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The call for the use of biofuels which is being made by most governments following international energy policies is presently finding some resistance from car and components manufacturing companies, private users and local administrations. This opposition makes it more difficult to reach the targets of increased shares of use of biofuels in internal combustion engines. One of the reasons for this resistance is a certain lack of knowledge about the effect of biofuels on engine emissions. This paper collects and analyzes the body of work written mainly in scientific journals about diesel engine emissions when using biodiesel fuels as opposed to conventional diesel fuels. Since the basis for comparison is to maintain engine performance, the first section is dedicated to the effect of biodiesel fuel on engine power, fuel consumption and thermal efficiency. The highest consensus lies in an increase in fuel consumption in approximate proportion to the loss of heating value. In the subsequent sections, the engine emissions from biodiesel and diesel fuels are compared, paying special attention to the most concerning emissions: nitric oxides and particulate matter, the latter not only in mass and composition but also in size distributions. In this case the highest consensus was found in the sharp reduction in particulate emissions.  相似文献   

This article gives a condensed overview of Gas-to-Liquid (GTL), Biomass-to-Liquid (BTL) and Coal-to-Liquid (CTL) theory and technology by the use of Fischer-Tropsch (F-T) processes. Variations of the F-T process can be used to tailor the fuel properties to meet end user needs as well as aid vehicle manufacturers in achieving forthcoming emission regulations. They do this by improving engine-out emissions and exhaust gas after-treatment performance. Regardless of feedstock or process, F-T diesel fuels typically have a number of very desirable properties, including a very high cetane number. This review focuses on how fuel properties impact pollutant emissions and draws together data from various studies that have been carried out over the past few years. Reduced emission levels as demonstrated in several publications have been attributed to several chemical and physical characteristics of the F-T diesel fuels including reduced density, ultra-low sulfur levels, low aromatic content and high cetane rating, but not all of them contribute to the same extent to the emissions reduction.  相似文献   

An experimental study was conducted on a diesel engine fueled with ultra-low sulfur diesel (ULSD), palm methyl ester (PME), a blended fuel containing 50% by volume each of the ULSD and PME, and naturally aspirated hydrogen, at an engine speed of 1800 rev min−1 under five loads. Hydrogen was added to provide 10% and 20% of the total fuel energy. The following results are obtained with hydrogen addition. There is little change in peak in-cylinder pressure and peak heat release rate. The influence on fuel consumption and brake thermal efficiency is engine load and fuel dependent; being negative for the three liquid fuels at low engine loads but positive for ULSD and B50 and negligible for PME at medium-to-high loads. CO and CO2 emissions decrease. HC decreases at medium-to-high loads, but increases at low loads. NOx emission increases for PME only but NO2 increases for the three liquid fuels. Smoke opacity, particle mass and number concentrations are all reduced for the three liquid fuels.  相似文献   

生物油/柴油乳化实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用菠萝松快速热裂解生物油进行了生物油/柴油的乳液燃料制备研究,重点考察了乳化剂HLB值、乳化强度和乳化时间等因素对生物油/柴油乳液稳定时间的影响。在选用的一系列乳化剂HLB值中,当HLB值为7时生物油/柴油乳液稳定时间最长,达到了350 h。为深入分析乳液微观结构对其稳定时间的影响,采用马尔文纳米粒度分析仪对乳液进行了微观结构观察,发现乳液燃料的粒径主要集中在0.3~1μm,并且稳定时间越长的乳液其液滴粒径也越小。  相似文献   

Recent progress in the development of diesel surrogate fuels   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
There has been much recent progress in the area of surrogate fuels for diesel. In the last few years, experiments and modeling have been performed on higher molecular weight components of relevance to diesel fuel such as n-hexadecane (n-cetane) and 2,2,4,4,6,8,8-heptamethylnonane (iso-cetane). Chemical kinetic models have been developed for all the n-alkanes up to 16 carbon atoms. Also, there has been experimental and modeling work on lower molecular weight surrogate components such as n-decane and n-dodecane that are most relevant to jet fuel surrogates, but are also relevant to diesel surrogates where simulation of the full boiling point range is desired. For two-ring compounds, experimental work on decalin and tetralin recently has been published. For esters, kinetic mechanisms for compounds of lower molecular weights but similar to those found in typical biodiesel blendstocks also have been published. For multi-component surrogate fuel mixtures, recent work on modeling of these mixtures and comparisons to real diesel fuel is reviewed. Detailed chemical kinetic models for surrogate fuels are very large in size, so it is noteworthy that significant progress also has been made in improving the mechanism reduction tools that are needed to make these large models practicable in multi-dimensional reacting flow simulations of diesel combustion. Nevertheless, major research gaps remain. In the case of iso-alkanes, there are experiments and modeling work on only one of relevance to diesel: iso-cetane. Also, the iso-alkanes in diesel are lightly branched and no detailed chemical kinetic models or experimental investigations are available for such compounds. More components are needed to fill out the iso-alkane boiling point range. For the aromatic class of compounds, there has been little work for compounds in the boiling point range of diesel. Most of the new work has been on alkyl aromatics that are of the range C7-C9, below the C10-C20 range that is needed. For the chemical classes of cycloalkanes and esters, experiments and modeling on higher molecular weight components are warranted. Finally for multi-component surrogates needed to treat real diesel, the inclusion of higher molecular weight components is needed in models and experimental investigations.  相似文献   

