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A 60-year-old man was found to have diffuse cystic glandular malformation and adenocarcinoma of the stomach. Review of the literature revealed one similar reported case and five others with diffuse heterotopic cystic malformation only. Clinically, the lesion is associated with gastrointestinal symptoms, and radiologically, it can mimic diffuse gastric carcinoma, lymphoma, and polyposis.  相似文献   

We experienced 12 cases of congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation of the lung (CCAM) including 6 cases diagnosed antenatally. They were classified into three groups according to the clinical manifestations. Group A was associated with hydrops fetalis (n = 3), group B presented with respiratory distress symptoms after birth (n = 6), and group C showed no respiratory symptoms (n = 3). All cases of group A were lost because of hydrops and respiratory failure due to pulmonary hypoplasia. Because a compression of the mass is thought to be a cause of hydrops, this group is considered to be a good indication for fetal treatment. All cases of group B showed progressive respiratory symptoms a few days after birth which were successfully treated surgically. In 2 of 3 cases of group C, the lesions decreased in size both antenatally and postnatally. We conclude that serial sonographic evaluations for fetal CCAM are important. If the fetus develops hydrops, fetal surgery is to be considered. If not, however, fetal surgery should not be done, because some lesions can shrink in size, or even disappear, while others can be treated successfully after birth by lobectomy or even segmentectomy.  相似文献   

Duplications of the gastrointestinal tract are congenital anomalies seen in about 0.2% of all children. These include the rare gastric duplications. Latter diagnosis is usually made in the first months after birth on recurrent vomiting by detection of an abdominal tumor. The most important imaging modality is ultrasonography. The case of a prematurely born child weighing 1900 g is presented in whom at the age of three weeks a gastric duplication of the greater curvature was diagnosed and who was successfully treated by resection. The postoperative follow-up for 24 months was uncomplicated.  相似文献   

In this study we sought to evaluate the potential of rat tail replantation as a tool for very-small-vessel microvascular anastomoses. We used 10 adult Sprague-Dawley rats. The tail was completely amputated 2.0-cm distal to the base of the tail. Then the tail was replanted with anastomoses of two superficial dorsal veins from both sides and one artery. All 10 replanted tails were pink, viable, and normal-appearing at all daily inspections performed from the first to the fourteenth postoperative days. This model can provide a training tool for the acquisition of superior microvascular surgical technique for the repair of very small vessels that stimulate digital replantation.  相似文献   

Quantitative and qualitative cineangiographic analysis of the left ventricle (LV) was performed in 26 patients with isolated Ebstein's malformation, having a mean age of 23 +/- 17 years. Nine autopsied hearts with isolated Ebstein's malformation were submitted to morphologic and morphometric analysis. In 4 of the cases, it was possible to make a direct correlation between the angiographic data obtained during life and the autopsy findings. On the basis of the LV end-diastolic volume we identified 3 groups of patients: 7 with volume <60 ml/m2, another 7 with volume between 60 and 80 ml/m2, and 12 with volume >80 ml/m2. The LV ejection fraction was reduced in 2 patients with normal LV end-diastolic volume and in 6 with increased LV end-diastolic volume. The ratio of ventricular mass to LV end-diastolic volume was always adequate, but a reduction of the ventricular contractive performance (end-systolic pressure to end-systolic volume ratio <3 mm Hg/ml/m2) was found only in patients with a dilated left ventricle. No correlation was demonstrated between the extent of the atrialized component of the right ventricle (mean value 67 +/- 31 cm2, range 13 to 133) and the LV dimensions. All but 2 patients showed a leftward diastolic displacement of the ventricular septum, but in only 1 did this produce an elongated shape of the left ventricle. Sixteen had anomalies of LV dynamics: 10 with hypokinesia (3 of the posterior wall, 4 of the apex, 1 of the inferior wall, 1 of the septum, and 1 global), 6 with dyskinesia (1 of the posterior wall, 2 of the apex, 1 of the posterior wall and apex, 1 of the superior part of the septum, and 1 of the anterior wall), and 8 with premature diastolic distension of the anterobasal wall. Morphometric analysis produced mean values for myocytes of 59 +/- 10%, for the interstitium of 21 +/- 4%, and for fibrous tissue of 20 +/- 9% (normal 4 +/- 1%). Five autopsied hearts had a prolapsing and/or dysplastic mitral valve.  相似文献   

