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Copper based Cu–RE alloys (where RE represents lanthanum, neodymium, or samarium) with alloying content up to 16 wt-% were prepared by chill block melt spinning into ribbons of thickness between 40 and 100 μm. The melt spun ribbons were heat treated isochronally for 2 h at 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, and 800°C, respectively. The melt spun and heat treated ribbons were tested for microhardness and resistivity and were characterised by optical and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and X-ray diffractometry (XRD). Microstructures were of the typical zone B type for Cu–1RE and Cu–3RE ribbons and of the zone B/zone A type for Cu–5RE, Cu–8RE, and Cu–12RE ribbons. Only microstructures of the zone A type were found in Cu–15La ribbons. The metastable extended solid solubilities of the rare earth elements were evaluated by measurements of the lattice parameters of the supersaturated solid solutions and significant extension from the equilibrium solid solubility was found for all three alloys. The secondary phase was identified by TEM and XRD as Cu6RE for all ribbons except Cu–15La ribbons in which metastable Cu5La and Cu13La phases were also found. Observations using TEM and XRD also showed a reduction in the α-Cu grain size of the as spun ribbons with increasing alloying content, producing nanosized α-Cu grains on the chill side of the ribbons. Heat treatment of the ribbons at 400°C for 2 h produced no significant coarsening of α-Cu grains as the size of these grains was still in the nanometer region. Both α-Cu and Cu6RE grains coarsened as a result of heat treatment for 2 h at temperatures of 600°C and above for all the alloys.  相似文献   

Nanostructure zirconias doped with rare earth elements were obtained by coprecipitation. The morphology, structure, and phase transition of the as-prepared samples were studied. According to transmission electron microscopy, the particles appear in near spherical shape and have a mean particle sizes of about 150 nm without change with the rare earth elements. From laser Raman and X-ray diffraction results, it is known that the tetragonal phase of zirconia is stabilized by a certain concentration of the rare earth dopants, and the cubic phase is obtained if enough dopants are added. The crystal lattice increases with the increase of dopant concentration. Moreover, the heavy rare earths are better than the light ones in stabilizing effect. According to our study, laser Raman is more sensitive than X-ray diffraction in monitoring the phase transition.  相似文献   

Structure and properties of rapidly solidified Mg-Al alloys   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Three binary Mg-Al alloys containing nominally 5, 15, and 30 at % Al were prepared in the ingot and rapidly solidified flake conditions using the twin roll technique. The microstructure, mechanical properties, and electrochemical behavior of the extruded alloys in both the conditions were investigated. The hardness, tensile strength, and corrosion resistance increased with increasing Al content. Further, the hardness, tensile strength, and corrosion resistance of the rapidly solidified alloys were superior to the ingot-metallurgy alloys and this is attributed to the microstructural refinement and increased homogeneity in the rapidly solidified alloys.  相似文献   

The Al-Zr-Ti system has recently been suggested as a candidate for Al-based materials capable of retaining a high strength during a long term exposure to high temperatures up to 700 K. The Al-1.25 at.% (Zr+Ti) alloys with a variable Zr : Ti ratio were rapidly solidified using the melt spinning method. The solidification structure was found inhomogeneous along the direction perpendicular to the ribbon plane and dependent on the Zr : Ti ratio. The microhardness values were correlated with the structure and chemical composition. The presence of second phase particles in the as melt-spun ribbons was proved by SAXS experiments. X-ray and electron diffraction experiments enabled to identify most of particles as the metastable Al3(ZrxTi1–x) phase with the cubic L12 structure. Especially in the Zr-rich alloys, these particles precipitated preferentially in a fan-shaped morphology. The grains of the Ti-rich alloys were nearly free of these particles.  相似文献   

Rapidly solidified Cu2MnAl ribbons were fabricated by the chill-block melt-spinning technique as a function of rotation speed of an iron roller. The rapidly quenched ribbons were relatively ductile, and the total strain at failure for the bend test increased with increasing rotation speed of the roller. The effect of rapid quenching on long-range ordering in Cu2MnAl alloy was studied by X-ray diffraction. The decomposition characteristics during isothermal ageing at temperatures between 350 and 600° C were also examined by X-ray diffraction, magnetization and Vickers hardness measurements. The decomposition reaction at temperatures below 400° C was Cu2MnAl-Cu9Al4+T-Cu3Mn2Al+-Mn. However, at temperatures between 500 and 600° C, Cu2MnAl decomposed into a new L21 type Cu2MnAl and-Mn, and further annealing caused the appearance of-Cu9Al4. The decomposition rate of the rapidly quenched ribbons was faster than that of the water-quenched alloy.  相似文献   

