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This paper investigates the competition effects of the entry of Vattenfall into the German electricity market. While the competition authorities supported the entry by approving Vattenfall’s acquisition of three regional utilities, other market participants raised concerns over the emergence of an upcoming oligopoly in the German market for power generation. We contrast the efficiency hypothesis postulating pro-competitive effects of mergers with the market power hypothesis postulating anti-competitive effects. For the analysis of the two opposing hypotheses, we use an event study approach to the stock prices of Vattenfall’s competitors in the German market. While we find no empirical evidence for increased market power in the German electricity market due to Vattenfall’s mergers, there is some indication for efficiency increases. We therefore cannot oppose the view of the competition authorities predicting an overall positive effect for consumers as a result of Vattenfall’s entry into the German electricity market.  相似文献   

Impact of wind farm integration on electricity market prices   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wind generation is considered one of the most rapidly increasing resources among other distributed generation technologies. Recently, wind farms with considerable output power rating are installed. The variability of the wind output power, and the forecast inaccuracy could have an impact on electricity market prices. These issues have been addressed by developing a single auction market model to determine the close to real-time electricity market prices. The market-clearing price was determined by formulating an optimal power flow problem while considering different operational strategies. Inaccurate power prediction can result in either underestimated or overestimated market prices, which would lead to either savings to customers or additional revenue for generator suppliers.  相似文献   

The market power problem in Iranian electricity market is addressed in this study. This paper by using various structural indices of market power and reviewing market results analyzes the intensity of competition in Iran’s electricity market and examines whether this market is functioning at an appropriate level of efficiency. In this article the most well-known indices of market power are calculated in two approaches for two different scenarios (current situation and future outlook of generation sector’s ownership in Iran’s power industry). Comparing the results of these scenarios promises more competitive market for the second scenario. Calculating Residual Supply Index for Iran’s power market shows despite admissible values of concentration ratios, due to supply scarcity during periods when the demand is close to the total available capacity, some suppliers can exercise market power even with a relatively small market share. The most important price and load indices like weighted average prices and load/price duration curves of Iranian electricity market during March 2007–March 2008 are also analyzed in this paper. These results imply the existence of economic withholding. The main limiting factors of competition and significant implemented countermeasures for market power mitigation in Iran’s electricity market are also mentioned.  相似文献   

Electricity markets in Europe become increasingly interconnected due to new grid connections and market coupling regulations. This paper examines the interdependencies between the Swiss electricity market and those of neighbouring countries. The Swiss market serves as a good example for a smaller electricity market which is increasingly affected by developments in the large neighbouring countries. To study these cross-border effects, especially those on Swiss electricity prices, we apply two different methodologies, an econometric and a Nash-Cournot equilibrium model.The analyses show that the Swiss electricity price correlates strongly with the German electricity price in the summer, but tends to follow the French electricity price in the winter. Another finding is that gas prices and the electricity load of neighbouring countries have a significant influence on prices. In particular, the load of France and Italy is driving up Swiss prices in the winter, while the German electricity demand and renewable energy generation have a larger influence on Swiss prices in the summer.  相似文献   

In 2008, the European Commission investigated E.ON, a large and vertically integrated electricity company, for the alleged abuse of a joint dominant position by strategically withholding generation capacity in the German wholesale electricity market. The case was settled after E.ON agreed to divest 5 GW generation capacity as well as its extra-high voltage network. We analyze the effect of these divestitures on wholesale electricity prices. Our identification strategy is based on the observation that energy suppliers have more market power during peak periods when demand is high. Therefore, a decrease in market power should lead to convergence between peak and off-peak prices, after controlling for different demand and supply conditions as well as the change in generation mix due to the expansion of renewable technologies. Using daily electricity prices for the 2006–2012 period, we find economically and statistically significant convergence effects after the settlement of the case. In a richer specification, we show that the price reductions appear to be mostly due to the divestiture of gas and coal plants, which is consistent with merit-order considerations. Additional cross-country analyses support our results.  相似文献   

