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Experiments were conducted on sandy clay loam soils of Tirupati Campus of Andhra Pradesh Agricultural University for two summer seasons of 1979 and 1980 to study the effect of fertilizers, irrigation and plant density on Spanish groundnut. Three fertilizer schedules (30 kg N, 20 kg P, 50 kg K; 60 kg N, 40 kg P, 10 kg K and 90 kg N, 60 kg P, 150 kg K ha?1), three schedules of irrigation (irrigation at 25, 50 and 75% depletion of available soil moisture) and three plant densitites (1,000,000; 666,000; and 444,000 plants per ha) were tested in 33 factorial confounded design with two replications. Groundnut responded to 60 kg N, 40 kg P and 10 kg K ha?1 due to delayed sowings in 1979. However, response to fertilisers was marginal in 1980, when the sowings were done in optimum time. Pod yield tended to be maximum when irrigations were scheduled at 25% depletion of available soil moisture (DASM) in 1979 and at 50% DASM in 1980. Plant density of 444,000 plants per ha was optimum in both the years. Interaction of fertilizers and plant density, fertilizers and irrigation and plant density and irrigation increased the pod yield of groundnut, only when the sowings were delayed.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted on sandy loam soils of Tirupati campus of Andhra Pradesh Agricultural University for two rainy seaons of 1980 and 1981 to study the effect of split application of NPK fertilizers on Spanish bunch groundnut. The fertilizer doses were 40 N, 20 P and 40 K kg ha–1 in 1980 and 30 N, 10 P and 25 K kg ha–1 in 1981.In 1980, uptake of N (48 kg ha–1), P (7 kg ha–1) and K (37 kg ha–1) was maximum with the application of 10 N, 5 P and entire 40 K kg ha–1 as basal and 30 N and 15 P kg ha–1 at 30 days after sowing, leading to highest pod yield (0.76 t ha–1). In 1981, application of 20 N, 10 P and 25 K kg ha–1 as basal dose and 20 N kg ha–1 at 30 days after seeding resulted in highest uptake of N (114 kg ha–1), P (17 kg ha–1) and K (58 kg ha–1) and hence the pod yield (2.36 t ha–1).Differences in the uptake of NPK and pod yield in 1980 and 1981 was due to variation in total rainfall and its distribution during the crop period. Rainfall was equally distributed throughout the crop period in 1981, whereas there were two prolonged dry spells of more than 40 days in 1980.  相似文献   

The frequency and severity of extreme climatic conditions such as drought, salinity, cold, and heat are increasing due to climate change. Moreover, in the field, plants are affected by multiple abiotic stresses simultaneously or sequentially. Thus, it is imperative to compare the effects of stress combinations on crop plants relative to individual stresses. This study investigated the differential regulation of physio-biochemical and metabolomics parameters in peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) under individual (salt, drought, cold, and heat) and combined stress treatments using multivariate correlation analysis. The results showed that combined heat, salt, and drought stress compounds the stress effect of individual stresses. Combined stresses that included heat had the highest electrolyte leakage and lowest relative water content. Lipid peroxidation and chlorophyll contents did not significantly change under combined stresses. Biochemical parameters, such as free amino acids, polyphenol, starch, and sugars, significantly changed under combined stresses compared to individual stresses. Free amino acids increased under combined stresses that included heat; starch, sugars, and polyphenols increased under combined stresses that included drought; proline concentration increased under combined stresses that included salt. Metabolomics data that were obtained under different individual and combined stresses can be used to identify molecular phenotypes that are involved in the acclimation response of plants under changing abiotic stress conditions. Peanut metabolomics identified 160 metabolites, including amino acids, sugars, sugar alcohols, organic acids, fatty acids, sugar acids, and other organic compounds. Pathway enrichment analysis revealed that abiotic stresses significantly affected amino acid, amino sugar, and sugar metabolism. The stress treatments affected the metabolites that were associated with the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) and urea cycles and associated amino acid biosynthesis pathway intermediates. Principal component analysis (PCA), partial least squares-discriminant analysis (PLS-DA), and heatmap analysis identified potential marker metabolites (pinitol, malic acid, and xylopyranose) that were associated with abiotic stress combinations, which could be used in breeding efforts to develop peanut cultivars that are resilient to climate change. The study will also facilitate researchers to explore different stress indicators to identify resistant cultivars for future crop improvement programs.  相似文献   

