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This paper studies the effects of N-branch postdetection selection diversity reception, where N = 1, 2, 3 or 4, incorporated with fading compensation on a digital satellite mobile system. The digital satellite mobile system transmits a pilot-symbol-aided 16-ary quadrature-amplitude modulated (PSA-16QAM) signal over the Rician channels. A selection method that makes use of the pilot symbols to select one of the N branches in the diversity reception system for signal detection, and a novel PSA technique that makes use of both the pilot symbols and data symbols for fading compensation, are proposed. Computer simulation tests are used to assess the effects of the proposed techniques on bit-error rate performances (BER) of the PSA-16QAM system in the presence of additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) or co-channel interference (CCI) in the Rician faded channels. When frequency diversity is used, PSA-16QAM with 2-branch and 4-branch diversity reception occupies about the same bandwidths as quaternary phase-shift-keying (QPSK) without using diversity and with 2-branch diversity, respectively, yet achieving the same capacity. Thus, simulation tests on the BER performances of a QPSK system without diversity and with 2-branch diversity are also carried out and the results are used to determine the preferred system arrangements. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

对FPGA实现多载波QAM进行了研究,提出最佳相位的多载波调制算法以提高各路子载波的输出功率,并设计出高精度、低复杂度的DDFS以实现符合最佳相位关系的子载波合成.仿真及测量结果表明,最佳相位的多载波QAM具有更优的输出信号质量和更少的逻辑资源消耗.  相似文献   

This paper studies the differentially amplitude and phase-encoded (DAPE) quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) transmission over correlated Rayleigh channels with diversity reception. Operating over two successive received symbols, the optimum and an asymptotic maximum-likelihood (AML) differentially coherent receiver are developed and compared with a conventional switched diversity combining (SDC) grid receiver. It is shown that the AML and SDC grid receivers are much simpler in complexity than the optimum receiver in that no channel side information is required in their realization. An exact expression of the bit-error probability (BEP) is obtained for the SDC grid receiver. Based on a union bound argument, a BEP upper bound for the AML receiver is also derived and verified by simulation. Numerical results on 16- and 64-point constellations show that the AML receiver exhibits an almost optimum performance and the SDC grid receiver with a small level of diversity is nearly optimum. It is also shown by simulation that the conventional equal-gain diversity receiver is almost optimal for demodulating a 16-point DAPE QAM signal  相似文献   

Star 16QAM is a modulation method that transmits 4 bits per symbol and has the advantage that it may be differentially encoded and detected. It is very robust to fast multiplicative Rayleigh fading and is suitable for mobile telephone systems and personal communication networks. The main contribution of this paper is the derivation and bit error probability simulation of the maximum likelihood differential detector using phase differences and amplitude ratios from L diversity branches for bit decisions. As a comparison, much simpler previously known post detection combining techniques are generalized for star 16QAM and optimized. The bit error probability is simulated for both diversity detectors on a multiplicative Rayleigh fading channel with additive white Gaussian noise. It is found that the bit error probability of the ML detector may also be obtained by the simple combining detector. This is also true for the error floor due to the maximum Doppler frequency. The diversity gain is almost 8 dB, measured in signal to noise ratio per diversity branch, at a bit error probability of 1 percent. The diversity detector can sustain an almost 3 times larger Doppler frequency again at a bit error probability of 1 percent. We also show that star 16QAM offers, at most, 3 subchannels with different bit error probabilities  相似文献   

We study the synergy between coded modulation and antenna-diversity reception on channels affected by slow Rician fading. Specifically, we assess the impact of channel-state information (CSI) on error probability. We show that with a good coding and constant envelope modulations (for example, phase-shift keying) scheme the loss in performance when CSI is not available is moderate (around 1.5 dB). Moreover, as the diversity order grows, the channel tends to become Gaussian  相似文献   

The optimal sequence estimator for digital signals received over Λ different channels is derived. Each of these channels corrupts the transmitted signal by a mixture of additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) and frequency-nonselective, correlated, fast Rician fading. By analysis it is shown that for the lth (1⩽l⩽Λ) diversity channel, the basic hardware structure of the optimal receiver consists of a combination of envelope, multiple differential, and coherent detectors. In order to reduce the overall implementation complexity, suboptimal, e.g., having a small number of differential detectors and equal combining diversity structures, versions of the optimal receivers are proposed and evaluated. Two modulation schemes are chosen in order to evaluate the overall performance of the proposed reduced-complexity diversity receivers: the π/4-shift 8-DQAM (differential quadrature amplitude modulation) and the 8-DPSK (differential phase shift keying). Bit-error-rate (BER) performance evaluation results are given. By means of computer simulation, the effect of correlation between the fading processes on the Λ diversity channels is investigated  相似文献   

