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介绍了装配线平衡问题的传统模型,分析了传统启发式算法与遗传算法在解决现今生产中的大规模带复杂任务约束问题时的弊端.针对传统模型的局限性,给出了修正模型,然后集合数种组合优化算法的优点,对传统启发式算法的候选规则与任务分配规则进行改进,给出了一种可行、高效率的优化算法,最后用实例验证了算法的优良性能.  相似文献   

发动机装配线平衡方法研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
研究了发动机装配线进行线平衡的基本思想及线平衡的前期基础工作,参照Thomopoulos的平衡搜寻法,以某公司的发动机装配线为例,提出了一种对有约束单一型发动机装配线平衡较实用的搜寻方法,阐明了如何对线平衡效果进行评估等内容。  相似文献   

Assembly Line Balancing by Zero-One Integer Programming   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this study we will present an improved version of the Bowman-White zero-one integer programming formulation of an assembly line balancing problem. We will demonstrate that in solving the above problem, certain steps in Geoffrion's 0-1 integer programming algorithm can be simplified or eliminated. Computational results are given which indicate that the proposed algorithm is faster than the present exact methods.  相似文献   

Two methods for considering variations in task completion times in the assembly line balancing problem are (1) assign tasks to stations such that the sum of the completion times is less than a fixed proportion of the cycle time and (2) assign tasks to stations such that the probability for completing all tasks within the cycle time is greater than a fixed value. In this paper, we show that for certain classes of distributions of task completion times, the first method, which is basically a deterministic approach to the problem, is equivalent to the second, which requires a stochastic formulation. The nature of the relationship is also demonstrated.  相似文献   

为有效求解随机型双边装配线第Ⅰ类平衡问题(STALBP 1),在分析双边装配线平衡特点的基础上,考虑各任务操作时间的随机性,提出了一种启发式算法。在该启发式算法中,假定各任务的操作时间服从正态分布,运用具有操作方位约束的任务优先分配等规则来进行任务的选择和分配,通过改变预设超限概率,在不同生产节拍下,分别得到不同的平衡方案。实例验证了算法的有效性。  相似文献   

现有针对U型装配线平衡问题的研究假设除了节拍约束和任务间的优先顺序关系外,不存在其它约束,实际上受生产环境、产品设计、工艺要求以及人因等多种因素的制约,在对U型装配线进行优化设计时还需满足其它约束,将各种表象不同的约束抽象为相连、相斥、相关以及工作站属性约束四类,针对多类约束下U型装配线平衡问题建立了整数规划模型,通过...  相似文献   

郑耿灶  苏平  豆之敬 《工业工程》2010,13(3):121-125,129
针对混合装配线平衡问题传统求解方法的局限性,提出采用仿真优化方法求解该问题。基于最小化工作站和仿真优化方法,分别建立以均匀化各个工作站平均负荷和瞬时负荷为目标的数学模型和仿真模型,并设计了遗传算法作为优化算法。根据仿真优化的原理构建了仿真优化系统并针对系统运行费时的特点,提出了相应的改进方法。通过实际例子验证了方法的可行性。  相似文献   

This paper presents a new heuristic for balancing paced assembly lines involving tasks which exhibit significant time variations. Labor and incompletion costs are explicitly considered in grouping tasks into work assignments to achieve a near minimum cost line design. The procedure is computationally attractive because its calculations are comparably efficient to those of heuristics which consider task times deterministically.  相似文献   

SMT生产线平衡的持续改善方析   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
在分析生产线平衡原理及改善方法基础上,以计算机主板生产线的SMT段为研究对象,以作业测定为依据,结合生产线实际问题进行了系统分析,提出了可行的持续改进方案,并对改进前后的方案进行对比分析,达到了提升产能、优化生产线的目的,实际效果明显.  相似文献   

装配线平衡系统研究与开发   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
罗卓  伍乃骐 《工业工程》2007,10(1):103-107
装配线的平衡问题已有大量理论研究,但缺乏应用工具.为了消除该问题理论与实际应用之间的鸿沟,利用有效的算法,开发了一个装配线平衡的系统.简要介绍了装配线平衡问题及其求解算法,阐述了系统的功能及其实现过程.企业界的工程技术人员利用该系统可以有效地解决装配线平衡问题,从而提高装配线的生产效率.  相似文献   

运用工作测定与作业分析的方法,分析了某玩具厂装配流水线的工作过程与平衡状况,针对整条流水线中存在问题,结合生产实际提出了解决装配流水线瓶颈环节、改进流水线平衡的方案.通过实施改进方案,工序总数减少了3道, 瓶颈工作时间降低了4 s,装配流水线负荷效率提高了34.7%.  相似文献   