As of October 2005, consumers in the EU15 have, in theory, become part of the decision-making process behind determining the national electricity generation mix in their countries. Under European liberalisation legislation, electricity suppliers within the EU are required to provide all customers, both domestic and non-domestic, with information about how their electricity has been generated and to make available details of the consequent environmental impacts. As part of a liberalised market, these ‘electricity labels’ will play an important role if consumers are to exert the power of choice. Analysis of a pan-European telephone survey involving 3000 participants across 10 countries identifies the potential impact of electricity disclosure. Evidence from the UK demonstrates the many pitfalls between theory and practice and the limited options consumers have at present to influence the generation mix.  相似文献   

Nordic residential electricity consumers can now choose among a number of contracts and suppliers. A large number of households have continued to purchase electricity from the incumbent supplier at default contract terms. In this paper, we compare the situation for such passive customers. Danish default prices are regulated whereas default prices in the other countries are unregulated. Systematic price differences exist among the Nordic countries. However, as wholesale prices sometimes differ the gross margin is a more relevant indicator. Regulated gross margins are lower in Denmark than in Sweden but higher than in Norway and Finland. Because of market design Norwegian default contracts are competitive whereas Swedish contracts provide the retailer with some market power. We interpret the low Finnish margins as a result of municipal retailers continuing traditional pricing from the monopoly period. Danish margins are higher than the competitive Norwegian margins but are earned from a much lower level of consumption. The annually margins earned per consumer are very close in the two countries, which indicates that the Danish regulation is achieving its objective of approaching competitive prices.  相似文献   

This work examines the effects of large-scale integration of wind powered electricity generation in a deregulated energy-only market on loads (in terms of electricity prices and supply reliability) and dispatchable conventional power suppliers. Hourly models of wind generation time series, load and resultant residual demand are created. From these a non-chronological residual demand duration curve is developed that is combined with a probabilistic model of dispatchable conventional generator availability, a model of an energy-only market with a price cap, and a model of generator costs and dispatch behavior. A number of simulations are performed to evaluate the effect on electricity prices, overall reliability of supply, the ability of a dominant supplier acting strategically to profitably withhold supplies, and the fixed cost recovery of dispatchable conventional power suppliers at different levels of wind generation penetration. Medium and long term responses of the market and/or regulator in the long term are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper investigates how private and public information about unplanned power plant outages impact intraday electricity prices in Germany. It uses data from the EPEX day-ahead and continuous intraday markets as well as market messages concerning unscheduled power plant non-usabilities from the European Energy Exchange (EEX) transparency platform. The results of an econometric analysis suggest that private and public information about unplanned power plant outages have a significant positive effect on the intraday price.Furthermore, this paper shows that a reduction of the lead time on the intraday market enhances the possibilities of traders reacting to unplanned non-usabilities: an increased impact of private information on the electricity price is observed. The results also confirm an asymmetric impact of private and public information on the intraday price after the lead time reduction on the power exchange. The findings contradict the main objectives of the Regulation on Wholesale Energy Market Integrity and Transparency (REMIT), which stipulates that the possession of private information must not have an impact on electricity prices.  相似文献   

A key selling point for the restructuring of electricity markets was the promise of lower prices. There is not much consensus in earlier studies on the effects of electricity deregulation in the U.S., particularly for residential customers. Part of the reason for not finding a consistent link with deregulation and lower prices was that the removal of transitional price caps led to higher prices. In addition, the timing of the removal of price caps coincided with rising fuel prices, which were passed on to consumers in a competitive market. Using a dynamic panel model, we analyze the effect of participation rates, fuel costs, market size, a rate cap and switch to competition for 16 states and the District of Columbia. We find that an increase in participation rates, price controls, a larger market, and high shares of hydro in electricity generation lower retail prices, while increases in natural gas and coal prices increase rates. We also find that retail competition makes the market more efficient by lowering the markup of retail prices over wholesale costs. The effects of a competitive retail electricity market are mixed across states, but generally appear to lower prices in states with high participation rates.  相似文献   