Exact average symbol error probability (SEP) of the general order rectangular quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) with maximal ratio combining (MRC) diversity over L independent and identically distributed Nakagami-m fading channels with arbitrary fading index m is derived in this letter. The average SEP expression is given in terms of the Appell and Gauss hypergeometric functions and is then used to study the impact of diversity reception on the performance of general order rectangular QAM with different values of the quadrature-to-in-phase decision distance ratio. It is shown that the derived expression includes some existing results as special cases.  相似文献   

The bit-error rate (BER) performance of differential 16 STAR-QAM in frequency-selective Rician fading channels with diversity reception is theoretically analyzed for three different types of delay profiles: double-spike, one-sided exponential, and Gaussian profiles as well as two kinds of pulse-shaping filtering: a raised cosine (RC) Nyquist signaling pulse and the rectangular pulse. The effect of time delay between line-of-sight (LOS) and multipath components is also included in the analysis and shown to degrade the system performance significantly  相似文献   

尹长川  乐光新 《通信学报》1997,18(10):80-85
本文研究加性白高斯噪声信道上,多载波与单载波QAM传输系统的性能。首先指出在发送平均功率和传输速率相同的情况下,在传输特性为理想的平的信道上,两种传输系统具有相同的误比特率,然后给出了信道特性非平(即存在码间干扰)的情况下,多载波QAM系统的比特优化分配方法,并用蒙特卡洛方法给出了优化的多载波QAM系统与采用判决反馈均衡的单载波QAM系统的性能结果。结果显示,优化的多载波QAM系统的性能要优于通常的采用判决反馈均衡的单载波QAM系统。  相似文献   

Ambient light is the main impairment in indoor wireless optical communication systems for data rates up to several megabits per second. Its wide dynamic range, associated with the strong directivity of wireless optical signals, produce large variations on the received signal-to-noise ratio. This article discusses experimental results obtained from a testbed developed to compare different techniques for SNR improvement. The two techniques analyzed are rate-adaptive transmission, which introduces adaptive levels of redundancy in the transmitted signal to improve connectivity, and angle diversity reception, which exploits the inherent directionality of both signal and noise to improve the SNR at the receiver. Furthermore, systems employing both techniques simultaneously were also considered. The testbed replicated a typical indoor environment with both natural and artificial light, containing incandescent and fluorescent light sources. Both the SNR and the associated coverage areas were determined for all considered techniques. Our results show that the combined use of angle diversity based on maximal ratio combining and rate adaptation through the use of repetition coding achieves very good performance with only moderate complexity, allowing connectivity at all locations with data rates close to the maximum possible. In particular, with incandescent illumination and without angle diversity, the data rate had to be decreased down to 2 and 1 Mb/s in 25.9 and 7.7 percent of the room, area, respectively, whereas with maximal ratio combining a decrease to 2 Mb/s was only needed in 0.7 percent of the room area.  相似文献   

An expression for the bit-error rate (BER) of 16 STAR-quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) with differential encoding and detection in a Rician fading channel with diversity reception is obtained. Two types of intermediate frequency (IF) filters are considered in the analysis: the intersymbol interference (ISI)-free matched and nonISI-free Gaussian filters. BER curves for various ratios of the line-of-sight (LOS) power to the multipath power, Doppler spread frequencies, and orders of diversity are presented. It is shown that 16 STAR-QAM outperforms 16 DPSK under the same power-limited condition. For the Gaussian receive filter, a filter bandwidth of about 1.2 times the symbol rate is found to lead to a minimum error probability prior to the appearance of error-rate floors  相似文献   

