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西递徽州民居冬季室内热环境测试研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以西递典型徽州传统民居为研究对象,在冬季对其进行了太阳辐射强度、温湿度、风速及黑球温度等室内热环境参数的测试。通过对测试数据的分析,发现传统民居保温防寒效果差,冬季室内阴冷潮湿,依据Fange建立的热舒适模型进行分析,室内热环境不满意率高达71%以上,热舒适度低。为此,对传统民居冬季室内热环境的特征及成因进行了分析,为传统民居的发展和改善提供了基础数据资料。  相似文献   

以徽州传统民居为研究对象,通过对当地一幢典型传统民居进行为期一年的室内多项环境参数现场测试以及连续监测,从舒适性角度对民居室内环境进行研究。结果表明:徽州传统民居具有"冬冷夏凉"特性;夏季自然通风、遮阳以及隔热性能良好,其室内热环境较为适宜;冬季防寒保温及密闭性效果不佳,其室内热舒适性差;过渡季(春、秋季)室内热环境较好,人体热舒适性好。徽州传统民居室内具有较好的声环境,但是光环境不佳,大部分时段不能达到现代建筑采光设计标准。  相似文献   

为掌握徽州民居过渡季室内热舒适及室内热环境差异性,对当地典型传统民居与新民居室内外过渡季热环境参数进行实测,测试结果表明秋季室外温湿度均高于春季,春季气温更为稳定。传统民居中不同空间温湿度差异不大,地垄具有良好的保温防潮作用。民居室内湿度较为适宜,温度在18℃以下所占比例较大,新民居较传统民居保温性能更好。  相似文献   

为了研究山西地区民居建筑室内热环境,文章选取山西地区(晋城市西李门村)具有代表性的传统古民居和新建砖混民居进行实地调研,并对室内外温度、相对湿度等室内热环境参数进行测试,通过测试数据分析对比,指出新建砖混民居的室内温度要高于传统古民居,但两者室内温度均低于国家规范要求;数据还表明,传统古民居的保温性能强于新建民居。测试结果为该地区室内热环境的改善和新民居的设计提供了数据支撑,为传统村落民居的节能和可持续发展提供理论基础。  相似文献   

徽州传统民居夏季室内热环境研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以典型徽州传统民居为研究对象,在夏季对其进行了温湿度、风速及黑球温度等室内热环境参数的测试,并以问卷的方式调查了当地居民的热感觉和热需求。通过对调研数据的分析发现,各主要使用房间平均温度为26.9~28.4℃,防热效果较好。但内部重遮阳、轻通风使得民居室内潮湿;空斗墙具有良好的隔热降温作用;轻质屋顶构造造成了顶层温度高于底层,甚至夏季无人在顶层居住;实测中性温度为29.1℃,预测中性温度24.3℃。针对徽州传统民居夏季室内热环境的特征及成因进行了定量分析,并对当地居民热舒适需求进行统计研究,为当地民居的发展和改善提供了依据。  相似文献   

以徽州传统民居为研究对象,分析夏季通过传统民居围护结构的传热量,并建立防热构件热平衡模型,进行防热设计策略的效果分析。结果表明:在夏季,徽州传统民居白天表现为得热,夜晚表现为失热;外墙防热设计策略的防热效果为反射外遮阳蓄热对流换热长波辐射;屋顶防热设计策略的防热效果反射蓄热对流换热长波辐射;天井防热设计策略的防热效果为自然通风水体蒸发;外墙的防热效果贡献率最大,天井能起到较好的辅助防热效果;同时,外墙和屋顶反射的防热效果贡献率最大,天井具有的水体蒸发与自然通风特性可以进一步提高民居的防热效果。  相似文献   

徽州民居冬季室内湿环境   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对徽州地区两栋典型民居冬季室内温度、湿度进行连续测试,通过对比徽州传统民居与现代民居室内热湿条件,考察了不同功能区域室内湿环境及热舒适性。结果表明,传统民居冬季室内处于潮湿及非常潮湿等级,相对湿度值高于现代民居,但传统民居室内湿度日较差小于现代民居,室内湿环境稳定性良好;传统民居与现代民居室内外含湿量相关性系数均高于0.8,室内湿环境对室外湿环境响应明显;在自然通风条件下,传统民居厅堂、厢房热舒适时间段占比分别为7.36%、8.77%,冬季室内热舒适性差,建议采用局部采暖设施。  相似文献   

