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In an effort to corroborate theoretical and experimental techniques used for cold spray particle velocity analysis, two theoretical and one experimental methods were used to analyze the operation of a nozzle accelerating aluminum particles in nitrogen gas. Two-dimensional (2D) axi-symmetric computations of the flow through the nozzle were performed using the Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes code in a computational fluid dynamics platform. 1D, isentropic, gas-dynamic equations were solved for the same nozzle geometry and initial conditions. Finally, the velocities of particles exiting a nozzle of the same geometry and operated at the same initial conditions were measured by a dual-slit velocimeter. Exit plume particle velocities as determined by the three methods compared reasonably well, and differences could be attributed to frictional and particle distribution effects.  相似文献   

用CaCO3造渣,配加多种还原剂,进行了降低渣中Cr2O3铬损失的实验,还原效果均不明显且未达到泡沫渣的目的.CaC2加Fe-Si对渣中Cr2O3的还原效果最佳.实验结果表明,渣中FeO下降到2%以下,终渣中Cr2O3才能降低到5%以下,此时的CaO/SiO2需控制在1.5~1.8之间.实验过程中造渣剂与还原剂需分批多次加入,以防炉温降低太快,影响还原效果.  相似文献   

The spray drying process of hydroxyapatite (HA) powder used as a plasma spray powder on human hip implants was examined. The Niro-Minor mixed spray dryer was studied because it incorporates both co-current and counter-current air mixing systems. The process parameters of the spray drying were investigated: temperature, flow rate of the inlet hot air in the spray dryer, viscosity of feed/HA slurry, and responses (chamber and cyclone powder size, deposition of powder on the wall of spray dryer, and overall thermal efficiency). The statistical analysis (ANOVA test) showed that for the chamber particle size, viscosity was the most significant parameter, while for the cyclone particle size, the main effects were temperature, viscosity, and flow rate, but also their interaction effects were significant. The spray dried HA powder showed the two main shapes were a doughnut and solid sphere shape as a result of the different input.  相似文献   

从对提高钢铁产品洁净度的实际意义出发,对引流砂进行了简单介绍,在此基础之上计算分析了某钢厂使用的引流砂对钢液中氧含量的影响。经过理论计算,得出了由于引流砂随着钢包的开浇进入中包后滞留在熔渣中,增加了熔渣的氧化性。根据氧在熔渣和钢液中的平衡关系可知,引流砂会增加钢液中氧含量,降低了钢液的洁净度。  相似文献   

采用冷喷涂法在铝(Al)基体上沉积单颗粒铜(Cu),利用聚焦离子束/电子束(FIB/SEM)系统精确定位并原位制备了完整单个颗粒Cu沉积在Al基体上的透射样品,分析其显微结构及形成原因。实验结果表明,撞击过程中温度与应力分布不均匀,导致沉积Cu颗粒不均匀形变。Cu/Al界面受影响较大:颗粒动能转化为形变能和热能,打破了界面处氧化膜,使界面附近温度迅速升高,发生动态再结晶,生成金属间化合物Cu_9Al_4;Cu颗粒内距界面越远的区域,受温度和应力的影响越小,其变形主要是通过晶体内位错增殖和移动;沉积颗粒顶部,远离Cu/Al界面,几乎不受应力和温度影响,保持原始显微结构。  相似文献   

In plasma and high velocity oxy-fuel spraying, a certain portion of the injected powder is often not fully molten upon impact onto a substrate. We present numerical results of the impact of a partially molten yttria-stabilized zirconia particle, a material widely used as a thermal barrier. We consider an idealized scenario: the axisymmetric impact of a particle with a solid core, examining only the flow of the molten material around the core. The numerical method is based on the immersed boundary method for treating the interaction of solids and fluid within a computational domain. We present the results of a set of simulations, varying the particle and solid core diameters, and the impact velocity. When the core diameter is small relative to the particle, the impact behavior is similar to the impact of a fully molten droplet. When the core is larger, it promotes considerable splashing, which is undesirable.  相似文献   

