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Although activation of natural killer (NK) cytotoxicity is generally inhibited by target major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I expression, subtle features of NK allorecognition suggest that NK cells possess receptors that are activated by target MHC I. The mouse Ly-49D receptor has been shown to activate NK cytotoxicity, although recognition of MHC class I has not been demonstrated previously. To define Ly-49D-ligand interactions, we transfected the mouse Ly-49D receptor into the rat NK line, RNK-16 (RNK.mLy-49D). As expected, anti- Ly-49D monoclonal antibody 12A8 specifically stimulated redirected lysis of the Fc receptor- bearing rat target YB2/0 by RNK.mLy-49D transfectants. RNK.mLy-49D effectors were tested against YB2/0 targets transfected with the mouse MHC I alleles H-2Dd, Db, Kk, or Kb. RNK.mLy-49D cells lysed YB2/0.Dd targets more efficiently than untransfected YB2/0 or YB2/0 transfected with Db, Kk, or Kb. This augmented lysis of H-2Dd targets was specifically inhibited by F(ab')2 anti-Ly-49D (12A8) and F(ab')2 anti-H-2Dd (34-5-8S). RNK.mLy-49D effectors were also able to specifically lyse Concanavalin A blasts isolated from H-2(d) mice (BALB/c, B10.D2, and DBA/2) but not from H-2(b) or H-2(k) mice. These experiments show that the activating receptor Ly-49D specifically interacts with the MHC I antigen, H-2Dd, demonstrating the existence of alloactivating receptors on murine NK cells.  相似文献   

In humans, natural killer lymphocytes express HLA class I-specific inhibitory receptors belonging to at least two different molecular families. The first is represented by members of the Ig superfamily that are involved in the recognition of different groups of HLA class I alleles, and the second is represented by a molecular complex formed by CD94 and NKG2A that displays a broad specificity for various class I molecules including the 'non-classical' HLA-G molecules. In addition to the inhibitory receptors, a series of activating receptors has been identified. Some display the same specificities as the corresponding inhibiting receptors and can be viewed as HLA class I-specific activating receptors. Another group of activating receptors appear to be involved in the cytolytic activity against HLA-'negative' target cells. These receptors are clearly non-MHC specific and, under physiological conditions, their function is suppressed by the HLA class I-specific inhibitory receptors.  相似文献   

Mouse NK lymphocytes express Ly-49 receptors, which inhibit cytotoxicity upon ligation by specific MHC I molecules on targets. Different members of the lectin-like mouse Ly-49 receptor family recognize distinct subsets of murine H-2 molecules, but the molecular basis for the allelic specificity of Ly-49 has not been defined. We analyzed inhibition of natural killing by chimeric MHC I molecules in which the alpha1, alpha2, or alpha3 domains of the Ly-49A-binding allele H-2Dd were exchanged for the corresponding domains of the nonbinding allele H-2Db. Using the Ly-49A-transfected rat NK cell line, RNK-mLy-49A.9, we demonstrated that the H-2Dd alpha2 domain alone accounts for allelic specificity in protection of rat YB2/0 targets in vitro. We also showed that the H-2Dd alpha2 domain is sufficient to account for the allele-specific in vivo protection of H-2b mouse RBL-5 tumors from NK cell-mediated rejection in D8 mice. Thus, in striking contrast to the alpha1 specificity of Ig-like killer inhibitory receptors for human HLA, the lectin-like mouse Ly-49A receptor is predominantly restricted by the H-2Dd alpha2 domain in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   

Certain MHC class I molecules on target cells are known to inhibit the cytotoxic action of NK cells. By using monoclonal antibody (mAb) Cho-1, we have found inhibitory non-MHC class I cell surface molecules that are noncovalently-associated with 200 kDa and 40 kDa antigens. Poly I-C-induced rat NK cells were not cytotoxic to rat fetus-derived fibroblast WFB cell line. In contrast, NK cells were cytotoxic to H-ras oncogene-induced transformants of WFB, W14 and W31. FACS analysis indicated that mAb Cho-1 reacts with WFB, but not with W14 and W31 cells. Thus, this antigen may disappear concomitantly with cell growth and transformation. Cho-1 antigens were also expressed on other NK-resistant lines, such as mouse BALB3T3 fibroblast, EL-4 lymphoma and human fibroblast HEPM. However, they were not expressed on NK-sensitive mouse YAC-1 and H-ras transformant (Brash) of BALB3T3 cells. Furthermore, treatment of target cells with IFN-gamma clearly induced the cell surface expression of Cho-1 antigens, and conferred a resistance to NK cytolysis on target cells. These data strongly suggest that Cho-1 antigen expression may correlate with target cell susceptibility to NK cells. Indeed, treatment of NK-resistant WFB as well as HEPM cells with F(ab')2 fragments of mAb Cho-1 resulted in the acquisition of susceptibility to NK cytolysis. Cho-1 antigens may be novel molecules that regulate the NK resistance of cells.  相似文献   

