general algorithm for L(h,k)-labeling these graphs is presented,and from this method an efficient L(2,1)-labeling for Butterfly and CCC networks is derived.Finally we describe a possible generalization of our approach.  相似文献   

In the literature various proofs of the inclusion of the class of LL(k) grammars into the class of LR(k) grammars can be found. Some of these proofs are not correct, others are informal, semi-formal or contain flaws. Some of them are correct but the proof is less straightforward than demonstrated here.  相似文献   

Copyright by Science in China Press 2004 Interconnection networks, as an important means in parallel processing systems, are investigated widely[1,2]. Recently a class of lower-degree networks is proposed[2—4]. In ref. [3] we have investigated a constant degree network, called RP(k) network. Com-pared with rings and 2-D mesh networks, the RP(k) network has many good properties. The RP(k) network has a much smaller diameter than that of 2-D meshes when the number of network nodes is less …  相似文献   

In this paper, variational iteration method and Adomian decomposition are implemented to construct solitary solutions for variants of K(n, n) equation. In these schemes the solution takes the form of a convergent series with easily computable components. The chosen initial solution or trial function plays a major role in changing the physical structure of the solution. Comparison between the two methods is made and many models are approached. The obtained results reveal that the two methods are very effective and convenient for constructing solitary solutions.  相似文献   

The theory of (n) truth degrees of formulas is proposed in modal logic for the first time. A consistency theorem is obtained which says that the (n) truth degree of a modality-free formula equals the truth degree of the formula in two-valued propositional logic. Variations of (n) truth degrees of formulas w.r.t. n in temporal logic is investigated. Moreover, the theory of (n) similarity degrees among modal formulas is proposed and the (n) modal logic metric space is derived therefrom which contains the classical logic metric space as a subspace. Finally, a kind of approximate reasoning theory is proposed in modal logic. Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 10331010 and 10771129), and the Foundation of 211 Construction of Shaanxi Normal University  相似文献   

MDAV算法是一种高效的微聚集算法,但它未考虑等价类中敏感属性多样性问题,生成的匿名表不能抵制同质性攻击和背景知识攻击。针对该问题,提出一种能够实现(k,e)-匿名模型的MDAV算法,简称(k,e)-MDAV算法。该算法将距离类中心最近的至少k个不同敏感值的元组聚为一类,并要求每个类内敏感属性值最大差异至少为e。实验结果表明,该算法能够生成满足(k,e)-匿名模型的匿名表。  相似文献   

提出了一种可压缩的(r,n)门限秘密图像共享方案,Shamir的门限方案是该方案的基础,它可以克服VSS方案的缺点,并能把影子图像压缩成原秘密图像大小的1/r;当所有像素灰度值小于250时,恢复图像和原秘密图像一样。随后对该方案进行改进,使其在有像素灰度值大于250的情况下,可获得无质量损失的恢复图像。  相似文献   

一种可定期更新的(t,n)门限多秘密共享方案   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
提出了一种可定期更新的(t,n)门限多秘密共享方案。该方案一次可共享多个秘密。参与者的子秘密由参与者自己生成,并且子秘密可定期得到更新。分发者与参与者之间不需要维护安全信道。方案可有效地防止分发者和参与者的欺诈行为,同时可抵抗外界攻击。该方案具有较好的安全性和实用性。  相似文献   

A (g, f)-factor F of a graph G is called a Hamiltonian (g, f)-factor if F contains a Hamiltonian cycle. For a subset X of V(G), let N G (X)= gcup xX N G (x). The binding number of G is defined by bind(G)=min{| N G (X) |/| X|| ?≠X?V(G), N G (X)≠V(G)}. Let G be a connected graph of order n, 3≤ab be integers, and b≥4. Let g, f be positive integer-valued functions defined on V(G), such that ag(x)≤f(x)≤b for every xV(G). Suppose n≥(a+b?4)2/(a?2) and f(V(G)) is even, we shall prove that if bind(G)>((a+b?4)(n?1))/((a?2)n?(5/2)(a+b?4)) and for any independent set X?V(G), N G (X)≥((b?3)n+(2a+2b?9)| X|)/(a+b?5), then G has a Hamiltonian (g, f)-factor.  相似文献   

Let G be a graph, and let a, b, k be integers with 0≤ab, k≥0. An [a, b]-factor of graph G is defined as a spanning subgraph F of G such that ad F (x)≤b for each xV(G). Then a graph G is called an (a, b, k)-critical graph if after deleting any k vertices of G the remaining graph of G has an [a, b]-factor. In this article, a sufficient condition is given, which is a neighborhood condition for a graph G to be an (a, b, k)-critical graph.  相似文献   

The feedback number of a graph G is the minimum number of vertices whose removal from G results in an acyclic subgraph. We use f(n,k) to denote the feedback number of the (n,k)-star graph Sn,k and p(n,k) the number of k-permutations of an n-element set. This paper proves thatp(n,k)?2(k?1)!(nk?1)?f(n,k)?p(n,k)?2(k?1)!i=1θ(n?2i+1k?i), where θ=min{k?1,n?k+1}.  相似文献   

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