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M.?Ahmetoglu G.?Kaynak I.?A.?Andreev E.?V.?Kunitsyna M.?P.?Mikhailova Yu.?P.?Yakovlev 《Technical Physics Letters》2008,34(11):937-940
We have studied the electrical characteristics of photodiodes based on p-GaSb/p-GaInAsSb/N-GaAlAsSb heterojunctions and investigated the mechanisms of current transfer in these heterostructures at various temperatures. A comparison of the theoretical results and experimental data showed that the tunneling charge transfer mechanism dominates at low temperatures (T < 150 K) under both forward and reverse bias conditions. The tunneling current becomes a determining factor at an electric field strength in the p-n junction of no less that 105 V/cm, which is related to a small bandgap width of the materials studied and low effective masses of electrons and holes. 相似文献
Gangan Prathap 《Scientometrics》2010,84(1):167-172
The h-index has captured the imagination of scientometricians and bibliometricians to such an extent that one can now divide the history of the subject virtually into a pre-Hirsch and a post-Hirsch period. Beyond its academic value, it is now used as a tool for research assessment of individuals, research faculties and institutions and even for comparing performance of journals and countries. Since its introduction, many Hirsch-type variants have been proposed to overcome perceived limitations of the original index. In this paper, using ideas from mathematical modeling, another mock h-index is proposed which may complement the h-index and give it better resolving power. 相似文献
Data on sound velocity are used for determining the density, the isobaric expansion coefficient, the isobaric and isochoric heat capacity, and the isothermal compressibility of liquid binary mixture of n-decane + n-hexadecane of three compositions in the temperature range of 298–433 K and pressure range of 0.1–100 MPa. The coefficients of Tait equation are calculated in the above-identified range of parameters. The calculation results are compared with experimental data on density. The divergence does not exceed 0.2% for the most reliable data. 相似文献
V. H. Hasanov 《High Temperature》2012,50(1):44-51
Speeds of sound in liquid n-heptane, n-octane and their binary mixtures were measured at the temperatures T = 293.15 to 523.15 K and pressures up to 60 MPa. The pulse-echo method with a frequency of 8MHz and uncertainty of ±0.08% was used. The measured values were fitted by polinomials, as functions of temperature and pressure, and the reliability of the present results was proved by comparison with the literature data. 相似文献
To be able to measure the scientific output of researchers is an increasingly important task to support research assessment decisions. To do so, we can find several different measures and indices in the literature. Recently, the h-index, introduced by Hirsch in 2005, has got a lot of attention from the scientific community for its good properties to measure the scientific production of researchers. Additionally, several different indicators, for example, the g-index, have been developed to try to improve the possible drawbacks of the h-index. In this paper we present a new index, called hg-index, to characterize the scientific output of researchers which is based on both h-index and g-index to try to keep the advantages of both measures as well as to minimize their disadvantages. 相似文献
Rostand Moutou Pitti Frédéric Dubois Christophe Petit 《International Journal of Fracture》2010,161(2):187-198
This paper deals with the generalization of T-integral to crack growth process in viscoelastic materials. In order to implement this expression in a finite element software, a modelling form of this integral, called Aθ, is developed. The analytical formulation is based on conservative law, independent path integral, and a combination of real, virtual displacement fields, and real, virtual thermal fields introducing, in the same time, a bilinear form of free energy density F. According to the generalization of Noether’s method, the application of Gauss Ostrogradski’s theorem combined with curvilinear cracked contour, T v is obtained. By introducing a volume domain around crack tip, the modelling expression Aθ is also defined.. Finally, the viscoelastic generalization through a thermodynamic approach, called A v , is introduced by using a discretisation of the creep tensor according to a generalized Kelvin Voigt representation. 相似文献
Saadi Abdul Jawad Adnan S. Abu-Surrah Mufeed Maghrabi Ziad Khattari Manar Al-Obeid 《Journal of Materials Science》2011,46(8):2748-2754
