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In the present paper for a class of metrices in ? n including the Hölder metrices explicit expressions will be developed for evaluating the values of the corresponding Hausdorff metrices.  相似文献   

The worst-case behaviour of a general class of regularization algorithms is considered in the case where only objective function values and associated gradient vectors are evaluated. Upper bounds are derived on the number of such evaluations that are needed for the algorithm to produce an approximate first-order critical point whose accuracy is within a user-defined threshold. The analysis covers the entire range of meaningful powers in the regularization term as well as in the Hölder exponent for the gradient. The resulting complexity bounds vary according to the regularization power and the assumed Hölder exponent, recovering known results when available.  相似文献   


The principle of majorizing sequences is used to show local and semilocal convergence of Newton's method to a locally unique solution of an operator equation in a Banach space setting, when the operator involved satisfies a Hölder and center Hölder continuity condition. Our convergence conditions are weaker; error bounds on the distances involved finer and the location of the solution more precise than in earlier results.  相似文献   

We present parallel algorithms to construct binary trees with almost optimal weighted path length. Specifically, assuming that weights are normalized (to sum up to one) and error refers to the (absolute) difference between the weighted path length of a given tree and the optimal tree with the same weights, we present anO (logn)-time andn(log lognl logn)-EREW-processor algorithm which constructs a tree with error less than 0.18, andO (k logn log* n)-time andn-CREW-processor algorithm which produces a tree with error at most l/n k , and anO (k 2 logn)-time andn 2-CREW-processor algorithm which produces a tree with error at most l/n k . As well, we describe two sequential algorithms, anO(kn)-time algorithm which produces a tree with error at most l/n k , and anO(kn)-time algorithm which produces a tree with error at most . The last two algorithms use different computation models.The first author's research was supported in part by NSERC Research Grant 3053. A part of this work was done while the second author was at the University of British Columbia.  相似文献   

We generate a sequence using the Newton–Kantorovich method in order to approximate a locally unique solution of an operator equation on a Banach space under Hölder continuity conditions. Using recurrence relations, Hölder as well as centre-Hölder continuity assumptions on the operator involved, we provide a semilocal convergence analysis with the following advantages over the elegant work by Hernánde? in (The Newton method for operators with Hölder continuous first derivative, J. Optim. Theory Appl. 109(3) (2001), pp. 631–648.) (under the same computational cost): finer error bounds on the distances involved, and a more precise information on the location of the solution. Our results also compare favourably with recent and relevant ones in (I.K. Argyros, Concerning the “terra incognita” between convergence regions of two Newton methods, Nonlinear Anal. 62 (2005), pp. 179–194; I.K. Argyros, Computational Theory of Iterative Methods, in Studies in Computational Mathematics, Vol. 15, C.K. Chui and L. Wuytack, eds., Elsevier Publ. Co., New York, USA, 2007; I.K. Argyros, On the gap between the semilocal convergence domain of two Newton methods, Appl. Math. 34(2) (2007), pp. 193–204; I.K. Argyros, On the convergence region of Newton's method under Hölder continuity conditions, submitted for publication; I.K. Argyros, Estimates on majorizing sequences in the Newton–Kantorovich method, submitted for publication; F. Cianciaruso and E. DePascale, Newton–Kantorovich approximations when the derivative is Hölderian: Old and new results, Numer. Funct. Anal. Optim. 24 (2003), pp. 713–723; F. Cianciaruso and E. DePascale, Estimates of majorizing sequences in the Newton–Kantorovich method, Numer. Funct. Anal. Optim. 27(5–6) (2006), pp. 529–538; F. Cianciaruso and E. DePascale, Estimates of majorizing sequences in the Newton–Kanorovich method: A further improvement, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 322 (2006), pp. 329–335; N.T. Demidovich, P.P. Zabreiko, and Ju.V. Lysenko, Some remarks on the Newton–Kantorovich mehtod for nonlinear equations with Hölder continuous linearizations, Izv. Akad. Nauk Belorus 3 (1993), pp. 22–26 (in Russian). (E. DePascale and P.P. Zabreiko, The convergence of the Newton–Kantorovich method under Vertgeim conditions, A new improvement, Z. Anal. Anwendvugen 17 (1998), pp. 271–280.) and (L.V. Kantorovich and G.P. Akilov, Functional Analysis in Normed Spaces, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1982; J.V. Lysenko, Conditions for the convergence of the Newton–Kantorovich method for nonlinear equations with Hölder linearizations, Dokl. Akad. Nauk BSSR 38 (1994), pp. 20–24 (in Russian); B.A. Vertgeim, On some methods for the approximate solution of nonlinear functional equations in Banach spaces, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk 12 (1957), pp. 166–169 (in Russian); Amer. Math. Soc. Transl. 16 (1960), pp. 378–382. (English Trans.).)  相似文献   