The beta-specific mRNA were identified in the suppressor cell-line of murine and suppressor hybridoma of mouse origin by mRNA-DNA hybridization and isolation of cDNA with DNA and antibody probes.  相似文献   

Selective celiacography after the Seldinger technic was performed in 24 patients with stomach pathology (cancer, ulcer, leiomyoma, cicatricial deformation of the stomach). Angiographic symptoms in gastric cancer are found to be mostly similar with those in ulcer and an inflammatory process. Celiacography fails to form an adequately precise judgement on the degree of gastric cancer local speed.  相似文献   

Female idiopathic urethra tumors are reported rarely. We treated fourteen patients patients, and described the clinical manifestations and local features of the tumors, urethra liomyoma, and fibropolypus. We found that there are close relations among tumor stage, prognosis and pathological classification. The main diagnostic methods include vaginal touch, urethroscopy, B-ultrasound exam and biopsy. The diagnostic procedure recommended is tumor location-quality-stage or a three-step method. The main treatment is operation, however, the operative mode should depend on tumor stage and patient's life quality after operation.  相似文献   

Literature data are reviewed concerning morphological and morphogenetic features of stomach ulcer, vascular alterations in both the ulcer zone and other regions of the stomach. Stages in ulcer formation, its healing and prognostic criteria are described. Further study of ulcerogenesis regarding histotopographic features of different regions of gastro-intestinal tract is recommended.  相似文献   

The papillary cystic and solid tumor of the pancrease (PCSTP) is a primary pancreatic neoplasm of unknown etiology occurring most commonly in young women and regularly containing hemorrhagic areas. Clinical symptoms are non-specific. Although these tumors reach an average diameter of 10 cm, they are often discovered by accident. Because patients with surgically resected PCSTP have very good prognoses, it is important to distinguish these tumors from other growths in the pancreas, for example mucinous cystadenoma. Whereas, due to the variable proportion of fluid components, these tumors offer non-characteristic structure at ultrasonography, computed tomography (CT) possesses high specificity for PCSTP, particularly when calcifications are present. Angiography distinguishes these tumors from hypervascular neoplasms, such as the endocrinologically inactive islet cell tumor. Magnetic resonance tomography (MRT) is especially suited for imaging the hemorrhagic areas in solid tumor formations, as well as hemorrhagic debris in the fluid portions and layer phenomena are frequently observed.  相似文献   

A retrospective study of 155 patients with submucosal gastric carcinoma compared the clinicopathologic features with mucosal and muscularis proprial gastric carcinoma. Fifty-seven percent of the patients presented with gastrointestinal symptoms, whereas 36.1% had been detected by mass screening. The incidence of curative resection, lymph node metastasis, and complications were 96.1, 20.6, and 14.8%, respectively. Two patients died of sepsis and pulmonary infarction 30 days post-operatively. Five patients died of recurrent gastric cancer 1-5 years postresection. The overall 5-year survival rate was 90.2%. Recurrence patterns, histologic type, lymph node metastasis, lymphatic and venous infiltration, and growth pattern were similar to those of muscularis proprial carcinoma rather than mucosal carcinoma. Therefore, curative gastrectomy with extended lymphadenectomy (D2) may be feasible for submucosal carcinoma of the stomach.  相似文献   

For differential diagnosis, therapy, and prognosis of seizures in dogs it is recommended to distinguish between two groups of diseases: 1. Epilepsy is diagnosed if seizures occur repeatedly without an active, underlying disorder. Idiopathic epilepsy occurs most commonly. A hereditary component has been demonstrated in several breeds. Symptomatic epilepsy results from previous resolved forebrain disorders, which cause epileptic seizures through scar formation. 2. Seizures are caused by active structural forebrain disease or metabolic-toxic imbalances. Upon initial presentation of the dog, a preliminary classification may be achieved with the seizure history, clinical and neurological examination, and routine laboratory evaluation. The diagnosis of idiopathic epilepsy is based on typical seizure history and exclusion of structural forebrain disease and metabolic-toxic imbalances with special laboratory testing, CSF examination, and brain scanning procedures.  相似文献   