Biomass based oxygenated fuels have been identified as possible replacement of fossil fuel due to pollutant emission reduction and decrease in over-reliance on fossil fuel energy. In this study, 4 v% water-containing ethanol was mixed with (65–90%) diesel using (5–30%) biodiesel (BD) and 1 v% butanol as stabilizer and co-solvent respectively. The fuels were tested against those of biodiesel–diesel fuel blends to investigate the effect of addition of water-containing ethanol for their energy efficiencies and pollutant emissions in a diesel-fueled engine generator. Experimental results indicated that the fuel blend mix containing 4 v% of water-containing ethanol, 1 v% butanol and 5–30 v% of biodiesel yielded stable blends after 30 days standing. BD1041 blend of fuel, which composed of 10 v% biodiesel, 4 v% of water-containing ethanol and 1 v% butanol demonstrated −0.45 to 1.6% increase in brake-specific fuel consumption (BSFC, mL kW−1 h−1) as compared to conventional diesel. The better engine performance of BD1041 was as a result of complete combustion, and lower reaction temperature based on the water cooling effect, which reduced emissions to 2.8–6.0% for NOx, 12.6–23.7% particulate matter (PM), 20.4–23.8% total polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and 30.8–42.9% total BaPeq between idle mode and 3.2 kW power output of the diesel engine generator. The study indicated that blending diesel with water-containing ethanol could achieve the goal of more green sustainability.  相似文献   

During the last years, the preservation of the atmospheric environment has played an increasingly important role in society. The Diesel engine can be considered an environmentally friendly engine because of its low consumption and the subsequent carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions reduction. However, in the near future it will face strong restrictive emission standards, which demand that the current nitrogen oxides (NOx) and soot emissions are halved. To comply with these restrictions new combustion concepts are emerging, such as PCCI (premixed charge compression ignition), in which the fuel burns in premixed conditions. Combustion noise is thus deteriorated and consequently end-users could be reluctant to drive vehicles powered with Diesel engines and their potential for environment preservation could be missed. In this paper, Diesel combustion is addressed through the analysis of performance, emissions and combustion noise in order to evaluate the suitability of PCCI engines for automotive applications. The results show that PCCI combustion offers great possibilities to fulfill future emission restrictions, but the engine noise is strongly deteriorated. The great sensitivity of users to this factor requires vehicle manufacturers to focus their efforts on the optimization of passive solutions for implementing the PCCI concept in passenger car and light-duty engines, even with the subsequent increase in the cost of vehicle. This aspect is less restrictive in heavy-duty engines, since the great benefits in emissions reduction compensate the deterioration of engine noise.  相似文献   

The interest in energy from biomass, in particular for transportation, is related to the need to differentiate the energy sources to improve environment and protect human health. Objective of this study is a comparative evaluation of performance and exhaust emissions of an automotive diesel engine fuelled by mixtures of rapeseed and soybean methyl ester with reference to mineral diesel fuel. The spatial and temporal jet evolutions have been characterized injecting the fuel in a quiescent vessel by a standing alone common rail apparatus at diesel-like gas density conditions. The injection strategies have been chosen as representative of different engine working conditions for several speeds and loads, injecting the fuel in a non-evaporating high-density vessel. Fuel injection rate measurements, spatial and temporal fuel distribution have been carried out processing jet images captured by a CCD camera. Engine tests have been performed on a 4-cylinder DI Diesel engine for automotive applications equipped with a common rail 7-hole nozzle electro-injector system. Engine performance, gas emissions and smoke have been measured at the engine speeds of 1500 and 2500 RPM for different loads. Two different fuel blends, RME50 and SME50, have been tested comparing their performance and emissions with the diesel ones.  相似文献   

