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Development of efficient hydrogen refueling station (HRS) is highly desirable to reduce the hydrogen cost and hence the life cycle expense of fuel cell vehicles (FCVs), which is hindering the large scale application of hydrogen mobility. In this work, we demonstrate the optimization of gaseous HRS process and control method to perform fast and efficient refueling, with reduced energy consumption and increased daily fueling capacity. The HRS was modeled with thermodynamics using a numerical integration method and the accuracy for hydrogen refueling simulation was confirmed by experimental data, showing only 2 °C of temperature rise deviation. The refueling protocols for heavy duty FCVs were first optimized, demonstrating an average fueling rate of 2 kg/min and pre-cooling demand of less than 7 kW for 35 MPa type III tanks. Fast refueling of type IV tanks results in more significant temperature rise, and the required pre-cooling temperature is lowered by 20 K to achieve comparable fueling rate. The station process was also optimized to improve the daily fueling capacity. It is revealed that the hydrogen storage amount is cost-effective to be 25–30% that of the nominal daily refueling capacity, to enhance the refueling performance at peak time and minimize the start and stop cycles of compressor. A novel control method for cascade replenishment was developed by switching among the three banks in the order of decreased pressure, and results show that the daily refueling capacity of HRS is increased by 5%. Therefore, the refueling and station process optimization is effective to promote the efficiency of gaseous HRS.  相似文献   

An operation strategy known as two-tier “pressure consolidation” of delivered tube-trailers (or equivalent supply storage) has been developed to maximize the throughput at gaseous hydrogen refueling stations (HRSs) for fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs). The high capital costs of HRSs and the consequent high investment risk are deterring growth of the infrastructure needed to promote the deployment of FCEVs. Stations supplied by gaseous hydrogen will be necessary for FCEV deployment in both the near and long term. The two-tier pressure consolidation method enhances gaseous HRSs in the following ways: (1) reduces the capital cost compared with conventional stations, as well as those operating according to the original pressure consolidation approach described by Elgowainy et al. (2014) [1], (2) minimizes pressure cycling of HRS supply storage relative to the original pressure consolidation approach; and (3) increases use of the station's supply storage (or delivered tube-trailers) while maintaining higher state-of-charge vehicle fills.  相似文献   

With the development of large-scale fell cell vehicle demonstration project worldwide, the global number of hydrogen refueling stations has increased rapidly in recent years. The external safety of hydrogen refueling stations has always been a public concern for its further development. This paper examines the harm effect distances of severe accidents for a gaseous hydrogen refueling station. First, different accident scenarios are assumed and their subsequent consequences are calculated, including physical explosion, jet fire, flash fire and confined vapor cloud explosion. Results show that physical explosion and worst case of confined vapor cloud explosion produce the longest harm effect distances for instantaneous release and continuous release, respectively. This indicates that they may be used as decisive consequences to the determination of safe distances. Second, the influences of different factors on harm effect distances are investigated, including those of release inventory, release pressure, release height, release angle, release diameter and wind velocity. Then, based on these results, several potential hazard mitigation measures are proposed such as elevating hydrogen equipment, using smaller vessel and adopting smaller pipe work, if reasonably practicable.  相似文献   

The uncertainty and cost of changing from a fossil-fuel-based society to a hydrogen-based society are considered to be extensive obstacles to the introduction of fuel cell vehicles (FCVs). The absence of existing profitable refueling stations has been shown to be one of the major barriers. This paper investigates methods for calculating an optimal transition from a gasoline refueling station to future methane and hydrogen combined use with an on site small-scale reformer for methane. In particular, we look into the problem of matching the hydrogen capacity of a single refueling station to an increasing demand. Based on an assumed future development scenario, optimal investment strategies are calculated. First, a constant utilization of the hydrogen reformer is assumed in order to find the minimum hydrogen production cost. Second, when considerations such as periodic maintenance are taken into account, optimal control is used to concurrently find both a short term equipment variable utilization for one week and a long term strategy. The result is a minimum hydrogen production cost of $4–6/kg, depending on the number of reinvestments during a 20 year period. The solution is shown to yield minimum hydrogen production cost for the individual refueling station, but the solution is sensitive to variations in the scenario parameters.  相似文献   

