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通过单因素实验方法研究发酵液初始pH值、NH+4、Fe2+、Mg2+浓度以及厌氧活性污泥的热处理条件对厌氧发酵产氢的影响。归纳得到最适宜产氢条件为:厌氧活性污泥在90 ℃下热处理 40 min,调节发酵液初始pH值至8.0 并添加3.00, 0.10和0.03 g/L的(NH4)2SO4, FeSO4和MgSO4。在该最适宜条件下得到较高纯度(体积分数为0.80)的氢气630 mL,1 mol葡萄糖可产氢气2.62 mol。实验表明厌氧发酵是较为高效的产氢方式。  相似文献   

The current fossil fuel-based generation of energy has led to large-scale industrial development. However, the reliance on fossil fuels leads to the significant depletion of natural resources of buried combustible geologic deposits and to negative effects on the global climate with emissions of greenhouse gases. Accordingly, enormous efforts are directed to transition from fossil fuels to nonpolluting and renewable energy sources. One potential alternative is biohydrogen (H2), a clean energy carrier with high-energy yields; upon the combustion of H2, H2O is the only major by-product. In recent decades, the attractive and renewable characteristics of H2 led us to develop a variety of biological routes for the production of H2. Based on the mode of H2 generation, the biological routes for H2 production are categorized into four groups: photobiological fermentation, anaerobic fermentation, enzymatic and microbial electrolysis, and a combination of these processes. Thus, this review primarily focuses on the evaluation of the biological routes for the production of H2. In particular, we assess the efficiency and feasibility of these bioprocesses with respect to the factors that affect operations, and we delineate the limitations. Additionally, alternative options such as bioaugmentation, multiple process integration, and microbial electrolysis to improve process efficiency are discussed to address industrial-level applications.  相似文献   

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