Electrical impedance technique was employed to investigate the electrical properties of ethylene-carbon monoxide/propylene-carbon monoxide terpolymer (EPEC-69). The measurements were performed in the frequency range 0.1–105 Hz and in the temperature range 30–110 °C. The results reveal that the dielectric constant, loss factor, modulus, and ac conductivity are dependent of frequency and temperature. A Debye relaxation peak was detected in the plot of Z″ versus frequency where the activation energy was determined and found to be 1.26 eV. When the surface phenomenon effects were separated using the imaginary part of the complex admittance a second dielectric dispersion was observed in the low frequency region. Two models were proposed from the impedance measurements depending on temperature range. 相似文献
The MNS1100 precision RLC-meter, which operates over a wide range of frequencies and measurable impedance parameters, is described. The instrument is based on new impedance measuring principles with a reduced set of measures and methods of calibrating the measuring circuits, which enable the measurement accuracy to be increased considerably, extend the functional capabilities and automate the apparatus adjustment. 相似文献
We demonstrate a facile galvanic replacement reaction route to direct growth of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) into porous alumina on conductive glass (PAOCG). Porous Al2O3 layer was prepared by using boehmite as precursor, deposited on conductive glass via spin coating, and followed by a heat treatment. PAOCG was attached firmly with a tiny sheet of steel and was then soaked in AgNO3 solution. Ag+ ions in the nanopores of PAOCG adsorbed by capillarity were automatically reduced to metallic AgNPs, thus forming Ag/PAOCG. The catalytic property of Ag/PAOCG was investigated for p-nitrophenol (PNP) reduction using UV–Vis absorption spectroscopy, and the rate constant was evaluated using the pseudo-first-order kinetic model. This film catalyst could be readily regenerated and reused for up to ten times without significantly depreciate its efficiency. The SERS performance of Ag/PAOCG was investigated using aqueous crystal violet (CV) as a probe molecule. The optimum Ag/PAOCG substrate was capable of detecting as low as 10?10 M aqueous CV. The reusability of Ag/PAOCG was achieved by heating the substrate at 400 °C for 5 min in air. This substrate could be reused for at least five cycles without significantly reduced SERS performance. Therefore, this powerful multifunctional surface can serve as a portable, durable and reusable substrate for PNP reduction and SERS applications. 相似文献
The h-index and Eigenfactor TM values of top and specialized scientific/engineering journals are tabulated and combined to provide a simple graphical representation of the journals. The information may be tailored to specific uses by respective stakeholders to aid decision making processes with regards to scholarly research and scientific journal publications. 相似文献
Werner Schmidt 《Microgravity science and technology》2011,23(3):355-364
The gravireception of the fungus Phycomyces blakesleeanus and seedlings of Arabidopsis thaliana is accompanied by gravity-induced absorption changes (GIACs) that occur very fast and most likely represent primary responses of gravireception. GIACs that were analyzed during parabolic flights in micro- and hypergravity invariably display hysteretic behavior. Even though the identity of the pigments generating the GIACs remain presently unknown, it is nevertheless clear that they are specific for gravireception. This is strongly suggested by the fact that hystereses loops of wild-type specimen are significant larger than of gravitropic mutants. Hystereses are largely kinetically determined, are specific for the different organisms and stimulus programs, and thus aid in characterizing the requisite transduction chains of gravireception. The fact that monocot as well as dicot plants display GIACs just in the area of highest gravitropic sensitivity at the tip supports the conclusion that gravireception is generally associated with primary reactions. 相似文献
Bitao Su Xiaohong Zhang Zhanying Ma Peng Fei Jiaxing Sun Ziqiang Lei 《Bulletin of Materials Science》2010,33(6):741-745