The energy transition which refers to shift of the energy system from fossil-based resources to renewable and sustainable energy sources becomes a global issue to mitigate the progression of climate change. Hydrogen can play an important role in long-term decarbonization of energy system and achievement of carbon neutrality. Currently, the utilization of hydrogen in the energy system is focused on a road transportation sector as a fuel in a vehicle fleet.Compressing gaseous hydrogen is the most well-established technology for storage in hydrogen-fueled vehicles. The refueling hydrogen requires short filling time while ensuring the safety of storage tanks in a vehicle. However, a fast filling of hydrogen in high pressure leads to a rapid temperature rise of hydrogen stored in tank. Therefore, many numerical and experimental studies have been carried out to analyze the filling process. Various thermo-physical properties of gaseous hydrogen such as density, viscosity, and thermal conductivity are required for the numerical studies and the accurate hydrogen properties are essential to obtain reliable results.In this work, a polynomial equation is proposed with respect to temperature and pressure in ranges of 223.15 K < T < 373.15 K and 0.1 MPa < P < 100.1 MPa to present various hydrogen thermo-physical properties by adopting different coefficients. The coefficients are determined by a machine learning method to regress the equation using a great number of reference data. The equation is trained, tested, and validated using different datasets for each property. The order of the equation has been changed from 2 to 5. Then, the accuracies are estimated and compared with respect to the order. The average relative errors (REs) of the 5th order equation are assessed to lower than 0.3% except for molar volume and entropy. The accuracy of the equation is also examined with experimental data and other correlation equations for density, viscosity, and thermal conductivity which are required for numerical simulations of hydrogen refueling. The proposed equation presents better accuracy for viscosity and thermal conductivity than literature equations. In density calculation, a literature equation shows better performance than the proposed equation, but the difference between their accuracies is not so significant. In calculation time comparison, it is revealed that the proposed equation rapidly responses adequate to computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations.Results of the study can provide accurate and reliable hydrogen property values in a fast and robust means specifically for simulation of hydrogen refueling process, but not restricted only to the process. Correlation equations proposed in the present work can aid in optimizing a hydrogen value chain including production, storage, and utilization by providing accurate hydrogen property.  相似文献   

Fuel cell vehicles using green hydrogen as fuel can contribute to the mitigation of climate change. The increasing utilization of those vehicles creates the need for cost efficient hydrogen refueling stations. This study investigates how to build the most cost efficient refueling stations to fuel small fleet sizes of 2, 4, 8, 16 and 32 fuel cell busses. A detailed physical model of a hydrogen refueling station was built to determine the necessary hydrogen storage size as well as energy demand for compression and precooling of hydrogen. These results are used to determine the refueling costs for different station configurations that vary the number of storage banks, their volume and compressor capacity.It was found that increasing the number of storage banks will decrease the necessary total station storage volume as well as energy demand for compression and precooling. However, the benefit of adding storage banks decreases with each additional bank. Hence the cost for piping and instrumentation to add banks starts to outweigh the benefits when too many banks are used. Investigating the influence of the compressor mass flow found that when fueling fleets of 2 or 4 busses the lowest cost can be reached by using a compressor with the minimal mass flow necessary to refill all storage banks within 24 h. For fleets of 8, 16 and 32 busses, using the compressor with the maximum investigated mass flow of 54 kg/h leads to the lowest costs.  相似文献   

This paper sheds the light on the future of green hydrogen in Tunisia. So, a detailed economic assessment and evaluation of the Levelized Hydrogen Cost (LHC) and the Net Profit (NP) of a Photovoltaic (PV) Hydrogen Refueling Station (HRS) are presented and discussed. Tunisia is characterized by its high PV potential which makes the production of electricity from solar energy an effective alternative source. However, due to the regulations and issues related to the connection of medium PV scale to the power grid, the energy produced from renewable sources (RS) is still less than 3% of the total produced electricity. On the other hand, the price of hydrocarbon fuels is still increasing. The gap between production and total demand in hydrocarbons has created a deficit in the primary energy balance. Therefore, the production of hydrogen from solar energy for refueling Fuel Cell Vehicles (FCV)s consists of a promising solution to boost the development of the country, reduce hydrocarbon fuels consumption, and protect the environment. The sizing of a small PV-HRS to produce 150 kg of hydrogen per day shows the necessity to install PV systems with a total Direct Current (DC) capacity of 1.89 MWp. The Initial Cost (IC) analysis shows that while the PV system cost represents 48.5% of the total IC, the IC of electrolysers represents 41%. The storage system cost is approximately equal to 3.2% of the total IC. The LHC is equal to 3.32€/kg with a total IC of 2.34 million €.  相似文献   