Incorporating Physical Demand Criteria into Assembly Line Balancing   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Many assembly line balancing algorithms consider only task precedence and duration when minimizing cycle time. However, disregarding the physical demands of these tasks may contribute to the development of work-related musculoskeletal disorders in the assembly line workers. Three line balancing heuristics that incorporate physical demand criteria were developed to solve the problem of finding assembly line balances that consider both the time and physical demands of the assembly tasks: a ranking heuristic, a combinatorial genetic algorithm, and a problem space genetic algorithm. Each heuristic was tested using 100 assembly line balancing problems. Incorporating physical demands using these algorithms does impact the assembly line configuration. Results indicated that the problem space genetic algorithm was the most adept at finding line balances that minimized cycle time and physical workload placed upon participants. Benefits of using this approach in manufacturing environments are discussed.  相似文献   

利用Petri网求解U型装配线平衡问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了一种基于Petri网的启发式算法用于求解第一类U型装配线平衡问题,算法利用Petri网的可达分析和托肯的移动来决定可分配的作业元素,并按照最小化工作站空闲时间原则从前向后和从后向前两个方向同时分派作业元素到工作站。算法编程简单,可用于快速求解大规模问题。通过对大量问题集的测试验证,说明了算法的有效性。  相似文献   

把某个型号产品的数量占整个批次的比重作为它的权重,加权合并混合装配线上各个型号产品的同类型工作单元的时间.运用随机启发式方法对合并后的工作单元进行平衡排序,通过改变预设超限概率的值,获得一组排序方案.采用工作站总数、装配线效率、平滑指数和成本四个指标对这组排序方案进行综合评价,挑选出最佳的排序方案,并且用系统仿真来检验该最佳方案的实际运作效果.实证研究表明,各个工作站的平均等待时间和空闲率都有明显的下降.  相似文献   

工作研究在双边装配线平衡中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对双边装配线上某些工作站之间表面上看起来不存在等待与空闲时间,而实际上因操作方位及优先约束关系的限制存在大量的等待时间的现象,运用"5W1H"分析技术和"ECRS"四大原则,结合装配线平衡理论,对装配线的瓶颈工段进行改善,并重新布置装配线.新方案的实施使产线平衡率提高19.1%.  相似文献   

基于资源约束的装配线平衡问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在生产线建立过程中,必须考虑人员、设备等资源和作业约束,基于此,本文建立一种含有并行工作站的装配线平衡模型,并利用模拟退火算法求解该模型.经仿真验证,该算法能够求出满足模型约束条件的最优方案或可行方案,并且能够得到不同方案的多个目标属性值,这不仅表明算法的有效性,还给决策者的方案选择提供了一定的空间.  相似文献   

This paper examines the development of a solution procedure for many types of combinatorial problems. The technique known as the trainable heuristic procedure uses algorithmic procedures to gain experience on heuristic approaches to combinatorial problems. The synergistic combination of these approaches leads to a learning mechanism which has proven very effective in the solution of the assembly line balancing problem.  相似文献   

基于eM-plant的水洗机装配线平衡分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
介绍了精益生产理念及其在制造企业中的应用,以水洗机制造企业中总装车间的装配线为例,借助于面向对象的eM-plant软件,运用装配线平衡方法,对装配线进行单件流与连续流的改造,并分别对其进行了节拍平衡.利用eM-plant对改造结果进行快速仿真,来分析占地面积、工人利用率、产量的控制和工厂管理等状况,以辅助企业管理者正确决策.讨论仿真技术作为一个重要的分析手段,在广大制造企业转变生产方式中的应用.  相似文献   

Using Ant Techniques to Solve the Assembly Line Balancing Problem   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
This paper presents an approach, based on ant techniques, to effectively address the assembly line balancing problem with the complicating factors of parallel workstations, stochastic task durations, and mixed-models. A methodology was inspired by the behavior of social insects in an attempt to distribute tasks among workers so that strategic performance measures are optimized. This methodology is used to address several assembly line balancing problems from the literature. The assembly line layouts obtained from these solutions are used for simulated production runs so that output performance measures (such as cycle time performance) are obtained. Output performance measures resulting from this approach are compared to output performance measures obtained from several other heuristics, such as simulated annealing. A comparison shows that the ant approach is competitive with the other heuristic methods in terms of these performance measures.  相似文献   

FOG方法用于生产线平衡问题的实例研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘胧  董娜  徐克林  夏天 《工业工程》2010,13(1):112-115
针对S企业面膜加工车间现有生产能力无法满足订单需求的实际问题,确定生产线中的瓶颈工序,通过开展FOG活动并结合工业工程的基本分析方法,对整个生产过程提出相应的改善方案。通过实例,论述了如何应用FOG有效地提高企业的生产线平衡率。  相似文献   

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