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一种新型逻辑函数化简方法——立体化简法 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
文章在卡诺图化简法的思想基础上设计了一种新型的逻辑函数化简方法——“立体化简法”。用逻辑函数立方体代替卡诺图来表示逻辑函数,在三维立体空间进行逻辑函数的化简,既保持了卡诺图化简法方便、直观、容易掌握的优点,又使得可以方便化简的逻辑函数变量增加至六个;如果采用达到卡诺图化简法五、六变量逻辑函数化简的难易程度的方法,可使化简的逻辑函数变量增加至九个。这种新型的逻辑化简方法使得五、六变量逻辑函数的化简变得非常简单、方便,也使得九变量以内的逻辑函数的化简变得直观、可行。 相似文献
Lock-freedom is a property of concurrent programs which states that, from any state of the program, eventually some process will complete its operation. Lock-freedom is a weaker property than the usual expectation that eventually all processes will complete their operations. By weakening their completion guarantees, lock-free programs increase the potential for parallelism, and hence make more efficient use of multiprocessor architectures than lock-based algorithms. However, lock-free algorithms, and reasoning about them, are considerably more complex.In this paper we present a technique for proving that a program is lock-free. The technique is designed to be as general as possible and is guided by heuristics that simplify the proofs. We demonstrate our theory by proving lock-freedom of two non-trivial examples from the literature. The proofs have been machine-checked by the PVS theorem prover, and we have developed proof strategies to minimise user interaction. 相似文献
We develop a theory of bisimulation equivalence for the broadcast calculus CBS. Both the strong and weak versions of bisimulation congruence we study are justified in terms of a characterisation as the largest CBS congruences contained in an appropriate version of barbed bisimulation. We then present sound and complete proof systems for both the strong and weak congruences over finite terms. The first system we give contains an infinitary proof rule to accommodate input prefixes. We improve on this by presenting a unitary proof system where judgements are relative to properties of the data domain. 相似文献
Josée Desharnais François Laviolette Amélie Turgeon 《Information and Computation》2011,209(5):850-871
This paper establishes a Stone-type duality between specifications and infLMPs. An infLMP is a probabilistic process whose transitions satisfy super-additivity instead of additivity. Interestingly, its simple structure can encode a mix of probabilistic and non-deterministic behavior, which, as we show, is strongly related to another well-known such model: probabilistic automata. Our duality puts in relation the category of infLMPs and a category of abstract representations of them based on properties only. We exhibit a Galois connection between these categories and show that we have an adjunct pair of functors when restricted to LMPs only. Our duality also shows that an infLMP can be considered as a demonic representative of a system’s information. Moreover, it carries forward a view where states are less important, and events, or properties, become the main characters, as it should be in probability theory. Along the way, we show that bisimulation and simulation are naturally interpreted in this setting, and we exhibit the interesting relationship between infLMPs and the usual probabilistic modal logics. This paper is an extended version of a Concur ’09 paper [13]; in particular, the comparison of infLMPs with probabilistic automata and the Galois connection are new. 相似文献
《Journal of Process Control》2014,24(1):72-81
In this paper, a new model-order reduction (MOR) approach is presented for reducing large-scale differential-algebraic equation (DAE) systems with higher index. This approach is based upon the balanced truncation, single-point, and multi-point MOR methods. We decompose the DAE system into an ordinary differential equation (ODE) subsystem and a DAE subsystem. The DAE subsystem has the same index as the original DAE system. Then, the balanced truncation method is applied to the ODE subsystem. Both single-point and multi-point methods are used to reduce the DAE subsystem. In generally, the multi-point method can perform better than the single-point method across a wide-range of frequencies. Some numerical examples demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach. 相似文献
P. N. Bibilo 《Automatic Control and Computer Sciences》2008,42(5):268-275
It is proposed that the apparatus of logic equations be used to achieve an exact solution of the problem of joint decomposition of a system of Boolean functions with respect to a two-block partitioning of the set of arguments. 相似文献
We define the spatio-temporal logic MTLA as an extension of Lamport's Temporal Logic of Actions TLA for the specification, verification, and formal development of systems that rely on mobile code. The formalism is validated by an encoding of models written in the mobile UML notation. We identify refinement principles for mobile systems and justify refinements of mobile UML state machines with the help of the MTLA semantics. 相似文献
Steve Jones Shona McInnes Mark S. Staveley 《International Journal on Digital Libraries》1999,2(2-3):207-223
Online information repositories commonly provide keyword search facilities through textual query languages based on Boolean
logic. However, there is evidence to suggest that the syntactic demands of such languages can lead to user errors and adversely
affect the time that it takes users to form queries. Users also face difficulties because of the conflict in semantics between
AND and OR when used in Boolean logic and English language. Analysis of usage logs for the New Zealand Digital Library (NZDL)
show that few Boolean queries contain more than three terms, use of the intersection operator dominates and that query refinement
is common. We suggest that graphical query languages, in particular Venn-like diagrams, can alleviate the problems that users
experience when forming Boolean expressions with textual languages. A study of the utility of Venn diagrams for query specification
indicates that with little or no training users can interpret and form Venn-like diagrams in a consistent manner which accurately
correspond to Boolean expressions. We describe VQuery, a Venn-diagram based user interface to the New Zealand Digital Library
(NZDL). In a study which compared VQuery with a standard textual Boolean interface, users took significantly longer to form
queries and produced more erroneous queries when using VQuery. We discuss the implications of these results and suggest directions
for future work.