Lack of hydrogen refueling stations (HRSs) has hindered the diffusion of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles (HFCVs) in the Chinese transport market. By combining the agent-based model (ABM) and the experience weighted attraction (EWA) learning algorithm, this paper explores the impact of government subsidy strategy for HRSs on the market diffusion of HFCVs. The actions of the parties (government, HRS planning department and consumers) and their interactions are taken into account. The new model suggests dynamic subsidy mode based on EWA algorithm yields better results than static subsidy mode: HFCV purchases, HRS construction effort, total number of HRSs and expected HRS planning department profits all outperform static data by around 27%. In addition, choosing an appropriate initial subsidy strategy can increase the sales of HFCVs by nearly 40%. Early investment from government to establish initial HRSs can also increase market diffusion efficiency by more than 76.7%.  相似文献   

In recent decades, the consequences of climate changes due to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions have become ever more impactful, forcing international authorities to find green solutions for sustainable economic development. In this regard, one of the global targets is the reduction of fossil fuels utilization in the transport sector to encourage the diffusion of more environmentally friendly alternatives. Among them, hydrogen is emerging as a viable candidate since it is a potentially emission-free fuel when produced by exploiting renewable energy sources (RES). Nevertheless, to allow widespread use of this gas in the transport sector, several technoeconomic barriers, including production cost, and lack of distribution and storage infrastructure, have to be overcome. Distributed hydrogen production via renewable energy-powered electrolysis could be an effective solution to reduce cost and lead to economies of scale. In this study a multi-hub configuration with on-site production from PV-powered electrolysis and centralized production from steam methane reforming (SMR) is proposed. In particular, an infrastructure network for a bus refueling station located in Lazio is considered as a case study. First, each hub, composed of PV panels, an electrolyzer, a compression system, high-pressure and low-pressure storages, and hydrogen dispensers with chiller, is modeled in a Matlab/Simulink environment. Then, a design perturbation analysis is carried out to determine the impact of the configuration on the refueling station performance in terms of carbon emissions levels and the Levelized Cost of hydrogen (LCOH). The results show a significant influence of the station size on the economic performance highlighting significant benefits (reduction up to 40% in the LCOH) for a 80 bus HUB with a saturating trend towards larger sizes. CO2 emissions per unit mass of hydrogen are kept limited for all the stations thanks to the synergistic effects of SMR and Electrolyzer. Interconnecting more than one station each other further benefits can be achieved from the environmental perspective (savings up to 5 tons of CO2 are demonstrated for a typical summer case study).  相似文献   

Ningbo's seaport hydrogen refueling station was used as the research object. The effects of different leakage angles, wind direction, roof shape, leakage hole diameters, temperature, and humidity on the diffusion of hydrogen leakage were studied by numerical simulation. The influence of leakage angle on hydrogen leakage is mainly reflected in the presence or absence of obstacles. The volume of the flammable hydrogen cloud was reduced by 31.16%, and the volume of the hazardous hydrogen cloud was reduced by 63.22% when there was no obstacle. The wind direction can significantly impact hydrogen leakage, with downwind and sidewind accelerating hydrogen discharge and reducing the risk. At the same time, headwind significantly increases the volume of the flammable hydrogen cloud. Compared with no wind, the volume of the flammable hydrogen cloud increased by 71.73% when headwind, but the volume of the hazardous hydrogen cloud decreased by 24.00%. If hydrogen shows signs of accumulation under the roof, the sloping roof can effectively reduce the hydrogen concentration under the roof and accelerate the hydrogen discharge. When the leakage angle θ = 90°, the sloping roof reduced the volume of the flammable hydrogen cloud by 11.74%. The leakage process was similar for different leak hole diameters in the no wind condition. The inverse of the molar fraction of hydrogen on the jet centerline was linearly related to the dimensionless axial distance of the jet in different cases. Using a least squares fit, the decay rate was obtained as 0.0039. In contrast, temperature and humidity have almost no effect on hydrogen diffusion. Hydrogen tends to accumulate on the lower surface of the roof, near the roof pillars and the hydrogen dispenser. In this paper, a set of hydrogen detector layout schemes was developed, and the alarm success rate was verified to be 83.33%.  相似文献   

The consequences of hydrogen leaks and explosions are predicted for the sake of the safety in hydrogen refueling stations. In this paper, the effect of wind speed on hydrogen leak and diffusion is analyzed in different regions of a hydrogen refueling station, and the influence of delayed ignition time on hydrogen explosion after an accidental hydrogen leak is further studied by numerical simulation. Results show that the effect of wind speed on the probability of hydrogen fires is distinctive in different regions of hydrogen refueling station. The size of combustible clouds in the trailer front region and the outer region increases in the low wind speed case, and the front of combustible clouds is formed in a spherical shape in the outer region, which can greatly increase the probability of hydrogen explosion. However, the high wind speed may cause an increase of the risk of accidents in the near ground region. Moreover, a non-linear correlation is shown between the rate of combustible cloud dissipation and wind speed after the hydrogen stops leaking. In addition, it is found that an increase in delayed ignition time may lead to an increase in explosion intensity, which is related with the larger high temperature area and stronger explosion overpressure. Two flame fronts and the reverse propagation of the explosion overpressure can be observed, when the delayed ignition time is larger.  相似文献   