The influence of a cerium additive on the kinetics of oxidation and size distribution of ultrafine diesel particles was studied using a high-temperature oxidation-tandem differential mobility analysis method over the temperature range 300-700 °C. The addition of cerium to the diesel fuel was observed to cause significant changes in number-weighted size distributions, light-off temperature, and kinetics of oxidation. The peak number concentration in the accumulation mode decreased 50 and 65%, respectively, for 25 and 100 ppm dosing levels under 1400 rpm and 75% engine load. The light-off temperature was reduced by 250 and 300 °C, respectively, for 25 and 100 ppm dosing levels. The oxidation rate increased significantly (×20) with the addition of cerium to the fuel; however, the rate was relatively insensitive to dosing level. The activation energy for cerium-dosed oxidation was, within experimental error, equivalent to that for undosed fuel (). From a phenomenological kinetic rate perspective, the increase in oxidation rate was attributed solely to an increase in the preexponential factor. These results suggested that diesel particles using regular, undosed diesel fuels were already metal-catalyzed to some extent, most likely from metals in the lube oil. The addition of cerium likely increased the number of catalytic sites but had no effect on the overall activation energy due to the presence of other metals in the diesel particulate matter coming from lube oil. The characteristics of cerium-laden diesel particles were also investigated. Two principal types of aggregates were found using transmission electron microscopy and energy-dispersive spectrometry analysis. The first was composed mainly of agglomerates of carbonaceous spherules and a few, considerably smaller cerium oxide nanoparticles. The second consisted of metallic aggregates composed mainly of cerium oxide nanoparticles and some carbon.  相似文献   

An experimental study is conducted to evaluate the effects of using blends of ethanol with conventional diesel fuel, with 5%, 10% and 15% (by vol.) ethanol, on the combustion and emissions of a standard, fully instrumented, four-stroke, high-speed, direct injection (HSDI), ‘Hydra’ diesel engine located at the authors’ laboratory. The tests are conducted using each of the above fuel blends or neat diesel fuel, with the engine working at a speed of 2000 rpm and at four different loads. In each test, combustion chamber and fuel injection pressure diagrams are obtained using a specially developed, high-speed, data acquisition and processing system. A heat release analysis of the experimentally obtained cylinder pressure diagrams is developed and used, with the pertinent application of the energy and state equations. From the analysis results, plots of the history in the combustion chamber of the gross heat release rate and other related parameters reveal some very interesting features, which shed light on the combustion mechanism when using these blends. Moreover, for each test, volumetric fuel consumption, exhaust smokiness and exhaust regulated gas emissions are measured. The differences in the performance and exhaust emission parameters from the baseline operation of the diesel engine, i.e., when working with neat diesel fuel, are determined and compared. The heat release analysis results for the relevant combustion mechanism, combined with the widely differing physical and chemical properties of the ethanol against those for the diesel fuel, are used to aid the correct interpretation of the observed engine behavior.  相似文献   

This paper presents a detailed experimental investigations on the combustion parameters of a 4 cylinder (turbocharged and intercooled) 62.5 kW gen-set duel fuel diesel engine (with hydrogen and LPG as secondary fuels). A detailed account on maximum rate of pressure rise, peak cylinder pressure, heat release rate in first phase of combustion and combustion duration at a wide range of load conditions with different gaseous fuel substitutions has been presented in the paper. When 30% of hydrogen alone is used as secondary fuel, maximum rate of pressure rise increases by 0.82 bar/deg CA as compared to pure diesel operation, while, peak cylinder pressure and combustion duration increase by 8.44 bar and 5 deg CA respectively. When 30% of LPG alone is used as secondary fuel, the enhancements in maximum rate of pressure rise, peak cylinder pressure and combustion duration are found to be 1.37 bar/deg CA, 6.95 bar and 5 deg CA respectively. It is also found that heat release rate in first phase of combustion reduces at all load conditions as compared to the pure diesel operation in both types of fuel substitutions.One important finding of the present work is significant enhancement in performances of dual fuel engine when hydrogen-LPG mixture is used as the secondary fuel. The highlight of this case is that when the mixture of LPG and hydrogen (40% in the ratio LPG: hydrogen = 70:30) is used as secondary fuel, maximum rate of pressure rise (by 0.88 bar/deg CA) and combustion duration reduces (by 4 deg CA), while, peak cylinder pressure and heat release rate in first phase of combustion increase by 5.25 bar and 35.24 J/deg CA respectively.  相似文献   