With an average size of 7 nm and good catalytic property under the natural light, TiO2/PS complex nanoparticles were successfully prepared through a novel two-step method (TSM) from TiCl4, used as both the catalyst for polymerization of styrene and Ti source, and styrene monomer and characterized by TG-DTA, XRD, IR, TEM and UV-Vis techniques. Its catalytic property was evaluated by the decolourization and degradation of dye MB solution under the natural light. From its TEM, the particles with an average size of 7 nm were observed without the separation of TiO2 and PS phases, i.e., TiO2/PS was hybrid material in nanosize scale. IR spectrum of TiO2/PS showed increase of unsaturated degree and growth of the group C=O on the chain of PS and Ti–O–C coordination bond between TiO2 and PS. The nanosize of the TiO2/PS complex particles and the conjugated structure and polar groups of PS were advantageous to good adsorptive property and strong interaction of PS and TiO2. And they brought multi-functions of inorganic and organic materials in the single material. Catalytic experiments indicated that the complex nanoparticles could catalytically degrade dye MB solution in 10 min under the natural light while P25 basically showed adsorptive property for MB molecules under the same conditions. 相似文献
Vladimir Kresin 《Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism》2010,23(2):179-182
The crystal lattice of a complex compound may contain a subsystem of ions with each one possessing two close equilibrium positions (double-well structure). For example, the oxygen ions in the cuprates form such a subsystem. In such a situation it is impossible to separate electronic and local vibrational motions. This leads to a large increase in the effective strength of the electron–lattice interaction, which is beneficial for pairing. 相似文献
We have studied the temperature dependence of carrier mobility (μ) in undoped and gadolinium-doped p-GaSe crystals. The results demonstrate that, in the temperature range 77–420 K, the carrier mobility in high-resistivity p-GaSe〈Gd〉 crystals increases at low temperatures as a power law. At high temperatures, μ(T) has a maximum and varies roughly as $T^{ - tfrac{3}
$T^{ - tfrac{3}
. In addition, μ is a nonmonotonic function of gadolinium content. The observed anomalies in the temperature dependence of carrier mobility in the crystals studied are due to partial disorder in these materials. The present experimental data can be interpreted in terms of a two-barrier energy-band model of partially disordered semiconductors. 相似文献
O. P. Korobeinichev A. G. Shmakov A. A. Chernov M. L. Kosinova V. S. Sulyaeva F. A. Kuznetsov 《Inorganic Materials》2011,47(11):1199-1204
We have studied the kinetics of BC x N y chemical vapor deposition through trimethylamine borane decomposition at atmospheric pressure. The rate constant of the heterogeneous interaction between trimethylamine borane and an adsorption center has been determined to be k s 0 = 2.7 × 107exp(−10560/T) cm/s. The obtained kinetic parameters of the reaction fully determine the growth rate of nanocrystalline carbonitride films under kinetic control. The film thickness has been determined as a function of time, temperature, reactant concentration, and reactor dimensions. 相似文献
Daniel Torres-Salinas Jose G. Moreno-Torres Emilio Delgado-López-Cózar Francisco Herrera 《Scientometrics》2011,88(3):771-786
The problem of comparing academic institutions in terms of their research production is nowadays a priority issue. This paper proposes a relative bidimensional index that takes into account both the net production and the quality of it, as an attempt to provide a comprehensive and objective way to compare the research output of different institutions in a specific field, using journal contributions and citations. The proposed index is then applied, as a case study, to rank the top Spanish universities in the fields of Chemistry and Computer Science in the period ranging from 2000 until 2009. A comparison with the top 50 universities in the ARWU rankings is also made, showing the proposed ranking is better suited to distinguish among non-elite universities. 相似文献
A version of the sinh-arcsinh transformation is used to generate a skew extension of Student’s t distribution which provides an alternative to previously proposed skew t distributions. The basic properties of the resulting sinh-arcsinhed t family of distributions are presented, many of them effectively having the same level of complexity as their Student t counterparts. Quantile-based measures, which come to the fore due to the non-existence of moments, are readily available. The parameters of the distribution have clear interpretations. Limiting distributions as shape parameters tend to their extreme values are especially appealing. The family’s simplest sub-class is closely related to a sub-class of the L U family. Likelihood based inference is considered and applied in the analysis of heavy-tailed and skew data on fibre glass strengths. Comparisons are made throughout with two of the most popular existing competitors to this distribution: it scores very well relative to them on a number of tractability grounds. 相似文献