The Republic of Korea government has set yearly targets of hydrogen cars and buses and plans to install hydrogen refueling stations nationwide. This paper proposes a methodology for developing a strategic deployment plan with three mathematical models. For a given target, future refueling demand locations and amount from general road and expressway are systematically estimated. First, the required number of refueling stations to satisfy the target covering ratio of the total demand set by the government is determined by the Station number determination model. Next, the locations of the capacitated stations and the allocation of demand to the stations are determined by the second Max cover and the third p-median models. Since the max covering is more important than minimizing the travel time, the two models are used sequentially. The nationwide hydrogen station deployment plan for the years 2022–2040 obtained by the proposed methodology is reported.  相似文献   

Creating a distribution network and establishing refueling stations arises as an important problem in order to meet the refueling needs of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. In this study, a multi-objective and multi-period hydrogen refueling station location problem that can take into account long-term planning decisions is proposed. Firstly, single objective mathematical models are proposed for the problem by addressing the cost, risk and population convergence objectives. Afterwards, a goal programming model is proposed and the results that will arise when three objectives are taken into consideration at the same time are examined. A risk analysis approach applied for each location alternative is considered in order to handle risk concerns about the hydrogen refueling station settlement. A case study is conducted in Adana, one of the crowded cities in Turkey, to determine the long-term location network plan. Covered population, operational risk and earthquake risks are used as input of the risk analysis method. The case study results show that the goal programming model covers the area with 77 hydrogen refueling stations by different types and capacities during the years from 2020 to 2030. In addition, a computational study is carried out with different alternative scenarios (different number of consumption nodes and all parameters in the model). The computational study results show that the highest deviations from the optimal solution on the model are observed in the distances between consumption nodes and targeted service area parameters which affect about 50% of absolute deviations on average. According to results, the proposed approach selects the station location suitable for the expected changes over the years.  相似文献   

A low flow rate and short diaphragm life are the two disadvantages of diaphragm compressors when applied in hydrogen refueling stations. A new generatrix of the cavity profile of a diaphragm compressor was developed in this study to increase the cavity volume and decrease the diaphragm radial stress. A reduction in the diaphragm radial stress that resulted from the new design was validated by experiment and numerical simulation. The volumes of the cavities with different generatrices and the radial stress distribution of the diaphragm were investigated under various design conditions. The results indicated that the volume of the cavity with the new generatrix was approximately 10% larger than that with a traditional generatrix at the same allowable stress and cavity radius. At a similar cavity volume and radius, the radial stress values of the diaphragm in the cavity with the new generatrix were low. The decrease rate of the maximal radial stress of the diaphragm in the cavity with the new generatrix reached 13.8%. In the diaphragm centric region, where additional stress was induced by discharge holes, the maximal radial stress decrease rate reached 19.6%.  相似文献   

The foreseen uptake of hydrogen mobility is a fundamental step towards the decarbonization of the transport sector. Under such premises, both refueling infrastructure and vehicles should be deployed together with improved refueling protocols. Several studies focus on refueling the light-duty vehicles with 10 kgH2 up to 700 bar, however less known effort is reported for refueling heavy-duty vehicles with 30–40 kgH2 at 350 bar. The present study illustrates the application of a lumped model to a fuel cell bus tank-to-tank refueling event, tailored upon the real data acquired in the 3Emotion Project. The evolution of the main refueling quantities, such as pressure, temperature, and mass flow, are predicted dynamically throughout the refueling process, as a function of the operating parameters, within the safety limits imposed by SAE J2601/2 technical standard. The results show to refuel the vehicle tank from half to full capacity with an Average Pressure Ramp Rate (APRR) equal to 0.03 MPa/s are needed about 10 min. Furthermore, it is found that the effect of varying the initial vehicle tank pressure is more significant than changing the ambient temperature on the refueling performances. In conclusion, the analysis of the effect of different APRR, from 0.03 to 0.1 MPa/s, indicate that is possible to safely reduce the duration of half-to-full refueling by 62% increasing the APRR value from 0.03 to 0.08 MPa/s.  相似文献   