An experimental study has been performed on the effects of injection rate shaping on the combustion process and exhaust emissions of a direct-injection diesel engine. Boot-type injections were generated by means of a modified pump-line-nozzle system, which is able to modulate the instantaneous fuel injection rate. The interest of the study reported here was the evaluation of the effective changes produced in the injection rate at different engine operating conditions, when the engine rotating speed and the total fuel injected were changed. In addition, the influence of these new injection rates was quantified on the global engine performance and pollutant emissions. In particular, the focus was placed on producing “boot-like” injection rate shapes, with the main objective of reducing NOx emissions.Results show how this system is capable of achieving boot-type injections at different boot pressures and boot durations. Also, even though the general trend of the system is to reduce NOx and to increase soot and fuel consumption, emissions and performance trade-offs can be improved for some specific boot shapes. On the contrary, the modulation of the injection rate showed to be ineffective at medium engine load, since the increase in soot was greater than the relative decrease in NOx.The analysis of the modifications produced by these strategies on the combustion process, and on the rate of heat release are the base of a second paper.  相似文献   

In the present experimental investigation, waste frying oil a non-edible vegetable oil was used as an alternative fuel for diesel engine. The high viscosity of the waste frying oil was reduced by preheating. The properties of waste frying oil such as viscosity, density, calorific value and flash point were determined. The effect of temperature on the viscosity of waste frying oil was evaluated. It was determined that the waste frying oil requires a heating temperature of 135 °C to bring down its viscosity to that of diesel at 30 °C. The performance and exhaust emissions of a single cylinder diesel engine was evaluated using diesel, waste frying oil (without preheating) and waste frying oil preheated to two different inlet temperatures (75 and 135 °C). The engine performance was improved and the CO and smoke emissions were reduced using preheated waste frying oil. It was concluded from the results of the experimental investigation that the waste frying oil preheated to 135 °C could be used as a diesel fuel substitute for short-term engine operation.  相似文献   

Makame Mbarawa   《Renewable Energy》2008,33(5):871-882
In this study the performance, emission and economic evaluation of using the clove stem oil (CSO)–diesel blended fuels as alternative fuels for diesel engine have been carried out. Experiments were performed to evaluate the impact of the CSO–diesel blended fuels on the engine performance and emissions. The societal life cycle cost (LCC) was chosen as an important indicator for comparing alternative fuel operating modes. The LCC using the pure diesel fuel, 25% CSO and 50% CSO–diesel blended fuels in diesel engine are analysed. These costs include the vehicle first cost, fuel cost and exhaust emissions cost. A complete macroeconomic assessment of the effect of introducing the CSO–diesel blended fuels to the diesel engine is not included in the study. Engine tests show that performance parameters of the CSO–diesel blended fuels do not differ greatly from those of the pure diesel fuel. Slight power losses, combined with an increase in fuel consumption, were experienced with the CSO–diesel blended fuels. This is due to the low heating value of the CSO–diesel blended fuels. Emissions of CO and HC are low for the CSO–diesel blended fuels. NOx emissions were increased remarkably when the engine was fuelled with the 50% CSO–diesel blended fuel operation mode. A remarkable reduction in the exhaust smoke emissions can be achieved when operating on the CSO–diesel blended fuels. Based on the LCC analysis, the CSO–diesel blended fuels would not be competitive with the pure diesel fuel, even though the environmental impact of emission is valued monetarily. This is due to the high price of the CSO.  相似文献   

A scientific debate is in progress about the intersection of climate change with the new field of fossil fuels depletion geology. Here, new projections of atmospheric CO2 concentration and global-mean temperature change are presented, should fossil fuels be exploited at a rate limited by geological availability only. The present work starts from the projections of fossil energy use, as obtained from ten independent sources. From such projections an upper bound, a lower bound and an ensemble mean profile for fossil CO2 emissions until 2200 are derived. Using the coupled gas–cycle/climate model MAGICC, the corresponding climatic projections out to 2200 are obtained. We find that CO2 concentration might increase up to about 480 ppm (445–540 ppm), while the global-mean temperature increase w.r.t. 2000 might reach 1.2 °C (0.9–1.6 °C). However, future improvements of fossil fuels recovery and discoveries of new resources might lead to higher emissions; hence our climatic projections are likely to be underestimated. In the absence of actions of emissions reduction, a level of dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system might be already experienced toward the middle of the 21st century, despite the constraints imposed by the exhaustion of fossil fuels.  相似文献   

