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The sentiment analysis (SA) applications are becoming popular among the individuals and organizations for gathering and analysing user's sentiments about products, services, policies, and current affairs. Due to the availability of a wide range of English lexical resources, such as part‐of‐speech taggers, parsers, and polarity lexicons, development of sophisticated SA applications for the English language has attracted many researchers. Although there have been efforts for creating polarity lexicons in non‐English languages such as Urdu, they suffer from many deficiencies, such as lack of publically available sentiment lexicons with a proper scoring mechanism of opinion words and modifiers. In this work, we present a word‐level translation scheme for creating a first comprehensive Urdu polarity resource: “Urdu Lexicon” using a merger of existing resources: list of English opinion words, SentiWordNet, English–Urdu bilingual dictionary, and a collection of Urdu modifiers. We assign two polarity scores, positive and negative, to each Urdu opinion word. Moreover, modifiers are collected, classified, and tagged with proper polarity scores. We also perform an extrinsic evaluation in terms of subjectivity detection and sentiment classification, and the evaluation results show that the polarity scores assigned by this technique are more accurate than the baseline methods.  相似文献   

以文本颗粒度为视角,从情感词抽取、语料库和情感词典构建、评价对象与意见持有者分析、篇章级情感分析、实际应用五个方面对文本情感分析文献进行了梳理,并做出必要评述。指出当前情感分析系统的准确率普遍不高,进一步研究的重点在于:自然语言处理的研究成果在文本情感倾向分析中更广泛和贴切的应用;选取文本情感倾向分类的特征和方法;利用现有语言工具和相关资源,规范、快速地构造语言工具和相关资源并应用。  相似文献   

中文文本情感分析研究综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对中文文本情感分析的研究进行了综述。将情感分类划分为信息抽取和情感识别两类任务,并分别介绍了各自的研究进展;总结了情感分析的应用现状,最后提出了存在的问题及不足。  相似文献   

中文文本情感分析综述   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
魏韡  向阳  陈千 《计算机应用》2011,31(12):3321-3323
由于主观性文本有很多应用价值,情感分析近年来引起了很多研究人员的兴趣.情感分析是对主观性文本进行挖掘与分析,获取有用的知识和信息.针对中文文本情感分析的研究现状与进展进行总结.首先按粒度层次,从词语级、语句级、篇章级三个不同粒度层次细致地介绍相关的技术,再按文本的类型,分析了产品评论和新闻评论的研究进展.接着介绍了中文...  相似文献   

目前的情感分析研究大部分仅局限于能够明显地表达意见的主观性文本,却没有对一些隐含地表达情感的文本进行分析.针对这一不足,提出一种基于条件随机场(CRFs)模型的意见挖掘中维吾尔语文本隐式情感分析方法.利用互信息(MI)衡量上下文的依赖度,结合词法、语境依赖词、标点符号和习语等特征用于隐式情感分析.在特征选择时,通过对信息增益(IG)进行改进,解决语料中数据集不平衡的问题.该方法用于维吾尔语文本隐式情感分析的准确率为77.11%,召回率为78.37%,表明了其在意见挖掘中隐式情感分析任务上的有效性.  相似文献   

The Chinese pronunciation system offers two characteristics that distinguish it from other languages: deep phonemic orthography and intonation variations. In this paper, we hypothesize that these two important properties can play a major role in Chinese sentiment analysis. In particular, we propose two effective features to encode phonetic information and, hence, fuse it with textual information. With this hypothesis, we propose Disambiguate Intonation for Sentiment Analysis (DISA), a network that we develop based on the principles of reinforcement learning. DISA disambiguates intonations for each Chinese character (pinyin) and, hence, learns precise phonetic representations. We also fuse phonetic features with textual and visual features to further improve performance. Experimental results on five different Chinese sentiment analysis datasets show that the inclusion of phonetic features significantly and consistently improves the performance of textual and visual representations and surpasses the state-of-the-art Chinese character-level representations.  相似文献   