Examined the effect of rotation-induced stress on (1) the percentage distribution of natural killer (NK) YAC-1 target-binding cells and (2) NK cell activity from splenic lymphocytes of C3H/HeJ mice. Following a 6-day stress regimen, a marked decline in both the percentage of target-binding cells and in NK cell activity was observed. This decline was first evident 13 days after initiation of stress and persisted for 2 wks. Data indicate that intermittent rotation stress over a 6-day period results in a delayed but persistent deleterious effect on NK-YAC-1 target binding and NK cell activity that may be involved in cancer progression of the host. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A time-resolved fluorometric assay for the simultaneous measurement of natural killer cell activity against three different lanthanide diethylenetriaminopentaacetate (LaDTPA) labelled target cell lines is described. The target cell line K-562 was labelled with SmDTPA, the cell line Molt with TbDTPA and the cell line Raji with EuDTPA. After co-incubation of the three target cell lines with effector cells the fluorescence of the lanthanides released from the lysed target cells was measured in an enhancer solution in which they formed highly fluorescent complexes. It was possible to differentiate the specific release from the three target cell lines because the emission lines of the europium, samarium and terbium complexes formed in the enhancer solution are well separated from each other. The autofluorescence from culture media supplemented with serum was avoided by the use of time-resolved fluorometry. The results show that applying fluorometry based on the combination of spectral and temporal resolution to natural killer cell assays, makes possible the simultaneous determination of lysis in up to three target cell lines in complex culture medium.  相似文献   

Natural killer (NK) cells provide a first line of defense against viral infections. The mechanisms by which NK cells recognize and eliminate infected cells are still largely unknown. To test whether target cell elements contribute to NK cell recognition of virus-infected cells, human NK cells were cloned from two unrelated donors and assayed for their ability to kill normal autologous or allogeneic cells before and after infection by human herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6), a T-lymphotropic herpesvirus. Of 132 NK clones isolated from donor 1, all displayed strong cytolytic activity against the NK-sensitive cell line K562, none killed uninfected autologous T cells, and 65 (49%) killed autologous T cells infected with HHV-6. A panel of representative NK clones from donors 1 and 2 was tested on targets obtained from four donors. A wide heterogeneity was observed in the specificity of lysis of infected target cells among the NK clones. Some clones killed none, some killed only one, and others killed more than one of the different HHV-6-infected target cells. Killing of infected targets was not due to complete absence of class I molecules because class I surface levels were only partially affected by HHV-6 infection. Thus, target cell recognition is not controlled by the effector NK cell alone, but also by polymorphic elements on the target cell that restrict NK cell recognition. Furthermore, NK clones from different donors display a variable range of specificities in their recognition of infected target cells.  相似文献   

Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) can cause debilitating, sometimes fatal, opportunistic infections in congenitally infected infants and in immunodeficient individuals such as patients with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). Molecular mechanisms that determine cell type specificity of HCMV infection and latency are poorly understood. We recently described a transgenic mouse model for analysis of HCMV major immediate-early (IE) promoter regulation and showed that sites of IE promoter activity during murine embryogenesis correlate with known target tissues of congenital HCMV infection in human fetuses (Koedood et al., 1995). Among various permissive human tissues, the brain is a site where HCMV infections can be devastating. Here, we have used immunohistochemical double-labeling analysis to identify specific cell types with HCMV-IE promoter activity in brains of transgenic mice at several postnatal stages. IE promoter activity was restricted to some endothelial cells, ependymal cells, choroid plexus epithelia, and neurons at discrete locations in the forebrain, brainstem, and cerebellum. Endothelial cells and neurons with activity were proportionately more abundant in neonatal than in adult brains. Although the IE promoter was normally silent in most astrocytes, activity was strongly induced in reactive astrocytes in response to a neocortical stab lesion. The findings support a model, consistent with clinical literature on HCMV encephalitis, whereby tissue damage and gliosis caused by HCMV infection of endothelial and ependymal cells progressively renders adjacent permissive neurons and reactive astrocytes accessible to infection. This transgenic model system should facilitate identification of factors that regulate the HCMV IE promoter with regard to infection permissivity and reactivation from latency.  相似文献   