The effects of Ti and V additions on microstructure and mechanical properties of rapidly solidified Al-20w/oSi-5w/oFe alloy were investigated, respectively. The hypereutectic Al-Si-Fe base alloys were gas-atomized and hot-extruded to make the consolidated bars. The addition of 2w/oTi increased wear resistance and mechanical properties such as tensile strength, hardness and elongation. Based on TEM analyses, it can be concluded that the improved properties in the Al-Si-Fe alloys containing Ti were caused by the formation of DO22-(Al,Si)3 Ti phase finely dispersed in the matrix. On the contrary, V addition was less effective than Ti, in that V could not decompose as the expected Al10V phase with a large v/o of precipitates; V was mostly solid-solutionized in the other unknown phase.  相似文献   

A series of Pb-Sn-Cd alloys containing up to 60 wt % Bi were quenched from the melt to room temperature by melt spinning. The structure of rapidly solidified (melt spun), Pb-30 wt % Sn-10 wt % Cd, Pb-30 wt % Bi-20 wt % Sn-10 wt % Cd, and Pb-60 wt % Bi-10 wt % Sn-10 wt % Cd have been investigated by means of an X-ray diffraction technique. From X-ray analysis a crystalline metastable phase, designated (Pb-Bi) is detected. The formation of a metastable crystalline phase in the range of composition investigated causes a pronounced increase in the electrical resistivity. Desirable values of hardness and elastic constants are critically evaluated. It is also observed that the values of the Fermi energy are a few electron volts. Calculated values for the concentration of the conduction electrons, N, m-3 of Pb -60 wt % Bi-10 wt % Sn-10 wt % Cd rapidly solidified is found to be 0.985×1028 m-3.  相似文献   

Red, blue and green emitting lamp phosphors such as Eu3+ doped Y2O3 (red phosphor), Eu2+ doped Ba0·64Al12O18·64, BaMgAl10O17 and BaMg2Al16O27 (blue phosphors) and Ce0·67Tb0·33MgAl11O19 and Eu2+, Mn2+ doped BaMgAl10O17 (green phosphors) have been prepared by the combustion of the corresponding metal nitrates (oxidizer) and oxalyl dihydrazide/urea/carbohydrazide (fuel) mixtures at 400°–500°C within 5 min. The formation of these phosphors has been confirmed by their characteristic powder X-ray diffraction patterns and fluorescence spectra. The phosphors showed characteristic emission bands at 611 nm (red emission), 430–450 nm (blue emission) and 515–540 nm (green emission). The fine-particle nature of the combustion derived phosphors has been investigated using powder density, particle size and BET surface area measurements. Paper presented at the poster session of MRSI AGM VI, Kharagpur, 1995  相似文献   

While rapid solidification causes little modification of phase fields in Mnx Ti1–x alloys forx < 30at%, alloys richer in manganese present metastable phases. A structure intermediate between crystalline and quasi-crystalline phases is observed in the range 0.3 <x < 0.45. Aluminium addition is found to stabilize the C14 phase down to manganese contents as low as 35 at % and Mn35 (AlTi)65 is found to be single-phased C14. The ternary alloy's C14 phase field emerges due to aluminium substitution for manganese at low manganese contents.  相似文献   

NdxFe100?1.5xB0.5x alloys (x=10, 11.8, and 14) were solidified from the undercooled melts by drop tube processing. The samples contained a large amount of the metastable phase with the composition near to their bulk composition in each alloy. The volume fraction of the metastable phase increased as the sample diameter decreased. The metastable phase was partially decomposed into very fine lamellar grains of the Nd2Fe14B and α-Fe or Nd2Fe14B and some Nd-rich phase by solid-state reaction in the samples with a diameter of 1200μm. The solidification behavior of the metastable phase was explained in terms of a hypothetic scheme of the pseudobinary Nd-Fe-B phase diagram  相似文献   

