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Sentiment analysis and opinion mining are valuable for extraction of useful subjective information out of text documents. These tasks have become of great importance, especially for business and marketing professionals, since online posted products and services reviews impact markets and consumers shifts. This work is motivated by the fact that automating retrieval and detection of sentiments expressed for certain products and services embeds complex processes and pose research challenges, due to the textual phenomena and the language specific expression variations. This paper proposes a fast, flexible, generic methodology for sentiment detection out of textual snippets which express people’s opinions in different languages. The proposed methodology adopts a machine learning approach with which textual documents are represented by vectors and are used for training a polarity classification model. Several documents’ vector representation approaches have been studied, including lexicon-based, word embedding-based and hybrid vectorizations. The competence of these feature representations for the sentiment classification task is assessed through experiments on four datasets containing online user reviews in both Greek and English languages, in order to represent high and weak inflection language groups. The proposed methodology requires minimal computational resources, thus, it might have impact in real world scenarios where limited resources is the case.  相似文献   

文本情感分析是目前自然语言处理领域的一个热点研究问题,具有广泛的实用价值和理论研究意义。情感词典构建则是文本情感分析的一项基础任务,即将词语按照情感倾向分为褒义、中性或者贬义。然而,中文情感词典构建存在两个主要问题 1)许多情感词存在多义、歧义的现象,即一个词语在不同语境中它的语义倾向也不尽相同,这给词语的情感计算带来困难;2)由国内外相关研究现状可知,中文情感字典建设的可用资源相对较少。考虑到英文情感分析研究中存在大量语料和词典,该文借助机器翻译系统,结合双语言资源的约束信息,利用标签传播算法(LP)计算词语的情感信息。在四个领域的实验结果显示我们的方法能获得一个分类精度高、覆盖领域语境的中文情感词典。  相似文献   

跨语言短文本情感分析作为自然语言处理领域的一项重要的任务, 近年来备受关注. 跨语言情感分析能够利用资源丰富的源语言标注数据对资源匮乏的目标语言数据进行情感分析, 建立语言之间的联系是该任务的核心.与传统的机器翻译建立联系方法相比, 迁移学习更胜一筹, 而高质量的跨语言文本向量则会提升迁移效果. 本文提出LAAE网络模型, 该模型通过长短记忆网络(LSTM)和对抗式自编码器(AAE)获得含上下文情感信息的跨语言向量, 然后利用双向GRU (Gated Recurrent Unite)进行后续情感分类任务. 其中, 分类器首先在源语言上进行训练,最后迁移到目标语言上进行分类任务. 本方法的有效性体现在实验结果中.  相似文献   

An intelligent machine can be thought of as a human friendly machine system that identifies or understands the problems of generating tasks, developing plans, compiling and executing the tasks automatically. High performance dependable intelligent systems must understand and translate natural languages. The translation of natural languages for intelligent systems has been one of the most challenging problems in intelligent systems from the very beginning. It is the responsibility of a translation system to assign the responsibility of task generation ability of the machine to automate a program generation.

In this paper, the problem of advanced machine translation capabilities is approached by examining the Sinhala natural language. Sinhalese has not been analyzed using computational linguistics. Our earlier system on Sinhalese morphology is the first attempt of such a study. This paper extends it to syntactic and semantic analysis. We formalize grammar rules for unit, phrase, clause and sentence, and developed a semantically characteristic Sinhalese dictionary, and a conceptual dictionary based on English, Japanese, and Sinhalese. Syntactic and semantic analyses are implemented on the computer and sound experimental results are obtained.  相似文献   

People express their opinions about things like products, celebrities and services using social media channels. The analysis of these textual contents for sentiments is a gold mine for marketing experts as well as for research in humanities, thus automatic sentiment analysis is a popular area of applied artificial intelligence. The chief objective of this paper is to investigate automatic sentiment analysis on social media contents over various text sources and languages. The comparative findings of the investigation may give useful insights to artificial intelligence researchers who develop sentiment analyzers for a new textual source. To achieve this, we describe supervised machine learning based systems which perform sentiment analysis and we comparatively evaluate them on seven publicly available English and Hungarian databases, which contain text documents taken from Twitter and product review sites. We discuss the differences among these text genres and languages in terms of document- and target-level sentiment analysis.  相似文献   

Until now most of the published methods for polarity classification have been applied to English texts, but other languages are becoming increasingly important. This paper presents a new resource for the Spanish sentiment analysis research community. We have generated a new lexicon by translating into Spanish the Bin Liu English Lexicon. In order to assess the validity of the proposed lexicon a set of experiments on a Spanish review corpus are presented. In addition, the resource presented is compared with another existing Spanish lexicon. The results show that our resource outperforms the currently available Spanish lexicon for sentiment analysis.  相似文献   

