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何军飞  马晓茜 《太阳能学报》2006,27(10):1043-1048
以广东省生物质气化发电技术应用为清洁发展机制(CDM)项目案例,基于3个基准线,应用增量成本分析方法,计算了中型生物质气化发电作为CDM项目的单位碳减排成本,并对其进行了敏感性分析。结果表明,CDM项目的单位碳减排成本在10-36美元/tCO2之间,且年处理生物质量为0.99-2.97万t时能实现年CO2减排量在1705-6038 tCO2/a之间。  相似文献   

Interests in obtaining carbon offsets in host countries for CDM projects may serve as an obstacle to implementing more stringent general environmental policies in the same countries. A relatively lax environmental policy, whereby carbon emissions remain high, can be advantageous for such countries as it leaves them with a higher than otherwise scope for future emissions reductions through CDM and other offset projects. In this paper, the potential to affect the availability of future CDM projects is shown to distort environmental and energy policies of CDM host countries, in two ways. First, policies to reduce the use of fossil energy are weakened. This in turn weakens private sector incentives to switch to lower-carbon technology through CDM projects. CDM host governments then also find it attractive to subsidize this switch, in order to maximize the country's advantage from the CDM.  相似文献   

Carbon taxes increase costs for energy-consuming firms and can impact firms‘ ability to compete with other firms located in regions without that tax. This paper considers the effect of asymmetric carbon taxation when firms are able to adjust their energy efficiency investment levels to reflect the presence of the tax. Using a dynamic model of firm competition, we find that allowing firms to adjust their energy efficiency levels in response to a carbon tax could potentially allow firms to significantly mitigate the competition effects of that carbon tax. In our baseline parameterization, additional energy efficiency investments non-trivially mitigates profit loss for the firm facing the carbon tax as well as spurring adding energy efficiency investments in the non-taxing jurisdiction, thus reducing carbon leakage. This increase in energy efficiency can potentially reduce total energy usage by the firm in the taxing jurisdiction by more than the carbon tax alone. While the quantitative impact of energy efficiency investments on firm competitiveness depends on the nature of the industry, from a policy standpoint, the ability of energy efficiency investments to mitigate cross-border emissions leakage and negative competition effects without policy interventions such as a carbon border tax softens these two common criticisms of unilateral regional carbon taxes.  相似文献   

城市生活垃圾焚烧发电CDM项目案例分析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
本文分析评价了我国城市生活垃圾的产生量、资源量、国内外垃圾焚烧技术应用状况、制约我国城市生活垃圾焚烧技术应用的主要因素以及垃圾焚烧发电技术应用潜力。本研究以城市生活垃圾焚烧发电技术为案例,基于三个基准线,应用增量成本分析方法,计算了垃圾焚烧发电作为CDM(清洁发展机制)项目的单位碳减排成本并对其进行了敏感性分析,提出城市生活垃圾焚烧发电技术应作为我国与发达国家进行CDM项目合作的优先技术领域。  相似文献   

There is considerable well-intended, yet wishful anticipation about reducing greenhouse gas emissions by replacing fuel-based lighting in the developing world with grid-independent light-emitting diode (LED) lighting systems. Most estimates gloss over important practical realities that stand to erode a genuinely significant potential. The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) is the leading system for quantifying the benefits of such projects in developing countries and embodying them in a market-based platform for trading carbon credits. However, compliance with methodologies for highly decentralized, small-scale energy saving projects currently employed in the CDM is viewed by developers of as onerous, time-consuming, and costly. In recognition of the problem, the CDM has recently placed priority on improved methodologies for estimating carbon dioxide reductions from displacement of fuel-based lighting with energy-efficient alternatives. The over-arching aim is to maintain environmental integrity without stifling sustainable emission-reduction projects and programs in the field. This article informs this process by laying out a new framework that shifts the analytical focus from highly costly yet narrow and uncertain baseline estimations to simplified methods based primarily on deemed values that focus on replacement lighting system quality and performance characteristics. The result??many elements of which have been adopted in a new methodology approved by the CDM??is more structured and rigorous than methodologies used for LED projects in the past and yet simpler to implement, i.e., entailing fewer transaction costs. Applying this new framework, we find that some off-grid lighting technologies can be expected to yield little or no emissions reductions, while well-designed ones, using products independently certified to have high quality and durability, can generate significant reductions. Enfolding quality assurance within the proposed framework will help stem ??market spoiling?? currently underway in the developing world??caused by the introduction of substandard off-grid lighting products??thereby ensuring carbon reduction additionality (emissions reductions that would have not occurred in the absence of the CDM program).  相似文献   

中国节能建筑CDM项目基准线方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
清洁发展机制(CDM)的实施可有效地促进中国建筑部门节能和温室气体(GHGs)减排。结合建筑CDM项目的特殊性,探讨了不同类型的节能建筑CDM项目的基准线(Baseline)的设定方法,并以一办公建筑CDM项目为例尝试了基准线的选择。  相似文献   