Among the different chemicals present in tobacco and tobacco smoke, 4-(methylnitrosamine)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone (NNK) is the most potent carcinogen. In the present study the immunosuppressive effect of NNK was investigated in laboratory animals by analyzing the antitumor immune responses. Mice of B6C3F1 strain were treated with different doses of NNK by IP and assayed for natural killer cell activity by the lysis of 51Cr-labeled YAC-1 lymphoma cells. The control mice received physiological saline. The results showed a significant inhibition of natural killer cell activity in the spleen cells of mice treated with 100 or 250 mg/kg NNK. In contrast to the high-dose NNK group, treatment of mice with lower doses of NNK like 10 or 50 mg/kg had no significant effect on the natural killer cell activity. In addition to spleen, the natural killer cell activity was also suppressed in the hilar lymph nodes and lung cells of NNK-treated mice. The clearance of 125I labeled YAC-1 tumor cells was also reduced from the lungs of mice injected with NNK. Further, the metastatic potential of B16F10 melanoma cells was significantly higher, as evidenced by the increased lung tumor nodules in the high-dose NNK-treated mice. The decreased antitumor immune response in the carcinogen-treated mice was not due to a decrease of NK cells, because flow cytometric analysis indicated no change in the frequency of NK 1.1+ cells between control and treated animals. However, there was an increased plasma cortisone levels in the carcinogen-treated mice compared to control animals. Injection of mice with poly I:C or interleukin-12 was able to restore natural killer cell activity in the tobacco carcinogen-treated mice.  相似文献   

The establishment of the human placenta in early pregnancy is characterized by the presence of large numbers of natural killer (NK) cells within the maternal decidua in close proximity to the fetally-derived invading extravillous trophoblast which expresses at least two HLA class I molecules, HLA-G and HLA-C. These NK cells have an unusual phenotype, CD56(bright) CD16, distinguishing them from adult peripheral blood NK cells. They may control key events in trophoblast migration and therefore placentation. Human NK cells in peripheral blood express receptors for polymorphic HLA class I molecules. This family of receptors, known as killer cell inhibitory receptors (KIR), are expressed on overlapping subsets of NK cells to give an NK cell repertoire which differs between individuals. Using a panel of monoclonal antibodies to several members of the KIR family and analysis by flow cytometry, we have found that KIR are expressed by decidual NK cells. There is variation in both the percentage of cells expressing a particular receptor and the density of receptor expression between decidual NK cells from different individuals. Comparison of NK cells from decidua and peripheral blood of the same individual showed that NK cells from these two different locations express different repertoires of KIR. Receptors are present in individuals who do not possess the relevant class I ligand, raising the possibility that these NK receptors may be involved in recognition of the allogeneic fetus by the mother at the implantation site.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To analyze the effect of HLA-DR genes on susceptibility to and severity of ankylosing spondylitis (AS). METHODS: Three hundred sixty-three white British AS patients were studied; 149 were carefully assessed for a range of clinical manifestations, and disease severity was assessed using a structured questionnaire. Limited HLA class I typing and complete HLA-DR typing were performed using DNA-based methods. HLA data from 13,634 healthy white British bone marrow donors were used for comparison. RESULTS: A significant association between DR1 and AS was found, independent of HLA-B27 (overall odds ratio [OR] 1.4, 95% confidence interval [95% CI] 1.1-1.8, P = 0.02; relative risk [RR] 2.7, 95% CI 1.5-4.8, P = 6 x 10(-4) among homozygotes; RR 2.1, 95% CI 1.5-2.8, P = 5 x 10(-6) among heterozygotes). A large but weakly significant association between DR8 and AS was noted, particularly among DR8 homozygotes (RR 6.8, 95% CI 1.6-29.2, P = 0.01 among homozygotes; RR 1.6, 95% CI 1.0-2.7, P = 0.07 among heterozygotes). A negative association with DR12 (OR 0.22, 95% CI 0.09-0.5, P = 0.001) was noted. HLA-DR7 was associated with younger age at onset of disease (mean age at onset 18 years for DR7-positive patients and 23 years for DR7-negative patients; Z score 3.21, P = 0.001). No other HLA class I or class II associations with disease severity or with different clinical manifestations of AS were found. CONCLUSION: The results of this study suggest that HLA-DR genes may have a weak effect on susceptibility to AS independent of HLA-B27, but do not support suggestions that they affect disease severity or different clinical manifestations.  相似文献   

The effect of eccentric one-legged exercise on natural killer (NK) cell activity was studied in eight healthy males. To distinguish between local and systemic effects, blood samples were collected from veins in the exercising leg and resting arm. However, the results did not significantly differ between the leg and arm. To eliminate diurnal variations, the results were compared with a control group that did not exercise but had blood samples collected at the same time points. In the exercising group, plasma creatine kinase increased progressively during and up to 4 days after exercise. The percentage of CD16+ NK cells increased during exercise, which was paralleled by an increase in the NK cell activity per fixed number of blood mononuclear cells. The NK cell activity on a per NK cell basis did not change. The percentage of CD3+, CD4+, CD8+, CD19+, and CD14+ cells did not change significantly during exercise. The present study thus showed that eccentric exercise with a relatively small muscle mass (1 quadriceps femoris muscle) causes systemic effects on NK cells. It is suggested that the increase in plasma epinephrine during eccentric exercise is responsible for the observed increase in the percentage of CD16+ cells.  相似文献   