文本情感分析领域内的特征加权一般考虑两个影响因子:特征在文档中的重要性(ITD)和特征在表达情感上的重要性(ITS)。结合该领域内两种分类准确率较高的监督特征加权算法,提出了一种新的ITS算法。新算法同时考虑特征在一类文档集里的文档频率(在特定的文档集里,出现某个特征的文档数量)及其占总文档频率的比例,使主要出现且大量出现在同一类文档集里的特征获得更高的ITS权值。实验证明,新算法能提高文本情感分类的准确率。  相似文献   


This article proposes novel frameworks of SentiVerb and Spell Checker system, which extracts the reaction, mood, and opinion of users from social media text (SMT). The opinion of users is extracted from their written text on social media such as comments, tweets, blogs, feedbacks etc. and are classified as positive or negative opinion based on sentiment score of SMT using dictionary-based approach and a binary classifier. The dictionary-based approach uses opinion verb dictionary (OVD) to extract the sentiment of opinion verbs present in SMT. This OVD contain only opinion verbs along with their sentiment score. The various steps of the framework such as lower-case conversion, tokenization, spell checker, Part-of-Speech tagging, stop word elimination, stemming, sentiment score calculation, and classification of SMT has been discussed. A new concept of threshold negative parameter is first time introduced in this article. In the experiment, the proposed SentiVerb system’s performance is evaluated on three datasets such as Facebook comments on goods and services tax (GST) implementation in India, tweets on the debate between former president of USA Mr. Barack Obama and Mr. John McCain, and the movie reviews. Consequently, the implementation of the proposed SentiVerb system using rule-based classifier (RBC) gives the best performance result in term of accuracy with 82.5% on GST comments and 79.18% on Obama-McCain debate, which is better than the existing algorithms on the social issues related domain dataset(s). Also, system performance (accuracy of 71.3%) is better than others results on standard movie dataset.


王昆  郑毅  方书雅  刘守印 《计算机应用》2020,40(10):2838-2844
方面级情感分析旨在分类出文本在不同方面的情感倾向。在长文本的方面级情感分析中,由于长文本存在的冗余和噪声问题,导致现有的方面级情感分析算法对于长文本中方面相关信息的特征提取不够充分,分类不精准;而在方面分层为粗粒度和细粒度方面的数据集上,现有的解决方案没有利用粗粒度方面中的信息。针对以上问题,提出基于文本筛选和改进BERT的算法TFN+BERT-Pair-ATT。该算法首先利用长短时记忆网络(LSTM)和注意力机制相结合的文本筛选网络(TFN)从长文本中直接筛选出与粗粒度方面相关的部分语句;然后将部分语句按次序进行组合,并与细粒度方面相结合输入至在BERT上增加注意力层的BERT-Pair-ATT中进行特征提取;最后使用Softmax进行情感分类。通过与基于卷积神经网络(CNN)的GCAE(Gated Convolutional Network with Aspect Embedding)、基于LSTM的交互式注意力模型(IAN)等经典模型相比,该算法在验证集上的相关评价指标分别提高了3.66%和4.59%,与原始BERT模型相比提高了0.58%。实验结果表明,基于文本筛选和改进BERT的算法在长文本方面级情感分析任务中具有较大的价值。  相似文献   

王昆  郑毅  方书雅  刘守印 《计算机应用》2005,40(10):2838-2844
方面级情感分析旨在分类出文本在不同方面的情感倾向。在长文本的方面级情感分析中,由于长文本存在的冗余和噪声问题,导致现有的方面级情感分析算法对于长文本中方面相关信息的特征提取不够充分,分类不精准;而在方面分层为粗粒度和细粒度方面的数据集上,现有的解决方案没有利用粗粒度方面中的信息。针对以上问题,提出基于文本筛选和改进BERT的算法TFN+BERT-Pair-ATT。该算法首先利用长短时记忆网络(LSTM)和注意力机制相结合的文本筛选网络(TFN)从长文本中直接筛选出与粗粒度方面相关的部分语句;然后将部分语句按次序进行组合,并与细粒度方面相结合输入至在BERT上增加注意力层的BERT-Pair-ATT中进行特征提取;最后使用Softmax进行情感分类。通过与基于卷积神经网络(CNN)的GCAE(Gated Convolutional Network with Aspect Embedding)、基于LSTM的交互式注意力模型(IAN)等经典模型相比,该算法在验证集上的相关评价指标分别提高了3.66%和4.59%,与原始BERT模型相比提高了0.58%。实验结果表明,基于文本筛选和改进BERT的算法在长文本方面级情感分析任务中具有较大的价值。  相似文献   