《Energy Policy》2005,33(4):511-523
Transaction costs and institutional rigidities will reduce the attractiveness of the Kyoto Protocol flexibility mechanisms compared to domestic greenhouse gas abatement options. The clean development mechanism (CDM) in particular is likely to entail considerable costs of baseline development, project registration, verification and certification. The activities implemented jointly pilot phase and the prototype carbon fund programme give indications about these costs. There is evidence that projects with high implementation costs have high transaction costs as well. Moreover, CDM projects have to be approved by host country institutions, and so far only a small share of host countries has been able to set up these institutions. Several of the larger host countries intend to only approve projects if the market price is above a certain threshold. Some governments will also levy fees to finance costs of approval bodies. We assess these issues using a quantitative model of the Kyoto Protocol permit market. We conclude that while changes in demand from Annex B countries remain the crucial factor, the size of the CDM will depend to a significant degree on transaction costs and institutional barriers in host countries.  相似文献   

Developing countries are increasingly contributing to global greenhouse gas emissions and, consequently, climate change as a result of their rapid economic growth. In order to reduce their impact, the private sector needs to be engaged in the transfer of low-carbon technology to those countries. The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) is currently the only market mechanism aimed at triggering changes in the pattern of emissions-intensive activities in developing countries and is likely to play a role in future negotiations. In this paper, we analyse how the CDM contributes to technology transfer. We first develop a framework from the literature that delineates the main factors which characterise technology transfer. Second, we apply this framework to the CDM by assessing existing empirical studies and drawing on additional expert interviews. We find that the CDM does contribute to technology transfer by lowering several technology-transfer barriers and by raising the transfer quality. On the basis of this analysis, we give preliminary policy recommendations.  相似文献   

As part of its climate policy, the European Union (EU) aims to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions levels by 20% by the year 2020 compared to 1990 levels. Although the EU is projected to reach this goal, its achievement of objectives under its Emissions Trading System (ETS) may be delayed by carbon leakage, which is defined as a situation in which the reduction in emissions in the ETS region is partially offset by an increase in carbon emissions in the non-ETS regions. We study the interaction between emissions and hydropower availability in order to estimate the magnitude of carbon leakage in the South-East Europe Regional Electricity Market (SEE-REM) via a bottom-up partial equilibrium framework. We find that 6.3% to 40.5% of the emissions reduction achieved in the ETS part of SEE-REM could be leaked to the non-ETS part depending on the price of allowances. Somewhat surprisingly, greater hydropower availability may increase emissions in the ETS part of SEE-REM. However, carbon leakage might be limited by demand response to higher electricity prices in the non-ETS area of SEE-REM. Such carbon leakage can affect both the competitiveness of producers in ETS member countries on the periphery of the ETS and the achievement of EU targets for CO2 emissions reduction. Meanwhile, higher non-ETS electricity prices imply that the current policy can have undesirable outcomes for consumers in non-ETS countries, while non-ETS producers would experience an increase in their profits due to higher power prices as well as exports. The presence of carbon leakage in SEE-REM suggests that current EU policy might become more effective when it is expanded to cover more countries in the future.  相似文献   

Setting baseline emissions is one of the principal tasks involved in awarding credits for greenhouse gas emission (GHG) mitigation projects under the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). An emission baseline has to be project-specific in order to be accurate. However, project-specific baseline calculations are subject to high transaction costs, which disadvantage small-scale projects. For this reason, the CDM-Executive Board (CDM-EB) has approved simplified baseline methodologies for selected small-scale CDM project categories. While the simplified methods help reduce the transaction cost, they may also result in inaccuracies in the estimation of emission reductions from CDM projects. The purpose of this paper is to present a rigorous economic scheduling method for calculating the GHG emission reduction in a hypothetical competitive electricity industry due to the operation of a renewable energy-based power plant under CDM and compare the GHG emission reduction derived from the rigorous method with that obtained from the use of a simplified (i.e., standardized) method approved by the CDM-EB. A key finding of the paper is that depending upon the level of power demand, prices of electricity and input fuels, the simplified method can lead to either significant overestimation or substantial underestimation of emission reduction due to the operation of renewable energy-based power projects in a competitive electricity industry.  相似文献   