In Dijkstra (Commun ACM 17(11):643–644, 1974) introduced the notion of self-stabilizing algorithms and presented three such algorithms for the problem of mutual exclusion on a ring of n processors. The third algorithm is the most interesting of these three but is rather non intuitive. In Dijkstra (Distrib Comput 1:5–6, 1986) a proof of its correctness was presented, but the question of determining its worst case complexity—that is, providing an upper bound on the number of moves of this algorithm until it stabilizes—remained open. In this paper we solve this question and prove an upper bound of 3\frac1318 n2 + O(n){3\frac{13}{18} n^2 + O(n)} for the complexity of this algorithm. We also show a lower bound of 1\frac56 n2 - O(n){1\frac{5}{6} n^2 - O(n)} for the worst case complexity. For computing the upper bound, we use two techniques: potential functions and amortized analysis. We also present a new-three state self-stabilizing algorithm for mutual exclusion and show a tight bound of \frac56 n2 + O(n){\frac{5}{6} n^2 + O(n)} for the worst case complexity of this algorithm. In Beauquier and Debas (Proceedings of the second workshop on self-stabilizing systems, pp 17.1–17.13, 1995) presented a similar three-state algorithm, with an upper bound of 5\frac34n2+O(n){5\frac{3}{4}n^2+O(n)} and a lower bound of \frac18n2-O(n){\frac{1}{8}n^2-O(n)} for its stabilization time. For this algorithm we prove an upper bound of 1\frac12n2 + O(n){1\frac{1}{2}n^2 + O(n)} and show a lower bound of n 2O(n). As far as the worst case performance is considered, the algorithm in Beauquier and Debas (Proceedings of the second workshop on self-stabilizing systems, pp 17.1–17.13, 1995) is better than the one in Dijkstra (Commun ACM 17(11):643–644, 1974) and our algorithm is better than both.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the problem of dynamic transitive closure with lookahead. We present a randomized one-sided error algorithm with updates and queries in O(n ω(1,1,ε)−ε ) time given a lookahead of n ε operations, where ω(1,1,ε) is the exponent of multiplication of n×n matrix by n×n ε matrix. For ε≤0.294 we obtain an algorithm with queries and updates in O(n 2−ε ) time, whereas for ε=1 the time is O(n ω−1). This is essentially optimal as it implies an O(n ω ) algorithm for boolean matrix multiplication. We also consider the offline transitive closure in planar graphs. For this problem, we show an algorithm that requires O(n\fracw2)O(n^{\frac{\omega}{2}}) time to process n\frac12n^{\frac{1}{2}} operations. We also show a modification of these algorithms that gives faster amortized queries. Finally, we give faster algorithms for restricted type of updates, so called element updates. All of the presented algorithms are randomized with one-sided error. All our algorithms are based on dynamic algorithms with lookahead for matrix inverse, which are of independent interest.  相似文献   

Can PAC learning algorithms tolerate random attribute noise?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper studies the robustness of PAC learning algorithms when the instance space is {0,1}n, and the examples are corrupted by purely random noise affecting only the attributes (and not the labels). Foruniform attribute noise, in which each attribute is flipped independently at random with the same probability, we present an algorithm that PAC learns monomials for any (unknown) noise rate less than 2 1 . Contrasting this positive result, we show thatproduct random attribute noise, where each attributei is flipped randomly and independently with its own probability pi, is nearly as harmful as malicious noise-no algorithm can tolerate more than a very small amount of such noise.The research of S. A. Goldman was supported in part by a GE Foundation Junior Faculty grant and NSF Grant CCR-9110108. Part of this research was conducted while the author was at the M.I.T. Laboratory for Computer Science and supported by NSF Grant DCR-8607494 and a grant from the Siemens Corporation. The research of R. H. Sloan was supported in part by NSF Grant CCR-9108753. Part of this research was conducted while the author was at Harvard and supported by ARO Grant DAAL 03-86-K-0171.  相似文献   

We present a general framework for designing fast subexponential exact and parameterized algorithms on planar graphs. Our approach is based on geometric properties of planar branch decompositions obtained by Seymour and Thomas, combined with refined techniques of dynamic programming on planar graphs based on properties of non-crossing partitions. To exemplify our approach we show how to obtain an  $O(2^{6.903\sqrt{n}})We present a general framework for designing fast subexponential exact and parameterized algorithms on planar graphs. Our approach is based on geometric properties of planar branch decompositions obtained by Seymour and Thomas, combined with refined techniques of dynamic programming on planar graphs based on properties of non-crossing partitions. To exemplify our approach we show how to obtain an  O(26.903?n)O(2^{6.903\sqrt{n}}) time algorithm solving weighted Hamiltonian Cycle on an n-vertex planar graph. Similar technique solves Planar Graph Travelling Salesman Problem with n cities in time O(29.8594?n)O(2^{9.8594\sqrt{n}}) . Our approach can be used to design parameterized algorithms as well. For example, we give an algorithm that for a given k decides if a planar graph on n vertices has a cycle of length at least k in time O(213.6?kn+n3)O(2^{13.6\sqrt{k}}n+n^{3}) .  相似文献   