More than 700 patients were examined by rapid intragastric pH-metry with the use of original pH-microtubes and K -2 device. Numerous advantages of the method were observed: the tube is easy to introduce into the stomach, the procedure is short, there are no contraindications against it, it involves no complications, pH values can be recorded along the entire stomach (30 cm) with just 1 cm intervals (topographic pH-metry). Diagnostic potentialities of the method are limited because there are no standard pH values for each specific site of the stomach under conditions of basal and stimulated secretion. To specify the standard values. 30 normal subjects and 40 patients with various gastric diseases were examined. Prevailing pH values at all sites of the stomach in health and disease both in basal and pentagastrin-stimulated secretion were established. To make the results more objective, the authors distinguish such parameters as the intermediate and maximal acidity zones, and carry out variation statistical analysis of pH-grams with plotting the variation statistical curves. Reliable differences in all the examined parameters in normal subjects and patients with initial gastric hypo- and hyperacidity were detected. Pentagastrin test is recommended for all patients with initial hypoacidity during express pH-metry. The proposed methods of statistical processing of express pH-grams and the established standard values appreciably extend the diagnostic potentialities of rapid pH-metry of the stomach.  相似文献   

We report a case of a breast tumor. As carcinoma of the breast was suspected, a biopsy was taken and a very rare osteoclastoma originating in the rib was identified. Semimalignant bone tumors tend to recur locally. The symptoms are nonspecific; the initial diagnosis is often made late. To differentiate the diagnosis, one should think about primary and secondary bone diseases and tumors of the organs of the thorax. In our case, the tumor was completely resected, including the ribs, and the defect was covered with a corium plasty. In this way, we are able to save the breast. We discuss different methods for covering chest wall defects.  相似文献   

The recent commercial introduction of a method for detecting albumin in meconium makes screening for cystic fibrosis feasible for many hospitals. If the tests is adopted, confirmatory tests should be available. Quantitative analyses of sweat for sodium by flame photometry and for chloride by silver titration and ion-sleective electrodes are now used as confirmatory tests. We compare results of these confirmatory methods applied to presons with cystic fibrosis, respiratory disorders, or digestive disorders, and to control subjects.  相似文献   

In recent years, many cases of alpha-fetoprotein-producing gastric cancer (AFPGC) characterized by increased serum levels of alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) and AFP positivity of the gastric cancer have been reported. Here we present a case of AFPGC coexistent with a different histological type of gastric cancer: The AFPGC was Borrmann type 1 advanced gastric cancer with multiple liver metastasis and appeared to produce both AFP and des-gamma-carboxy prothrombin (PIVKA-II). The second cancer was IIc type early gastric cancer and did not produce AFP. Despite receiving palliative chemotherapy, the patient died, due to hepatic failure, 45 days after admission.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Blood bank recommendations specify that Ringer's lactate solution (LR) should be avoided while transfusing blood. However, there are few studies either evaluating or quantifying increased coagulation during rapid infusion of LR and blood. DESIGN AND METHODS: Whole blood (WB, n = 25) and packed red blood cells (PRBC, n = 26) were rapidly admixed with normal saline (NS), Lactate solution and LR with 1 g (LR-1), 2 g (LR-2), and 5 g (LR-5) CaCl2/L solutions for assessment of infusion time, filter weight, and clot formation. RESULTS: No significant differences in infusion time or filter weight using WB or PRBC with NS or LR were seen. No significant difference in clot formation between NS and LR with WB or PRBC was found, but the presence of visible clot was increased in the LR-5 group (P = 0.013, WB, and P = 0.002, PRBC). CONCLUSION: A comparison of LR and NS with rapid infusion rates of blood showed no significant difference between infusion time, filter weight and clot formation. Blood bank guidelines should be revised to allow the use of LR in the rapid transfusion of PRBC.  相似文献   

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