不同稀土元素掺杂M型钡铁氧体超微粉末的磁性研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
利用溶胶-凝胶自蔓延高温合成法制备了4种稀土元素(La、Nd、Sm、Gd)掺杂钡铁氧体超微粉末。就烯土元素的种类、稀土掺杂量、合成工艺条件对钡铁氧体磁学性能的影响进行了较系统的研究。采用振动样品磁强计对粉末的磁学性能进行了检测。  相似文献   

Nanometric powders of cubic zirconia stabilized with yttria and rare element oxides (Sm, Nd, Gd) were prepared by crystallization under hydrothermal conditions. The powders were uniaxially compacted, repressed isostatically, pressure-less sintered in oxygen atmosphere and hot isostatically pressed under 300 MPa Ar atmosphere. Fully dense samples were polished from both sides. The optical properties were analyzed based on the spectral dependence of the transmittance (T) and reflectance (R). Spectroscopic measurements have shown that all materials fabricated in the present work are highly transparent, with total transmission above 90% towards the long-wavelength end of the near-IR range of the spectrum. Discussion of these results will be given.  相似文献   

An alloy containing about 2 at% Mn and 98 at% Bi should solidify at 230°C to give a eutectic consisting of about 3 vol % ferromagnetic MnBi in a matrix of diamagnetic Bi. Directional solidification of this alloy produces a structure of elongated parallel MnBi rods with diameters from 0.1 to 1.5 μm, decreasing with increasing growth rate. Samples solidified slowly (growth rate less than 5 cm/h) show magnetic properties at room temperature and down to 4.2 K that are consistent with the known magnetic properties of bulk equilibrium MnBi. Samples solidified more rapidly (20-80 cm/h) show considerably more complicated magnetic behavior. At room temperature they have less than half the moment expected for the equilibrium MnBi composition, and a second magnetic phase appears when the temperature is lowered below about 240 K. The coercive field of this phase rises rapidly with decreasing temperature, reaching the limit of our experimental apparatus (about 120 kOe) near 100 K. Magnetic measurements with the field applied perpendicular to the growth axis show the effects of anisotropy, due to particle alignment, although samples prepared at very rapid freezing rates (300 cm/h) appear to be poorly aligned. Samples prepared by arc melting on a water-cooled hearth are similar to high-growth-rate samples. Annealing at 200°C was necessary in order to obtain reproducible magnetic data. The results are generally consistent with the presence in the samples of a mixture of the normal equilibrium MnBi phase and a variant of the known high-temperature phase (HTP) with a substantially depressed Curie temperature. Structural studies using electron diffraction from thinned sections indicate the presence of both normal (LTP) and high-temperature (HTP) MnBi.  相似文献   

Magnesium based Mg-9Al-lZn-5RE (RE = La or Nd) alloys were rapidly solidified by chill block melt spinning. The resulting ribbons were cold packed into an aluminium alloy can and extruded at temperatures of 230 and 340°C and ratios of 20:1 or 25:1. Tensile and hardness tests of the extruded and heat treated materials were carried out. The tensile strength and elongation to fracture of the as extruded material were 478 MN m?2 and 6·5% respectively and those of the material heat treated for 2 h at 350° C were 420 MN m?2 and 20% respectively. The microstructure of these specimens was studied by X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy. Intermetallics of Al11 La3 or Al2Nd were found at grain boundaries and in the matrix which had a grain size of between 0–26 and 0–8 μm, while Mg17Al12 precipitates were present in the specimens extruded at a lower temperature (230° C). Yield strengths were consistent with the Hall-Petch relationship with grain size established earlier for this class of material.

MST/3495  相似文献   

Electrical transport properties, structure and mechanical properties of Pb50Sn50-xBix(0≤x≤50) alloys have been studied and analyzed. The addition of bismuth in the amounts of 30 wt % and 50 wt % results in the appearance of the crystalline metastable χ(Pb-Bi) phase. Y phase is also identified and it is found at 50 wt % bismuth. Electrical transport is sensitive to the alloys composition, decreasing as the bismuth content increases. The Vickers hardness number is sensitive to the structure of the quenched ribbons. The lowest value of Hv is 55 MPa for the Pb50Sn20Bi30 alloy, which is attributed to the formation of the metastable χ(Pb-Bi) after a rapid quench from the melt. Values of the equivalent Fermi temperature, TF Fermi velocity, VF and the Fermi wave vector, KF , are also computed. © 2000 Kluwer Academic Publishers  相似文献   