对徽州传统民居的室内外热环境参数进行现场实测,分析室内外平均辐射温度、空气温度、湿度、风速及预测适应性平均热感觉(aPMV)的逐时响应关系,得出徽州传统民居在炎热气候条件下,建筑隔热效果好、地笼防结露效果较好、室内换气充分的结论,并指出aPMV指标不能有效评价室外和厅堂的热舒适性。  相似文献   

为了研究豫北地区民居建筑冬季室内热环境,本文选取豫北地区具有代表性的传统生土民居和新建砖混民居进行实地调研,并对室内外温度、相对湿度等室内热环境参数进行测试,通过测试结果对比,指出新建砖混民居的室内热环境要优于传统生土民居,但两者室内温度均低于国家规范要求。数据表明,单层、北向开门和一字型设计导致生土建筑室内热环境较差,而砖混民居围绕主要使用房间进行功能布局的"向心性"设计是其保持较好室内热环境的主要原因。研究结果为该地区室内热湿环境的改善和新民居的设计提供了依据,为农村住宅的节能和可持续发展提供基础。  相似文献   

文章对康定地区传统民居进行室内热环境测试,同时测试了室外建筑环境参数,测试季节分为冬季与夏季。综合分析测试结果,探讨当地室内热环境现状,并提出一些建议。  相似文献   

位于夏热冬冷地区的徽州古民居,在夏季炎热的气候条件下,室内仍然能够保持较舒适的物理环境,基本上能满足人体舒适度的要求,根据对徽州古民居室内物理环境的调查、实测结果,从古村落规划、建筑空间布局和建筑构造等方面对徽州古民居所采用的节能技术进行分析。  相似文献   

徽州古民居是中国古代社会后期成熟的建筑形态,地域文化特征鲜明,是古代徽州社会历史文化的见证。徽州古民居的内部空间和结构格局体现了徽州宗法制度及其观念形态。徽商"商而兼士,贾而好儒"的独特文化品格,造就了古民居内部装饰的独特艺术魅力。  相似文献   

低碳作为时下最流行的话题,人们开始逐步把它实施到各个领域中。徽州传统民居建筑作为中国传统民居建筑的典范,其中包含许多低碳理念,值得我们在以后的生活与生产中学习并借鉴。  相似文献   

针对气候环境与民居形式特点的关联性,通过Ecotect生态软件进行模拟分析,研究徽州民居各要素(如马头墙、天井、墙体、屋面及开窗方式等)对于夏冬两季气候条件下内环境营造的影响,得出徽州民居中天井空间与马头墙的尺度和比例是影响夏冬两季太阳能利用矛盾的重要因素,进而提出一种对徽州民居改进方案的设想,其对于地域性建筑的可持续性设计具有应用价值。  相似文献   

 采用大尺寸模型试验对法国枫丹白露砂土的蒸发机制进行研究。利用模型箱进行各种大气条件下砂土上覆水层蒸发试验,验证模型箱的工作性能和蒸发速率的计算方法;而后进行恒定大气条件下的大体积砂土(无上覆水层)水分蒸发试验,研究蒸发过程中大气参数和土体参数的变化,并根据试验结果对砂土蒸发机制和实际蒸发速率进行分析。研究结果表明:模型箱工作性能良好,所采用的蒸发速率计算方法合适;土体温度受土体蒸发过程的影响;土–大气交界面存在2个较大的温度梯度;空气的相对湿度随着蒸发的进行逐渐降低;土体蒸发对土体含水量的影响与蒸发时间和土体阻抗有关;土体浅层基质吸力梯度随蒸发的进行逐渐增大。  相似文献   