In cold spraying, the impact particle velocity plays a key role for successful deposition. It is well known that only those particles can achieve successful bonding which have an impact velocity exceeding a particular threshold. This critical velocity depends on the thermomechanical properties of the impacting particles at impacting temperature. The latter depends on the gas temperature in the torch but also on stand-off distance and gas pressure. In the past, some semiempirical approaches have been proposed to estimate particle impact and critical velocities. Besides that, there are a limited number of available studies on particle velocity measurements in cold spraying. In the present work, particle velocity measurements were performed using a cold spray meter, where a laser beam is used to illuminate the particles ensuring sufficiently detectable radiant signal intensities. Measurements were carried out for INCONEL® alloy 718-type powders with different particle sizes. These experimental investigations comprised mainly subcritical spray parameters for this material to have a closer look at the conditions of initial deposition. The critical velocities were identified by evaluating the deposition efficiencies and correlating them to the measured particle velocity distributions. In addition, the experimental results were compared with some values estimated by model calculations.  相似文献   

铝合金熔体中夹杂物与含氢量的关系   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:8  
采用英国HYSCANⅡ测氢仪研究铝合金熔体中夹杂物与含氢量的关系,结果表明:在夹杂沾污度超过2.5%时,熔体含氢量会增另3倍以上;同时也研究了夹杂物尺寸和熔炼温度对含氢量的影响。  相似文献   

The vacuum kinetic spray (VKS) process, also-called aerosol deposition, is a promising spray technology by which a thin or thick film can be fabricated at room temperature. Although a number of relevant studies have been performed, almost all have focused on the development of various applications, and unfortunately, the deposition mechanism has not yet been clarified. In this respect, the particle velocity in the flow field in VKS is investigated as a first stage of research into the VKS deposition mechanism. In this research, after a simulation prototype was derived based on the experimental results, the particle average and impact velocities were estimated. In addition, the change in particle velocities with gas flow rates, particle size, and working distance was analyzed based on simulation analyses and microstructural evidence. As a result, the gas flow rate, particle size, and working distance affect the particle impact velocity and further deposition behavior and film microstructure.  相似文献   

On the basis of the single-particle framework, a new theory on inclusion growth in metallurgical melts is developed to study the kinetics of inclusion growth on account of reaction and collision. The studies show that the early growth of inclusion depends on reaction growth and Brawnian motion collision, and where the former is decisive, the late growth depends on turbulence collision and Stokes' collision, and where the former is dominant; collision growth is very quick during the smelting process, lessened in the refining process, but nearly negligible in the continuous casting process.  相似文献   

研究了电感法检测液压油中铁颗粒含量时,油液通过微流体检测芯片的过流速度对检测结果的影响。设计制作了微通道-电检测芯片,搭建检测系统,对不同过流速度下的检测信号值进行了对比和分析。结果表明:对于铁颗粒含量相同的液压油,其通过检测芯片时的电感信号值随着流速的增加而线性减小。该研究结果对于提高电感式微流体油液检测芯片的检测精度有参考价值。  相似文献   

In this study, porous molybdenum (Mo) was prepared by flame spraying of semi-molten particles with low velocity. The influence of spray particle parameters, including velocity and melting degree, on the microstructure and porosity of Mo deposit was investigated to understand the formation mechanism of the pore structure and connection between particles. The results showed that Mo spray particles with low velocity (<20 m/s) and semi-molten state can be generated by flame spraying. The Mo deposits with porosity from 39 to 61% were produced. High porosity in the deposit was achieved through the shielding effect of deposited particles. The surface-molten particles were bonded by the melt which flowed from surface to the particle/particle contact area. Moreover, the porosity decreased with the increase of melting degree of particles before impact. A 2D stacking model of semi-molten particles was proposed to explain the formation of bimodal pores and high porosity.  相似文献   


A new method known as CHAPEL (Continuous Hydrogen Analysis by Pressure Evaluation in Liquids) for measuring hydrogen content in molten aluminium alloys has been developed and tested. The method relies on direct measurement of the hydrogen partial pressure in the melt. A number of interesting potential applications are indicated on the basis of laboratory and industrial experiences. The main advantage of the CHAPEL method, as compared to other techniques, is its ability to provide direct, continuous measurement of hydrogen in the melt, making it particularly suitable for process monitoring of aluminium melt quality. This paper systematically examines the influence of hydrogen content on porosity in aluminium-silicon cast alloys, taking solidification conditions and melt treatment into account. In this system, the greatest susceptibility to porosity is encountered with AlSi7Mg. An influence of the solidification rate on porosity, which varied with different hydrogen contents, was noted. The work describes a number of typical pore shapes and their distribution on the basis of metallographic studies.  相似文献   