This paper investigates the performance of the digital symbol timing recovery schemes for 16QAM upstream transmission of the DOCSIS standard. Two forms of nonlinearity are considered: the magnitude square operation and the delay multiplication operation, both of which generate the output signal that contains the symbol timing information. The detailed analysis for the magnitude square timing recovery is given in the digital domain, and consequently the symbol timing estimate can be directly obtained by the discrete Fourier transform. The simulation results show that the magnitude square timing recovery and delay multiplication timing recovery algorithms suffer from the same problem that the estimation error is reduced slowly at high signal-to-noise ratios due to the effect of self-noise. To this end, the third scheme, which is the magnitude square timing recovery with prefilter, is examined. This scheme shows a superior performance and a comparison with the results of the other two schemes is made.  相似文献   

This paper describes the performance of a 256 QAM modem with 400 Mbit / s transmission capacity. A variety of novel techniques are introduced as ways to achieve good performance. Key techniques include 1) an accurate 256 QAM modulator employing a new monolithic multiplier IC, 2) a carrier recovery circuit which satisfies such requirements: good phase jitter performance and no false lock phenomenon, 3) a highly stable high-level decision circuit, and 4) a forward error correcting code. As an overall modem performance, BER characteristics and signatures are presented. The equivalent CNR degradations of 1 dB(at BER of 10-4) and 2 dB (at BER of 10-9)are obtained using a single Lee-error correcting code and a seven-tap baseband transversal equalizer. The residual bit errors are decreased below the order of 10-10. The performance of a 256 QAM multicarrier modem has given prospect for the development of 400 Mbit/s digital microwave radio system.  相似文献   

In two-channel 2 Gbit/s and 565 Mbit/s transmission experiments the operation of a balanced phase diversity receiver and of a balanced heterodyne receiver is examined with regard to bandwidth efficiency in multichannel and high bit rate transmission.<>  相似文献   

提出了一种高速率、偏振复用、正交幅度调制信号的色散平坦光纤传输系统,传输速率分别为160 Gbps和256 Gbps,调制格式为PM-16QAM。实验研究了色散平坦光纤链路系统的传输特性,并分别与非零色散位移光纤和标准单模光纤链路传输特性做了比较。实验结果表明,较低输入光功率情况下,PM-16QAM信号在160 Gbps传输50 km时,经色散平坦光纤传输后的误差矢量幅度EVM优于经非零色散位移光纤传输情况0.5%,比特误码率BER优于非零色散位移光纤传输情况两个数量级;色散平坦光纤链路能更好地衰减旁瓣噪声;256 Gbps传输50 km和75 km时,仅在色散平坦光纤链路传输后可以较好地解调出信号;传输距离越长,保持较好特性时输入光功率范围越小。对比160 Gbps和256 Gbps情况,高速率PM-16QAM信号在色散平坦光纤链路的传输特性优于非零色散位移光纤和标准单模光纤链路的传输特性,传输速率越高、传输距离越长效果越明显。  相似文献   

In this letter we first consider the maximum-likelihood sequence estimator for multiple symbol differential detection (MSDD) over the slow fading diversity channel. Since this optimum decision metric results in a complex receiver implementation whose average bit-error probability (BEP) performance is difficult (if not impossible) to obtain analytically, we then focus our attention on evaluating the average BEP for MSDD with diversity reception in the form of postdetection equal-gain combining (EGC) giving emphasis to its ability to bridge the gap between EGC of conventional differentially detected M-PSK and maximal-ratio combining of coherently detected M-PSK with differential encoding  相似文献   

This paper presents and investigates the performance of a reduced-bandwidth 16 QAM (RB-16 QAM) signaling technique which employs severe narrow-band filtering and decision-feedback equalization in the receiver to compensate for the resulting intersymbol interference. The overall filtering is designed so as to provide the spectral efficiency of 64 QAM. RB-16 QAM is compared to 64 QAM in terms of its performance on additive white Gaussian noise channels, in multipath fading environment, as well as in terms of its sensitivity to modem imperfections including carrier and timing phase errors, filter imperfections, nonlinear distortion and sinusoidal interference. The results show that depending on the spectral shaping filters and the equalizer used, RB16 QAM can be significantly more advantageous than 64 QAM. A most interesting finding is that while RB-16 QAM is comparable to 64 QAM in terms of its spectral efficiency, its robustness against system imperfections is very much like that of conventional 16 QAM.  相似文献   

Caswell  A.C. 《Electronics letters》1996,32(21):1962-1963
A multicarrier modulation system designed for communication in a multipath, mobile radio channel is described. The effect of introducing channel coding is investigated and the improvement in BER performance is shown. A comparison is made between the modulation schemes of DPSK and DQPSK  相似文献   

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