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Landscape transformations have been a central topic in landscape ecology due to their influence on ecosystem services and biodiversity conservation. Landscape dynamics can be very complex and one of the most difficult issues to analyse is the contribution and the effects of landscape composition and configuration changes to the overall impact. We enhanced an existing approach designed to assess landscape transformation via metrics combination. Based on the area and the number of patches, we defined a Landscape Dynamics Typology (LDT) with eight different dynamics. The agro-forestry areas dynamics between 1990 and 2006, in Portugal, is presented as a practical example to show the implementation steps and the outputs obtained. A diagnostic tree is provided to help identify which dynamics are present. This new method provides detailed results concerning the location of the different dynamics within a landscape. The LDT is a versatile tool and is able to accommodate upgrades.  相似文献   

For an organization to create optimal value from its investment in projects there must be a clear link between the outputs created by the projects and the requirements of the organization's business strategy. This means that organizations that have a structure in place for aligning the project deliverables with their organizational goals will be better placed to realize their investment in projects, and achieve the value defined by their business strategies. This paper examines existing research, ideas and concepts of project governance and enterprise project management, and offers a framework to build on current theory development and practice. Synthesizing existing literature of project/program management, governance and portfolio management, this paper proposes four key elements to improve the performance of projects and hence create value for organizations. These four elements are (1) portfolio management: focused on selecting the right projects and programs to support the organization's strategy, and terminating ones that no longer contribute to the business success of the organization; (2) project sponsorship: providing the direct link between the executive and the project or program manager, focused on the whole project lifecycle; (3) Project Management Office (PMO): providing oversight and strategic reporting capabilities; (4) projects and program support: the effective support and management of projects and programs are the measures of an effective governance system. The purpose of the framework described in this paper is to provide guidance to organizations in the development of effective project governance to optimize the management of projects.  相似文献   

闫荣  闫莉 《中国园林》2003,19(10):59-61
环境工程的成功与否,其规划构思、设计深化、施工养护同等重要,不可偏废,如果能实现各环节的一条龙服务,则能更好地贯彻设计意图,体现设计精髓,并将成为日后的一种发展趋势。  相似文献   

城市老年人的心理健康状态与其生活 的住区环境密切相关,通过对住区环境的优化 以支持老年人心理健康促进,有助于老年友好 城市和健康城市的建设。然而既有研究在理论 模型、指标选取和分析方法层面存在一定局限, 制约了适应于老年人心理健康的规划调整与干 预策略的提出。本研究依托于可行能力、自我 效能和社会生态模型视角的范式创新,构建适 应于老年人心理健康的住区环境优化的概念模 型,基于文献综述和概念模型提出研究框架: 选取影响老年人心理健康的住区建成和自然环 境指标体系;利用多阶层模型、非线性模型和结 构方程模型等方法甄别老年人心理健康的住区 环境影响要素、临界阈值和作用机制。研究希冀 为老年人心理健康友好型的环境规划和设计提供重点和方向,推动健康理念下的住区发展新模式,为老龄化健康住区的实践认知和设计导控 提供理论支撑和研究范式。  相似文献   

通过对环城绿带浦东段(龙东大道——金海路)水系沟通及综合景观的改造的试点,旨在探索将环城绿带规划成为一个生态平衡、效野特色鲜明,集生态防护、景观观赏、体育休闲、文化展示、旅游等功能为一体的生态绿带的经验,希望最终实现在整个环城绿带中的推广应用。  相似文献   

郭巍  侯晓蕾 《风景园林》2010,(4):102-105
从繁衍生息到宜居生活,皖南古村落居民规划与设计了许多杰出的小型农业水利工程,在合理改造和利用水资源的同时,创造出了极为优美的人居环境,体现了实用与美丽的完美统一,引发出在今天依然深刻的思考和有益的启示。  相似文献   