情感分类是目前自然语言处理领域的一个具有挑战性的研究热点,该文主要研究基于半监督的文本情感分类问题。传统基于Co-training的半监督情感分类方法要求文本具备大量有用的属性集,其训练过程是线性时间的计算复杂度并且不适用于非平衡语料。该文提出了一种基于多分类器投票集成的半监督情感分类方法,通过选取不同的训练集、特征参数和分类方法构建了一组有差异的子分类器,每轮通过简单投票挑选出置信度最高的样本使训练集扩大一倍并更新训练模型。该方法使得子分类器可共享有用的属性集,具有对数时间复杂度并且可用于非平衡语料。实验结果表明我们的方法在不同语种、不同领域、不同规模大小,平衡和非平衡语料的情感分类中均具有良好效果。  相似文献   

The sentiment analysis (SA) applications are becoming popular among the individuals and organizations for gathering and analysing user's sentiments about products, services, policies, and current affairs. Due to the availability of a wide range of English lexical resources, such as part‐of‐speech taggers, parsers, and polarity lexicons, development of sophisticated SA applications for the English language has attracted many researchers. Although there have been efforts for creating polarity lexicons in non‐English languages such as Urdu, they suffer from many deficiencies, such as lack of publically available sentiment lexicons with a proper scoring mechanism of opinion words and modifiers. In this work, we present a word‐level translation scheme for creating a first comprehensive Urdu polarity resource: “Urdu Lexicon” using a merger of existing resources: list of English opinion words, SentiWordNet, English–Urdu bilingual dictionary, and a collection of Urdu modifiers. We assign two polarity scores, positive and negative, to each Urdu opinion word. Moreover, modifiers are collected, classified, and tagged with proper polarity scores. We also perform an extrinsic evaluation in terms of subjectivity detection and sentiment classification, and the evaluation results show that the polarity scores assigned by this technique are more accurate than the baseline methods.  相似文献   

基于目标语词汇组合合理性评价的译文选择模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
机器翻译使用计算机实现自然语言的翻译功能,是计算机技术在语言学领域的新兴应用和研究,其中,源语言词汇的译文选择直接决定机器翻译的质量,是人们关注的难题,基于目标语词汇组合合理性评价的模糊分类模型试图以语言学和模糊数学为理论基础,尝试解决歧义词的译文选择问题,将该模型用于英汉机器翻译系统的译文选择实验,具有良好的译文选择性能,它的优势还在于可以同时为全句范围内的所有歧义词选择译文,因此适用于机器翻译的大规模开发任务。  相似文献   

基于监督学习的中文情感分类技术比较研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
情感分类是一项具有较大实用价值的分类技术,它可以在一定程度上解决网络评论信息杂乱的现象,方便用户准确定位所需信息。目前针对中文情感分类的研究相对较少,其中各种有监督学习方法的分类效果以及文本特征表示方法和特征选择机制等因素对分类性能的影响更是亟待研究的问题。本文以n-gram以及名词、动词、形容词、副词作为不同的文本表示特征,以互信息、信息增益、CHI统计量和文档频率作为不同的特征选择方法,以中心向量法、KNN、Winnow、Nave Bayes和SVM作为不同的文本分类方法,在不同的特征数量和不同规模的训练集情况下,分别进行了中文情感分类实验,并对实验结果进行了比较,对比结果表明: 采用BiGrams特征表示方法、信息增益特征选择方法和SVM分类方法,在足够大训练集和选择适当数量特征的情况下,情感分类能取得较好的效果。  相似文献   

A lack of labeled corpora obstructs the research progress on implicit discourse relation recognition (DRR) for Chinese, while there are some available discourse corpora in other languages, such as English. In this paper, we propose a cross-lingual implicit DRR framework that exploits an available English corpus for the Chinese DRR task. We use machine translation to generate Chinese instances from a labeled English discourse corpus. In this way, each instance has two independent views: Chinese and English views. Then we train two classifiers in Chinese and English in a co-training way, which exploits unlabeled Chinese data to implement better implicit DRR for Chinese. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our method.  相似文献   

情感词典自动构建方法综述   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
王科  夏睿 《自动化学报》2016,42(4):495-511
情感词典作为判断词语和文本情感倾向的重要工具, 其自动构建方法已成为情感分析和观点挖掘领域的一项重要研究内容. 本文整理了现有的中、英文情感词典资源, 同时分别从知识库、语料库、以及两者结合的角度, 归纳现有英文和中文情感词典的构建方法, 分析了各种方法的优缺点, 并总结了情感词典构建中的若干难点问题. 之后, 我们回顾了情感词典性能评估方法及相关评测竞赛. 最后总结了情感词典构建任务的发展前景以及一些亟需解决的问题.  相似文献   

短文本情感倾向分析是自然语言处理领域的关键研究问题之一.情感倾向分析是用于检测语言所蕴含主观倾向语义的一系列方法、技术和工具,是对文本深层语义理解的关键.短文本数据的随意性、高歧义性以及简短性使得传统基于特征工程和机器学习分类技术的情感倾向分析任务性能有限.随着深度学习技术在自然语言处理中的广泛应用,基于深度学习的短文...  相似文献   