王丽亚  刘昌辉  蔡敦波  卢涛 《计算机应用》2019,39(10):2841-2846
传统卷积神经网络(CNN)中同层神经元之间信息不能互传,无法充分利用同一层次上的特征信息,缺乏句子体系特征的表示,从而限制了模型的特征学习能力,影响文本分类效果。针对这个问题,提出基于CNN-BiGRU联合网络引入注意力机制的模型,采用CNN-BiGRU联合网络进行特征学习。首先利用CNN提取深层次短语特征,然后利用双向门限循环神经网络(BiGRU)进行序列化信息学习以得到句子体系的特征和加强CNN池化层特征的联系,最后通过增加注意力机制对隐藏状态加权计算以完成有效特征筛选。在数据集上进行的多组对比实验结果表明,该方法取得了91.93%的F1值,有效地提高了文本分类的准确率,时间代价小,具有很好的应用能力。  相似文献   

李铮  陈莉  张爽 《计算机应用研究》2021,38(8):2303-2307
目前情感分析模型通常使用word2vec、GloVe等方法生成静态词向量,并且传统的卷积或循环深度模型无法完整地关注上下文,提取特征不充分,影响情感判断.针对上述问题,提出基于ELMo(embedding from lan-guage model)和双向自注意力网络(bidirectional self-attention network,Bi-SAN)的中文文本情感分析模型.首先通过ELMo语言模型训练得到融合词语本身和上下文信息的词向量,解决了一词多义的问题;同时使用预训练的skip-gram算法代替随机初始化的ELMo模型的嵌入层,提高模型的收敛速度;之后使用Bi-SAN提取特征,由于自注意力机制,Bi-SAN可以完整地关注每个词的上下文,提取特征更为全面.同现有的多个情感分析模型对比,该模型在酒店评论数据集上和NLPCC2014 task2中文数据集取得了更高的F1值,验证了模型的有效性.  相似文献   

Sentiment analysis in text mining is a challenging task. Sentiment is subtly reflected by the tone and affective content of a writer’s words. Conventional text mining techniques, which are based on keyword frequencies, usually run short of accurately detecting such subjective information implied in the text. In this paper, we evaluate several popular classification algorithms, along with three filtering schemes. The filtering schemes progressively shrink the original dataset with respect to the contextual polarity and frequent terms of a document. We call this approach “hierarchical classification”. The effects of the approach in different combination of classification algorithms and filtering schemes are discussed over three sets of controversial online news articles where binary and multi-class classifications are applied. Meanwhile we use two methods to test this hierarchical classification model, and also have a comparison of the two methods.  相似文献   

文本情感分析已经逐渐成为自然语言处理(NLP)的重要内容,并在系统推荐、用户情感信息获取,为政府、企业提供舆情参考等领域越来越占据重要地位。通过文献调研的方式,对情感分析领域的方法进行对比和综述。首先,从时间、方法等维度对情感分析的方法进行文献调研;然后,对情感分析的主要方法、应用场景进行归纳总结和对比;最后,在此基础上分析每种方法的优缺点。根据分析结果可以知道,在面对不同的任务场景,主要有三种情感分析的方法:基于情感字典的情感分析法、基于机器学习的情感分析法和基于深度学习的情感分析法,基于多策略混合的方法成为改进的趋势。文献调研表明,文本情感分析的技术方法还有改进的空间,在电子商务、心理治疗、舆情监控方面有较大市场和发展前景。  相似文献   