The construction of hydrogenation infrastructure is important to promote the large-scale development of hydrogen energy industry. The technical performance of hydrogen refueling station (HRS) largely determines the refueling efficiency and cost of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. This paper systematically lists the hydrogen refueling process and the key equipment applicable in the HRS. It comprehensively reviews the key equipment configuration from the hydrogen supply, compression, storage and refueling of the HRS. On the basis of the parameter selection and quantity configuration method, the process optimization technology related to the equipment utilization efficiency and construction cost was quantitatively evaluated. Besides, the existing problems and prospects are put forward, which lays the foundation for further research on the technical economy of HRSs.  相似文献   

Studies show that compared with the one-buffer system, the cascade storage system has lower energy consumption in high-pressure hydrogen refueling stations. In the present study, practical dynamic models of the whole hydrogen refueling process are established to evaluate the energy consumption. Accordingly, the filling performance of the three-cascade storage system and single tank storage system are analyzed. Moreover, the impact of the three pressure levels and the charging sequence of the three tanks on the energy consumption are investigated. The obtained results show that changing from one buffer to three tanks gives a total energy saving of approximate 34%. For the three-cascade storage system, the total energy consumption increases approximately linearly with the increase of the pressure of the high-pressure tank. Whereas it shows concave curve shape trends with the increase of low-pressure level and the medium-pressure level. Furthermore, the charging sequence from the low-pressure buffer to the high one decreases the total operation energy consumption to a value slightly lower than the adverse charge sequence.  相似文献   

Hydrogen is one of important energy source in the next generation of renewable energy. It has powerful strength such as no emission from CO2 for fuel, Nevertheless, many countries have difficulties to expand hydrogen infra due to high risky from hydrogen. Especially, the hydrogen refueling station which is located in urban area has congested structure and high population around, it has higher risk than conventional refueling station. This paper presents a quantitative risk assessment (QRA) of a high pressure hydrogen refueling station in an urban area with a large population and high congestion between the instruments and equipment. The results show that leaks from the tube-trailer and dispenser as well as potential explosion of the tube-trailer are the main risks. For the safety of the station operator, customers and people surrounding the refueling station, additional mitigation plans such as adding additional safety barrier system have to be implemented on the compressor and dispenser in order to prevent continuous release of hydrogen from an accident.  相似文献   

Studies focused on the behavior of the hydrogen leakage and diffusion are of great importance for facilitating the large scale application of the hydrogen energy. In this paper, the hydrogen leakage and diffusion in six scenarios which including comparison of different leakage position and different wind effect are analyzed numerically. The studied geometry is derived from the hydrogen refueling station in China. Due to the high pressure in hydrogen storage take, the hydrogen leakage is momentum dominated. The hydrogen volume concentration with the variation of the leakage time in different scenarios is plotted. More importantly, profiles of the flammable gas cloud at the end of the leakage are quantitatively studied. Results indicate that a more narrow space between the leakage hole and the obstacle and a smaller contact area with the obstacle make the profile of the flammable gas cloud more irregular and unpredictable. In addition, results highlight the wind effect on the hydrogen leakage and diffusion. Comparing with scenario which the wind direction consistent with the leakage direction, the opposite wind direction may result in a larger profile of the flammable gas cloud. With wind velocity increasing, the profile of the flammable gas cloud is confined in a smaller range. However, the presence of the wind facilitates the form of the recirculation zone near the obstacle. With an increase of the wind velocity, the recirculation zone moves downward along the obstacle. Thus, the hydrogen accumulation is more prominent near the obstacle.  相似文献   

Although hydrogen refueling stations (HRSs) are becoming widespread across Japan and are essential for the operation of fuel cell vehicles, they present potential hazards. A large number of accidents such as explosions or fires have been reported, rendering it necessary to conduct a number of qualitative and quantitative risk assessments for HRSs. Current safety codes and technical standards related to Japanese HRSs have been established based on the results of a qualitative risk assessment and quantitative effectiveness validation of safety measures over ten years ago. In the last decade, there has been much development in the technologies of the components or facilities used in domestic HRSs and much operational experience as well as knowledge to use hydrogen in HRSs safely have been gained through years of commercial operation. The purpose of the present study is to conduct a quantitative risk assessment (QRA) of the latest HRS model representing Japanese HRSs with the most current information and to identify the most significant scenarios that pose the greatest risks to the physical surroundings in the HRS model. The results of the QRA show that the risk contours of 10?3 and 10?4 per year were confined within the HRS boundaries, whereas the risk contours of 10?5 and 10?6 per year are still present outside the HRS. Comparing the breakdown of the individual risks (IRs) at the risk ranking points, we conclude that the risk of jet fire demonstrates the highest contribution to the risks at all of the risk ranking points and outside the station. To reduce these risks and confine the risk contour of 10?6 per year within the HRS boundaries, it is necessary to consider risk mitigation measures for jet fires.  相似文献   

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