To what must cities be resilient? How can cities, as complex systems, be resilient? Building a capacity for resilience might be a daunting task when one considers the multitude of components, processes, and interactions that take place within and beyond a city’s physical, logical (i.e. legal), and virtual (cyberspace) boundaries. Planning for resilience to the impacts of stressors within cities requires an evaluation of the vulnerable components of cities, an understanding of the key processes, procedures, and interactions that organize these components and develop the capacity to address various structuring of components and their interactions with the ultimate goal of achieving resilience. This paper provides a deeper look at resilience in cities, proposes a conceptual resilience framework, and includes a discussion and analysis of the framework. The proposed framework is meant to serve as a more holistic approach to designing, planning, and managing for resilience by including an evaluation of cultural and process dynamics within cities as well as their physical elements.  相似文献   

Ecotourism can be a solution for mitigating the negative environmental and socio-economic impacts of new developments in fragile environments. Before planning an ecotourist project, it is necessary to consider an area that not only covers the margins of the development zone, but also a wider perimeter of physically and culturally related landscape parts. This paper describes an approach to the demarcation and analysis of an expanded zone around a new reservoir near Bulawayo, larger than an originally designated narrow natural fringe. The concept gains in many ways, in landscape diversity, in cultural assets and in interaction with local residents to whom ecotourisms should be profitable in the first place.  相似文献   

In this article some conceptual and methodological notes are made for the development of empirical research on the relations of social power in urban renewal. The article relates to the theoretical debate on community power and urban change. Power is defined as a structurally based capacity to control resources which constrain and sanction the behaviour of other social agents. Urban renewal involves different parties such as property owners, building firms and different user categories as well as state and local authorities. These parties typically have or must handle conflictual interests when it comes to changes in the built environment. A research strategy is outlined which includes the investigation of power resources, interests, sanctions and outcomes in different urban renewal cases. The conceptual framework is illustrated by a case study of housing renewal.  相似文献   

金岩 《时代建筑》2005,(6):50-55
建筑师陈凌有着丰富的国内外建筑教育和工作实践经历。文章指出,在陈凌看来,建筑师的工作就是运用建造技术手段营造“平常的好建筑”,它们应该是平易近人的场所。文章以陈凌设计的亚运新新会所、卡尔生活馆、风华天成项目等作品为例,进一步阐述了陈凌所坚持的“平常的好建筑”的理念,包括简约精致的造型开放的街区,生活行为与空间的统一,以及建筑与生态环境的和谐等方面。  相似文献   

This paper provides a more realistic representation of the soil-geogrid interface in indirectly activated geogrids. A new testing apparatus is designed using transparent soil that allows an unobstructed observation of the interface to investigate the interaction occurring along the reinforcement. In this investigation, the reinforcement is indirectly activated by the deformations of the surrounding soil. Deformations were determined by digital image correlation (DIC) using a dot pattern attached to the geogrid and a laser speckle plane within the transparent soil. The interaction is derived from relative soil-geogrid displacements, deflections of geogrid transverse members, geogrid strain and force distributions as well as shear stresses acting at the interface. Three zones were identified corresponding to the distinct modes of interaction: pushout, pullout and interlocking, whereby a micro-mechanical conceptual model was validated. The geogrid force reaches its maximum at the intersection of the critical slip plane with the reinforcement. The results indicate that the pushout, pullout and interlocking areas cover 15%, 49% and 36% of the total geogrid length respectively. In this study, a transition area between the pushout and pullout zones was observed where the mobilised interface shear stress increases to a maximum value.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop a testable holistic procurement framework that examines how a broad range of procurement related factors affects project performance criteria. Based on a comprehensive literature review, we put forward propositions suggesting that cooperative procurement procedures (joint specification, selected tendering, soft parameters in bid evaluation, joint subcontractor selection, incentive-based payment, collaborative tools, and contractor self-control) generally have a positive influence on project performance (cost, time, quality, environmental impact, work environment, and innovation). We additionally propose that these relationships are moderated or mediated by the collaborative climate (i.e. the trust and commitment among partners) in the project and moderated by the overall project characteristics (i.e. how challenging the project is in terms of complexity, customization, uncertainty, value/size, and time pressure). Based on our contribution, future research can test the framework empirically to further increase the knowledge about how procurement factors may influence project performance.  相似文献   