随着信息化技术的不断提升,各类社交平台上带有倾向性的图文数据量快速增长,图文融合的情感分析受到广泛关注,单一的情感分析方法不再能够满足多模态数据的需求.针对图文情感特征提取与融合的技术难题,首先,列举了目前应用较广的图文情感分析数据集,介绍了文本特征和图片特征的提取方式;然后,重点研究了当前图文特征融合方式,简述了在图...  相似文献   

The decision was made and the Travenol computer system was installed and has since assisted the department of pharmacy in capping current labor expenditures, while increasing operating efficiencies. Technicians perform conditional order entry while pharmacists review and validate the orders. The resulting efficiencies have been readily translated into the benefits mentioned above. The enhanced services also include numerous clinical activities and the often neglected distribution responsibility. Another noteworthy benefit is the increase professionalism brought about by computerization of the department.  相似文献   

针对传统卷积神经网络(CNN)缺乏句子体系特征的表示,以及传统双向门限循环神经网络(BiGRU)缺乏提取深层次特征能力。以中文文本为研究对象,在字符级词向量的基础上提出双通道的CNN-BiGRU复合网络,同时引入注意力机制的模型进行情感分析。首先,在单通道上利用CNN提取深层次短语特征,利用BiGRU提取全局特征的能力深度学习短语体系特征,从而得到句子体系的特征表示;再通过增加注意力层进行有效特征筛选;最后,采用双通道结构的复合网络,丰富了特征信息,加强了模型的特征学习能力。在数据集上进行多组对比实验,该方法取得92.73%的◢F◣1值结果优于对照组,说明了提出的模型能有效地提高文本分类的准确率。同时在单句测试上量化出模型优势,且实现了模型的实际应用能力。  相似文献   

Sentiment analysis is a text mining task that determines the polarity of a given text, i.e., its positiveness or negativeness. Recently, it has received a lot of attention given the interest in opinion mining in micro-blogging platforms. These new forms of textual expressions present new challenges to analyze text because of the use of slang, orthographic and grammatical errors, among others. Along with these challenges, a practical sentiment classifier should be able to handle efficiently large workloads.The aim of this research is to identify in a large set of combinations which text transformations (lemmatization, stemming, entity removal, among others), tokenizers (e.g., word n-grams), and token-weighting schemes make the most impact on the accuracy of a classifier (Support Vector Machine) trained on two Spanish datasets. The methodology used is to exhaustively analyze all combinations of text transformations and their respective parameters to find out what common characteristics the best performing classifiers have. Furthermore, we introduce a novel approach based on the combination of word-based n-grams and character-based q-grams. The results show that this novel combination of words and characters produces a classifier that outperforms the traditional word-based combination by 11.17% and 5.62% on the INEGI and TASS’15 dataset, respectively.  相似文献   

针对传统的卷积神经网络(CNN)在进行情感分析任务时会忽略词的上下文语义以及CNN在最大池化操作时会丢失大量特征信息,从而限制模型的文本分类性能这两大问题,提出一种并行混合神经网络模型CA-BGA。首先,采用特征融合的方法在CNN的输出端融入双向门限循环单元(BiGRU)神经网络,通过融合句子的全局语义特征加强语义学习;然后,在CNN的卷积层和池化层之间以及BiGRU的输出端引入注意力机制,从而在保留较多特征信息的同时,降低噪声干扰;最后,基于以上两种改进策略构造出了并行混合神经网络模型。实验结果表明,提出的混合神经网络模型具有收敛速度快的特性,并且有效地提升了文本分类的F1值,在中文评论短文本情感分析任务上具有优良的性能。  相似文献   

Language Resources and Evaluation - This paper describes the development of a multilingual, manually annotated dataset for three under-resourced Dravidian languages generated from social media...  相似文献   

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