We present efficient algorithms for computing very sparse low distortion spanners in distributed networks and prove some non-trivial lower bounds on the tradeoff between time, sparseness, and distortion. All of our algorithms assume a synchronized distributed network, where relatively short messages may be communicated in each time step. Our first result is a fast distributed algorithm for finding an ${O(2^{{\rm log}^{*} n} {\rm log} n)}We present efficient algorithms for computing very sparse low distortion spanners in distributed networks and prove some non-trivial lower bounds on the tradeoff between time, sparseness, and distortion. All of our algorithms assume a synchronized distributed network, where relatively short messages may be communicated in each time step. Our first result is a fast distributed algorithm for finding an O(2log* n log n){O(2^{{\rm log}^{*} n} {\rm log} n)} -spanner with size O(n). Besides being nearly optimal in time and distortion, this algorithm appears to be the first that constructs an O(n)-size skeleton without requiring unbounded length messages or time proportional to the diameter of the network. Our second result is a new class of efficiently constructible (α, β)-spanners called Fibonacci spanners whose distortion improves with the distance being approximated. At their sparsest Fibonacci spanners can have nearly linear size, namely O(n(loglogn)f){O(n(\log \log n)^{\phi})} , where f = (1 + ?5)/2{\phi = (1 + \sqrt{5})/2} is the golden ratio. As the distance increases the multiplicative distortion of a Fibonacci spanner passes through four discrete stages, moving from logarithmic to log-logarithmic, then into a period where it is constant, tending to 3, followed by another period tending to 1. On the lower bound side we prove that many recent sequential spanner constructions have no efficient counterparts in distributed networks, even if the desired distortion only needs to be achieved on the average or for a tiny fraction of the vertices. In particular, any distance preservers, purely additive spanners, or spanners with sublinear additive distortion must either be very dense, slow to construct, or have very weak guarantees on distortion.  相似文献   

We propose a constructive algorithm for determining the guaranteed accuracy of estimating the state vector of an unperturbed linear dynamic system for an arbitrarily taken algorithm in the context of a problem with measuring errors that are limited in magnitude [1]. We also present the results of determining the measure of the guaranteed accuracy of estimation for the class of algorithms that minimize the Hölder norm.  相似文献   


This paper has presented two image processing applications, compression and watermarking, by exploiting the localization property of wavelet transform. The first application proposes a simple region-based and scalable image compression algorithm. We locate the wavelet coefficients in the region of interest in each subband, and these groups of wavelet coefficients are used to adjust the resolution of the interested region. A watermarking method is described in the second application of this paper. The scheme examines the variations of the local Hölder regularity of the image and calculates the similarity of the correct watermark before and after modifications. Experimental results show that the proposed approach is quite effective in authenticating the origin of an image.  相似文献   

Although deciding whether the vertices of a planar graph can be colored with three colors is NP-hard, the widely known Grötzsch’s theorem states that every triangle-free planar graph is 3-colorable. We show the first o(n 2) algorithm for 3-coloring vertices of triangle-free planar graphs. The time complexity of the algorithm is $\mathcal{O}(n\log n)Although deciding whether the vertices of a planar graph can be colored with three colors is NP-hard, the widely known Gr?tzsch’s theorem states that every triangle-free planar graph is 3-colorable. We show the first o(n 2) algorithm for 3-coloring vertices of triangle-free planar graphs. The time complexity of the algorithm is O(nlogn)\mathcal{O}(n\log n) .  相似文献   

In this paper, estimating large deviation probabilities for the infinite series of independent OU processes in Hölder norm, we obtain functional limit theorems for this process in the Hölder norm, which include functional modulus of continuity and functional LIL for the infinite series of independent OU processes in the Hölder norm.  相似文献   

A new binary four-point approximating subdivision scheme has been presented that generates the limiting curve of C 1 continuity. A global tension parameter has been introduced to improve the performance of the binary four-point approximating subdivision scheme that generates a family of C 1 limiting curves. The ternary four-point approximating subdivision scheme has also been introduced that generates a limiting curve of C 2 continuity. The proposed schemes are close to being interpolating. The Laurent polynomial method has been used to investigate the order of derivative continuity of the schemes and Hölder exponents of the schemes have also been calculated. Performances of the subdivision schemes have been exposed by considering several examples.  相似文献   