基于深度学习的跨语言情感分析模型需要借助预训练的双语词嵌入(Bilingual Word Embedding,BWE)词典获得源语言和目标语言的文本向量表示.为了解决BWE词典较难获得的问题,该文提出一种基于词向量情感特征表示的跨语言文本情感分析方法,引入源语言的情感监督信息以获得源语言情感感知的词向量表示,使得词向量...  相似文献   

Text classification systems will help to solve the text clustering problem in the Azerbaijani language. There are some text-classification applications for foreign languages, but we tried to build a newly developed system to solve this problem for the Azerbaijani language. Firstly, we tried to find out potential practice areas. The system will be useful in a lot of areas. It will be mostly used in news feed categorization. News websites can automatically categorize news into classes such as sports, business, education, science, etc. The system is also used in sentiment analysis for product reviews. For example, the company shares a photo of a new product on Facebook and the company receives a thousand comments for new products. The systems classify comments like positive or negative. The system can also be applied in recommended systems, spam filtering, etc. Various machine learning techniques such as Naive Bayes, SVM, Multi-layer Perceptron have been devised to solve the text classification problem in Azerbaijani language.  相似文献   

文本情感分析已经逐渐成为自然语言处理(NLP)的重要内容,并在系统推荐、用户情感信息获取,为政府、企业提供舆情参考等领域越来越占据重要地位。通过文献调研的方式,对情感分析领域的方法进行对比和综述。首先,从时间、方法等维度对情感分析的方法进行文献调研;然后,对情感分析的主要方法、应用场景进行归纳总结和对比;最后,在此基础上分析每种方法的优缺点。根据分析结果可以知道,在面对不同的任务场景,主要有三种情感分析的方法:基于情感字典的情感分析法、基于机器学习的情感分析法和基于深度学习的情感分析法,基于多策略混合的方法成为改进的趋势。文献调研表明,文本情感分析的技术方法还有改进的空间,在电子商务、心理治疗、舆情监控方面有较大市场和发展前景。  相似文献   

近年来,将语法错误纠正当作机器翻译任务在英语语法纠错领域取得重大进展,对于数据驱动的自然语言处理方法,大规模、高质量的标注语料成为翻译等相关任务最重要的资源.在调查中,主要关注英语语法纠错领域的数据集和数据增广方法.全面地概括了英语语法纠错领域使用的数据集、数据合成、评价方法及应用现状,并对其进行归纳分析;对今后如何提...  相似文献   

基于Stacking组合分类方法的中文情感分类研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
情感文本分类(简称情感分类)是一种面向主观信息分类的文本分类任务。目前,由于其广泛的应用前景,该任务在自然语言处理研究领域中得到了普遍关注,相继出现多种用于情感文本分类的有监督的分类方法。该文具体研究四种不同的分类方法在中文情感分类上的应用,并且采用一种基于Stacking的组合分类方法,用以组合不同的分类方法。实验结果表明,该组合方法在所有领域都能够获得比最好基分类方法更好的分类效果。从而克服了分类方法领域依赖的困境(不同领域需要选择不同基分类方法才能获得更好的分类结果)。  相似文献   

会议场景下通过语音识别和机器翻译技术实现从演讲人语音到另外一种语言文字的翻译,对于跨语言信息交流具有重要意义,成为当前研究热点之一。该文针对由于会议行业属性带来的专业术语和行业用语的翻译问题,提出了一种融合外部词典知识的领域个性化方法。具体而言,首先采用联合占位符和拼接融合的编码策略,通过引入外部词典知识,在提升实体词、专业术语词翻译准确率的同时,兼顾翻译结果的流畅性。其次提出基于分类的领域旁支参数个性化自适应策略,在保持通用领域翻译效果的情况下实现会议相关领域翻译质量的提升。最后基于上述方案,设计了一套领域个性化自动训练系统。实验结果表明,在中英体育、商务和医学会议翻译任务上,该系统在不影响通用翻译的情况下,平均提升9.22个BLEU,获得较好翻译效果。  相似文献   

Sentiment information about social media posts is increasingly considered an important resource for customer segmentation, market understanding, and tackling other socio-economic issues. However, sentiment in social media is difficult to measure since user-generated content is usually short and informal. Although many traditional sentiment analysis methods have been proposed, identifying slang sentiment words remains a challenging task for practitioners. Though some slang words are available in existing sentiment lexicons, with new slang being generated with emerging memes, a dedicated lexicon will be useful for researchers and practitioners. To this end, we propose to build a slang sentiment dictionary to aid sentiment analysis. It is laborious and time-consuming to collect a comprehensive list of slang words and label the sentiment polarity. We present an approach to leverage web resources to construct a Slang Sentiment Dictionary (SlangSD) that is easy to expand. SlangSD is publicly available for research purposes. We empirically show the advantages of using SlangSD, the newly-built slang sentiment word dictionary for sentiment classification, and provide examples demonstrating its ease of use with a sentiment analysis system.  相似文献   

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