Progression to destructive insulitis in nonobese diabetic (NOD) mice is linked to the failure of regulatory cells, possibly involving T helper type 2 (Th2) cells. Natural killer (NK) T cells might be involved in diabetes, given their deficiency in NOD mice and the prevention of diabetes by adoptive transfer of alpha/beta double-negative thymocytes. Here, we evaluated the role of NK T cells in diabetes by using transgenic NOD mice expressing the T cell antigen receptor (TCR) alpha chain Valpha14-Jalpha281 characteristic of NK T cells. Precise identification of NK1.1(+) T cells was based on out-cross with congenic NK1.1 NOD mice. All six transgenic lines showed, to various degrees, elevated numbers of NK1.1(+) T cells, enhanced production of interleukin (IL)-4, and increased levels of serum immunoglobulin E. Only the transgenic lines with the largest numbers of NK T cells and the most vigorous burst of IL-4 production were protected from diabetes. Transfer and cotransfer experiments with transgenic splenocytes demonstrated that Valpha14-Jalpha281 transgenic NOD mice, although protected from overt diabetes, developed a diabetogenic T cell repertoire, and that NK T cells actively inhibited the pathogenic action of T cells. These results indicate that the number of NK T cells strongly influences the development of diabetes.  相似文献   

Aberrant expression of the platelet-derived growth factor alpha receptor (PDGF alpha R) has been linked to developmental abnormalities in vertebrate models, and has been implicated in multiple disease states in humans. To identify cis-acting regulatory elements that dictate expression of this receptor, we generated transgenic mice bearing the reporter gene beta-galactosidase (lacZ) under the control of a 6-kb promoter sequence. Expression of lacZ was monitored throughout embryonic development, with special focus on nervous tissue, skeleton, and several organ systems wherein PDGF alpha R expression is thought to play a pivotal role. In several independent transgenic mouse strains, lacZ expression recapitulated predominant features of PDGF alpha R gene expression during mouse development. These results demonstrate that critical tissue-specific regulatory elements for PDGF alpha R expression are located within a 6-kb upstream region of the PDGF alpha R gene.  相似文献   

IL-2-activated NK cells from PVG rats potently lyse target cells expressing allo-MHC class I determinants. Here, we investigated the role that G proteins play in mediating this activity. Pretreatment of NK cells with pertussis toxin (PT) or cholera toxin (CT) inhibited NK cell killing of tumor (YAC-1 or P815), and allogeneic target cells. ADP ribosylation assay revealed that PT ADP ribosylates a 39-kDa G protein, whereas CT ADP ribosylates a 45 to 47-kDa G protein in PVG NK cell membranes. Membranes prepared from intoxicated NK cells with either PT or CT lost their ability to incorporate [32P]NAD. These membranes possess Gi, Go, Gs, and Gz as demonstrated by immunoblot analysis. However, Gq was not clearly detected by this method. IL-2-activated NK cells were permeabilized with streptolysin O. Permeabilized cells incorporated Abs to Gi, Go, Gz, Gs, and Gq as determined by flow cytometric analysis. When Abs to Go or Gz, but not to Gi, Gs, or Gq, were incorporated inside permeabilized NK cells, a significant reduction in the lysis of tumor or allo-MHC target cells was observed, suggesting that Go and Gz play important roles in transducing the signals necessary to lyse target cells. Our results show for the first time a role for G proteins in mediating NK cell killing of allo-MHC-encoded target cells, and provide evidence for Gz protein involvement in NK cell recognition of target cells. The effect of Gz is novel and has not been previously described in any other system or cell type.  相似文献   

Abuse of nitrite inhalants, widespread among male homosexuals, has been identified by epidemiological studies as an independent risk factor for AIDS and for Kaposi's sarcoma. Subchronic exposure of mice to inhaled isobutyl nitrite was previously found to impair the tumoricidal activity of peritoneal macrophages. Because inhalants would be expected to have the greatest effects on cells in the lung, alveolar macrophages from exposed mice were examined in this study. Mice were exposed to 900 ppm isobutyl nitrite in an inhalation chamber for 45 min/day for 14 days. Following this treatment, the lungs of exposed mice had large increases in cellularity, both in the alveolar septa and within the alveoli. Bronchoalveolar lavages also contained increased numbers of cells. Alveolar macrophages collected from treated mice had increased tumoricidal activity compared with controls and produced higher levels of inducible nitric oxide and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha). The frequency of alveolar cells secreting TNF-alpha was increased ninefold in mice exposed to the inhalant. Cell influx into the lung, as indicated by the presence of red blood cells in lung lavages, was evident after only a single 45-min exposure to inhaled isobutyl nitrite at doses as low as 300 ppm.  相似文献   

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