We propose two fast algorithms for abrupt change detection in streaming data that can operate on arbitrary unknown data distributions before and after the change. The first algorithm, MB-GT\textsf{MB-GT} , computes efficiently the average Euclidean distance between all pairs of data points before and after the hypothesized change. The second algorithm, MB-CUSUM\textsf{MB-CUSUM} , computes the log-likelihood ratio statistic for the data distributions before and after the change, similarly to the classical CUSUM algorithm, but unlike that algorithm, MB-CUSUM\textsf{MB-CUSUM} does not need to know the exact distributions, and uses kernel density estimates instead. Although a straightforward computation of the two change statistics would have computational complexity of O(N 4) with respect to the size N of the streaming data buffer, the proposed algorithms are able to use the computational structure of these statistics to achieve a computational complexity of only O(N 2) and memory requirement of O(N). Furthermore, the algorithms perform surprisingly well on dependent observations generated by underlying dynamical systems, unlike traditional change detection algorithms.  相似文献   

The minimum k-terminal cut problem is of considerable theoretical interest and arises in several applied areas such as parallel and distributed computing, VLSI circuit design, and networking. In this paper we present two new approximation and exact algorithms for this problem on an n-vertex undirected weighted planar graph G. For the case when the k terminals are covered by the boundaries of m > 1 faces of G, we give a min{O(n 2 log n logm), O(m 2 n 1.5 log2 n + k n)} time algorithm with a (2–2/k)-approximation ratio (clearly, m \le k). For the case when all k terminals are covered by the boundary of one face of G, we give an O(n k3 + (n log n)k 2) time exact algorithm, or a linear time exact algorithm if k = 3, for computing an optimal k-terminal cut. Our algorithms are based on interesting observations and improve the previous algorithms when they are applied to planar graphs. To our best knowledge, no previous approximation algorithms specifically for solving the k-terminal cut problem on planar graphs were known before. The (2–2/k)-approximation algorithm of Dahlhaus et al. (for general graphs) takes O(k n 2 log n) time when applied to planar graphs. Our approximation algorithm for planar graphs runs faster than that of Dahlhaus et al. by at least an O(k/logm) factor (m \le k).  相似文献   

We deal with the problem of finding a maximum of a function from the Hölder class on a quantum computer. We show matching lower and upper bounds on the complexity of this problem. We prove upper bounds by constructing an algorithm that uses a pre-existing quantum algorithm for finding maximum of a discrete sequence. To prove lower bounds we use results for finding the logical OR of sequence of bits. We show that quantum computation yields a quadratic speed-up over deterministic and randomized algorithms.  相似文献   

Coalition structure generation is a central problem in characteristic function games. Most algorithmic work to date can be classified into one of three broad categories: anytime algorithms, design-to-time algorithms and heuristic algorithms [5]. This paper focuses on the former two approaches. Both design-to-time and anytime algorithms have pros and cons. While design-to-time algorithms guarantee finding an optimal solution, they must be run to completion in order to generate any solution. Anytime algorithms; however, permit premature termination while providing solutions of ever increasing quality along with quality guarantees. Design-to-time algorithms have a better worst case runtime (O(3 n ) for n agents) compared to the current anytime algorithms (O(n n ) for n agents), but do not provide the flexibility of anytime algorithms. In this paper we present the first design-to-time constant factor approximation algorithms for coalition structure generation that guarantee high quality solutions quickly. We show how our approach can be used as an anytime algorithm, which combines both the worst case runtime of the design-to-time algorithms and the flexibility of the anytime algorithms. This results in the first anytime algorithm for coalition structure generation which has the same worst case time complexity of the current best design-to-time algorithms.  相似文献   

The minimum k-terminal cut problem is of considerable theoretical interest and arises in several applied areas such as parallel and distributed computing, VLSI circuit design, and networking. In this paper we present two new approximation and exact algorithms for this problem on an n-vertex undirected weighted planar graph G. For the case when the k terminals are covered by the boundaries of m > 1 faces of G, we give a min{O(n 2 log n logm), O(m 2 n 1.5 log2 n + k n)} time algorithm with a (2–2/k)-approximation ratio (clearly, m \le k). For the case when all k terminals are covered by the boundary of one face of G, we give an O(n k3 + (n log n)k 2) time exact algorithm, or a linear time exact algorithm if k = 3, for computing an optimal k-terminal cut. Our algorithms are based on interesting observations and improve the previous algorithms when they are applied to planar graphs. To our best knowledge, no previous approximation algorithms specifically for solving the k-terminal cut problem on planar graphs were known before. The (2–2/k)-approximation algorithm of Dahlhaus et al. (for general graphs) takes O(k n 2 log n) time when applied to planar graphs. Our approximation algorithm for planar graphs runs faster than that of Dahlhaus et al. by at least an O(k/logm) factor (m \le k).  相似文献   

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