The increasing sulphur (S) deficiency in soils of several parts of world has led to the use of fertilizer S, an important factor in enhancing the production and quality of crops. Very limited information is available on the use of elemental sulphur (S0) as a fertilizer, its oxidation into SO42- and transformation into organic S in semiarid subtropical soils. We studied the impact of three temperature regimes on the mineralization of soil organic S, and the oxidation and immobilization of S0 in acidic (pH 4.9), neutral (pH 7.1) and alkaline (pH 10.2) subtropical soils of north-western India. Repacked soil cores were incubated under aerobic conditions (60% water-filled pore space) for 0, 14, 28 and 42 d with and without incorporated S0 (500 g g-1 soil). Temperature had profound effects on all three soils processes, the rates of mineralization of native soil organic S, oxidation of applied S0 and transformation of S0 into soil organic S being greatest at 36 °C, irrespective of soil pH. Mineralization of native soil organic S (without added S0) resulted in the accumulation of 39, 66 and 47 g SO42-–S g-1 soil in acidic, neutral and alkaline soil in 42 d period at 36 °C. Of the total mineralization, the majority (62 – 74%) occurred during the first 14 d period. Oxidation rate of added S0 during initial 14 d period at 36 °C was highest in alkaline soil (292 g S cm-2 d-1), followed by neutral soil ((180 g S cm-2 d-1) and lowest in acidic soil (125 g S cm-2 d-1). Of the applied 500 g S0 g-1 soil, 3.2 – 10.0%, 6.8 – 15.4% and 10.0 – 23.0% oxidized to SO42-, and 13.4 – 28.6%, 16.0 – 29.0% and 14.6 – 29.0% were transformed into organic S in 42 d period in acidic, neutral and alkaline soil, respectively. The results of our study suggest that in order to synchronize the availability of S with plant need, elemental S may be applied well before the seeding of crops, especially in acidic soil and in regions where temperature remains low. Substantial mineralization of native soil organic S in the absence of applied S0 and immobilization of applied S0 into organic S suggest that the role of soil biomass as source and sink could be exploited in long term S management.  相似文献   

The removal of cadmium and lead ions from aqueous solutions by groundnut husks modified by reaction with EDTA (% N = 12.05) was examined by equilibrium sorption studies at 29°C. The maximum metal ion binding capacity of the EDTA-modified husk determined from the sorption isotherm from solutions of pH 6.8 was found to be 0.36 mmol g?1 and 0.19 mmol g?1 for Cd(II) and Pb(II) ions, respectively. It was found that the rate of sorption was particle-diffusion controlled, and the particle-diffusion control rate coefficient was determined to be of the order of 10?2 min?1.  相似文献   

The effect of phosphorus (P) fertilization on dry matter production and nitrogen (N) uptake of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) was studied during the growing seasons of 1989, 1990 and 1991 under rainfed conditions on an acid sandy soil in Niger, West Africa. Annual application of 16 kg P ha–1 as single superphosphate (SSP) failed to increase the total dry matter production significantly in all three years.Fertilization with SSP increased the concentrations of P and sulfur (S) in shoots from deficiency to sufficiency levels. It decreased the already very low concentrations of molybdenum (Mo), especially in the nodules, and also the N concentration in the shoot dry matter.With SSP application, total N uptake declined over three years. Foliar application of P and soil application of triple superphosphate (TSP) enhanced dry matter production, N and Mo uptake.Although these acid sandy soils are known to be deficient in P and S, care must be taken in using SSP in groundnuts as it may induce Mo deficiency, unless supplementary Mo is applied.ICRISAT Journal Article No. 1230  相似文献   

The pot experiment conducted in calcareous soil of Saurashtra, India showed that application of lime (20% CaCO3) and excess water (irrigation at –0.3 bar) to the soil enhanced chlorosis in groundnut leaves caused by induced deficiencies of iron, sulphur and zinc, which was recovered by applying agricultural grade chemicals containing iron, sulphur and zinc. This chlorosis caused 29.8 and 19.1% reduction in pod yield of groundnut due to lime and excess water, respectively in the untreated control pot and 17.1 and 9.6%, respectively in the pot treated with different chemicals.Application of iron sulphate, zinc sulphate, iron pyrite, gypsum, phospho-gypsum, elemental sulphur, wettable sulphur and Fe-EDTA decreased chlorosis and increased chlorophyll and carotenoid contents of leaves, uptake of Fe, S and Zn and pod yield of groundnut significantly. The foliar spray of 0.5% aqueous solution of iron sulphate, zinc sulphate and Fe-EDTA at 20, 35, 50 and 65 days after emergence (DAE) was more effective than their soil applications. The Fe-EDTA corrected only iron chlorosis, and gypsum, phosphogypsum and elemental sulphur only sulphur chlorosis. However, iron sulphate and iron pyrite corrected iron and sulphur and zinc sulphate corrected zinc and sulphur chlorosis. Among the soil amendments, application of iron sulphate and iron pyrite showed better responses to groundnut and showed higher Fe and S uptake than other treatments. The responses of gypsum, phosphogypsum and elemental sulphur were at par. The correlation study showed that pod yield of groundnut was negatively correlated with chlorosis and positively correlated with the chlorophyll and carotenoid contents in groundnut leaves.  相似文献   