The influence of doped rare earth elements on the some electronic properties of perovskite systems R0.25Ca0.75MnO3 (R = La, Nd, Eu, Tb, Ho, Y) is investigated using the density functional theory with Dmol3 code. The density of states, band structure, tolerance factor and Jahn–Teller splitting energy were calculated. By doping the different rare earth elements, the systems show different changing in the crystal structure, hopping amplitude, and electrical resistivity. Among these doping compounds, the Eu0.25Ca0.75MnO3 exhibits the strongest structural change corresponding to the largest Jahn–Teller splitting.  相似文献   

The evolution of microstructure as-spun and during subsequent heat treatment at 200 to 500°C for up to 1000 h has been studied for Al-6.3 Mn-3.3 Si, Al-8.3 Mn-3.7 Si and Al-14.5 Mn-5.8 Si (wt %) alloys, containing 17, 26 and 48 vol % AlMnSi at equilibrium respectively. Microstructure as-spun ranged from primary icosahedral phase nucleating radial cellular Al arrays to less regular duplex arrays of Al and AlMnSi with decreasing alloy content and decreased section thickness or reduced distance from the chill surface. Heat treatment in the range 200 to 500°C transformed any icosahedral phase present to AlMnSi along with spheroidization and coarsening/coalescence of AlMnSi, to produce isolated spheroids when volume fraction f was lower and very stable interlinked chains at higher f. Measured coarsening rates of AlMnSi were a factor of 10 below predictions of LSW theory at lower f but were within a factor of 2 of prediction at highest f. Hardness was governed by a combination of Hall-Petch and matrix solid solution hardening as-spun supplanted by particle-radius dependent Orowan combined with matrix Hall-Petch hardening for the evolution of hardness during prior long term heat treatment at 425°C.  相似文献   

稀土激发的CaMgSi2O6的长余辉发光特性   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
姜岭  常程康  毛大立 《功能材料》2004,35(2):233-235
使用固相反应法在还原气氛中制备了具有长余辉性能的CaMgSi2O6发光材料。研究了不同的共激发离子(Dy^3 和Nd^3 )对于材料发光性能的影响。光谱分析表明了这些磷光体在438nm处有一个宽的发射峰,这个发射峰是由Eu^2 的4f^6 5d^1能级到4f^7能级的跃迁所导致的,而Eu^2 在透辉石中形成六配位的发光中心。获得的3种磷光体都具有长余辉发光性能。其中共掺杂Eu^2 和Dy^3 材料比单掺Eu^2 和共掺Eu^2 扣Nd^3 的材料具有更好的余辉强度扣更长的余辉时间,其原因在于Dy^3 在CaMgSi2O6晶格中形成了更深的和更高密度的陷阱。  相似文献   

Dielectric constantɛ, loss tanδ and a.c. conductivityσ of LiF-B2O3: Ln3+ (where Ln=Ce, Pr, Nd and Tb) glasses are studied as functions of frequency (in the range 102–106 Hz) and temperature (range 30–200°C). The dielectric breakdown strength of these glasses was also determined at room temperature in an air medium. The rate of increase ofɛ and tanδ with temperature decreases with decrease in the ionic radius of RE3+ ion whereas the dielectric breakdown strength, the activation energy for a.c. conduction in the high temperature region decreases with increase in the ionic radius of RE3+ ion. An attempt has been made to explain the a.c. conduction in these glasses on the basis of quantum mechanical tunnelling (QMT) model.  相似文献   

The elastic moduli (Y, η, σ andH) and some thermodynamical parameters, such as Debye temperatureθ D, diffusion constantD i and latent heat of melting ΔH m, of ZnF2-PbO-TeO2 glasses doped with some rare earth (Pr3+, Nd3+, Eu3+ and Tb3+) ions are determined as functions of temperature using piezo electric composite oscillator technique. All the parameters are found to decrease with increase in the atomic number Z of the rare earth ions and with increase in the temperature of measurement. The results are explained on the basis of the density of localized bonding defect states within the band gap of the material.  相似文献   

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