Transmission expansions can increase the extent of competition faced by wholesale electricity suppliers with the ability to exercise unilateral market power. This can cause them to submit offer curves closer to their marginal cost curves, which sets market-clearing prices closer to competitive benchmark price levels. These lower wholesale market-clearing prices are the competitiveness benefit consumers realize from the transmission expansion. This paper quantifies empirically the competitiveness benefits of a transmission expansion policy that causes strategic suppliers to expect no transmission congestion. Using hourly generation-unit level offer, output, market-clearing price and congestion data from the Alberta wholesale electricity market from January 1, 2009 to July 31, 2013, an upper and lower bound on the hourly consumer competitiveness benefits of this transmission policy is computed. Both of these competitiveness benefits measures are economically significant, which argues for including them in transmission planning processes for wholesale electricity markets to ensure that all transmission expansions with positive net benefits to electricity consumers are undertaken.  相似文献   

This paper examines the potential implications of national policies that lead to a sudden increase of wind power in the electricity mix for interconnected European electricity markets. More specifically, it examines market integration before and after the closures of eight nuclear power plants that occurred within a period of a few months in Germany during 2011. The short- and- long run interrelationships of daily electricity spot prices, from November 2009 to October 2012, in: APX-ENDEX, BELPEX, EPEX-DE, EPEX-FR, NORDPOOL, OMEL and SWISSIX; and wind power in the German system are analysed. Two MGARCH (Multivariate Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity) models with dynamic correlations are used to assess spot market behaviour in the short run, and a fractional cointegration analysis is conducted to investigate changes in the long-run behaviour of electricity spot prices. Results show: positive time-varying correlations between spot prices in markets with substantial shared interconnector capacity; a negative association between wind power penetration in Germany and electricity spot prices in the German and neighbouring markets; and, for most markets, a decreasing speed in mean reversion.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of the introduction of electricity futures on the spot-price volatility of the French (Powernext) and German (EEX) electricity markets, as well as the degree of their price correlation over the period 2002–2011. Our working hypotheses were tested based on a bivariate VECM-GARCH model. The results indicate that the introduction of futures contracts in the French electricity market, as well as the launch of the joint futures market in these countries in 2009, has decreased spot price volatility. However, this effect was not as explicit for the German market, due to data specificities. Other interesting results are: the German market dominates and leads the long run price relationship; the impact of cooling needs on demand is greater than the impact of heating needs; there is a substantial systematic pattern of electricity prices and their respective volatilities during weekdays and holidays. Overall, results are supportive of policy making at the European Commission regarding electricity market integration.  相似文献   

为规避电力市场改革给市场带来的风险、提高市场的运作效率、增大电力商品的交易量,提出了发电商与电网公司之间一种带定金的远期合同模型。介绍了VAR风险评估方法及其分析法——Delta类模型在电力市场金融风险评估中的应用;运用VAR风险评估方法计算出该模型中发电商存在的风险,进而确定合同定金。应用该模型对不同的合同电价和置信水平分别计算出相应的定金,结果表明,合同定金随合同电价的减小而减小,随置信水平的增大而增大,说明了该模型能较真实地反映发电商所面临市场风险的本质特征。  相似文献   

The German market has seen a plunge in wholesale electricity prices from 2007 until 2014, with base futures prices dropping by more than 40%. This is frequently attributed to the unexpected high increase in renewable power generation. Using a parsimonious fundamental model, we determine the respective impact of supply and demand shocks on electricity futures prices. The used methodology is based on a piecewise linear approximation of the supply stack and time-varying price-inelastic demand. This parsimonious model is able to replicate electricity futures prices and discover non-linear dependencies in futures price formation. We show that emission prices have a higher impact on power prices than renewable penetration. Changes in renewables, demand and installed capacities turn out to be similarly important for explaining the decrease in operation margins of conventional power plants. We thus argue for the establishment of an independent authority to stabilize emission prices.  相似文献   