人类智慧是由东、西方两大体系互补构成的。中国发源的东方园林与西方园林有根本的差异,其根本在于宇宙观的不同。中国认为人是自然的产物,因而尊重自然;西方认为人是世界的主宰,是自然的对立物,要征服自然。所以中国园林赞美自然、描写自然,而西方传统园林则尽管是使用植物,但是要修剪成几何形状,要表现人工的美。中国园林体现人为与自然相融合的环境设计理念,因而它远远超出了园林本身的涵义,而是具有人居环境生态化规划设计的现实指导意义。  相似文献   

The scope of this paper is to present a landscape analysis which allows for the inclusion of dynamics through time and the cultural diversity of the landscape. Our method is to classify the physical landscape into area types based on the main forms of production in the agricultural society. This is combined with known historical sites, and the result is presented as maps representing different periods in time. We also generate character areas from modern land use and geological maps on the basis of the elements which dominate the landscape today. Finally, we combine the time images with the character areas to present functional units in a manner which includes time depth. The method is described through examples from a municipality in southern Norway (Nøtterøy). The method is useful for defining cultural environments for the purpose of area planning and conservation, and is applicable on a general level.  相似文献   

The increasing share of distributed energy resources in the distribution grid provides opportunities to use the resources for the overall benefit of both the Transmission System Operator (TSO) and the Distribution System Operator (DSO) to solve problems related to frequency control, congestion management, and voltage control. Consequently, coordination between system operators is needed to guarantee a safe, reliable, and cost-efficient use of flexibility-based services. This article presents five coordination schemes to enhance interaction between system operators. For each scheme, roles, responsibilities and market design are discussed. The advantages, disadvantages and feasibility of each coordination scheme are evaluated.  相似文献   

Conclusion The issue of informal trading can be a problematic one if not thought through. Conversely, a proactive informal trader policy can be an important urban management mechanism in transitionary economies. This paper has attempted to define the starting points, and some of the implications of these, for such a policy in the context of urban areas of South Africa.  相似文献   

Images of utopia of order and chaos can serve to depict paradoxes observed in projects by illustrating the ongoing challenges presented by formal organization and informal social structure at the interface of temporary/permanent organizing. This paper develops a conceptual framework that shows that governance, organizational design and governmentality are all essential to an understanding of projects. We seek to clarify these concepts and to consider temporalities in the organizational project management context. This implies examining temporary/permanent organizing interaction at macro-meso-micro levels and challenging the traditional categorization of the formal and the informal aspects into two different and isolated streams of research. The paper offers a theoretical contribution to project studies by creating a bridge between process theory, the sensemaking perspective and the study of organizational project management. It also contributes to practice through the framework's analytical potential and improved understanding of the relationship between governance and organizational design.  相似文献   

Institutional sustainability (IS) is critical to translating infrastructure investments into actual service delivery. This paper examines IS for urban water utilities, and how its progress could be tracked. Common conceptualisations of IS in extant literature were found inadequate from an evaluation stand point. We conceptualize IS as a capacity rather than a financial issue, and, consistent with a process-based approach, we propose a new evaluation tool – the water utility maturity (WUM) model – which is flexible and considers different levels of IS. The WUM model, which requires further validation/verification, was piloted in two water utilities in South Asia with positive feedback.  相似文献   

There is an increasing emphasis on using natural processes, including riparian forest restoration, to enhance the ecological, hydrological and geomorphological functioning of watercourses. However, we have insufficient knowledge on how the supply and retention of in‐channel wood from riparian forest stands changes with age, with inferences typically based on data from terrestrial forests. This presents a challenge in estimating the efficacy and functional lifespan of restoration projects. In this paper, we use a riparian forest growth model to show there is a lag of up to 40–50 years between the start of forest growth and trees delivering wood to the channel that is large enough to resist fluvial transport, anchor logjams and so increase channel complexity and hydraulic resistance. Resource managers need to account for realistic timescales over which changes promoted by riparian woodland restoration will occur and may need to consider using interim engineered logjams as the forest develops.  相似文献   

如今,珀斯这个澳大利亚西海岸快速发展的城市,正面临着寻找水、食物、能源的可持续来源的难题,《2050年的新兴都市》基于珀斯景观条件的评价和分析,探讨了2050年新兴都市的分析方法,并为整座城市和地区的景观发展提出了选择方案,代表了景观都市主义领域的一个开创性成果。  相似文献   

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