Auxin response factors (ARFs) play important roles in plant growth and development; however, research in peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is still lacking. Here, 63, 30, and 30 AhARF genes were identified from an allotetraploid peanut cultivar and two diploid ancestors (A. duranensis and A. ipaensis). Phylogenetic tree and gene structure analysis showed that most AhARFs were highly similar to those in the ancestors. By scanning the whole-genome for ARF-recognized cis-elements, we obtained a potential target gene pool of AhARFs, and the further cluster analysis and comparative analysis showed that numerous members were closely related to root development. Furthermore, we comprehensively analyzed the relationship between the root morphology and the expression levels of AhARFs in 11 peanut varieties. The results showed that the expression levels of AhARF14/26/45 were positively correlated with root length, root surface area, and root tip number, suggesting an important regulatory role of these genes in root architecture and potential application values in peanut breeding.  相似文献   

Field experiments on fertilizer requirements of groundnuts carried out between 1970 and 1980 were reviewed and discussed. Results of the various studies seem to suggest that existing recommendations which are based on short term annual trials carried under non-intensive or semi-intensive traditional farming systems are becoming inadequate under a system of continuous intensive cultivation. Besides phosphorus and sulphur which have long been known to be deficient in the Nigerian savannah soils, the availability of the other nutrients in these soils can no longer be taken for granted. Potash and micronutrient deficiencies, notably those of B and Mo, hitherto rare, are now showing up with increasing frequency.As a P source, single superphosphate appears to be the most suitable fertilizer for groundnuts in the Nigerian savannah at present partly because it also contains S and partly because of its solubility. Nitrogen fertilizer application tends to depress pod and kernel yield although it enhances haulm production. Groundnut haulm constitutes an important livestock feed in the West African savannah and the role of fertilizer N may have to be viewed in this context. Calcium as a nutrient does not appear to cause any serious fertility problem. Where gypsum application has produced large increases in kernel and haulm yields the dominant effect has been attributed to the sulphate component. Magnesium response has so far not been reported on groundnuts in Nigeria.It is suggested that soil fertility research in the savannah zone of West Africa should move away from short-term annual trials to long-term studies designed to tackle problems that are likely to arise under continuous cultivation in these poorly buffered sandy soils.  相似文献   

Up until now, potash fertilization has not been part of the recommended practices for groundnut production in Nigeria and only low levels of P are recommended in line with the level of agricultural technology available to the farmer. The change from the traditional non-intensive farming practice to continuous intensive cultivation coupled with the introduction of better yielding/more-nutrient demanding crop varieties have led to a deficiency of a number of nutrients.Field experiments were carried out for 5 years (repeated on the same sites) at 8 locations in northern Nigeria to evaluate the effect of four levels of phosphorus (0, 8, 16 and 24 kg P ha–1) and three levels of potassium (0, 20, and 40 kg K ha–1) on yield and related parameters in groundnut. Soils at the various sites were essentially loamy sands with low levels of organic carbon and cation exchange capacity.The yield levels in the Guinea savannah were generally higher than those in the Sudan savannah but the response pattern was the same. There was significant response to applied P up to 24 kg P ha–1. Potash applied at 20 kg K ha–1 produced significantly higher pod yields than the control plots, but higher rates of applied K did not result in any further significant yield increase, although there was a clear consistent trend towards higher yields as the K rates increased. Phosphate X potash interaction had no significant effect on yield.Except for K, the uptake of all nutrients were significantly increased by P levels. However, only the K content of haulms and the N content of kernels were significantly increased by K application. On the average, about 58% of N, 68% of P, 19% of K, 5% of Ca and 22% of Mg were contained in the kernels while 27% of N, 23% of P, 64% of K, 83% of Ca and 69% of Mg were contained in the haulms. The implication of this is that the complete removal of groundnut residue will deplete the soil cation reverves rapidly unless these losses are compensated through fertilizer use.  相似文献   