A color camera optical diagnostic imaging system has been developed for the measurement of temperature and velocity of individual in-flight particles in thermal plasma spray, based on the principle of particle streak velocimetry and two-color thermometry. Radiation spectral analysis of the characteristic behavior of a particle-laden plasma plume was performed to identify an optimal spectral range for accurate temperature measurements over which the powder particles and the interfering thermal plasma gas are discernable. Calibration of the thermal imaging system was carried out using a blackbody furnace with uncertainties less than 1.8%. Extensive experimental measurements were taken with the optical imaging system to obtain the temperature and velocity distributions of YSZ particles in practical plasma spraying applications. The uncertainties of the measured temperature and velocity with a color camera system mostly fluctuate around ±10% in comparison with data obtained from a commercially available measuring system.  相似文献   

宋龙飞  邓安元  许琳  尹晓强 《连铸》2013,(3):18-20,39
对国内某钢厂165mm×163mm小方坯不锈钢连铸机弧形结晶器建模,利用CFX软件模拟了水口沿连铸机径向向内弧侧偏离不同距离后结晶器内钢液流场和液面波动情况。结果表明,水口沿连铸机径向向内弧侧偏离结晶器入口几何中心12mm时,注流对结晶器外弧侧凝固坯壳的冲击减弱,同时结晶器内内外弧侧向上回流的钢液均能到达弯月面处,结晶器内钢液流场分布更加合理。  相似文献   

Powder flame spray is a flexible, straightforward process. Particulate feed stock is heated and accelerated using an oxy-fuel flame. Liquid feed stock droplets impact the substrate, deform, and solidify to form a coating. Like other spray processes, coating microstructure and properties are directly related to particle velocity and temperature at the time of impact. Many controllable process inputs affect particle temperature and particle velocity. Data, from a series of designed experiments, exploring these factors and quantifying their significance are reviewed. These data show that multiple process inputs, especially torch hardware, can significantly affect particle temperature and velocity distributions in the powder flame spray process.  相似文献   

精炼是熔炼工艺中重要的环节,其目的就是去除铝液中的气体、非金属化合物和其他有害元素,使铝液得到净化,从而提高铝液质量.精炼包含铝液的净化和除气两部分.  相似文献   

以汽车零部件压铸企业某型号脱模剂喷涂机器人末端喷头为研究对象,使用有限元仿真对若干个压铸节拍内末端喷头进行热特性分析,得到末端喷头的瞬态温度场云图.使用红外线热成像仪记录400个生产节拍内压铸机内部温度特性数据,筛选处理热成像仪温度数据,有限元仿真与实验结果的最大平均相对误差为4.74%.综合实验数据及有限元温度场可得...  相似文献   

除尘器常采用雾化除尘原理,组合喷嘴雾化除尘效果好,但其结构及流动情况比较复杂。选用德国BAAS-MS-11-130°井下除尘喷嘴为研究对象,应用CREO软件对喷嘴进行三维实体建模,并应用ANSYS软件中的网格生成工具ICEM CFD对其进行网格划分,导入到ANSYS-FLUENT软件中进行边界条件的设置,选择VOF模型,对其进行数值模拟分析。分析喷嘴的入口速度、入口直径、旋流器内部斜孔的直径以及角度、旋流器个数和喷嘴主体喷口孔径等参数变化对喷嘴喷雾效果的影响。  相似文献   

基于人工神经网络的铝熔体中氢的预测   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
用HyscanⅡ型测氢仪测定了铝熔体在不同温度和保温时间下的氢含量 ,通过对BP人工神经网络的分析和改进 ,采用了结构为 2 4 2 1的BP神经网络模型 ,用所获得的试验数据对其进行训练和测试 ,当BP神经网络经过 3× 10 5次学习后 ,最大训练误差 (MaxTrainingError)和训练均方差 (RMSTrainingError)分别为 0 .5 5 %和 0 .18% ,同时相应的最大测试误差 (MaxTestError)和测试均方差 (RMSTestTraining)分别达到了 0 .72 %和 0 .3 3 % ,对铝熔体中氢的预测达到了很高的精度 ,从而建立了熔炼条件 (温度、保温时间 )和氢含量的映射模型  相似文献   

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