The German feed-in support of electricity generation from renewable energy sources has led to high growth rates of the supported technologies. Critics state that the costs for consumers are too high. An important aspect to be considered in the discussion is the price effect created by renewable electricity generation. This paper seeks to analyse the impact of privileged renewable electricity generation on the electricity market in Germany. The central aspect to be analysed is the impact of renewable electricity generation on spot market prices. The results generated by an agent-based simulation platform indicate that the financial volume of the price reduction is considerable. In the short run, this gives rise to a distributional effect which creates savings for the demand side by reducing generator profits. In the case of the year 2006, the volume of the merit-order effect exceeds the volume of the net support payments for renewable electricity generation which have to be paid by consumers.  相似文献   

Residential consumers remain reluctant to choose new electricity suppliers. Even the most successful jurisdictions, four US states and other countries, have had to adopt extensive consumer education procedures that serve largely to confirm that choosing electricity suppliers is daunting. Electricity is not unique in this respect; numerous studies find that consumers are generally reluctant to switch brands, even when they are well-informed about product characteristics. If consumers prefer not to choose, opening regulated markets can reduce welfare, even for some consumers who do switch, as the incumbent can exploit this preference by raising price above the formerly regulated level. Policies to open markets might be successful even if limited to industrial and commercial customers, with residential prices based on those in nominally competitive wholesale markets.  相似文献   

The issue of market concentration in electricity markets and resulting possible anti-competitive behavior of producers is a much discussed topic in many countries. We investigate the day-ahead market for electricity at the EPEX, the largest central European market for electricity. To analyze whether generating companies use their market power to influence prices, we use a conjectural variations approach as well as a direct approach to construct marginal costs of electricity production. Given the available data, we cannot reject the hypothesis that there was no systematic abuse of market power by the suppliers of electricity on the EPEX day-ahead spot market for the years 2007–2010. These results are essentially robust when restricting the sample to high load hours, which are generally considered to be the most prone to market manipulation.  相似文献   

Electricity constitutes the input into many products that produced by industry and used by people. Hence, it can be considered as a product or service that has vital importance in human life and economy. Since it has such special properties of instantaneous production and consumption obligation and unfeasible storage, electricity market is not like other markets. In a competitive electricity market, generation company faces price risks and delivery risks. So that risk management is an important part of a generation company and can deeply effect companies’ profitability. This paper focuses on electricity generation asset allocation between bilateral contracts, such as forward contracts, and daily spot market, considering constraints of generating units and spot price risks. The problem is to find the optimal portfolio based on known electricity generation total costs, bilateral contract prices, it employed Turkish historical balanced market hourly system marginal and day-ahead hourly market prices between of 2006 and 2011. There are limited studies about portfolio optimization in electricity markets in literature and this paper should be considered frontier study taking spot market's hourly prices separately as risky assets. Markowitz mean-variance optimization which is claimed to be the beginning of modern portfolio theory in financial sector is used to demonstrate this approach. Mean-variance optimization has been successfully applied to all cases that modeled for electricity market. Some suggestions for future work are also listed in this paper.  相似文献   

While some agent-based models have been developed for analyzing the German electricity market, there has been little research done on the emerging issue of intra-German congestion and its effects on the bidding behavior of generator agents. Yet, studies of other markets have shown that transmission grid constraints considerably affect strategic behavior in electricity markets. In this paper, the implications of transmission constraints on power markets are analyzed for the case of Germany. Market splitting is applied in the case of congestion in the grid. For this purpose, the agent-based modeling of electricity systems (AMES) market package developed by Sun and Tesfatsion is modified to fit the German context, including a detailed representation of the German high-voltage grid and its interconnections. Implications of transmission constraints on prices and social welfare are analyzed for scenarios that include strategic behavior of market participants and high wind power generation. It can be shown that strategic behavior and transmission constraints are inter-related and may pose severe problems in the future German electricity market.  相似文献   

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