鬼箭锦鸡儿花和叶中总黄酮含量的测定   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用分光光度法,以芦丁为对照品,采用NaNO2-Al(NO3)3-NaOH显色方法,在最大吸收波长510 nm处对青海不同产地的藏药鬼箭锦鸡儿花和叶中的总黄酮含量进行测定,建立了藏药鬼箭锦鸡儿花和叶中总黄酮含量的测定方法。芦丁测定的线性方程是A=0.0117c-0.0002,相关系数r=0.9998(n=6),测得方法的平均回收率为100.2%(n=6),RSD=1.24%。实验结果显示该方法测定样品的结果准确可靠、快速、重现性好。  相似文献   

Using a device constructed in our laboratory, measurements of the detachment force of a small sulphur plate from hydrocarbon drops of various volumes located on a large sulphur plate were carried out. Eleven aliphatic hydrocarbons in the series from n-hexane to n-hexadecane were used. Using the literature data for hydrocarbon-water interfacial tensions and the contact angles for the system sulphur/hydrocarbon drop/water, the detachment force was also calculated from the Laplace equation. On the basis of the measured results it was found that the detachment force depends on the hydrocarbon drop volume and the type of hydrocarbon and that in the many cases there is a good agreement between the measured and calculated values of the detachment force. It was also found that there is a stepwise relationship between the detachment force and the number of carbon atoms in the hydrocarbon molecule.  相似文献   

The effect of row space (RS) and irrigation (IR) on total protein, total oil, and fatty acid composition of Harran-grown sesame seed was studied. Total oil content of sesame varied from 46.4 to 51.5%. The oil and protein contents were significantly different among treatments (P<0.01) in 1998 and 1999. IR affected oil content significantly (P<0.01) in both years, and RS had no significant effect. The protein content was significantly influenced by RS and IR at P<0.05 and P<0.01, respectively. RS 70 cm had the highest protein content followed by RS 60, 50, and 40 cm, respectively. IR every 24th day resulted in the highest level of protein, followed by 18th-, 12th-, and 6th-day irrigation, respectively. Correlation coefficients between protein and oil content were −0.34 in 1998 and −0.59 in 1999. RS (P<0.05) and IR (P<0.01) influenced oleic and linoleic acid contents significantly. Interactions of RS and IR were also found to be significant (P<0.05) over the oleic and linoleic acid levels.  相似文献   

A field experiment was carried out for two consecutive seasons 1994/95 and 1995/96 at ElRwakeeb (a sandy clay loam) to study the effect of Rhizobium sp. (Cicer) inoculation and N fertilization on six chickpea cultivars (Baladi, Gabel marra, NEC 25–27, NEC 2010, ILC 1919, and Flip 85–108). Plants were either inoculated with three Rhizobium sp. (Cicer) strains (TAL 480, TAL 620 and TAL 1148) separately, or N fertilized (50 kg N ha-1). The results of the two seasons indicated the absence of infective strains for chickpea in the soil. Rhizobium inoculation or N fertilization significantly increased the total nodule number per plant, 100 seed weight, yield and protein content of seeds. The results indicated that the three Rhizobium strains are infective and effective in nitrogen fixation. Inoculation with Rhizobium strain TAL 1148 resulted in a significant increment in most of the parameters studied, compared to other strains and untreated control. Cultivar ILC 1919 was the best yielding cultivar, whereas, cultivar NEC 2010 contained the highest protein content, however cultivar Gabel marra showed the highest amount of protein due to inoculation or N fertilization, in the two seasons. Inoculation with Rhizobium strain TAL 1148 increased yield by 72 and 70%, whereas, 50 kg N ha-1 increased it by 70 and 69% in the first and second seasons, respectively. The amounts of protein accumulated (kg ha-1) due to N or Rhizobium inoculation were determined for all cultivars. The results obtained from the inoculation were comparable to those of 50 kg N ha-1.  相似文献   