In this study, we performed a series of trials to measure the infiltration air exchange rate (ACH) of several single-family dwellings throughout Catalonia, as well as the ACH of sealed rooms that could be used as indoor shelters. A shelter is an indoor room where people can take protection in case of a toxic gas release, while the toxic cloud passes through the dwelling. Experimental measurements were made using the tracer gas decay technique with CO2 as the tracer gas in 2 periods—summer and winter—with the aim of characterizing air infiltration in Catalan dwellings. The geometric means obtained for the ACH of shelters and dwellings were 0.16 and 0.23 h−1, respectively, that is, lower than those reported for North American (0.56 h−1) and Greek (0.76 h−1) dwellings. In general, the ACH was lower for shelters than for dwellings, and the average reduction obtained in shelters with respect to dwellings was 35%. The largest reductions were obtained in old dwellings with small floor areas and few stories. As for meteorological conditions, we found that the ACH of dwellings was more closely linked to wind speed than indoor–outdoor temperature difference, while the ACH of shelters was more affected by indoor–outdoor temperature and temperature differences inside the dwelling, particularly in dwellings with 3 or more stories.  相似文献   

The evaluation of water evaporation from indoor swimming pools is a topic of considerable practical interest, since evaporation may cause the highest energy consumption of the pool plant. A purposely designed experimental apparatus was used to measure the water evaporation rate from a pool scale model inserted into a climatic chamber to control environmental conditions. The experimental data were obtained varying various parameters such as water temperature, air temperature, relative humidity and air velocity. The results were used to propose a prediction model for water evaporation which was compared to other methods found in the literature, showing a good agreement.  相似文献   

Mechanical aeration is critical to sewage sludge bio-drying, and the actual water loss caused by aeration can be better understood from investigations of the relationship between aeration and water evaporation from the sewage sludge bio-drying pile based on in situ measurements. This study was conducted to investigate the effects of forced air volume on the evaporation of water from a sewage sludge bio-drying pile. Dewatered sewage sludge was bio-dried using control technology for bio-drying, during which time the temperature, superficial air velocity and water evaporation were measured and calculated. The results indicated that the peak air velocity and water evaporation occurred in the thermophilic phase and second temperature-increasing phase, with the highest values of 0.063 ± 0.027 m s?1 and 28.9 kg ton?1 matrix d?1, respectively, being observed on day 4. Air velocity above the pile during aeration was 43–100% higher than when there was no aeration, and there was a significantly positive correlation between air volume and water evaporation from day 1 to 15. The order of daily means of water evaporation was thermophilic phase > second temperature-increasing phase > temperature-increasing phase > cooling phase. Forced aeration controlled the pile temperature and improved evaporation, making it the key factor influencing water loss during the process of sewage sludge bio-drying.  相似文献   

In this paper, an attempt is made to predict the hourly mass of jaggery during the process of drying inside greenhouse dryer under the natural convection mode. Jaggery was dried until the constant variation in the mass of jaggery. Artificial neural network (ANN) is used to predict the mass of the dried jaggery on hourly basis. Solar radiation, ambient temperature and relative humidity are input parameters for the prediction of jaggery mass in each hour in the ANN modelling. The results of the ANN model are also validated with experimental drying data of jaggery mass. The statistical parameters such as root mean square error and correlation coefficient (R2) are used to measure the difference between values predicted by the ANN model and the values actually observed from the experimental study. It was found that the results of the ANN model and experimental are shown fairly good agreement.  相似文献   

惠州的传统道教祭祀场所受罗浮山道教祖庭的选址观念及道教文化的影响,随着道教的城市分支与地方民间信仰糅合,沿着东江水系边的惠州历史文化聚居点,对惠州的山水城市格局演化产生影响。通过对惠州东江水系中典型相近的案例进行深入剖析,得出罗浮山等传统道教祭祀场所与城、镇的山水格局的关联,由此发掘出传统道教祭祀场所的选址观念及道教文化对惠州山水城市格局的影响,以求找寻出惠州山水城市格局、东江水系、罗浮山道教与民间信仰祭祀场所的更多联系脉络,为惠州历史文化名城地域性传统文化的保护带来更多广度启示。  相似文献   

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