From a slow start, the clean development mechanism (CDM) market has recently experienced enormous growth. However, the CDM market has been increasingly criticised, resulting in a lively debate about how to reform, complement, or replace it. In order to increase transparency and assist policy-makers in better understanding the current market, we depart from the traditional project-level perspective on CDM and analyse commercial activities by utilising data from UNEP Risoe's CDM Bazaar. To this end, we first establish a seven-step value chain by conducting a factor analysis on the commercial activities indicated in the Bazaar and, second, identify nine prevalent business models with a cluster analysis of all 495 participating organisations. Based on these analyses, we discuss potential impacts on the value chain of different policy scenarios that rely on carbon credits as incentive. We find that the importance of specific regulatory CDM know-how and general business activities such as finance varies strongly with the different policy scenarios. Our analysis serves to sensitise policy-makers and business about implications of different regulatory designs.  相似文献   

《Biomass & bioenergy》2005,28(2):107-117
This paper explores the potential of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) of the Kyoto Protocol to promote modern bioenergy options in developing countries. The starting point is that developing countries need to be given a major role in the implementation of the Convention on Climate Change because of their increasing energy demands and the pressing need to mitigate climate change. The role of CDM is discussed in the context of sustainable development, formation of carbon markets, and promotion of bioenergy options. Besides contributing to mitigate climate change, CDM can be used to demonstrate and disseminate new technologies, reduce investment risks and enhance the cost-efficiency of projects, while also creating jobs and improving environmental conditions. In this context, bioenergy projects are attractive and CDM provides a complementary bridge for international cooperation towards sustainable development. However, since CDM is project-based, a broader policy framework is needed to integrate such projects in regional and global bioenergy systems solutions.  相似文献   

Greenhouse gas (GHG) accounting with respect to two categories of methane recovery and oxidation activities (coal bed or coal mine methane recovery and landfill gas (LFG) recovery) within the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) is analysed. It is found that baseline methodologies approved by the CDM Executive Board apply systematically inconsistent assumptions concerning the global warming impact of carbon dioxide emissions from the oxidation of methane. One important implication of the results is that applying the baseline methodologies approved for project activities involving LFG recovery will lead to overestimation of the net GHG abatement effect of such CDM project activities.  相似文献   

ZhongXiang Zhang   《Energy Policy》2006,34(18):3691-3701
With the already huge and growing amount of greenhouse gas emissions and a great deal of low-cost abatement options available, China is widely expected as the world's number one host country of clean development mechanism (CDM) projects. But, making this potential a reality represents a significant challenge for China, because there has been a general lack of awareness by both the Chinese government and business communities, clear institutional structure, and implementation strategy. This has raised great concern about China's ability to compete internationally for CDM projects and exploit fully its CDM potential.

This paper aims to address how CDM projects will be effectively implemented in China by examining the major CDM capacity building projects in China with bilateral and multilateral donors, the treatment of low-cost, non-priority CDM projects, and how a system for application, approval, and implementation of CDM projects is set up in China and what roles the main institutional actors are going to play in the system. We conclude that these capacity building assistances, the establishment of streamlined and transparent CDM procedures and sound governance, and the lessons learned and experience gained from the implementation of the CDM project in Inner Mongolia and the two Prototype Carbon Fund’ projects will help China to take advantage of CDM opportunities. Moreover, in order to further capitalize on its CDM potential, there is a pressing need for the Chinese government to amend its current interim CDM regulations, in particular those controversial provisions on the eligibility to participate in CDM projects in China and the distribution of the revenues derived from CDM project between the project developer and the Chinese government. We believe that taking these capacity building projects and the recommended actions to clearly define the sustainable development objective of the CDM and disseminate CDM knowledge to local authorities and project developers as sectorally and geographically wide as possible, addressing those controversial CDM provisions with clearer guidance, and gaining experience from real practice will reduce the perceived project risks and lower the barriers to CDM project development in China. This is, in turn, likely to lead a much greater percentage of carbon credits to come from CDM projects in China over the next several years.  相似文献   

规划方案下的清洁发展机制(PCDM)的有效实施.将会对发展中国家的能源、经济和社会的可持续发展带来良好效益。除开发碳捕获与碳埋存技术之外,联合国气候框架公约执行理事会在我国电力行业其他减排领域均有相关的方法学,可以开发成CDM项目。目前我国已开发的CDM项目主要集巾在可再生能源领域巾的风电、水电、生物质发电方而。PCDM最适宜使用的是小型方法学。以宁夏丰联彭阳太阳灶项目为例.拟定项目基准线情形,计算出年减排量约为35723t二氧化碳当量。PCDM的实施仍存在其本身还不完善、尚无成功经验可借鉴、金融危机下国际碳交易市场萎缩等障碍。建议我国应完善CDM项目管理办法,鼓励多方协作开发PCDM,开发适合我国国情的方法学,积极参与国际PCDM规划的制定与简化。  相似文献   