Triterpenes are a diverse group of natural compounds found in plants. Soyasapogenol B (SoyB) from Arachis hypogaea (peanut) has various pharmacological properties. This study aimed to elucidate the pharmacological properties and mechanisms of SoyB in bone-forming cells. In the present study, 1–20 μM of SoyB showed no cell proliferation effects, whereas 30–100 μM of SoyB increased cell proliferation in MC3T3-E1 cells. Next, osteoblast differentiation was analyzed, and it was found that SoyB enhanced ALP staining and activity and bone mineralization. SoyB also induced RUNX2 expression in the nucleus with the increased phosphorylation of Smad1/5/8 and JNK2 during osteoblast differentiation. In addition, SoyB-mediated osteoblast differentiation was not associated with autophagy and necroptosis. Furthermore, SoyB increased the rate of cell migration and adhesion with the upregulation of MMP13 levels during osteoblast differentiation. The findings of this study provide new evidence that SoyB possesses biological effects in bone-forming cells and suggest a potentially beneficial role for peanut-based foods.  相似文献   

Epidemiological studies suggest that consumption of fruit rich in phenolic compounds is associated with health-protective effects due to their antioxidant properties. For these reasons quality evaluation has become an important issue in fruit industry and in breeding programs. Phytochemical traits such as total phenolics, flavonoids, anthocyanins, L-ascorbic acid, sugar content and relative antioxidant capacity (RAC) were analyzed over four years in flesh fruit of an F1 population "Venus" × "Big Top" nectarines. Other traits such as harvesting date, yield, fruit weight, firmness, soluble solids concentration (SSC), pH, titratable acidity (TA) and ripening index (RI) were also determined in the progeny. Results showed high variability among genotypes for all analyzed traits. Total phenolics and flavonoids showed significant positive correlations with RAC implying that both are important antioxidant bioactive compounds in peaches. We found genotypes with enhanced antioxidant capacity and a better performance than progenitors, and in consequence the best marketability.  相似文献   

Sulfur/sodium bentonite fertilizer prills were made by blending between 5 and 40% by weight of a swelling sodium bentonite clay with molten sulfur (S) and chilling droplets of the mixtures in oil. The resulting prills were hard and dust free and thus offered a suitable form for elemental sulfur (S°) transportation and application. The prills were stable at normal room temperature and RH. Prill strength was much reduced by prolonged storage at 80% RH. With 15% or more bentonite the bulk resistivity was sufficiently low that no electrostatic charge build-up was likely and consequently there was little risk of spontaneous combustion.Prills containing 10% or more bentonite disintegrated when placed in water and both the rate of dispersion and the fineness of the dispersed S° particles increased bentonite content. Bentonite contents of 15–20% appeared to offer the best combination of rapid prill dispersion, fine dispersed S° particle size, and high S° content.  相似文献   

Five extraction techniques, maceration, reflux, Soxhlet, Tillepape, and ultrasonic extraction, were used to obtain the extractive matter from nettle leaves. The antioxidant activity of extracts was assessed by DPPH, FRAP, and H2O2 test, while the total phenolic and total flavonoid content was determined according to the Folin–Ciocalteu and aluminium chloride methods, respectively. Model Ponomarev and a non-stationary diffusion model through the plant material were used for modelling extraction process. The extract obtained by Soxhlet extraction, containing higher amounts of extractive matter as well as phenolic and flavonoid compounds, showed better antioxidant activity than those obtained by other extraction techniques.  相似文献   

Effects of N application and water supply on yield, oil content and N accumulation by canola, cultivar Marnoo, grown on a heavy clay soil in the Goulburn Murray Irrigation Region were investigated. Treatments were rainfed (Rf) or watered at a deficit of 50 mm (40–60 mm, I50) beginning in the spring. N treatments were 0, 50, 100 or 200 kg N ha–1 at sowing or as split applications of 20/80, and 50/50 kg N ha–1 at sowing and rosette, respectively.Yield (Yg) ranged from 170 to 520 g m–2. Irrigation and N increased yield in both years. Grain yields were increased by N application on the irrigated treatments when 100 or 200 kg N ha–1 was applied. Oil concentrations ranged from a maximum of 46.4% in treatment N0 to a minimum of 40.6% in treatment N200 and was inversely related to seed N concentration. Although fertilizer N decreased oil concentration, it increased the yield of oil.Nitrogen accumulation (Nb) limited yield of all treatments and was described by the equation, Yg = 806[1-EXP(–0.039*Nb)]. This implied a decrease in yield per unit of Nb at the higher rates of fertilizer addition with consequent increases in grain N concentration.The efficiency of water use in the production of grain (WUEg) and biomass (WUEb) were 7.5 and 23 kg ha–1 mm–1 respectively. Nitrogen additions increased WUEg and WUEb in both seasons. Maximum values of 8.9 (WUEg 1986) and 26.8 (WUEb 1987) were measured from treatment N200. These data suggest that the crops made efficient use of the applied water.  相似文献   

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