Received: 15 December 1997 / Revised: June 1999 相似文献
属性约简是粗糙集理论研究的核心问题之一。现已有学者证明属性约简在布尔矩阵和代数两种不同表示下是等价的,且布尔矩阵表示更加直观。基于此理论本文提出了一种基于布尔矩阵的新的属性约简完备算法,并在此基础上加了一个反向删除过程,直到不能再删为止,保证了算法的完备性。最后通过实例分析证实了其有效性。 相似文献
极大相容块是非完备信息系统中的最小知识单元,在非完备信息系统的知识表示、属性约简、粒度分析及知识获取方面有重要的应用价值。提出了一种获取非完备信息系统中极大相容块的方法。通过定义的区分关系,构造了新的布尔函数,证明了极大相容块与构造的布尔公式的素蕴含之间存在一一对应的关系。因此,这种新的布尔函数可以被用来获得系统的所有极大相容块,这将有助于非完备信息系统中的知识获取。 相似文献
In model checking environments, system requirements are usually expressed by means of temporal logic formulas. We propose a user-friendly interface (UFI) with the aim of simplifying the writing of concurrent system properties. The tool is endowed with a graphical interface that supplies a set of patterns from the natural language; the defined patterns constitute a logic (UFL) that is adequate to express the classes of properties usually checked on actual systems. Moreover, UFI is integrated with the CWB-NC tool-kit which is a verification environment based on process algebras and the mu-calculus temporal logic; UFI supports the automatic translation of UFL formulas into mu-calculus formulas and save the translation in the format required by the CWB-NC. Nevertheless, UFI is a flexible tool that can be easily integrated with other environments. 相似文献
The numerical resolution of the Vlasov equation provides complementary information with respect to analytical studies and forms an important research tool in domains such as plasma physics. The study of mean-field models for systems with long-range interactions is another field in which the Vlasov equation plays an important role. We present the vmf90 program that performs numerical simulations of the Vlasov equation for this class of mean-field models with the semi-Lagrangian method. 相似文献
Robert Veroff 《Journal of Automated Reasoning》2003,31(1):1-9
In this article, we present a short 2-basis for Boolean algebra in terms of the Sheffer stroke and prove that no such 2-basis
can be shorter. We also prove that the new 2-basis is unique (for its length) up to applications of commutativity. Our proof
of the 2-basis was found by using the method of proof sketches and relied on the use of an automated reasoning program.
This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
Rule-based systems may sometimes grow very large, making their acceptance by users and their maintenance quite problematic. One therefore needs to make rule-bases as compact as possible. The classical definition of rule redundancy in the literature is based upon logic and graph theory. Another, complementary, view of redundancy is proposed here. The suggested approach is based on the contribution of individual rules to the overall system’s accuracy.
It is shown here, though an analysis of a real-world credit scoring rule-based system, that by taking into account system’s accuracy, one can sometimes significantly reduce the size of a rule-base; even one which is already free from logic-related abnormalities. The approach taken here is not proposed as a substitution to classical logic and graph-based methods. Rather, it complements them. 相似文献
A. E. Litvinenko 《Cybernetics and Systems Analysis》2006,42(5):649-655
The paper presents a method to solve systems of linear equations with Boolean variables, which implements an enumeration strategy.
Necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of feasible plans are formalized. A formal procedure to analyze subsets
of alternatives is described. The structure of an algorithm that possesses the property of completeness is presented. Special
cases of systems of equations are examined.
Translated from Kibernetika i Sistemnyi Analiz, No. 5, pp. 42–50, September–October 2006. 相似文献
《Journal of Systems Architecture》2013,59(7):400-411
Embedded systems are ubiquitous in this era of portable computing. These systems are empowered to access, store and transmit abundance of critical information. Thus their security becomes a prime concern. Moreover, most of these embedded devices often have to operate under insecure environments where the adversary may acquire physical access. To provide security, cryptographic security mechanisms could be employed in embedded systems. However, these mechanisms consume excessive energy that cannot be tolerated by the embedded systems. Therefore with the focus on achieving energy efficiency in cryptographic Memory Integrity Verification (MIV) mechanism, we present a novel energy efficient approach called Timestamps Verification (TSV) to provide Memory Integrity Verification in embedded systems. This paper elaborates the proposed approach along with its theoretical evaluation, simulation results, and experimental evaluation. The results prove that the energy savings in the TSV approach are in the range of 36–81% when compared with traditional MIV mechanisms. 相似文献