Catalytic decomposition of methane (CDM) is a promising technology for producing COx-free hydrogen and nano-carbon, meanwhile it is a prospective substitute to steam reforming of methane for producing hydrogen. The produced hydrogen is refined and can be applied to the field of electronic, metallurgical, synthesis of fine organic chemicals and aerospace industries. However, the CDM for COx-free hydrogen production is still in its infancy. The urgent for industrial scale of CDM is more important than ever in the current situation of huge COx emission. This review studies CDM development on Ni-based, noble metal, carbon and Fe-based catalysts, especially over cheap Fe-based catalyst to indicate that CDM would be a promising feasible method for large hydrogen production at a moderate cheap price. Besides, the recent advances in the reaction mechanism and kinetic study over metal catalysts are outlined to indicate that the catalyst deactivation rate would become more quickly with increasing temperature than the CDM rate does. This review also evaluates the roles played by various parameters on CDM catalysts performance, such as metal loading effect, influences of supports, hydrogen reduction, methane reduction and methane/hydrogen carburization. Catalysts deactivation by carbon deposition is the prime challenge found in CDM process, as an interesting approach, a molten-metal reactor to continually remove the floated surface solid carbons is put forwarded in accordance to overcome the deactivation drawback. Moreover, particular CDM reactors using substituted heating sources such as plasma and solar are detailed illustrated in this review in addition to the common electrical heating reactors of fixed bed, fluidized bed reactors. The development of high efficiency catalysts and the optimization of reactors are necessary premises for the industrial-scale production of CDM.  相似文献   

《Energy Policy》2005,33(6):777-786
Substantial investments are expected in the Indian power sector under the flexibility mechanisms (CDM/JI) laid down in Article 12 of the Kyoto Protocol. In this context it is important to evolve a detailed framework for baseline construction in the power sector so as to incorporate the major factors that would affect the baseline values directly or indirectly. It is also important to establish carbon coefficients from electricity generation to help consider accurate project boundaries for numerous electricity conservation and DSM schemes. The objective of this paper is to provide (i) time series estimates of indirect carbon emissions per unit of power consumption (which can also be thought of as emission coefficient of power consumption) and (ii) baseline emissions for the power sector till 2015. Annual time series data on Indian electricity generating industry, for 1974–1998, has been used to develop emission projections till 2015. The impacts of generation mix, fuel efficiency, transmission and distribution losses and auxiliary consumption are studied in a Divisia decomposition framework and their possible future impacts on baseline emissions are studied through three scenarios of growth in power consumption. The study also estimates and projects the carbon emission coefficient per unit of final consumption of electricity that can be used for conducting cost benefit of emission reduction potential for several electricity conserving technologies and benchmarking policy models.  相似文献   

With the high growth urbanization and increasing new urban population, the huge demand for infrastructures and dwellings has become a great challenge for the sustainable development in Chinese cities. The building sector shares one fourth of total energy consumption in the country and plays an important role in reducing the energy consumption and the consequential green house gas (GHG) emissions. Some policies have been issued for promoting the low carbon sustainable development in China's buildings. However, existing barriers especially the investment barriers substantially prevent the low carbon technologies and service from being employed effectively. The carbon trading scheme of cap-and-trade is now widely accepted as one cost-effective way to deal with the climate change issue in the world, and it can be utilized for overcoming the barriers to carbon reduction activities in China's building sector. A new Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) energy performance based method is designed for reducing transaction costs in implementing CDM projects in China's buildings before 2020. And then a “step by step” approach is formed to establish the domestic and international carbon trading mechanism to effectively reduce GHG missions in China's building sector after 2020.  相似文献   

甘肃省玉门地区风能资源丰富,有着得天独厚的风电发展条件。基于清洁发展机制CDM(Clean Development Mechanism)的要求,从CDM项目额外性分析、基准线情景识别两方面探讨了甘肃玉门发展CDM风电项目的适宜性与潜力,并回顾了玉门地区发展CDM项目的实践情况。此外根据计算确定的基准线排放因子,并结合玉门地区不同时期装机容量的变化,讨论了目前、规划期间及未来开发中玉门地区拟定CDM风电项目的相对CO2减排量与减排效益变化,为获取各种资源发展CDM风电项目提供了依据。  相似文献   

The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) of the Kyoto Protocol represents an opportunity to involve all developing countries in the effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions while also promoting sustainable development. To date, however, the majority of CDM projects have gone to emerging markets such as China, India, Brazil, and Mexico, while very few least developed countries have hosted projects. This paper investigates the differential distribution of CDM activities across countries. We develop a conceptual model for project profitability, which helps to identify potential country-level determinants of CDM activity. These potential determinants are employed as explanatory variables in regression analysis to explain the actual distribution of projects. Human capital and greenhouse gas emission levels influenced which countries have hosted projects and the amount of certified emission reductions (CER) created. Countries that offered growing markets for CDM co-products, such as electricity, were more likely to be CDM hosts, while economies with higher carbon intensity levels had greater CER production. These findings work against the least developed countries and help to explain their lack of CDM activity.  相似文献   

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