This paper presents some experimental investigations on dual fuel operation of a 4 cylinder (turbocharged and intercooled) 62.5 kW gen-set diesel engine with hydrogen, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and mixture of LPG and hydrogen as secondary fuels. Results on brake thermal efficiency and emissions, namely, un-burnt hydrocarbon (HC), carbon monoxide (CO), NOx and smoke are presented here. The paper also includes vital information regarding performances of the engine at a wide range of load conditions with different gaseous fuel substitutions. When only hydrogen is used as secondary fuel, maximum enhancement in the brake thermal efficiency is 17% which is obtained with 30% of secondary fuel. When only LPG is used as secondary fuel, maximum enhancement in the brake thermal efficiency (of 6%) is obtained with 40% of secondary fuel. Compared to the pure diesel operation, proportion of un-burnt HC and CO increases, while, emission of NOx and smoke reduces in both cases. On the other hand, when 40% of mixture of LPG and hydrogen is used (in the ratio 70:30) as secondary fuel, brake thermal efficiency enhances by 27% and HC emission reduces by 68%. Further, shortcoming of low efficiency at lower load condition in a dual fuel operation is removed when a mixture of hydrogen and LPG is used as the secondary fuel at higher than 10% load condition.  相似文献   

Utilization of the waste products as an alternative fuel could reduce the dependence on fossil fuel. The three types of upgraded waste source fuels discussed in this paper were tire derived fuel (TDF), waste plastic disposal fuel (WPD) and upgraded waste cooking oil (UWCO). The detailed combustion pressure showed that kinematic viscosity and cetane number played an important role in determining the combustion quality. TDF's high kinematic viscosity and low cetane number affected its fuel vaporization process; thus, lengthening its ignition delay. UWCO showed the 14% higher power and 13.8% higher torque compared to diesel fuel (DF). WPD produced the lowest NOx due to its low pressure curve during combustion. TDF had produced the highest exhaust emissions (CO, CO2, NO and NOx). Particulate matter (PM) emissions by UWCO blends were lower than DF. UWCO's soot concentration was 40% lower than DF and increased to 62.5% from low to high engine speed operation.  相似文献   

DI diesel engines are well established today as the main powertrain solution for trucks and other relevant heavy duty vehicles. At the same time emission legislation (mainly for NOx and particulate matter) becomes stricter, reducing their limit to extremely low values. One efficient method to control NOx in order to achieve future emissions limits is the use of rather high exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) rates accompanied by increased boost pressure to avoid the negative impact on soot emissions. The method is based on the reduction of gas temperature level and O2 availability inside the combustion chamber, but unfortunately it has usually an adverse effect on soot emissions and brake specific fuel consumption (bsfc). The use of high EGR rates creates the need for EGR gas cooling in order to minimize its negative impact on soot emissions especially at high engine load were the EGR flow rate and exhaust temperature are high. For this reason in the present paper it is examined, using a multi-zone combustion model, the effect of cooled EGR gas temperature level for various EGR percentages on performance and emissions of a turbocharged DI heavy duty diesel engine operating at full load. Results reveal that the decrease of EGR gas temperature has a positive effect on bsfc, soot (lower values) while it has only a small positive effect on NO. As revealed, the effect of low EGR temperature is stronger at high EGR rates.  相似文献   

Overcoming diesel engine emissions trade-off effects, especially NOx and Bosch smoke number (BSN), requires investigation of novel systems which can potentially serve the automobile industry towards further emissions reduction. Enrichment of the intake charge with H2 + N2 containing gas mixture, obtained from diesel fuel reforming system, can lead to new generation low polluting diesel engines.  相似文献   

Emulsions of diesel and water are often promoted as being able to overcome the difficulty of simultaneously reducing emissions of both oxidises of nitrogen (NOx) and particulate matter from diesel engines. In this paper we present measurements of the performance and NOx and hydrocarbon emissions of a diesel engine operating on a typical diesel oil emulsion and examine through the use of heat release analysis differences found during its combustion relative to standard diesel in the same engine. While producing similar or greater thermal efficiency and improved NOx and hydrocarbon emission outcomes, use of the emulsion also results in an increase in brake specific fuel consumption. Use of the emulsion is also shown to result in a retarded fuel injection, but smaller ignition delay for the same engine timing. As a result of these changes, cylinder pressures and temperatures are lower.  相似文献   

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